984 resultados para National decline
A afasia pode ser definida como uma alteração no conteúdo, na forma e no uso da linguagem e de seus processos cognitivos subjacentes, tais como percepção e memória adquirida por lesão neurológica. Essa alteração é caracterizada por redução e disfunção, que se manifestam tanto no aspecto expressivo quanto no receptivo da linguagem oral e escrita, embora em diferentes graus em cada uma dessas modalidades (CHAPEY 1996). A alça fonológica constitui um dos três componentes do modelo de memória de trabalho proposto por Baddeley e Hitch (1974) e sua função é armazenar temporariamente as informações verbais e retê-las por um breve período tanto para a compreensão verbal como para a repetição acústica. De acordo com Gathercole e Baddeley (1993), a tarefa de repetição de não-palavras é capaz de solicitar mais a memória fonológica, uma vez que o fato do input ser desconhecido, e não exposto às influências lexicais ou ao uso de estratégias mnemônicas, possibilita avaliar as reais condições do sistema de memória. Considerando-se que afásicos têm dificuldades para memorizar palavras, frases ou instruções e que inexistem estudos nacionais que verificassem o desempenho de afásicos em um teste de não-palavras, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo verificar a integridade da alça fonológica de seis afásicos por meio da aplicação de um teste de não-palavras elaborado para tal objetivo. Como resultado, observou-se através das análises, desempenhos variados, porém com piora significativa no desempenho influenciado pelo aumento da extensão da palavra, corroborando assim, com estudos já realizados com outras categorias de distúrbios linguísticos
In the ashes of political and socio-economic collapse, social movements sometimes rise like a phoenix. Little more than a year has passed since the Tunisian uprisings, the spark that ignited a series of “mobilizations of the indignant” that spread like wildfire around the world. Many observers have reported on these unprecedented global protests. They have portrayed citizens who declare feeling marginalized if not scapegoated, and who reject the increasing inequalities between rich and poor, the declining mobility of most, and the “disclassment” of many. They have shown, as well, massive protests against governments and politicians that are perceived as indifferent at best, duplicitous at worst, and in any event as blatantly closed to popular concerns. Many journalists have indeed asked what took so long for people to protest given this fatal combination. For the social scientist, however, the questions of who, why and how mobilizes are not so simple. There are specific problematics of mediation between structure, culture and individual or collective agency that need to be addressed.
From a special issue: A Brief History of the Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands 1959-1988
Esta tese inclui dois artigos que têm por objetivo apresentar um panorama das tendências e heterogeneidades do tabagismo nas capitais brasileiras e, assim, oferecer subsídios ao planejamento e avaliação de medidas de controle do tabaco no País. Utilizaram-se os dados da Pesquisa Nacional sobre Saúde e Nutrição (PNSN), e do Inquérito Domiciliar Sobre Comportamentos de Risco e Morbidade Referida de Doenças e Agravos Não Transmissíveis (InqDANT). No primeiro artigo estimou-se a diferença na prevalência de tabagismo em 14 capitais brasileiras entre pessoas de 15 anos ou mais em 1989 (PNSN) e 2002/2003 (InqDANT) relacionando as mudanças observadas às principais medidas de controle do tabaco desenvolvidas no período. O estudo mostrou que o percentual de fumantes diminuiu de 30,2% para 19,4% no período. Entre homens, a prevalência passou de 37,5% para 23,2% (1,1% /ano) e entre mulheres, de 24,3% para 16,5% (0,6% /ano). A avaliação cronológica sugere que as principais medidas de impacto refletidas no decréscimo observado foram a lei que obriga que haja advertências sobre os malefícios do tabagismo nas embalagens e propagandas de cigarros, a restrição e proibição da propaganda de produtos do tabaco e as intervenções relacionadas à proteção ao tabagismo passivo. O declínio da prevalência observado no estudo foi um dos maiores do mundo. No segundo artigo, fez-se uma descrição da situação do tabagismo no Brasil considerando heterogeneidades regionais e de subgrupos populacionais a partir de uma amostra de 24.681 indivíduos de 15 anos ou mais residentes em 16 capitais brasileiras incluídas no InqDANT. A prevalência de tabagismo no gênero masculino variou de 17,0% a 28,2% e no feminino, de 10% a 22,9%. Entre mulheres, menores prevalências foram observadas nas regiões Norte, Nordeste e Centro-Oeste. Este padrão não se repetiu entre homens. Independentemente de gênero, maiores percentuais de fumantes foram encontrados entre pessoas de menor escolaridade e faixa etária 40-49 anos. A cessação média entre homens e mulheres foi de 50%. Os dados indicaram que as políticas públicas de controle do tabaco têm sido efetivas particularmente na indução à cessação de fumar. Contudo, a elevada prevalência em jovens mostrou a importância de reforço a medidas que contenham a iniciação. As heterogeneidades observadas mostraram a necessidade de ações específicas por região. Além dos dois estudos referidos, esta Tese também descreveu novas pesquisas sobre tabagismo utilizando-se dados do InqDANT. Subsequentemente, com base na discussão prévia, delineou-se uma proposta sumária das principais linhas de investigação a serem desenvolvidas no Brasil a fim de subsidiar o Programa Nacional de Controle do Tabagismo e a implantação da Convenção Quadro Para o Controle do Tabaco.
