990 resultados para Malignant Myoepithelioma
Primary cardiac tumours are rare entities and angiosarcoma is the most frequent primary cardiac malignant tumour. Mean survival is six months and the tumour responds poorly to chemotherapy. We present the case of a 50 year-old patient with localised pericardial angiosarcoma who survived 23 months after diagnosis with a combined approach of chemotherapy and surgery.
Primary tumours of the heart are uncommon entities, cardiac myxomas being the most frequent. However, mitral valve myxomas are exceptionally rare. In the last 12 years, there have been 25 myxomas diagnosed at our institution, with only two of them originating from the mitral valve. Both patients were female, the first, 25, and the second, 72 years old. The younger patient was very symptomatic with a large mass, 4 cm long, which involved both leaflets causing significant obstruction to the left ventricular inflow. The second one had a smaller mass located at the atrial side of the posterior leaflet that only produced some flow divergence. Neither of them had constitutional nor embolic symptoms. Both patients were submitted to emergent surgical resection that in the first case involved the mitral valve and replacement with mechanical prosthesis. The macroscopic appearance of these tumours suggested a malignant aetiology which may represent somewhat different features of the myxomas when originating from the cardiac valves. Both patients are well reflecting the good prognosis of this illness after resection, although the younger patient was re-operated because of prosthetic valve obstruction and suspicion of recurrence that was not confirmed. Because of the illustrative images and different presentations, we found it interesting to report and discuss them together.
Upper eyelid tumours, particularly basal cell carcinomas, are relatively frequent. Surgical ablation of these lesions creates defects of variable complexity. Although several options are available for lower eyelid reconstruction, fewer surgical alternatives exist for upper eyelid reconstruction. Large defects of this region are usually reconstructed with two-step procedures. In 1997, Okada et al. described a horizontal V-Y myotarsocutaneous advancement flap for reconstruction of a large upper eyelid defect in a single operative time. However, no further studies were published regarding the use of this particular flap in upper eyelid reconstruction. In addition, this flap is not described in most plastic surgery textbooks. The authors report here their experience of 16 cases of horizontal V-Y myotarsocutaneous advancement flaps used to reconstruct full-thickness defects of the upper eyelid after tumour excision. The tumour histological types were as follows: 12 basal cell carcinomas, 2 cases of squamous cell carcinomas, 1 case of sebaceous cell carcinoma and 1 of malignant melanoma. This technique allowed closure of defects of up to 60% of the eyelid width. None of the flaps suffered necrosis. The mean operative time was 30 min. No additional procedures were necessary as good functional and cosmetic results were achieved in all cases. No recurrences were noted. In this series, the horizontal V-Y myotarsocutaneous advancement flap proved to be a technically simple, reliable and expeditious option for reconstruction of full-thickness upper eyelid defects (as wide as 60% of the eyelid width) in a single operative procedure. In the future this technique may become the preferential option for such defects.
Based on a case of a patient with angiosarcoma (AS) of the right atrium with superior vena cava syndrome associated with urticaria and polyarthralgias, who died soon after surgery, the authors present a brief review of the subject of cardiac AS, an extremely rare pathology, usually diagnosed late due to its non-specific symptomatology. Several topics are discussed, including mechanisms of clinical manifestations caused by blood flow obstruction and valve dysfunction, local invasion with arrhythmias and pericardial effusion, embolic phenomena and constitutional symptoms. Imaging and histopathologic methods of diagnosis are considered, as well as references to cytogenetic analysis. Surgery is the first treatment choice, but heart AS are frequently not completely resectable and concomitant metastases at the time of surgery are common, both usually leading to a dismal prognosis. Chemotherapy, radiotherapy and even heart transplantation do not substantially improve the survival of these patients. Urticaria is not generally assumed by most authors to be associated with malignancy, but there are rare reports of its association with some malignant tumors.
