981 resultados para Neo-avantgard


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This thesis investigates critical thinking with a particular focus on measurement in undergraduate students. A higher education context was chosen because many regard critical thinking development as a primary goal for third level education. Nine studies, both cross-sectional and longitudinal in design, were conducted with undergraduate psychology students (N=387), using the California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory (CCTDI) and the California Critical Thinking Skills Test (CCTST). Studies 1-3 revealed psychometric weaknesses in the CCTDI and revised the scale with factor analysis and reliability analysis to form the CCTDI United Kingdom revision (CCTDI-UK). Study 4 investigated convergent validity and showed significant inter-correlation between the sub-scales of the CCTDI-UK, and significant correlations with the Openness scale of the NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R). The study also provided evidence for improvement in scores on three of the six sub-scales in the CCTDI-UK (Truth-Seeking, Inquisitiveness, Open-Mindedness) during the course of an undergraduate degree. Study 5 explored a two factor structure for critical thinking dispositions. Study 6 used reliability analysis to revise the CCTST to produce the CCTST-UK. Study 7 showed that the CCTST-UK had a moderate correlation with degree attainment and a slightly higher correlation with a test of non-verbal intelligence (Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices short form); in addition, the study showed that scores on the CCTST-UK improved during the course of the degree. Studies 8 and 9 investigated the potential of critical thinking for predicting degree attainment. A-levels predicted approximately 10% of the variance of degree attainment while entry level scores on the CCTST-UK predicted an additional 5%. Exit level scores on the CCTST-UK and the Inquisitive sub-scale of the CCTDI-UK were found to be predictors of degree attainment The main conclusions of the thesis were that these tests had significant potential for predicting degree attainment and that they measured a substantial proportion of the theoretical constructs identified by the major authors in critical thinking.


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Glacial cirques reflect former regions of glacier initiation, and are therefore used as indicators of past climate. One specific way in which palaeoclimatic information is obtained from cirques is by analysing their elevations, on the assumption that cirque floor altitudes are a proxy for climatically controlled equilibrium-line altitudes (ELAs) during former periods of small scale (cirque-type) glaciation. However, specific controls on cirque altitudes are rarely assessed, and the validity of using cirque floor altitudes as a source of palaeoclimatic information remains open to question. In order to address this, here we analyse the distribution of 3520 ice-free cirques on the Kamchatka Peninsula (eastern Russia), and assess various controls on their floor altitudes. In addition, we analyse controls on the mid-altitudes of 503 modern glaciers, currently identifiable on the peninsula, and make comparisons with the cirque altitude data. The main study findings are that cirque floor altitudes increase steeply inland from the Pacific, suggesting that moisture availability (i.e., proximity to the coastline) played a key role in regulating the altitudes at which former (cirque-forming) glaciers were able to initiate. Other factors, such as latitude, aspect, topography, geology and neo-tectonics seem to have played a limited (but not insignificant) role in regulating cirque floor altitudes, though south-facing cirques are typically higher than their north-facing equivalents, potentially reflecting the impact of prevailing wind directions (from the SSE) and/or variations in solar radiation on the altitudes at which former glaciers were able to initiate. Trends in glacier and cirque altitudes across the peninsula are typically comparable (i.e., values typically rise from both the north and south, inland from the Pacific coastline, and where glaciers/cirques are south-facing), yet the relationship with latitude is stronger for modern glaciers, and the relationship with distance to the coastline (and to a lesser degree with aspect) is notably weaker. These differences suggest that former glacier initiation (leading to cirque formation) was largely regulated by moisture availability (during winter months) and the control this exerted on accumulation; whilst the survival of modern glaciers is also strongly regulated by the variety of climatic and non climatic factors that control ablation. As a result, relationships between modern glacier mid-altitudes and peninsula-wide climatic trends are more difficult to identify than when cirque floor altitudes are considered (i.e., cirque-forming glaciers were likely in climatic equilibrium, whereas modern glaciers may not be).