This study takes a preliminary step towards investigating the reports of poor rod catches of coarse fish in the River Lune. These poor catches and concern over the possible loss of coarse fish from the Lower Lune is investigated, using creel census data from 1991. Historical data is used where available for comparative studies. The conclusion that this report comes to is that there is a problem with the recruitment of coarse fish within the population. Dace, roach and bream all show good growth rates but only poor if any recruitment. Historical investigations suggest that roach and bream may never have successfully recruited without artificial induced conditions. The situation with dace is of more concern as populations in other rivers in Northern England are also in decline, whilst historically they were naturally recruiting.
This report provides a guide into Category 2 parasites affecting freshwater fish and salmonids. First a brief summary is given of distinctions between parasites of Category 1 and 2. The Guide then provides a list of category 2 parasites, highlighting damage they can cause, species of fish affected, if it can be treated, how widespread the parasite is and how it is transferred.
Solomon Islands has recently developed substantial policy aiming to support inshore fisheries management, conservation, climate change adaptation and ecosystem approaches to resource management. A large body of experience in community based approaches to management has developed but “upscaling” and particularly the implementation of nation-wide approaches has received little attention so far. With the emerging challenges posed by climate change and the need for ecosystem wide and integrated approaches attracting serious donor attention, a national debate on the most effective approaches to implementation is urgently needed. This report discusses potential implementation of “a cost-effective and integrated approach to resource management that is consistent with national policy and needs” based on a review of current policy and institutional structures and examination of a recent case study from Lau, Malaita using stakeholder, transaction and financial cost analyses.
The northern bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) is a highly mobile apex predator in the Gulf of Maine. Despite current stock assessments that indicate historically high abundance of its main prey, Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus), commercial fishermen have observed declines in the somatic condition of northern bluefin tuna during the last decade. We examined this claim by reviewing detailed logbooks of northern bluefin tuna condition from a local fishermen’s cooperative and applying multinomial regression, a robust tool for exploring how a categorical variable may be related to other variables of interest. The data set contained >3082 observations of condition (fat and oil content and fish shape) from fish landed between 1991 and 2004. Energy from stored lipids is used for migration and reproduction; therefore a reduction in energy acquisition on bluefin tuna feeding grounds could diminish allocations to growth and gamete production and have detrimental consequences for rebuilding the western Atlantic population. A decline in northern bluefin tuna somatic condition could indicate substantial changes in the bottom-up transfer of energy in the Gulf of Maine, shifts in their reproductive or migratory patterns, impacts of fishing pressure, or synergistic effects from multiple causes.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: At present, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) criteria used to assess whether a population qualifies for inclusion in the CITES Appendices relate to (A) size of the population, (B) area of distribution of the population, and (C) declines in the size of the population. Numeric guidelines are provided as indicators of a small population (less than 5,000 individuals), a small subpopulation (less than 500 individuals), a restricted area of distribution for a population (less than 10,000 km2), a restricted area of distribution for a subpopula-tion (less than 500 km2), a high rate of decline (a decrease of 50% or more in total within 5 years or two generations whichever is longer or, for a small wild population, a decline of 20% or more in total within ten years or three generations whichever is longer), large fluctuations (population size or area of distribution varies widely, rapidly and frequently, with a variation greater than one order of magnitude), and a short-term fluctuation (one of two years or less). The Working Group discussed several broad issues of relevance to the CITES criteria and guidelines. These included the importance of the historical extent of decline versus the recent rate of decline; the utility and validity of incorporating relative population productivity into decline criteria; the utility of absolute numbers for defining small populations or small areas; the appropriateness of generation times as time frames for examining declines; the importance of the magnitude and frequency of fluctuations as factors affecting risk of extinction; and the overall utility of numeric thresh-olds or guidelines.
Recent player tracking technology provides new information about basketball game performance. The aim of this study was to (i) compare the game performances of all-star and non all-star basketball players from the National Basketball Association (NBA), and (ii) describe the different basketball game performance profiles based on the different game roles. Archival data were obtained from all 2013-2014 regular season games (n = 1230). The variables analyzed included the points per game, minutes played and the game actions recorded by the player tracking system. To accomplish the first aim, the performance per minute of play was analyzed using a descriptive discriminant analysis to identify which variables best predict the all-star and non all-star playing categories. The all-star players showed slower velocities in defense and performed better in elbow touches, defensive rebounds, close touches, close points and pull-up points, possibly due to optimized attention processes that are key for perceiving the required appropriate environmental information. The second aim was addressed using a k-means cluster analysis, with the aim of creating maximal different performance profile groupings. Afterwards, a descriptive discriminant analysis identified which variables best predict the different playing clusters. The results identified different playing profile of performers, particularly related to the game roles of scoring, passing, defensive and all-round game behavior. Coaching staffs may apply this information to different players, while accounting for individual differences and functional variability, to optimize practice planning and, consequently, the game performances of individuals and teams.
