1000 resultados para Ley 222 de 1995 - Acción revocatoria


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Mycobacterium kansasii is the most common cause of pulmonary nontuberculous mycobacteria infection and classical identification of this pathogen needs a time consuming phenotypic tests. Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment lenght polymorphism analysis (PRA) of the gene enconding for the 65kDa heat shock (hsp65) protein offers an easy, rapid, and inexpensive procedure to identify and subtype M. kansasii isolates. In the present study, we performed a retrospective analysis of patients who had mycobacteria identified on the basis of phenotypic tests by means of a review of database at Mycobacteria Laboratory of the Instituto Adolfo Lutz in the period 1995-1998. A total of 9381 clinical isolates were analyzed of which 7777 (82.9%) were identified as M. tuberculosis complex and 1604 (17.1%) as nontuberculous mycobacteria. Of the 296 M. kansasii isolates, 189 (63.8%) isolates obtained from 119 patients were viable and were analyzed by PRA-hsp65. Hundred eight two (98.9%) were classified as M. kansasii type I. Two isolates were classified as type II and III and five isolates were characterized as other Mycobacterium species. Clinical isolates of M. kansasii in the state of São Paulo was almost exclusively subtype I regardless of HIV status.


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BACKGROUND: Occupational risks, the present nuclear threat, and the potential danger associated with nuclear power have raised concerns regarding the metabolism of plutonium in pregnant women. OBJECTIVE: We measured plutonium levels in the milk teeth of children born between 1951 and 1995 to assess the potential risk that plutonium incorporated by pregnant women might pose to the radiosensitive tissues of the fetus through placenta transfer. METHODS: We used milk teeth, whose enamel is formed during pregnancy, to investigate the transfer of plutonium from the mother's blood plasma to the fetus. We measured plutonium using sensitive sector field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry techniques. We compared our results with those of a previous study on strontium-90 ((90)Sr) released into the atmosphere after nuclear bomb tests. RESULTS: Results show that plutonium activity peaks in the milk teeth of children born about 10 years before the highest recorded levels of plutonium fallout. By contrast, (90)Sr, which is known to cross the placenta barrier, manifests differently in milk teeth, in accordance with (90)Sr fallout deposition as a function of time. CONCLUSIONS: These findings demonstrate that plutonium found in milk teeth is caused by fallout that was inhaled around the time the milk teeth were shed and not from any accumulation during pregnancy through placenta transfer. Thus, plutonium may not represent a radiologic risk for the radiosensitive tissues of the fetus.


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Education makes a fundamentally important contribution to the quality and well-being of our society. This White Paper addresses itself to the policy framework that can best embrace the diverse and multiple requirements for educational action in the future. The need for and importance of such a framework are widely accepted. In setting out a framework, it is important to provide a philosophical rationale which, far from being merely a theoretical or ceremonial exercise, systematically informs policy formulation and educational practice.


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In this study, a total of 865 serum samples were collected between 1995 and 2002 from individuals living in Goiânia, Central Brazil, and clinically suspected of hepatitis. After exclusion of 162 samples which were positive for hepatitis B virus or hepatitis C virus, 703 samples were tested for anti-hepatitis A virus (anti-HAV) IgM antibodies by enzyme immunoassay. In addition, 588 of these samples and 22 fecal samples were analyzed by reverse transcription-nested PCR for HAV RNA detection, with positivity indices of 13.1% (77/588) and 54.5% (12/22), respectively. A similar index of viral RNA detection in anti-HAV-IgM positive or negative samples was observed in serum samples. HAV infection is a public health problem worldwide and this study underscores the extent of HAV circulation in our region.


