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Mice that carry the lethal yellow (Ay) or viable yellow (Avy) mutation, two dominant mutations of the agouti (a) gene in mouse chromosome 2, exhibit a phenotype that includes yellow fur, marked obesity, a form of type II diabetes associated with insulin resistance, and an increased susceptibility to tumor development. Molecular analyses of these and several other dominant "obese yellow" a-locus mutations suggested that ectopic expression of the normal agouti protein gives rise to this complex pleiotropic phenotype. We have now tested this hypothesis directly by generating transgenic mice that ectopically express an agouti cDNA clone encoding the normal agouti protein in all tissues examined. Transgenic mice of both sexes have yellow fur, become obese, and develop hyperinsulinemia. In addition, male transgenic mice develop hyperglycemia by 12-20 weeks of age. These results demonstrate conclusively that the ectopic agouti expression is responsible for most, if not all, of the phenotypic traits of the dominant, obese yellow mutants.


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A doença hepática gordurosa não-alcoólica (NAFLD, do inglês) é a manifestação clínica hepática da síndrome metabólica, cuja incidência aumenta consideravelmente em todo o mundo. A NAFLD pode progredir para um estado de esteatohepatite não-alcoólica (NASH, do inglês), caracterizado por inflamação hepatocelular, com ou sem fibrose. Dados na literatura mostram que o coativador-1 alfa do receptor ativado por proliferadores de peroxissoma gama (PGC-1alfa), além de estar envolvido em diversos processos metabólicos, representa uma estratégia terapêutica promissora na modulação da inflamação. Neste projeto investigamos as alterações inflamatórias no fígado induzida por dieta hiperlipídica e o papel do PGC-1alfa nesse processo. Camundongos C57black/6 receberam dieta hiperlipídica contendo 30% de gordura por 10 semanas. O peso dos animais foi avaliado semanalmente. Após a eutanásia, o tecido adiposo intra-abdominal (retroperitoneal e periepididimal) foi coletado e pesado. Analisamos o perfil glicêmico e lipídico sérico e expressão de genes envolvidos no metabolismo glicêmico e lipídico. Avaliou-se também o aspecto histológico e a inflamação do tecido hepático por quantificação das citocinas IL-6, TNF-alfa e IL-1beta. A dieta rica em gordura conduziu a um aumento dos depósitos de gordura intra-abdominal, hiperglicemia e hiperlipidemia. Os animais também apresentavam esteatohepatite, com aumento de citocinas pró-inflamatórias e diminuição na expressão de PGC-1alfa no tecido hepático. O envolvimento do PGC-1alfa na produção de mediadores inflamatórios por hepatócitos foi avaliado em células HepG2 utilizando RNA de interferência (RNAi). O knockdown da expressão de PGC-1alfa causou aumento na expressão e liberação de IL-6 em hepatócitos via aumento na fosforilação de IkBalfa e consequente ativação do NFkB. Portanto, nossos dados mostram que o PGC-1alfa inibe a produção de mediadores inflamatórios (IL-6) em hepatócitos, e fornecem novas evidências das conexões existentes entre as vias metabólicas e imunes


