759 resultados para Membrane computing
Network connectivity is reaching more and more into the physical world. This is potentially transformative – allowing every object and service in the world to talk to one other—and to their users—through any networked interface; where online services are the connective tissue of the physical world and where physical objects are avatars of online services.
As ubiquitous systems have moved out of the lab and into the world the need to think more systematically about how there are realised has grown. This talk will present intradisciplinary work I have been engaged in with other computing colleagues on how we might develop more formal models and understanding of ubiquitous computing systems. The formal modelling of computing systems has proved valuable in areas as diverse as reliability, security and robustness. However, the emergence of ubiquitous computing raises new challenges for formal modelling due to their contextual nature and dependence on unreliable sensing systems. In this work we undertook an exploration of modelling an example ubiquitous system called the Savannah game using the approach of bigraphical rewriting systems. This required an unusual intra-disciplinary dialogue between formal computing and human- computer interaction researchers to model systematically four perspectives on Savannah: computational, physical, human and technical. Each perspective in turn drew upon a range of different modelling traditions. For example, the human perspective built upon previous work on proxemics, which uses physical distance as a means to understand interaction. In this talk I hope to show how our model explains observed inconsistencies in Savannah and ex- tend it to resolve these. I will then reflect on the need for intradisciplinary work of this form and the importance of the bigraph diagrammatic form to support this form of engagement. Speaker Biography Tom Rodden Tom Rodden (rodden.info) is a Professor of Interactive Computing at the University of Nottingham. His research brings together a range of human and technical disciplines, technologies and techniques to tackle the human, social, ethical and technical challenges involved in ubiquitous computing and the increasing used of personal data. He leads the Mixed Reality Laboratory (www.mrl.nott.ac.uk) an interdisciplinary research facility that is home of a team of over 40 researchers. He founded and currently co-directs the Horizon Digital Economy Research Institute (www.horizon.ac.uk), a university wide interdisciplinary research centre focusing on ethical use of our growing digital footprint. He has previously directed the EPSRC Equator IRC (www.equator.ac.uk) a national interdisciplinary research collaboration exploring the place of digital interaction in our everyday world. He is a fellow of the British Computer Society and the ACM and was elected to the ACM SIGCHI Academy in 2009 (http://www.sigchi.org/about/awards/).
Immunity to severe malaria is the first level of immunity acquired to Plasmodium falciparum. Antibodies to the variant antigen PfEMP1 (P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1) present at the surface of the parasitized red blood cell (pRBC) confer protection by blocking microvascular sequestration. Here we have generated antibodies to peptide sequences of subdomain 2 of PfEMP1-DBL1a previously identified to be associated with severe or mild malaria. A set of sera generated to the amino acid sequence KLQTLTLHQVREYWWALNRKEVWKA, containing the motif ALNRKE, stained the live pRBC. 50% of parasites tested (7/14) were positive both in flow cytometry and immunofluorescence assays with live pRBCs including both laboratory strains and in vitro adapted clinical isolates. Antibodies that reacted selectively with the sequence REYWWALNRKEVWKA in a 15-mer peptide array of DBL1a-domains were also found to react with the pRBC surface. By utilizing a peptide array to map the binding properties of the elicited anti-DBL1a antibodies, the amino acids WxxNRx were found essential for antibody binding. Complementary experiments using 135 degenerate RDSM peptide sequences obtained from 93 Ugandan patient-isolates showed that antibody binding occurred when the amino acids WxLNRKE/D were present in the peptide. The data suggests that the ALNRKE sequence motif, associated with severe malaria, induces strain-transcending antibodies that react with the pRBC surface
Immunity to severe malaria is the first level of immunity acquired to Plasmodium falciparum. Antibodies to the variant antigen PfEMP1 (P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1) present at the surface of the parasitized red blood cell (pRBC) confer protection by blocking microvascular sequestration. Here we have generated antibodies to peptide sequences of subdomain 2 of PfEMP1-DBL1 alpha previously identified to be associated with severe or mild malaria. A set of sera generated to the amino acid sequence KLQTLTLHQVREYWWALNRKEVWKA, containing the motif ALNRKE, stained the live pRBC. 50% of parasites tested (7/14) were positive both in flow cytometry and immunofluorescence assays with live pRBCs including both laboratory strains and in vitro adapted clinical isolates. Antibodies that reacted selectively with the sequence REYWWALNRKEVWKA in a 15-mer peptide array of DBL1 alpha-domains were also found to react with the pRBC surface. By utilizing a peptide array to map the binding properties of the elicited anti-DBL1 alpha antibodies, the amino acids WxxNRx were found essential for antibody binding. Complementary experiments using 135 degenerate RDSM peptide sequences obtained from 93 Ugandan patient-isolates showed that antibody binding occurred when the amino acids WxLNRKE/D were present in the peptide. The data suggests that the ALNRKE sequence motif, associated with severe malaria, induces strain-transcending antibodies that react with the pRBC surface.