Based on a case of gastric antral vascular ectasia (watermelon stomach) that was associated with hemorrhagic pericarditis, small cell lung carcinoma with mediastinal lymph node metastases and a synchronous squamous cell carcinoma of the base of the tongue, the authors made a review of the clinical, endoscopic and histopathological aspects of this type of gastropathy, and its association with other diseases, and of the results of its endoscopic therapy. The causes of hemorrhagic pericarditis are considered, emphasizing the necessity to know if the effusion has a malignant etiology. To the best of our knowledge the association of watermelon stomach to small cell lung carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the base of the tongue has not yet been described. Extensive metastases to mediastal lymph nodes are common to small cell lung carcinoma.
Introduction: Hysterectomy is the commonest gynecologic operation, performed for malignant and benign conditions. There are many approaches to hysterectomy for benign disease. Studies comparing the techniques have showed that vaginal hysterectomy has benefits in terms of reduced hospital stay, faster recovery and less operating time. Objective: The purpose of this study is to compare the surgical and immediate postoperative outcomes of Laparoscopic Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy (LAVH) with those of Vaginal Hysterectomy (VH). Methods: Retrospective descriptive study, comparing two groups of women who underwent LAVH or VH in our department during a 24 months period, from January 2009 to December 2010. The two groups were compared regarding age, vaginal deliveries, previous abdominal surgery, uterine and adnexal pathology, intra-operative and post-operative complications, uterus weight, blood loss and number of days until discharge. Results: In our study 42 LAVH and 99 VH were included, with a patient mean age of 47 and 59, respectively. The most frequent indication for hysterectomy was fibroids (80%) for LAVH and POP(58.6%) for HV. In LAVH group 47.6% of patients had previous abdominal surgery, vs 28.2% in VH group. The medium operative time was 167 minutes for LAVH vs 99 minutes for HV. The intra-operative complications were one case (2%) of accidental incision of rectum in LAVH, and one bladder incision in the VH (1%). There were 3 conversions to laparotomy for difficult technique (7%) in LAVH group. There were no significant post-operative complications for LAVH. In VH group there were 2 cases of haemoperitoneum (2%) and 1 case requiring blood transfusion (1%). The mean time for discharge was 4.23 days for LAVH and 4.46 days for VH. Conclusions: In our study, the main advantage for VH was the reduced operative time. In terms of time to discharge there was no difference between the 2 groups. The main intra-operative complication of LAVH was the risk of conversion to laparotomy, but post-operatively this procedure had fewer complications than VH. In conclusion, LAVH is a safe option for women requiring hysterectomy in cases where VH is anticipated to be technically difficult.
Allied to an epidemiological study of population of the Senology Unit of Braga’s Hospital that have been diagnosed with malignant breast cancer, we describe the progression in time of repeated measurements of tumor marker Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). Our main purpose is to describe the progression of this tumor marker as a function of possible risk factors and, hence, to understand how these risk factors influences that progression. The response variable, values of CEA, was analyzed making use of longitudinal models, testing for different correlation structures. The same covariates used in a previous survival analysis were considered in the longitudinal model. The reference time used was time from diagnose until death from breast cancer. For diagnostic of the models fitted we have used empirical and theoretical variograms. To evaluate the fixed term of the longitudinal model we have tested for a changing point on the effect of time on the tumor marker progression. A longitudinal model was also fitted only to the subset of patients that died from breast cancer, using the reference time as time from date of death until blood test.
Introduction: Postmenopausal bleeding is a common complaint from women seen in general practice, although majority of them, will have no major problem. Objective: Study of endometrium in postmenopausal women with suspicious sonographic endometrial changes. Comparison of findings in asymptomatic women and those who reported metrorrhagia. Methods: Consultation of outpatient medical records of 487 women undergoing endometrial study (sonohysterography, hysteroscopy), between January/2004 and July/2010. Patients were subdivided into two groups: women with (G1) and without (G2) complaints of postmenopausal metrorrhagia. Results: G1 and G2 comprises 78 and 409 women, respectively. G1: 23.1% normal uterine cavity, 74.3% benign pathology (majority endometrial polyps) and 2.6% of them endometrial carcinoma. G2: 14.4% normal uterine cavity, 83.7% benign pathology (majority endometrial polyps), 1.4% endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial carcinoma in 0.49%. Conclusion: Postmenopausal metrorrhagia is associated with an increased risk of endometrial malignancy, in relation to asymptomatic, although represents a minority of the population. To highlight the existence of premalignant and malignant pathology in asymptomatic endometrial thickening.
