Cells are able to detect and respond to mechanical cues from their environment. Previous studies have investigated this mechanosensitivity on various cell types, including neural cells such as astrocytes. In this study, we have carefully optimized polyacrylamide gels, commonly used as compliant growth substrates, considering their homogeneity in surface topography, mechanical properties, and coating density, and identified several potential pitfalls for the purpose of mechanosensitivity studies. The resulting astrocyte response to growth on substrates with shear storage moduli of G` = 100 Pa and G` = 10 kPa was then evaluated as a function of coating density of poly-D-lysine using quantitative morphometric analysis. Astrocytes cultured on stiff substrates showed significantly increased perimeter, area, diameter, elongation, number of extremities and overall complexity if compared to those cultured on compliant substrates. A statistically significant difference in the overall morphological score was confirmed with an artificial intelligence-based shape analysis. The dependence of the cells` morphology on PDL coating density seemed to be weak compared to the effect of the substrate stiffness and was slightly biphasic, with a maximum at 10-100 mu g ml(-1) PDL concentration. Our finding suggests that the compliance of the surrounding tissue in vivo may influence astrocyte morphology and behavior.
The properties of complex networks are highly Influenced by border effects frequently found as a consequence of the finite nature of real-world networks as well as network Sampling Therefore, it becomes critical to devise effective means for sound estimation of net work topological and dynamical properties will le avoiding these types of artifacts. In the current work, an algorithm for minimization of border effects is proposed and discussed, and its potential IS Illustrated with respect to two real-world networks. namely bone canals and air transportation (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Thermal Lens Spectrometry has traditionally been carried out in the single-beam and the mode-mismatched dual-beam configurations. Recently, a much more sensitive dual-beam TL setup was developed, where the probe beam is expanded and collimated. This feature optimizes Thermal Lens (TL) signal and allows the use of thicker samples, further improving the sensitivity. In this paper, we have made comparisons between the conventional and optimized TL configurations, and presented applications such as measurements of very low absorptions and concentrations in water and Cr(III) aqueous solution in the UV-vis range. For pure water we found linear absorption coefficients as low as the Raman scattering one due to the stretching vibrational modes of OH group. The detection limit was estimated 1 x 10(-6) cm(-1) with a 180-mW excitation power using a 100-mm cell length. This sensitivity is very high, considering that water has a photothermal enhancement factor similar to 33 times smaller than CCl(4), for example. For Cr(III) species in aqueous solution, the limit of detection (LOD) was estimated in similar to 40 ng mL(-1) at 514 nm, or similar to 10ng mL(-1) at 405 nm, which is similar to 30 times smaller than the LOD achieved with conventional transmission techniques. The more recent TL configuration is very attractive to obtain absorption spectra, since the result does not depend critically on the beam parameters, unlike the other configurations. The main drawbacks of this optimized TL configuration are the longer acquisition time and the need for larger samples. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V.
The time evolution of the out-of-equilibrium Mott insulator is investigated numerically through calculations of space-time-resolved density and entropy profiles resulting from the release of a gas of ultracold fermionic atoms from an optical trap. For adiabatic, moderate and sudden switching-off of the trapping potential, the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of the Mott insulator is found to differ profoundly from that of the band insulator and the metallic phase, displaying a self-induced stability that is robust within a wide range of densities, system sizes and interaction strengths. The connection between the entanglement entropy and changes of phase, known for equilibrium situations, is found to extend to the out-of-equilibrium regime. Finally, the relation between the system`s long time behavior and the thermalization limit is analyzed. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2011
We analyze the stability properties of equilibrium solutions and periodicity of orbits in a two-dimensional dynamical system whose orbits mimic the evolution of the price of an asset and the excess demand for that asset. The construction of the system is grounded upon a heterogeneous interacting agent model for a single risky asset market. An advantage of this construction procedure is that the resulting dynamical system becomes a macroscopic market model which mirrors the market quantities and qualities that would typically be taken into account solely at the microscopic level of modeling. The system`s parameters correspond to: (a) the proportion of speculators in a market; (b) the traders` speculative trend; (c) the degree of heterogeneity of idiosyncratic evaluations of the market agents with respect to the asset`s fundamental value; and (d) the strength of the feedback of the population excess demand on the asset price update increment. This correspondence allows us to employ our results in order to infer plausible causes for the emergence of price and demand fluctuations in a real asset market. The employment of dynamical systems for studying evolution of stochastic models of socio-economic phenomena is quite usual in the area of heterogeneous interacting agent models. However, in the vast majority of the cases present in the literature, these dynamical systems are one-dimensional. Our work is among the few in the area that construct and study analytically a two-dimensional dynamical system and apply it for explanation of socio-economic phenomena.
In this work we construct the stationary measure of the N species totally asymmetric simple exclusion process in a matrix product formulation. We make the connection between the matrix product formulation and the queueing theory picture of Ferrari and Martin. In particular, in the standard representation, the matrices act on the space of queue lengths. For N > 2 the matrices in fact become tensor products of elements of quadratic algebras. This enables us to give a purely algebraic proof of the stationary measure which we present for N=3.
It is very common in mathematics to construct surfaces by identifying the sides of a polygon together in pairs: For example, identifying opposite sides of a square yields a torus. In this article the construction is considered in the case where infinitely many pairs of segments around the boundary of the polygon are identified. The topological, metric, and complex structures of the resulting surfaces are discussed: In particular, a condition is given under which the surface has a global complex structure (i.e., is a Riemann surface). In this case, a modulus of continuity for a uniformizing map is given. The motivation for considering this construction comes from dynamical systems theory: If the modulus of continuity is uniform across a family of such constructions, each with an iteration defined on it, then it is possible to take limits in the family and hence to complete it. Such an application is briefly discussed.
