994 resultados para Off-reservation boarding schools--Ontario--Spanish


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In this article, we present the current state of our work on a linguistically-motivated model for automatic summarization of medical articles in Spanish. The model takes into account the results of an empirical study which reveals that, on the one hand, domain-specific summarization criteria can often be derived from the summaries of domain specialists, and, on the other hand, adequate summarization strategies must be multidimensional, i.e., cover various types of linguistic clues. We take into account the textual, lexical, discursive, syntactic and communicative dimensions. This is novel in the field of summarization. The experiments carried out so far indicate that our model is suitable to provide high quality summarizations.


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The morphological status of adverbs ending in -mente in Spanish (-ly in English) has been the object of many studies and continues to be the subject of debate. The two main proposals regarding the morphology of these adverbs treat them as either compounds or derivatives as the result of suffixation, but bothhypotheses present problems. In this study an analysis will be defended which treats -mente as a phrasal affix (cf. Zwicky 1987, Nevis 1985 and Miller 1992). The notion of phrasal affix has been used to describe clitics which, from a morphological standpoint, are similar to affixes but which, simultaneously manifest characteristics of independent words. The argument for analyzing -mente as a phrasal affix is based on both synchronic and diachronic data, including some similarities with object clitic pronouns.


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Proper storage practices are critical to protect materials from intermingling, contamination, or degradation, and to maintain consistent aggregate gradation throughout a project. Concrete Paving Workforce Reference no.4. Spanish version.


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We study the minimum mean square error (MMSE) and the multiuser efficiency η of large dynamic multiple access communication systems in which optimal multiuser detection is performed at the receiver as the number and the identities of active users is allowed to change at each transmission time. The system dynamics are ruled by a Markov model describing the evolution of the channel occupancy and a large-system analysis is performed when the number of observations grow large. Starting on the equivalent scalar channel and the fixed-point equation tying multiuser efficiency and MMSE, we extend it to the case of a dynamic channel, and derive lower and upper bounds for the MMSE (and, thus, for η as well) holding true in the limit of large signal–to–noise ratios and increasingly large observation time T.


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The ways in which the dominant cultural majority frames the educationalsystem determine perceptions of its own identity and understandings ofthe ‘other.’ In this article I take a political approach, by examining themanagement of cultural diversity within Spanish education policies, treating“education as the mirror of society”. This article analyzes Spanish challengesand policies approaches towards the management of immigrationrelated diversity in education. The main finding is that there is not one approach,but several, due to both the decentralized character of the educationsystem and the multiplicity of diversity that is at stake (i.e. language,religion, culture etc.)


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In this chapter we portray the effects of female education and professional achievement on fertility decline in Spain over the period 1920-1980 (birth cohorts of 1901-1950).A longitudinal econometric approach is used to test the hypothesis that the effects of women’s education in the revaluing of their time had a very significant influence on fertility decline. Although in the historical context presented here improvements in schooling were on a modest scale, they were continuous (with the interruption of the Civil War) and had a significant impact in shaping a model of low fertility in Spain. We also stress the relevance of this result in a context such as the Spanish for which liberal values were absent, fertility control practices were forbidden, and labour force participation of women was politically and socially constrained.


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This study analyses the characteristics of members leaving a Spanishunion federation – Catalonia branch of Workers’ Commissions(CCOO-Catalonia), together with their reasons for leaving using avariety of data sources. Our findings indicate that higher union attritionamong members in instable employment (i.e. casual employment andlow seniority). In general, union leavers confirm that their job situationis an important reason for leaving the union. We therefore concludethat efforts made by the union to retain members in vulnerable labormarket positions are important in reducing high rates of union attritionin Spain.


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This paper explores the existence of negative peer-group pressures derived from the concentration of foreigners in French lower secondary schools. Using different dependent variables (number of years spent in lower secondary education, grades in 4th ‘and 3rd year and track election in upper secondary schooling) the analyses indicate that the much disputed existence of significant and negative effects of the concentration of foreign students in schools depends on the method used for the estimation. If we assume that the concentration of foreigners is a random and exogenous process, then the multivariate analyses confirm negative interactions. If, on the contrary, we question the assumption that this contextual information is not end the result of prior sorting mechanisms of individuals across social spaces, the concentration of foreigners has no statistical impact on attainment.


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In this article we analyze the reasons, within the context of Spanish industrial relations, for trade union members’ active participation in their regional union. The case of Spain is particularly interesting as the unions’ main activity, collective bargaining, is a public good. The text, based on research involving a representative survey of members of a regional branch of the “Workers” Commissions” (Comisiones Obreras) trade union, provides empirical evidence that the union presence in the workplace has a significant influence on members’ propensity for activism. By contrast, the alternative hypothesis based on instrumental reasons appears of little relevance in the Spanish industrial relations context.


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In this article, I firstly offer a synthesis of a brief set of analytical elements of the theory of democracy and federalism established in the recent debate which identify a number of flaws in the normative and institutional bases of plurinational democracies. It is necessary to overcome these flaws in order to achieve a true political and constitutional recognition and accommodation of the national pluralism of this kind of liberal democracies (section 1). Secondly, we will focus on the Spanish case of the “Estado de las Autonomías” taking into account the recent reform of the Catalan constitutional law (Estatut d’autonomia 2006) (section 2). A final section makes a number of concluding remarks relating the previously highlighted elements of the theory of democracy and federalism with the analysis of the Catalan case (section 3).