Libro de texto de informática aprobado por el OCR (Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations) para la especificación GCE (General Certificate of Education) de nivel A (enseñanza secundaria, bachillerato). Está dividido en tres secciones con teoría, ejercicios de examen (con consejos sobre cómo realizarlos y cómo preparar la prueba), y técnicas de examen. Los contenidos temáticos que cubre son: fundamentos de la informática, técnicas de programación y métodos lógicos, teoría de computación avanzada.
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
We present algorithms for computing approximate distance functions and shortest paths from a generalized source (point, segment, polygonal chain or polygonal region) on a weighted non-convex polyhedral surface in which obstacles (represented by polygonal chains or polygons) are allowed. We also describe an algorithm for discretizing, by using graphics hardware capabilities, distance functions. Finally, we present algorithms for computing discrete k-order Voronoi diagrams
Different procedures to obtain atom condensed Fukui functions are described. It is shown how the resulting values may differ depending on the exact approach to atom condensed Fukui functions. The condensed Fukui function can be computed using either the fragment of molecular response approach or the response of molecular fragment approach. The two approaches are nonequivalent; only the latter approach corresponds in general with a population difference expression. The Mulliken approach does not depend on the approach taken but has some computational drawbacks. The different resulting expressions are tested for a wide set of molecules. In practice one must make seemingly arbitrary choices about how to compute condensed Fukui functions, which suggests questioning the role of these indicators in conceptual density-functional theory
An analytic method to evaluate nuclear contributions to electrical properties of polyatomic molecules is presented. Such contributions control changes induced by an electric field on equilibrium geometry (nuclear relaxation contribution) and vibrational motion (vibrational contribution) of a molecular system. Expressions to compute the nuclear contributions have been derived from a power series expansion of the potential energy. These contributions to the electrical properties are given in terms of energy derivatives with respect to normal coordinates, electric field intensity or both. Only one calculation of such derivatives at the field-free equilibrium geometry is required. To show the useful efficiency of the analytical evaluation of electrical properties (the so-called AEEP method), results for calculations on water and pyridine at the SCF/TZ2P and the MP2/TZ2P levels of theory are reported. The results obtained are compared with previous theoretical calculations and with experimental values
The work presented in this PhD thesis includes various partial studies aimed at developing a decision support system for membrane bioreactor integrated control. The decision support systems (DSS) have as a main goal to facilitate the operation of complex processes due to the multiple variables that are processed. For this reason, the research used has focused on aspects related to nutrient removal, and on the development of indicators or sensors capable of facilitating, automating and controlling the filtration process in an integrated way with the biological processes that taking place. Work has also been done on the design, development, implementation and validation of tools based on the knowledge made available by the automatic control and the supervision of the MBRs
The thesis involves the development and implementation of a new and robust control system based on permeability trends but at the same time capable of reducing aeration proportionally to permeate flux. Permeability was made a key parameter for directly comparing temporary changes in membrane performance. Transmembrane pressure and flux were gathered every 10 seconds and permeability values were automatically calculated; different mathematical algorithms were applied for the signal filtering of on-line data. Short term and long term permeability trends were compared once a day, and a control action was applied proportionally to the short term/long term permeability ratio without exceeding the aeration flow recommended by the membrane suppliers.