Local communities and local government units are recognized as the primary stakeholders and participants in the management of coral reef resources and the primary beneficiaries of small-scale fishing activities in the nearshore areas of the coastal zone. The issues relating to the management of the coastal zone are multi-faceted and some issues are largely intertwined with national policy and development goals. Thus, national governments have jurisdiction over these nearshore coastal resources to harmonize policies, monitor resource use and provide incentives for sustainable use. However, the natural boundaries of these reef resources, the processes that support reef ecosystems, and the local or national affiliation of the people who benefit from them may transcend the boundaries of the local and national management units. Therefore, efforts to arrest the decline in fish catch and loss of biodiversity for reefs require management interventions and assessment activities to be carried out at varying scales. In Southeast Asia, some aspects of reef and reef resources management — particularly in deciding the allocation of catch among competing fisheries, development of sustainable harvest strategies, use of broodstock for restocking or stock enhancement programs, protection of nursery and spawning areas, designation of systems of marine protected areas, and the identification of representative, adequate and comprehensive areas for biodiversity conservation in the region — may require the definition of larger management units. At the regional level, multi-country initiatives will need to define units for the transboundary management of resources. The use of large marine ecosystems (LMEs) to identify and manage fisheries resources may be a starting point; however, given the relatively sedentary nature of coral reef-dwelling and reef-associated organisms compared with other pelagic and demersal species, meso-scale transboundary units within the LMEs have to be defined. This paper provides suggestions for transboundary management units for coral reef and reef-associated resources in Southeast Asia based on information from genetic structures of model organisms in the region. In addition, specific reef areas are identified, which may be important beyond their national boundaries, as potential sources of recruits.
Details are given of a framework for developing breeding programmes using experience from the Genetic Improvement of Farmed Tilapias project which focussed on Nile tilapias (Oreochromis niloticus ). The following aspects are outlined: Analysis of targeted production and marketing systems; Breeding goals; Systematic documentation and evaluation of available genetic resources and choice and genetic base; Number of strains; Breeding strategy; Selection criteria and evaluation; Production and dissemination of improved strains; and, social, economic and environmental impacts.
The article analyses the construction process, the evolution and the disturbing future of the facade enclosure of the collective housing constructions built during the developmental period in the province of Gipuzkoa. 128 residential complexes were checked, and 17 people who directly took part in the construction of many of these buildings were interviewed. After examining the material and elements that make up the conventional facade solution used in Gipuzkoa and in much of Spain not only during those years but also up to the present time, the effects and causes of its main damages and flaws were studied. Its complex and costly adaptation to current demands is going to require a strong effort from society at large, and this raises the question of whether the life cycle of this construction system should be terminated once and for all.
During the 1990s, sea otter (Enhydra lutris) counts in the Aleutian archipelago decreased by 70% throughout the archipelago between 1992 and 2000. Recent aerial surveys in the Aleutians did not identify the eastward extent of the decline; therefore we conducted an aerial survey along the Alaska Peninsula for comparison with baseline information. Since 1986, abundance estimates in offshore habitat have declined by 27– 49% and 93 –94% in northern and southern Alaska Peninsula study areas, respectively. During this same time period, sea otter density has declined by 63% along the island coastlines within the south Alaska Peninsula study area. Between 1989 and 2001, sea otter density along the southern coastline of the Alaska Peninsula declined by 35% to the west of Castle Cape but density increased by 4% to the east, which may indicate an eastward extent of the decline. In all study areas, sea otters were primarily concentrated in bays and lagoon, whereas historically, large rafts of otters had been distributed offshore. The population declines observed along the Alaska Peninsula occurred at roughly the same time as declines in the Aleutian islands to the east and the Kodiak archipelago to the west. Since the mid-1980s, the sea otter population throughout southwest Alaska has declined overall by an estimated 56–68%, and the decline may be one of the most significant sea otter conservation issues in our time.
U.S. Gulf of Mexico, pink shrimp, Farfantepenaeus duorarum, catch statistics have been collected by NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service, or its predecessor agency, for over 50 years. Recent events, including hurricanes and oil spills within the ecosystem of the fishery, have shown that documentation of these catch data is of primary importance. Fishing effort for this stock has fluctuated over the 50-year period analyzed, ranging from 3,376 to 31,900 days fished, with the most recent years on record, 2008 and 2009, exhibiting declines up to 90% relative to the high levels recorded in the mid 1990’s. Our quantification of F. duorarum landings and catch rates (CPUE) indicates catch have been below the long-term average of about 12 million lb for all of the last 10 years on record. In contrast to catch and effort, catch rates have increased in recent years, with record CPUE levels measured in 2008 and 2009, of 1,340 and 1,144 lb per day fished, respectively. Our regression results revealed catch was dependent upon fishing effort (F=98.48df=1, 48, p<0.001, r2=0.67), (Catch=1,623,378 + (520) × (effort)). High CPUE’s measured indicate stocks were not in decline prior to 2009, despite the decline in catch. The decrease in catch is attributed in large part to low effort levels caused by economical and not biological or habitat related conditions. Future stock assessments using these baseline data will provide further insights and management advice concerning the Gulf of Mexic