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A Gendered Profession, RIBA Publications, Oct 2016

For a profession that claims to be so concerned with the needs of society, the continuing gender imbalance in architectural education and practice is a difficult subject. Difficult, because it’s been stagnant for some thirty years. This book seeks to change that.
Beyond the profession, the emergence of fourth wave feminism has broken a twenty-year drought in the discourse[1]. A new generation of feminist critique is emerging, characterised by a broader civic commitment, one fuelled by the recognition that time and again, women and minorities have been the first casualties of neo-liberalism.
Whereas after World War II the architectural profession rallied around its obligation to fulfil a social need, today architecture has all but capitulated its absolute servitude to capitalism. Recognising that feminist thinking is a meaningful response to the inequalities of capitalism, A Gendered Profession will be a forum for a discussion about the failure of our profession – one that is so explicitly concerned with the design of inclusive environments – to resolve its own inequalities. Contributions have been sought and responses elicited from all corners of the discipline to propose strategies, attitudes and solutions to this crisis in representation.
At stake is more than just the lack of female representation. Male architects suffer from the same ingrained mechanisms of gender stereotyping, obliged to place professional commitments above those to their family and children. And while three quarters of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual architects report being comfortable about being open about their sexuality in the workplace, that number drops to just sixteen per cent when on the building site.
A Gendered Profession will aim to perform a diagnostic check of the architecture profession from one end of the spectrum to the other. Whereas much has been written on feminism and architecture, the majority is produced exclusively by women. A Gendered Profession has worked hard towards gender parity in both its contributions and editorial structure and therefore does not limit its understanding of gender to an either/or analogue. The chapters featured in the book are written by artists, academics, practitioners and students.
Through its diverse authorship, this book will provide the first ever attempt to move the debate beyond the tradition of gender-partitioned diagnostic or merely critical discourse on the gender and wider inclusivity debate towards something more propositional, actionable and transformative.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare the use of a generic molecular assay to 'standard' investigations used to assist the diagnosis of late onset bacterial sepsis in very low birth weight infants (VLBW, <1500g).

METHODS: VLBW infants, greater than 48 hours of age, who were clinically suspected to have sepsis were investigated using standard tests (full blood count, C-reactive protein (at presentation) and blood culture), in addition, blood was taken for a universal molecular assay (16S rRNA reverse transcriptase PCR) for comparison. Clinical data were recorded during the suspected infection episode. A validated sepsis score (NEO-KISS) was used to retrospectively determine the presence of sepsis (independent of blood culture). The performance of each of the tests were compared by sensitivity, specificity, positive/negative likihood ratios (+/-LR) and postive/negative predictive values (PPV/NPV).

RESULTS: Sixty-five babies with suspected clinical sepsis were prospectively included. The performance indicators are presented with 95% confidence limits. For the detection of bacteria, blood culture had sensitivity of 0.57 (0.34-0.78), specificity of 0.45 (0.30-0.61); +LR of 1.05 (0.66-1.66) and-LR of 0.94 (0.52-1.7); PPV of 33.3 (18.56-50.97) and NPV of 68.97 (49.17-87.72). Serum CRP had sensitivity of 0.92 (0.64-1) and specificity of 0.36 (0.17-0.59); +LR of 1.45 (1-2.1) and-LR of 0.21 (0.03-1.5); PPV of 44.46 (26.6-66.6) and NPV of 88.9 (51.8-99.7). The universal molecular assay had sensitivity of 0.76 (0.53-0.92), specificity of 0.95 (0.85-0.99); +LR of 16.8 (4.2-66.3) and-LR of 0.25 (0.1-0.5); PPV of 88.9 (65.3-98.6) and NPV of 89.4 (76.9-96.5).

CONCLUSIONS: In VLBW infants this universal molecular assay performed better in the diagnosis of late onset sepsis (LOS) than blood culture and CRP. Further development is required to explore and improve the performance of the assay in real-time diagnosis.