This paper presents a study of the effects of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) on the auditory brainstem response (ABR) of twenty-three neonates, and whether there was asymmetric ABRs in the neonates who had ECMO.
El desarrollo eficiente y oportuno de las actividades propias de las empresas exige una constante renovación en su infraestructura, capacitación permanente de su staff, investigar nuevas tecnológicas y la asignación cada vez mayor del presupuesto para su área de TIC. Varios modelos de gestión han intentado suplir estas necesidades, entre los que se puede mencionar a: hosting, outsourcing, leasing, servicios profesionales, asesorías especializadas, entre otros. El modelo de gestión cloud computing y sus diversas opciones se está posicionando últimamente como la solución más viable y rápida de implementar. De ahí que, este proyecto se enfoca en el estudio de este modelo como una alternativa al modelo de gestión tradicional de servicios TIC, y toma como referencia para el desarrollo de esta tesis la situación actual de la infraestructura tecnológica de la Corporación ADC&HAS Management Ecuador S.A. No se pretende justificar al cloud como una solución definitiva, sino plantear este modelo como una alternativa útil a la realidad tecnológica de la Corporación, y en base a sus propiedades concluir que fue el modelo que mejor se ajustó a la estrategia institucional en términos: organizacionales, tecnológicos y financieros, por lo menos para los próximos cinco años. En los dos primeros capítulos se referencian algunos elementos conceptuales en los que se fundamenta las TIC y se mencionan ciertos parámetros que intervinieron en su evolución. El tercer capítulo describe a la Corporación; y en el capítulo cuarto se aplican los conceptos de los primeros capítulos reforzados con las experiencias publicadas en la revista Computerworld (2010 hasta la presente) y que permitieron evaluar los beneficios de los dos modelos de gestión y las razones para implementarlos o mantenerlos.
Hoy en día el uso de las TIC en una empresa se ha convertido en indispensable sin importar su tamaño o industria a tal punto que ya no es una ventaja competitiva el simple hecho de usarla sino que la clave es determinar cuál es la mejor para la empresa. Existen en el mercado servicios en-línea que igualan o sobrepasan los estándares de tecnologías pagadas que incluso deben ser instaladas dentro de la empresa consumiendo recursos y en algunos casos subutilizándolos, los servicios del cloud computing poseen la flexibilidad y capacidad que la empresa requiere de acuerdo a sus necesidades de crecimiento y de cambio continuo que el mercado exige en la actualidad. Algunas empresas no invierten en dichas tecnologías porque no saben que pueden accederlas a costos bajos e incluso en algunos casos sin pagar un solo centavo y pierden competitividad y productividad por simple desconocimiento. El uso de servicios SaaS e IaaS afecta al flujo de caja de manera positiva comparada con una inversión en infraestructura propia, sobre todo en empresas que están empezando a funcionar o en aquellas que están en proceso de renovación tecnológica. Después de realizada esta investigación se recomienda el uso de los servicios de cloud computing, pero es evidente que no son útiles para todas las empresas y la utilidad depende de la criticidad de las aplicaciones o infraestructuras, el momento por el que pasa la compañía, tamaño de la empresa, ¿Cloud pública o Cloud privada?, en ocasiones, virtualizar también es racionalizar y la visión integral de la seguridad. Por otro lado, después de tabular los datos obtenidos en la encuesta número 2 se evidenció que el lanzamiento del Servicio en la nube de EcuFlow incrementó la demanda de esta herramienta en el mercado.