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Purpose. Mice rendered hypoglycemic by a null mutation in the glucagon receptor gene Gcgr display late-onset retinal degeneration and loss of retinal sensitivity. Acute hyperglycemia induced by dextrose ingestion does not restore their retinal function, which is consistent with irreversible loss of vision. The goal of this study was to establish whether long-term administration of high dietary glucose rescues retinal function and circuit connectivity in aged Gcgr−/− mice. Methods. Gcgr−/− mice were administered a carbohydrate-rich diet starting at 12 months of age. After 1 month of treatment, retinal function and structure were evaluated using electroretinographic (ERG) recordings and immunohistochemistry. Results. Treatment with a carbohydrate-rich diet raised blood glucose levels and improved retinal function in Gcgr−/− mice. Blood glucose increased from moderate hypoglycemia to euglycemic levels, whereas ERG b-wave sensitivity improved approximately 10-fold. Because the b-wave reflects the electrical activity of second-order cells, we examined for changes in rod-to-bipolar cell synapses. Gcgr−/− retinas have 20% fewer synaptic pairings than Gcgr+/− retinas. Remarkably, most of the lost synapses were located farthest from the bipolar cell body, near the distal boundary of the outer plexiform layer (OPL), suggesting that apical synapses are most vulnerable to chronic hypoglycemia. Although treatment with the carbohydrate-rich diet restored retinal function, it did not restore these synaptic contacts. Conclusions. Prolonged exposure to diet-induced euglycemia improves retinal function but does not reestablish synaptic contacts lost by chronic hypoglycemia. These results suggest that retinal neurons have a homeostatic mechanism that integrates energetic status over prolonged periods of time and allows them to recover functionality despite synaptic loss.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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La Fibrose kystique (FK) est une maladie génétique qui se traduit par une destruction progressive des poumons et éventuellement, à la mort. La principale complication secondaire est le diabète associé à la FK (DAFK). Une dégradation clinique (perte de poids et de la fonction pulmonaire) accélérée est observée avant le diagnostic. L’objectif principal de mon projet de doctorat est de déterminer, par l’intermédiaire du test d’hyperglycémie provoquée par voie orale (HGPO), s’il existe un lien entre l’hyperglycémie et/ou l’hypoinsulinémie et la dégradation clinique observée avant le diagnostic du DAFK. Nous allons ainsi évaluer l’importance des temps intermédiaires de l’HGPO afin de simplifier le diagnostic d’une dysglycémie ainsi que d’établir des nouveaux marqueurs indicateurs de patients à risque d’une détérioration clinique. L’HGPO est la méthode standard utilisée dans la FK pour le diagnostic du DAFK. Nous avons démontré que les valeurs de glycémie obtenues au temps 90-min de l’HGPO seraient suffisantes pour prédire la tolérance au glucose des patients adultes avec la FK, autrement établie à l’aide des valeurs à 2-h de l’HGPO. Nous proposons des glycémies à 90-min de l’HGPO supérieure à 9.3 mmol/L et supérieure à 11.5 mmol/L pour détecter l’intolérance au glucose et le DAFK, respectivement. Une cause importante du DAFK est un défaut de la sécrétion d’insuline. Les femmes atteintes de la FK ont un risque plus élevé de développer le DAFK que les hommes, nous avons donc exploré si leur sécrétion était altérée. Contrairement à notre hypothèse, nous avons observé que les femmes avec la FK avaient une sécrétion d’insuline totale plus élevée que les hommes avec la FK, mais à des niveaux comparables aux femmes en santé. Le groupe de tolérance au glucose récemment proposé et nommé indéterminé (INDET : 60-min HGPO > 11.0 mais 2h-HGPO <7.8mmol/L) est à risque élevé de développer le DAFK. Par contre, les caractéristiques cliniques de ce groupe chez les patients adultes avec la FK n’ont pas été établies. Nous avons observé que le groupe INDET a une fonction pulmonaire réduite et similaire au groupe DAFK de novo et aucun des paramètres glucidiques et insulinémiques expliqueraient cette observation. Dans une population pédiatrique de patients avec la FK, une association a été rapportée entre une glycémie élevée à 60-min de l’HGPO et une fonction pulmonaire diminuée. Dans notre groupe de patients adultes avec la FK, il existe une association négative entre la glycémie à 60-min de l’HGPO et la fonction pulmonaire et une corrélation positive entre l’insulinémie à 60-min de l’HGPO et l’indice de masse corporelle (IMC). De plus, les patients avec une glycémie à 60-min HGPO > 11.0 mmol/L ont une fonction pulmonaire diminuée et une sensibilité à l’insuline basse alors que ceux avec une insulinémie à 60-min HGPO < 43.4 μU/mL ont un IMC ainsi qu’une fonction pulmonaire diminués. En conclusion, nous sommes le premier groupe à démontrer que 1) le test d’HGPO peut être raccourci de 30 min sans compromettre la catégorisation de la tolérance au glucose, 2) les femmes avec la FK démontrent une préservation de leur sécrétion de l’insuline, 3) le groupe INDET présente des anomalies précoces de la fonction pulmonaire comparable au groupe DAFK de novo et 4) la glycémie et l’insuline à la première heure de l’HGPO sont associées aux deux éléments clefs de la dégradation clinique. Il est crucial d’élucider les mécanismes pathophysiologiques importants afin de mieux prévoir la survenue de la dégradation clinique précédant le DAFK.


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Foods rich in adenine and hypoxanthine may contribute to the increase of uricemia. Hyperuricemia is associated with other pathological conditions pertaining to metabolic syndrome. Objective: the assessement of the impact of fiber rich diet on uricemia in patients with metabolic syndrome. Methods: the study involved 46 male patients with metabolic syndrome who claimed to have reduced mobility in fingers, hypertension, obesity, hyperglycemia and hyperuricemia. A validated questionnaire about dietary habits was applied at the beginning of the study and after 6 weeks of fiber-rich diet by eliminating from patients diet preparations of animal food and increased intake of vegetable foods. Blood presure, body mass index, blood glucose and uric acids were measured at the beginning of the study and after 6 weeks of fiber rich diet by daily consumption of 2 servings of added grains - 60g totally and vegetables 200g, fruits 300g respectively. Results: The study shows that at baseline all patients had an inadequate dietary intake of dietary fiber, 28.5 ± 2.2 g/day instead of 38 g per day.The increase in fiber intake of 10 ± 5 g/day was associated with a decrease of serum uric acid by 69.87% from 8.3  0.6 mg/dL to 5.8  0.5 mg/dL, p = 0.008, non-significant decrease of BMI (from 26.8  4.5 to 26.4  4.6 kg/m2, p<0.01), significant decrease of glycemia (from 130  0.8 to 105  4.2mg/dL, p <0.001) and significant decrease in blood pressure (from 150  10.6 to 130  8.4 mmHg, p <0.001). Conclusion: The fiber rich diet decreased blood uric acid, blood glucose levels an arterial pressure in patients with metabolic syndrome.