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This chapter focuses on women’s imprisonment in the context of gendered punishment inflicted by the State. It considers the gender-specific consequences of incarceration for women prisoners and the potential of gender-responsive alternatives to custodial sentences. Following a brief historical overview, it traces the rise and consolidation of women’s incarceration in UK jurisdictions, noting the significance of devolution on the prison systems of Scotland and Northern Ireland. In examining the impact of neo-liberal policies and globalisation on women’s imprisonment, it draws comparisons with other advanced democratic states. Analysing the rationale underpinning the disproportionate rise in women’s incarceration, particularly in the UK and the USA the chapter identifies the persistent tensions between retributivism/ incapacitation and reformism/rehabilitation. Drawing on international research demonstrating the complex needs and vulnerabilities of women and girl prisoners, the chapter reveals the gendered harm experienced within penal regimes and the recent development - and limitations - of official gender-specific policies and practices. The emergence of distinct but related political discourses on ‘risk’ and ‘responsibilisation’ as applied to women in conflict with the law, and their consequent criminalisation, is critiqued in the contexts of structural disadvantage, gender discrimination and institutionalised racism. Within these oppressive dynamics often severe deprivations are inflicted on women’s acts of resistance both inside prison and in their communities post-release, further confining the potential of individual and collective agency. Finally, the chapter proposes fundamental change through establishing women-centred alternatives to prison, alongside policies committed to decarceration, while working towards securing the abolition of women’s imprisonment.


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This paper contributes to the literature on public-sector reforms by proposing textual analysis as a useful research strategy to explore how reform archetypes and related ideas are deployed in the parliamentary debate and regulations advancing reforms. Public Administration (PA) (Wilson 1887; Weber 1922), New Public Management (NPM) (Hood 1991, 1995; Dunleavy and Hood 1994; Ferlie et al. 1996) and Public Governance (GOV) (Osborne 2010; Rhodes 1997) can be depicted as three different archetypes providing characteristic administrative ideas and concepts (i.e. interpretive schemes) and related tools and practices (i.e. structures and systems) which lead reforms. We use textual analysis to look into more than twenty years of Italian central government accounting reforms and investigate how the three administrative archetypes have evolved, intertwined and replaced each other. Textual analysis proves a useful tool to investigate reform processes and allows highlighting that in neo-Weberian countries, such as Italy, NPM and GOV, far from being revolutionary paradigms, may represent fashionable trends that did not leave significant traces in the practice and rhetoric of reforms. These results also suggest interesting implications for practitioners and policy makers.


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Background: A novel lateral flow, immunochromatographic assay (LFD) specific for Mycobacterium bovis, the cause of bovine tuberculosis and zoonotic TB, was recently developed at Queen’s University Belfast. The LFD detects whole M. bovis cells, in contrast to other commercially available LFD tests (BD MGITTM TBc ID, SD Bioline TB Ag MPT 64, Capilia TB-Neo kit) which detect MPT64 antigen secreted during growth. The new LFD test has been evaluated in the veterinary context, and its specificity for M. bovis in the broadest sense (i.e. subsp. bovis, subsp. caprae and BCG) and sensitivity to detect M. bovis in positive MGIT™ liquid cultures was demonstrated comprehensively.
Methods: Preliminary work was carried out by researchers at Queen’s University Belfast to optimise sputum sample preparation, estimate the limit of detection (LOD) of the LFD with M. bovis-spiked sputum samples, and check LFD specificity by testing a broad range of non-tuberculous Mycobacterium spp. (NTM) and other bacterial genera commonly encountered in sputum samples (Haemophilus, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus). In the Cameroon laboratory direct detection of M. bovis in human sputa was attempted, and 50 positive sputum MGIT™ cultures and 33 cultures of various Mycobacterium spp. originally isolated from human sputa were tested.
Results: Sputum sample preparation consisted of digestion with 1% NALC for 30 min, centrifugation at 3000g for 20 min, PBS wash, centrifugation again, and pellet resuspended in KPL blocking buffer before 100 µl was applied to the LFD. The LOD of the LFD applied to M. bovis-spiked sputum was estimated to be 104 CFU/ml. A small number of confirmed Ziehl-Neelsen ‘3+’ M. bovis positive sputum samples were tested directly but no positive LFD results were obtained. All of the sputum MGIT™ cultures and mycobacterial cultures (including M. tuberculosis, M. africanum, M. bovis, M. intracellulare, M. scrofulaceum, M. fortuitum, M. peregrinum, M. interjectum) tested LFD negative when read after 15 min except for the M. bovis cultures, thereby confirming specificity of LFD for M. bovis in the clinical microbiology context.
Conclusions: Results indicate that the ‘Rapid-bTB’ LFD is a very specific test, able to differentiate M. bovis from M. tuberculosis, M. africanum, and a range of NTM isolated from human sputa in MGITTM liquid cultures. However, the LFD lacks sufficient sensitivity to be applied earlier in the diagnostic process to directly test human sputa.