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Under the Dynamic Model of Multilingualism multilinguals are especially vulnerable to language attrition. It was the aim of the present study to verify if this was the case and to observe whether the different linguistic skills (receptive vs. descriptive) and the different linguistic levels (syntactic, lexical, morphological, etc.) would be affected equally.Data were gathered longitudinally by means of a language test for the subject’s reading, writing, listening and speaking skills as well as her knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. Although the overall accuracy remained intact and no proof for attrition in the receptive skills was found, the productive skills - mainly fluency - were shown to have suffered from language attrition. This was demonstrated by an increase in the number of pauses, hesitations, repetitions and self-corrections among others and decrease in the percentage of error-free clauses and decrease in the clause length, in oral and written fluency respectively.


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This case study presents corpus data gathered from a Spanish-English bilingual child with expressive language delay. Longitudinal data on the child’s linguistic development was collected from the onset of productive speech at age 1;1 until age 4 over the course of 28 video-taped sessions with the child’s principal caregivers. A literature review focused on the relationship between language delay and persisting disorders—including a discussion of the frequent difficulty in distinguishing between the two at early stages of bilingual development—is followed by an analysis of the child’s productive development in 2 distinct phases. An attempt is made to assess the child’s speech at age 4 for preliminary signs of SLI and to consider techniques for identifying ‘at risk’ bilingual children (that is, those with productive language delay, poor oral fluency, and family history of language problems) based on samples of recorded and transcribed speech.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify the genetic causes underlying early-onset autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa (arRP) in the Spanish population and describe the associated phenotype. DESIGN: Case series. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 244 unrelated families affected by early-onset arRP. METHODS: Homozygosity mapping or exome sequencing analysis was performed in 3 families segregating arRP. A mutational screening was performed in 241 additional unrelated families for the p.Ser452Stop mutation. Haplotype analysis also was conducted. Individuals who were homozygotes, double heterozygotes, or carriers of mutations in RP1 underwent an ophthalmic evaluation to establish a genotype-phenotype correlation. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: DNA sequence variants, homozygous regions, haplotypes, best-corrected visual acuity, visual field assessments, electroretinogram responses, and optical coherence tomography images. RESULTS: Four novel mutations in RP1 were identified. The new mutation p.Ser542Stop was present in 11 of 244 (4.5%) of the studied families. All chromosomes harboring this mutation shared the same haplotype. All patients presented a common phenotype with an early age of onset and a prompt macular degeneration, whereas the heterozygote carriers did not show any signs of retinitis pigmentosa (RP). CONCLUSIONS: p.Ser542Stop is a single founder mutation and the most prevalent described mutation in the Spanish population. It causes early-onset RP with a rapid macular degeneration and is responsible for 4.5% of all cases. Our data suggest that the implication of RP1 in arRP may be underestimated. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE(S): The author(s) have no proprietary or commercial interest in any materials discussed in this article.


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Aquest projecte ha investigat el procés de construcció de la identitat lingüística i cultural dels joves llatinoamericans i xinesos a partir de l’anàlisi de les seves actituds lingüístiques i percepcions respecte a la identitat cultural i els usos lingüístics propis. Hem escollit joves d’ensenyament secundari procedents de dos contextos diferenciats: (a) llatinoamericans que entren en el sistema educatiu amb ple domini d’una de les llengües oficials, el castellà, i (b) xinesos que inicien estudis als centres sense dominar cap llengua romànica. La recerca s’ha dut a terme amb una perspectiva etnogràfica en dos centres escolars on conviuen joves d’orígens lingüístics i culturals diferents. Gràcies als vincles creats amb docents dels centres, hem pogut posar en pràctica una metodologia d’observació participant en diversos espais escolars. També hem realitzat entrevistes a joves llatinoamericans i xinesos durant les quals hem investigat pràctiques lingüístiques i experiències quotidianes al centre relacionades amb l’aprenentatge de llengües, així com actituds vers les llengües oficials i les llengües de l’entorn familiar i vers la pluralitat d’identitats a Catalunya. Tot i que en un inici teníem la intenció d’entrevistar joves autòctons, finalment ens hem concentrat només en joves immigrants amb l’objectiu de maximitzar els recursos humans i pressupostaris. Mitjançant observacions i entrevistes amb docents, hem esbrinat com interpreten i aborden els reptes de la diversitat. En el cas d’un centre, també hem entrevistat la mediadora social que facilita les relacions entre els progenitors i el centre. Mitjançant entrevistes amb progenitors dels joves, hem investigat usos i actituds lingüístiques d’ells i dels seus fills, així com actituds al nucli familiar vers la pluralitat cultural i identitària a Catalunya. Les entrevistes han estat transcrites, traduïdes i analitzades en relació a les observacions de camp, tot tenint en compte estudis i marcs teòrics previs.


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