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Postprandial hyperglycemia is implicated as a risk factor predisposing to vascular complications. This study was designed to assess recurrent short-term increases in glucose on markers of renal fibrogenesis. Human renal cortical fibroblasts were exposed to fluctuating short-term (2 h) increases to 15 mM D-glucose, three times a day over 72 h, on a background of 5 mM D-glucose. To determine whether observed changes were due to fluctuating osmolality, identical experiments were undertaken with cells exposed to L-glucose. Parallel experiments were performed in cells exposed to 5 mM D-glucose and constant exposure to either 15 or 7.5 mM D-glucose. Fluctuating D-glucose increased extracellular matrix, as measured by proline incorporation ( P < 0.05), collagen IV ( P < 0.005), and fibronectin production ( P < 0.001), in association with increased tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) ( P < 0.05). Sustained exposure to 15 mM D-glucose increased fibronectin ( P < 0.001), in association with increased MMP-2 ( P = 0.01) and MMP-9 activity ( P < 0.05), suggestive of a protective effect on collagen matrix accumulation. Transforming growth factor-beta(1) (TGF-beta(1)) mRNA was increased after short-term (90 min) exposure to 15 mM glucose (P < 0.05) and after 24-h exposure to 7.5 mM ? ( P < 0.05). Normalization of TGF-beta(1) secretion occurred within 48 h of constant exposure to an elevated glucose. Fluctuating L-glucose also induced TGF-beta(1) mRNA and a profibrotic profile, however, to a lesser extent than observed with exposure to fluctuating D-glucose. The results suggest that exposure to fluctuating glucose concentrations increases renal interstitial fibrosis compared with stable elevations in D-glucose. The effects are, in part, due to the inherent osmotic changes.


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Objective: To compare the effects of a 4-month strength training (ST) versus aerobic endurance training (ET) program on metabolic control, muscle strength, and cardiovascular endurance in subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D). Design: Randomized controlled trial. Setting: Large public tertiary hospital. Participants: Twenty-two T21) participants (I I men, I I women; mean age +/- standard error, 56.2 +/- 1.1 y; diabetes duration, 8.8 +/- 3.5y) were randomized into a 4-month ST program and 17 T2D participants (9 men, 8 women; mean age, 57.9 +/- 1.4y; diabetes duration, 9.2 +/- 1.7y) into a 4-month ET program. Interventions: ST (up to 6 sets per muscle group per week) and ET (with an intensity of maximal oxygen consumption of 60% and a volume beginning at 15min and advancing to a maximum of 30min 3X/wk) for 4 months. Main Outcome Measures: Laboratory tests included determinations of blood glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin (Hb A(1c)), insulin, and lipid assays. Results: A significant decline in Hb A, was only observed in the ST group (8.3% +/- 1.7% to 7.1% +/- 0.2%, P=.001). Blood glucose (204 +/- 16mg/dL to 147 +/- 8mg/dL, P <.001) and insulin resistance (9.11 +/- 1.51 to 7.15 +/- 1.15, P=.04) improved significantly in the ST group, whereas no significant changes were observed in the ET group. Baseline levels of total cholesterol (207 +/- 8mg/dL to 184 +/- 7mg/dL, P <.001), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (120 +/- 8mg/dL to 106 +/- 8mg/dL, P=.001), and triglyceride levels (229 +/- 25mg/dL to 150 +/- 15mg/dL, P=.001) were significantly reduced and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (43 +/- 3mg/dL to 48 +/- 2mg/dL, P=.004) was significantly increased in the ST group; in contrast, no such changes were seen in the ET group. Conclusions: ST was more effective than ET in improving glycemic control. With the added advantage of an improved lipid profile, we conclude that ST may play an important role in the treatment of T2D.