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Breast cancer screening has led to a dramatic increase in the detection of pre-invasive breast lesions. While mastectomy is almost guaranteed to treat the disease, more conservative approaches could be as effective if patients can be stratified based on risk of co-existing or recurrent invasive disease.Here we use a range of biomarkers to interrogate and classify purely non-invasive lesions (PNL) and those with co-existing invasive breast cancer (CEIN). Apart from Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS), relative homogeneity is observed. DCIS contained a greater spread of molecular subtypes. Interestingly, high expression of p-mTOR was observed in all PNL with lower expression in DCIS and invasive carcinoma while the opposite expression pattern was observed for TOP2A.Comparing PNL with CEIN, we have identified p53 and Ki67 as predictors of CEIN with a combined PPV and NPV of 90.48% and 43.3% respectively. Furthermore, HER2 expression showed the best concordance between DCIS and its invasive counterpart.We propose that these biomarkers can be used to improve the management of patients with pre-invasive breast lesions following further validation and clinical trials. p53 and Ki67 could be used to stratify patients into low and high-risk groups for co-existing disease. Knowledge of expression of more actionable targets such as HER2 or TOP2A can be used to design chemoprevention or neo-adjuvant strategies. Increased knowledge of the molecular profile of pre-invasive lesions can only serve to enhance our understanding of the disease and, in the era of personalised medicine, bring us closer to improving breast cancer care.


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Selective GLP-1 secretagogues represent a novel potential therapy for type 2 diabetes mellitus. This study examined the GLP-1 secretory activity of the ethnomedicinal plant, Fagonia cretica, which is postulated to possess anti-diabetic activity. After extraction and fractionation extracts and purified compounds were tested for GLP-1 and GIP secretory activity in STC-1 pGIP/neo cells. Intracellular levels of incretin hormones and their gene expression were also determined. Crude F. cretica extracts stimulated both GLP-1 and GIP secretion, increased cellular hormone content, and upregulated gene expression of proglucagon, GIP and prohormone convertase. However, ethyl acetate partitioning significantly enriched GLP-1 secretory activity and this fraction underwent bioactivity-guided fractionation. Three isolated compounds were potent and selective GLP-1 secretagogues: quinovic acid (QA) and two QA derivatives, QA-3β-O-β-D-glycopyranoside and QA-3β-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-(28→1)-β-D-glucopyranosyl ester. All QA compounds activated the TGR5 receptor and increased intracellular incretin levels and gene expression. QA derivatives were more potent GLP-1 secretagogues than QA. This is the first time that QA and its naturally-occurring derivatives have been shown to activate TGR5 and stimulate GLP-1 secretion. These data provide a plausible mechanism for the ethnomedicinal use of F. cretica and may assist in the ongoing development of selective GLP-1 agonists.


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The Northern Ireland conflict is shaped by an ethno-national contest between a minority Catholic/Nationalist/Republican population who broadly want to see the reunification of Ireland; and a majority Protestant/Unionist/Loyalist one, who mainly wish to maintain the sovereign connection with Britain. After nearly three decades of violence, which intensified segregation in schooling, labour markets and especially housing, a Peace Agreement was signed on Good Friday 1998. This paper is concerned with the peace process after the Agreement, not so much for the ambiguous political compromise, but for the way in which the city is constitutive of transformation and how Belfast in particular, is now embedded with a range of social instabilities and spatial contradictions. The Agreement encouraged rapid economic expansion, inward investment, especially in knowledge–intensive sectors and a short-lived optimism that markets and the neo-liberal fix would drive the post-conflict, post-industrial and post-political city. Capital would trump ethnicity and the economic uplift would bind citizens to a new expression of hope based on property speculation, tourism and global corporate investment.