The problem of classification of Jordan bit-nodules over (non-semisimple) finite dimensional Jordan algebras with respect to their representation type is considered. The notions of diagram of a Jordan algebra and of Jordan tensor algebra of a bimodule are introduced and a mapping Qui is constructed which associates to the diagram of a Jordan algebra J the quiver of its universal associative enveloping algebra S(J). The main results are concerned with Jordan algebras of semi-matrix type, that is, algebras whose semi-simple component is a direct sum of Jordan matrix algebras. In this case, criterion of finiteness and tameness for one-sided representations are obtained, in terms of diagram and mapping Qui, for Jordan tensor algebras and for algebras with radical square equals to 0. (c) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The addition of lithium salts to ionic liquids causes an increase in viscosity and a decrease in ionic mobility that hinders their possible application as an alternative solvent in lithium ion batteries. Optically heterodyne-detected optical Kerr effect spectroscopy was used to study the change in dynamics, principally orientational relaxation, caused by the addition of lithium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide to the ionic liquid 1-buty1-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide. Over the time scales studied (1 ps-16 ns) for the pure ionic liquid, two temperature-independent power laws were observed: the intermediate power law (1 ps to similar to 1 ns), followed by the von Schweidler power law. The von Schweidler power law is followed by the final complete exponential relaxation, which is highly sensitive to temperature. The lithium salt concentration, however, was found to affect both power laws, and a discontinuity could be found in the trend observed for the intermediate power law when the concentration (mole fraction) of lithium salt is close to chi(LiTf(2)N) = 0.2. A mode coupling theory (MCT) schematic model was also used to fit the data for both the pure ionic liquid and the different salt concentration mixtures. It was found that dynamics in both types of liquids are described very well by MCT.
Heterogeneous dynamics within a time range of nanoseconds was investigated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of 1 -butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ([bmim]Cl). After identifying groups of fast and slow ions, it was shown that the separation between the location of the center of mass and the center of charge of cations, d(CMCC), is a signature of such difference in ionic mobility. The distance d(CMCC) can be used as a signature because it relaxes in the time window of the dynamical heterogeneity. The relationship between the parameter dcmcc and conformations of the side alkyl chain in [bmim] is discussed. Since the relatively slow relaxation of dcmcc is a consequence of coexisting polar and nonpolar domains in the bulk, the MD simulations reveal a subtle interplay between structural and dynamical heterogeneity in ionic liquids.
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka den kvinnliga representationen i Kalmar läns landskommuners kommunalfullmäktige från 1938 till kommunsammanslagningen 1951. Detta innefattar att söka en översikt över i vilken grad kvinnor är representerade i länets kommunalfullmäktigeförsamlingaroch att undersöka hur dessa kvinnliga ledamöter syns i protokollsmaterial i ett par kommuners fullmäktigeprotokoll. Södra Möckelby och Vickleby kommuner med relativt hög andel kvinnliga ledamöter har valts som exempel.Undersökningen av valstatistiken visar en ökning i både antal kvinnor och antal kommunalfullmäktige med kvinnlig representation under perioden. Länet ligger under riksgenomsnittet, men ökningen är ungefär densamma i relativa termer. Närläsningen av protokoll visar att kvinnor främst omnämns vid frånvaro, vid val till olika uppdrag eller vid uppföljning av dessa val. I den kommun som har en längre tradition av relativt hög kvinnlig representation märks kvinnor i fler sammanhang som förutsätter att man tar ett större utrymme på mötena. Dessa tillfällen sammanfaller med en speciell kvinnas aktiva period i fullmäktige och försvinner när den kvinnliga representationen minskar till en ensam kvinna.
This paper studies one of the recurrent topics of writing found in Amélie Nothomb’snovels: beauty and ugliness. The novels Mercure and Attentat are analyzed in detail,with respect to figures of speech used to describe the extreme physical appearance ofthe protagonists and the role of the duality beauty-ugliness in the advancement of theplot.
This article presents a study of how contemporary Swedish lower secondary school textbooks present the emergence of the Cold War and how 10 active lower secondary school history teachers interpreted a quotation that was ambiguous in relation to the general narrative in the studied Swedish textbooks, seeking to analyse textbooks both from the perspectives of content and reception. Applying a theoretical framework of uses of history, the study finds that the narratives presented in the studied textbooks are what could be called traditional in the sense that they do not acknowledge perspective and representation in history. While the interviewed teachers generally acknowledged that textbook narratives are representations of history and contingent on perspective, few teachers extended this to include how their own views affect their interpretations, suggesting an intermediary appreciation of the contextual contingency of historical narratives.
The English language has become an international language and is globally used as a lingua franca. Therefore, there has been a shift in English-language education toward teaching English as an interna-tional language (EIL). Teaching from the EIL paradigm means that English is seen as an international language used in communication by people from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. As the approach to English-language education changes from the traditional native-speaker, target country context, so does the role of culture within English-language teaching. The aim of this thesis is to in-vestigate and analyse cultural representations in two Swedish EFL textbooks used in upper-secondary school to see how they correspond with the EIL paradigm. This is done by focusing on the geograph-ical origin of the cultural content as well as looking at what kinds of culture are represented in the textbooks. A content analysis of the textbooks is conducted, using Kachru’s Concentric Circles of English as the model for the analysis of the geographical origin. Horibe’s model of the three different kinds of culture in EIL is the model used for coding the second part of the analysis. The results of the analysis show that culture of target countries and "Culture as social custom" dominate the cultural content of the textbook. Thus, although there are some indications that the EIL paradigm has influ-enced the textbooks, the traditional approach to culture in language teaching still prevails in the ana-lysed textbooks. Because of the relatively small sample included in the thesis, further studies need to be conducted in order to make conclusions regarding the Swedish context as a whole.