RESUMO: Os biomarcadores tumorais permitem identificar os doentes com maior risco de recorrência da doença, predizer a resposta tumoral à terapêutica e, finalmente, definir candidatos a novos alvos terapêuticos. Novos biomarcadores são especialmente necessários na abordagem clínica dos linfomas. Actualmente, esses tumores são diagnosticados através de uma combinação de características morfológicas, fenotípicas e moleculares, mas o prognóstico e o planeamento terapêutico estão quase exclusivamente dependentes de características clínicas. Estes factores clínicos são, na maioria dos linfomas, insuficientes numa proporção significativa dos doentes, em particular, aqueles com pior prognóstico. O linfoma folicular (LF) é, globalmente, o segundo subtipo mais comum de linfoma. É tipicamente uma doença indolente com uma sobrevida média entre os 8 e 12 anos, mas é geralmente fatal quando se transforma num linfoma agressivo de alto grau, habitualmente o linfoma difuso de grandes células B (LDGCB). Morfologicamente e funcionalmente, as células do LF recapitulam as células normais do centro germinativo na sua dependência de sobrevivência do microambiente não-tumoral, especialmente das células do sistema imunológico. Biomarcadores preditivos de transformação não existem pelo que um melhor conhecimento da biologia intrínseca de progressão do LF poderá revelar novos candidatos. Nesta tese descrevo duas abordagens distintas para a descoberta de novos biomarcadores. A primeira, o estudo da expressão global de genes ('genomics') obtidos por técnicas de alto rendimento que analisam todo o genoma humano sequenciado, permitindo identificar novas anomalias genéticas que possam representar mecanismos biológicos importantes de transformação. São descritos novos genes e alterações genómicas associados à transformação do LF, sendo especialmente relevantes as relacionadas com os eventos iniciais de transformação em LDGCB. A segunda, baseou-se em várias hipóteses centradas no microambiente do LF, rico em vários tipos de células nãomalignas. Os estudos imunoarquitectural de macrófagos, células T regulatórias e densidade de microvasos efectuado em biopsias de diagnóstico de doentes com LF tratados uniformemente correlacionaram-se significativamente, e independentemente dos critérios clínicos, com a evolução clínica e, mais importante, com o risco de transformação em LDGCB. Nesta tese, foram preferencialmente utilizadas (e optimizadas) técnicas que permitam o uso de amostras fixadas em parafina e formalina (FFPET). Estas são facilmente acessíveis a partir das biopsias de diagnóstico de rotina presentes nos arquivos de todos os departamentos de patologia, facilitando uma transição rápida dos novos marcadores para a prática clínica. Embora o FL fosse o tema principal da tese, os novos achados permitiram estender facilmente hipóteses semelhantes a outros subtipos de linfoma. Assim, são propostos e validados vários biomarcadores promissores e relacionados com o microambiente não tumoral, sobretudo dependentes das células do sistema imunológico, como contribuintes importantes para a biologia dos linfomas. Estes sugerem novas opções para a abordagem clínica destas doenças e, eventualmente, novos alvos terapêuticos.------------- ABSTRACT: Cancer biomarkers provide an opportunity to identify those patients most at risk for disease recurrence, predict which tumours will respond to different therapeutic approaches and ultimately define candidate biomarkers that may serve as targets for personalized therapy. New biomarkers are especially needed in the management of lymphoid cancers. At present, these tumours are diagnosed using a combination of morphologic, phenotypic and molecular features but prognosis and overall survival are mostly dependent on clinical characteristics. In most lymphoma types, these imprecisely assess a significant proportion of patients, in particular, those with very poor outcomes. Follicular lymphoma (FL) is the second most common lymphoma subtype worldwide. It is typically an indolent disease with current median survivals in the range of 8-12 years, but is usually fatal when it transforms into an aggressive high-grade lymphoma, characteristically Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL). Morphologically and functionally it recapitulates the normal cells of the germinal center with its survival dependency on non-malignant immune and immunerelated cells. Informative markers of transformation related to the intrinsic biology of FL progression are needed. Within this thesis two separate approaches to biomarker discovery were employed. The first was to study the