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Much of the recent literature on youth justice has focused on administrative aspects of the system and the socio-political contexts that have led to the ‘production’ of the youthful offender as a subject and locus of intervention. This has largely been driven by the extent to which youth justice has been crafted as a distinct penal sphere, evident in its unyoking from universal children’s services (Muncie and Goldson, 2013) and the establishment of separate agencies to administer and govern this ‘system’ (Souhami, 2014). Driven by policy hyperactivity and a plethora of legislation expanding the reach of the system, for much of the 1990s and 2000s increasing numbers of young people were brought under its gaze.

Particular attention has been paid to the impact of neo-liberal governance on the discourses, rationales and philosophies underpinning contemporary youth justice policy and practice. Writing specifically in the English and Welsh context, several authors have identified that the resulting ‘system’ embodies multiple, contradictory and competing discourses (Muncie, 2006; Fergusson, 2007; Gray, 2013). Within this ‘melting pot’ Fergusson (2007) notes the disjuncture between policy rhetoric, implementation and lived experience and Phoenix (2015) argues that systems-based analyses, much in favour amongst academics, foreclose a wider consideration of questions of what ‘justice’ actually means.

Recent attention towards the perspectives of practitioners working in this sphere has pointed to greater nuances than broader penal narratives suggest (see: Field, 2007; Briggs, 2013; Gray, 2013; Kelly and Armitage, 2015). Yet similar attention has not been given to experiences of youth justice (for an exception see – Phoenix and Kelly, 2013). However, it is precisely young people’s experiences, which would add significantly to current knowledge and potentially bridge the gap between discussions about penal philosophies, how youth justice policies are framed, how they are enacted and how they are experienced.

This chapter provides an overview of recent developments in the field of youth justice and penality in the United Kingdom. The chapter argues that a theoretical focus on macro-level trends (Hannah-Moffat and Lynch, 2012), alongside a narrowly defined research agenda, have largely excluded young people’s experiences of justice and punishment from contemporary analysis. Drawing on young people experiences of different aspects of youth justice in Northern Ireland and beyond, the chapter illuminates what a close understanding of lived experience can add to knowledge. In particular it demonstrates that the effects of interventions can be different to their aims and intentions; and that re-instating the youth experience can add support to calls for greater attention to wider issues of social justice.


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EI hecho (asombroso, como puede parecer a una mentalidad civilizada) es que la mayoría de los hombres a traves de Ia moyor parte de la historia humana y la prehistoria, han hallado sociedades primitivas económicas, social y espiritualmente ( o como diríamos, ideológicamente ) viables. La aasencia de revoluciones y movimientos reformistas: la oposición nativista que surge cuando las culturas primitivas son asaltadas con doctrinas que tornan el anaculturado estado en un Eden y a los jefes en profetas, predicando que la civilización no es sino la ira de Dios que puede ser exorcisada por la penitencia y el vivir correctamente; el disgusto espontóneo y pronunciado (a pesar del préstamo selectivo de potentes instrumentos) cuando Ia cultura primitíva retiene una base desde Ia cual examinar la civilización y Ia ausencia de alternativa alguna de modo de vida como un elemento sistemótico en la tradición oral prímitiva, todos éstos son slntomas de lo humanamente adecuado que resultan las instituciones primitivas. La nación apasionada de la muerte y el renacimiento por medio del ritual; eI enlace de los truertos con los vivos y los no nacidos; el parentesco de la sociedad reflejado con la naturaleza y de Ia persona con la sociedad, en creativa correlación con las técnicas tradicionales de subsistencia; todos estos emplazan las primitivas percepciones en contra de la idea del progreso.


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Este cuaderno pude parecer bastante heterogéneo. Al comienzo de cada una de las tres partes se ilustrará brevemente el contenido y la finalidad respectiva. Pero la idea central es clara. En el momento actual en que se está asistiendo a un verdadero resurgir del pueblo shuar, el dato cristíano no es una de los tantos fomentos existentes, sino la fuerza motora que despierta y arrastra muchas otras energías. La iglesia local, que está surgiendo, no es uno yuxtaposición, sino el aglutinante de un grupo que quiere hacerse cargo de su propio destino. Para dar una idea del camino que se ha recorrido, basta tener en cuenta que, hoy por hoy, las asambleas litúrgicas y los actos del culto constituyen los únicos momentos en que las comunidades shuar han recuperado íntegramente el uso de su idioma y han vuelto a alimentarse con los valores que encierran sus mitos y sus cantos tradicionales.