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The capture of a new species of the subgenus Migonemyia Galati, 1995 (Diptera, Psychodidae, Phlebotominae), Migonemyia vaniae sp. nov. in the Ribeira Valley, state of São Paulo, Brazil, together with the other two species: Mg. migonei (França, 1920) and Mg. rabelloi (Galati & Gomes, 1992) lead us to review this subgenus. The new species was described and illustrated. The genitalia of the two other species were also illustrated and some genital characteristics (number of setae on the gonocoxite tuft, ejaculatory ducts and pump and ducts/pump ratio; and number of setae on the tergite VIII of the females) considered important to differentiate the three species, including five populations of Mg. migonei (from Northeastern, Southeastern, and Southern Brazilian regions and of Peru) were submitted to variance analyses. The Mg. migonei population of Northeastern Brazilian region showed distinct smaller values (P < 0.05) than the other Brazilian populations studied as regarding these characteristics. The capture of both sexes of these three species in sympatry confirms the association between the sexes of Mg. rabelloi, recognised as doubtful when this species was originally described. Identification keys for male and female of the three species are presented.


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La responsabilidad del ERIE Psicosocial a la hora de realizar su labor en el marco de la intervención en emergencias debe ir necesariamente acompañada de una correcta identificación de las necesidades que el equipo tiene en lo que respecta a su formación e instrucción, de cara a mantener el nivel de respuesta en su labor. El desarrollo de herramientas y métodos capaces de definir estas variables es, pues el primer paso de este proceso. El formato de desarrollo posterior de esas acciones formativas, teniendo en cuenta el carácter grupal y cooperativo del grupo, debe ser estudiado y validado para obtener la máxima eficacia durante su materialización.


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Proyecto orientado a identificar aspectos mejorables desde el punto de vista formativo en la labor desarrollada por el voluntariado dedicado a la emergencia extra-hospitalaria.


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L'ètica ens ha d'ajudar a donar una resposta alternativa pel que fa a la millora educativa en els centres escolars: amb la tècnica i la llei no n'hi ha prou. L'educació és una acció constitutivament ètica, i això es pot concretar en la manera d'organitzar o de gestionar l'escola, i no tan sols l'aula.


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S'aborda el tema de la Llei de Propietat Intel·lectual de la mà de Patrícia Riera, Comentarios al proyecto de modificación de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual, on s'estudia en profunditat la reforma de la Llei de Propietat Intel·lectual per incorporar la Directiva Europea de 2001 sobre l'harmonització d'alguns aspectes del dret d'autor.


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Al maig de 2001, el Parlament Europeu i el Consell aprovaven la Directiva relativa a l'harmonització de determinats aspectes dels drets d'autor i drets afins als drets d'autor en la societat de la informació. L'aprovació d'aquest text culminava un llarg - i difícil - procés els orígens del qual hem de buscar en el Llibre Verd sobre drets d'autor i els drets afins en la Societat de la Informació aparegut el 1995.


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End-of-life healthcare in any part of the world is always rife with ethical conflicts and legal challenges. In this matter, the opinions and preferences of patients, family members, healthcare professionals, society as a whole and politicians may differ or diverge entirely1. Nevertheless, death comes to all eventually; it is part of human life itself. The fact remains that we will all die. Therefore, it is natural for all societies to seek the necessary consensus for guaranteeing that individuals can live, and die, in a way befitting their nature, i.e., humanely and with full dignity. This article tells the story of how the citizens of Andalusia, in the south of Spain, reached this majority consensus during the process of drafting and approving a law regulating this issue: Law 2/2010, of 8 April, on personal rights and guarantees to die in dignity.


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Del 19 al 23 de setembre de 1995 es va celebrar a Jaca (Osca) el III Curs Internacional de Defensa, amb el títol específic “ El Mediterrani en el Diàleg Nord Sud”, organitzat per la Càtedra Miguel de Cervantes de l’Acadèmia General Militar i la Universitat de Saragossa. Els objectius assenyalats pels organitzadors es van centrar a potenciar l’intercanvi d’opinions entre especialistes i representants de les institucions sobre aspectes polítics, socials, econòmics i de defensa que afecten l’espai geopolític de les dues riberes del Mediterrani, i a analitzar els mecanismes de cooperació que actuen a l’àrea i la política de la Unió Europea a la zona