global expression of genes (‘genomics’) obtained using high-throughput, wholegenome-wide approaches that offered the possibility for discovery of new genetic abnormalities that might represent the important biological mechanisms of transformation. Gene signatures associated with early events of transformation were found. Another approach relied on hypothesis-driven concepts focusing upon the microenvironment, rich in several non-malignant cell types. The immunoarchitectural studies of macrophages, regulatory T cells and microvessel density on diagnostic biopsies of uniformly treated FL patients significantly predicted clinical outcome and, importantly, also informed on the risk of transformation. Techniques that enabled the use of routine formalin fixed paraffin embedded diagnostic specimens from the pathology department archives were preferentially used in this thesis with the goal of fulfilling a rapid bench-to-beside” translation for these new findings. Although FL was the main subject of the thesis the new findings and hypotheses allowed easy transition into other lymphoma types. Several promising biomarkers were proposed and validated including the implication of several non-neoplastic immune cells as important contributors to lymphoma biology, opening new options for better treatment planning and eventually new therapeutic targets and candidate therapeutics.
While haemolytic uraemic syndrome in children is predominantly associated with Shiga toxin -producing Escherichia coli (typically 0157:H7), some cases occur without associated diarrhoea, or as the manifestation of an underlying disorder other than infection. Haemolytic uraemic syndrome is characterised by microangiopathic anaemia, thrombocytopaenia and renal failure, on occasion accompanied by severe hypertension. Malignant hypertension is a syndrome that sometimes exhibits the same laboratory abnormalities as haemolytic uraemic syndrome as it may share the same pathological findings: thrombotic microangiopathy. As clinical features of both entities overlap, the distinction between them can be very difficult. However, differentiation is essential for the treatment decision, since early plasma exchange dramatically reduces mortality in haemolytic uraemic syndrome not associated with diarrhoea. An increasing number of genetic causes of this pathology have been described and may be very useful in differentiating it from thrombotic microangiopathy due to other aetiologies. Despite advances in the understanding of the pathophysiology of haemolytic uraemic syndrome not associated with diarrhoea, the management often remains empirical. We describe a patient with simultaneous microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia, thrombocytopaenia and severe hypertension managed in the acute period of illness with plasma exchange.
INTRODUCTION: Predicting outcome in comatose survivors of cardiac arrest is based on data validated by guidelines that were established before the era of therapeutic hypothermia. We sought to evaluate the predictive value of clinical, electrophysiological and imaging data on patients submitted to therapeutic hypothermia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective analysis of consecutive patients receiving therapeutic hypothermia during years 2010 and 2011 was made. Neurological examination, somatosensory evoked potentials, auditory evoked potentials, electroencephalography and brain magnetic resonance imaging were obtained during the first 72 hours. Glasgow Outcome Scale at 6 months, dichotomized into bad outcome (grades 1 and 2) and good outcome (grades 3, 4 and 5), was defined as the primary outcome. RESULTS: A total of 26 patients were studied. Absent pupillary light reflex, absent corneal and oculocephalic reflexes, absent N20 responses on evoked potentials and myoclonic status epilepticus showed no false-positives in predicting bad outcome. A malignant electroencephalographic pattern was also associated with a bad outcome (p = 0.05), with no false-positives. Two patients with a good outcome showed motor responses no better than extension (false-positive rate of 25%, p = 0.008) within 72 hours, both of them requiring prolonged sedation. Imaging findings of brain ischemia did not correlate with outcome. DISCUSSION: Absent pupillary, corneal and oculocephalic reflexes, absent N20 responses and a malignant electroencephalographic pattern all remain accurate predictors of poor outcome in cardiac arrest patients submitted to therapeutic hypothermia. CONCLUSION: Prolonged sedation beyond the hypothermia period may confound prediction strength of motor responses.