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La iniciativa del Encuenlro "Búsqueda de Espacios para la Vida" surge en el contexto de la vociferada globalización, que no es otra cosa que la homogenización cultural e ideológica, de acuerdo a un único patrón de referencia: el capitalismo neoliberal. Este capitalismo excluyente, idolátrico y salvaje, pretende imponer una forma de vida a su imágen y semejanza, sin tomar en cuenta que Abia Yala es un continente ricamente pluricultural y plurinacional. Francis Fukuyama, anunció el fin de la historia, con la desaparición de las contradicciones ideológicas que caracterizó la guerra fría: socialismo y capitalismo, este y oeste. El pensamiento neoliberal se fortaleció con los postulados de Karl Popper sobre la desaparición de las utoplas, es decir, de los sueños y las esperanzas. En tanto esa sensación caracteriza la neo-modernidad, desde lo profundo de la historia de los pueblos de Abia yala surgen contingentes, multitudes de organizaciones de indígenas y negros haciendo prevalecer sus esperanzas y utopías. En el fragor de los levantamientos de indígenas, de negros y de campesinos del Ecuador se percibe con gran nitidez la certeza de construir el "chaupi tutapi Pacarimun", el"amanecer en la mitad de la noche'. Las luchas de los pueblos de Chiapas y HaitÍ son hermosas lecciones de culturas de esperanza y obstinación por construir nuevas espacios de vida acordes con sus dernandas y propuestas histórico- culturales.


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O reforço e a diversificação do investimento na comunicação por parte das instituições educativas são discutidos neste estudo como uma das consequências da nova gestão pública. Tendo em vista a ‘qualidade’ e a ‘eficácia’ das suas prestações, as escolas têm procurado tornar-se mais dialogantes, assumindo a aposta na comunicação organizacional como parte integrante de uma estratégia empreendedora, que lhes tem vindo a conferir uma nova identidade colectiva unificada em torno dos valores neoliberais. Não obstante, os sistemas de comunicação criados são mais complexos do que se poderia supor. Revelando a influência de pressões híbridas, estes sistemas transformaram-se num contexto mediador da mudança embutido em novas concepções de escola e dos novos mandatos para a educação (assim legitimados interna e externamente), surgindo, ao mesmo tempo, como o locus de produção de novas identidades. Tal acontece porque a comunicação constitui o ponto de convergência entre as diferentes políticas educativas e as práticas localmente adoptadas na sequência de um processo de interpretação criativa das diferentes pressões. É este o sentido com que afirmamos que a comunicação se constitui numa meta-ideia ao serviço da ‘qualidade’, ainda que esta possa ser perspectivada a partir do ideal burocrático da organização (como sinónimo de eficiência administrativa), do ideal profissional (centrada no processo de ensino-aprendizagem) ou do ideal empreendedor (valorizando a capacidade de resposta às solicitações do mercado). Os dados empíricos, que sustentaram o nosso estudo, resultaram da observação do quotidiano de um agrupamento de escolas do ensinobásico e dos testemunhos recolhidos, ao longo de três anos, nesta comunidade educativa. Recorrendo ao estudo de caso como estratégia de investigação enveredámos inicialmente, num contexto de descoberta, pela realização de observações ‘desarmadas e naturais’. Usámos, posteriormente, a análise documental, a entrevista e o questionário na recolha de informação complementar, o que, mediante o cruzamento de métodos de análise qualitativa e quantitativa, nos permitiu tirar partido da triangulação dos dados. Os resultados obtidos apontam para a centralidade dos processos de comunicação na transformação induzida pela nova gestão pública e para o desenvolvimento de uma matriz discursiva bilinguista, que procura harmonizar os imperativos de ‘mercado’ com o discurso pedagógico e com modelos burocrático-profissionais de organização.