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The prevalence of fatty liver is rising in association with the global increase in obesity and type 2 diabetes. In the past, simple steatosis was regarded as benign, but the presence of another liver disease may provide a synergistic combination of steatosis, cellular adaptation, and oxidative damage that aggravates liver injury. In this review, a major focus is on the role of steatosis as a co-factor in chronic hepatitis C (HCV), where the mechanisms promoting fibrosis and the effect of weight reduction in minimizing liver injury have been most widely studied. Steatosis, obesity, and associated metabolic factors may also modulate the response to alcohol- and drug-induced liver disease and may be risk factors for the development of hepatocellular cancer. The pathogenesis of injury in obesity-related fatty liver disease involves a number of pathways, which are currently under investigation. Enhanced oxidative stress, increased susceptibility to apoptosis, and a dysregulated response to cellular injury have been implicated, and other components of the metabolic syndrome such as hyperinsulinernia and hyperglycemia are likely to have a role. Fibrosis also may be increased as a by-product of altered hepatocyte regeneration and activation of bipotential hepatic progenitor cells. In conclusion, active management of obesity and a reduction in steatosis may improve liver injury and decrease the progression of fibrosis.


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The growth hormone receptor (GHR) is a critical regulator of postnatal growth and metabolism. However, the GHR signaling domains and pathways that regulate these processes in vivo are not defined. We report the first knock-in mouse models with deletions of specific domains of the receptor that are required for its in vivo actions. Mice expressing truncations at residue m569 (plus Y539/545-F) and at residue m391 displayed a progressive impairment of postnatal growth with receptor truncation. Moreover, after 4 months of age, marked male obesity was observed in both mutant 569 and mutant 391 and was associated with hyperglycemia. Both mutants activated hepatic JAK2 and ERK2, whereas STAT5 phosphorylation was substantially decreased for mutant 569 and absent from mutant 391, correlating with loss of IGF-1 expression and reduction in growth. Microarray analysis of these and GHR(-/-) mice demonstrated that particular signaling domains are responsible for the regulation of different target genes and revealed novel actions of growth hormone. These mice represent the first step in delineating the domains of the GHR regulating body growth and composition and the transcripts associated with these domains.


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Marathon running is growing in popularity, and many diabetic patients are participating in various marathon races all over the world each year. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence and extent of glycemic excursions (hypo- and hyperglycemic) during a marathon run in patients with well-controlled diabetes mellitus using a continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS). Five subjects with type 1 and one patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus were monitored with the Medtronic MiniMed CGMS during the 2002 Vienna City Marathon (n = 3) or the Fernwarme run (n = 3) long distance runs of 42.19/15.8 km. All six patients finished their course. The CGSM system was well tolerated in all patients over an average duration of 34 +/- 4.0 hours and it did not limit the patients' activities. The mean running time for the Vienna city marathon was 257 +/- 8 min (247 to 274 min) and for the Fernwarme run 134 +/- 118 min (113 to 150 min). A total of 1470 blood glucose measurements (mean 245 readings per subject) were performed. During and after the marathons frequent hypo and hyperglycemic episodes with and without clinical symptoms were measured. Our data confirm that the CGMS may help to identify asymptomatic hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia during and after a long distance run. The system may also be helpful to improve our understanding about the individual changes of glucose during and after a marathon and may protect hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic periods in future races.


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Introduction. Potentially modifiable physiological variables may influence stroke prognosis but their independence from modifiable factors remains unclear. Methods. Admission physiological measures (blood pressure, heart rate, temperature and blood glucose) and other unmodifiable factors were recorded from patients presenting within 48 hours of stroke. These variables were compared with the outcomes of death and death or dependency at 30 days in multivariate statistical models. Results. In the 186 patients included in the study, age, atrial fibrillation and the National Institutes of Health Stroke Score were identified as unmodifiable factors independently associated with death and death or dependency. After adjusting for these factors, none of the physiological variables were independently associated with death, while only diastolic blood pressure (DBP) >= 90 mmHg was associated with death or dependency at 30 days (p = 0.02). Conclusions. Except for elevated DBP, we found no independent associations between admission physiology and outcome at 30 days in an unselected stroke cohort. Future studies should look for associations in subgroups, or by analysing serial changes in physiology during the early post-stroke period.


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Many patients with type 2 diabetes are obese (diabesity), and the two conditions together impose a particularly complex therapeutic challenge. Several differently acting agents are often required at the same time, encouraging development of more single-tablet combinations. Longer-acting (once daily and once weekly) injected agonists of glucagon-like peptide-1 are due to provide additional options to stimulate insulin secretion with weight loss and minimal risk of hypoglycemia. Further, dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors ("weight-neutral" insulinotropic agents) are also expected. Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors offer a new option to reduce hyperglycemia and facilitate weight loss by increasing the elimination of glucose in the urine. Selective peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor modulators are being studied to produce compounds with desired effects. Many other agents with antidiabetic and antiobesity activity are progressing in clinical development.