Introdução - Síndroma maligna dos neurolépticos (SMN) é um efeito secundário raro potencialmente fatal destes fármacos. Relato de caso - Sexo masculino, 18 anos, encefalopatia não progressiva, atraso global do desenvolvimento, epilepsia, perturbação do comportamento (medicada com haloperidol). Iniciou febre elevada, desidratação, hematemeses e hematúria. Apresentava hipertermia, taquicardia, polipneia, tensão arterial instável, hipertonia generalizada e deterioração da consciência. Laboratorialmente destacava-se neutrofilia, trom bocitopénia, proteína C reactiva ligeiramente aumentada, elevação da creatina-cinase, alterações hepáticas e renais. Sépsis e SMN foram hipóteses de diagnóstico. Apesar da suspensão do haloperidol e início da terapêutica de suporte, ocorreu agravamento progressivo e óbito. Conclusão – Os antipsicóticos são frequentemente utilizados no atraso do desenvolvimento com alterações do comportamento. Os efeitos adversos graves exigem elevado grau de suspeição e início rápido de terapêutica.
A neurofibromatose é uma doença que pode afectar todos os órgãos. As suas manifestações clínicas podem ser muito variáveis e associam-se-lhe, frequentemente, neoplasias. é o caso do feocromositoma, que na sua forma benigna, coexiste em 10 % dos casos; contudo, a descrição da associação com a forma maligna é uma raridade, o que justifica o interesse da divulgação da nossa experiência. Salientamos, no entanto, que o feocromocitoma não é a única causa de hipertensão na doença de Von Recklinghausen.
SUMMARY High-risk human papillomavirus (hr-HPV) infection is necessary but not sufficient for cervical cancer development. Recently, P16INK4A gene silencing through hypermethylation has been proposed as an important cofactor in cervical carcinogenesis due to its tumor suppressor function. We aimed to investigate P16INK4A methylation status in normal and neoplastic epithelia and evaluate an association with HPV infection and genotype. This cross-sectional study was performed with 141 cervical samples from patients attending Hospital Moncorvo Filho, Rio de Janeiro. HPV detection and genotyping were performed through PCR and P16INK4A methylation by nested-methylation specific PCR (MSP). HPV frequency was 62.4% (88/141). The most common HPV were HPV16 (37%), HPV18 (16.3%) and HPV33/45(15.2%). An upward trend was observed concerning P16INK4A methylation and lesion degree: normal epithelia (10.7%), low grade lesions (22.9%), high grade (57.1%) and carcinoma (93.1%) (p < 0.0001). A multivariate analysis was performed to evaluate an association between methylation, age, tobacco exposure, HPV infection and genotyping. A correlation was found concerning methylation with HPV infection (p < 0.0001), hr-HPV (p = 0.01), HSIL (p < 0.0007) and malignant lesions (p < 0.0001). Since viral infection and epigenetic alterations are related to cervical carcinoma, we suggest that P16INK4A methylation profile maybe thoroughly investigated as a biomarker to identify patients at risk of cancer.
Adnexal skin tumours are rare conditions, and often clinically indistinguishable from other cutaneous neoplasms. Porocarcinoma, a sweat gland malignant tumour, is more commonly found on extremities. Few reports in other anatomic locations can be found in the literature, and those arising on the scalp are even scarcer. The authors report the case of an 84-year-old diabetic man, with a tumour on the left parietal region for 1 year, which histopathological features were consistent with porocarcinoma. The importance of histopathologic diagnosis is hereby emphasized by the more aggressive behaviour of this tumour, therefore requiring clinical actuation accordingly.