999 resultados para Lesão de via biliar
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 245
Soil pollution with hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) has caused serious environmental problems. Here we describe the targeted degradation of all HCH isomers by applying the aerobic bacterium Sphingobium indicum B90A. In particular, we examined possibilities for large-scale cultivation of strain B90A, tested immobilization, storage and inoculation procedures, and determined the survival and HCH-degradation activity of inoculated cells in soil. Optimal growth of strain B90A was achieved in glucose-containing mineral medium and up to 65% culturability could be maintained after 60 days storage at 30 degrees C by mixing cells with sterile dry corncob powder. B90A biomass produced in water supplemented with sugarcane molasses and immobilized on corncob powder retained 15-20% culturability after 30 days storage at 30 degrees C, whereas full culturability was maintained when cells were stored frozen at -20 degrees C. On the contrary, cells stored on corncob degraded gamma-HCH faster than those that had been stored frozen, with between 15 and 85% of gamma-HCH disappearance in microcosms within 20 h at 30 degrees C. Soil microcosm tests at 25 degrees C confirmed complete mineralization of [(14)C]-gamma-HCH by corncob-immobilized strain B90A. Experiments conducted in small pits and at an HCH-contaminated agricultural site resulted in between 85 and 95% HCH degradation by strain B90A applied via corncob, depending on the type of HCH isomer and even at residual HCH concentrations. Up to 20% of the inoculated B90A cells survived under field conditions after 8 days and could be traced among other soil microorganisms by a combination of natural antibiotic resistance properties, unique pigmentation and PCR amplification of the linA genes. Neither the addition of corncob nor of corncob immobilized B90A did measurably change the microbial community structure as determined by T-RFLP analysis. Overall, these results indicate that on-site aerobic bioremediation of HCH exploiting the biodegradation activity of S. indicum B90A cells stored on corncob powder is a promising technology.
Este trabalho objetivou avaliar os fungicidas bitertanol, mancozeb, benomyl e iprodione nas doses de 175, 1.600, 350 e 750 g i.a./ha, respectivamente, aplicados via irrigação, no controle da ferrugem (Uromyces appendiculatus) do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Em parcelas de 12 x 12 m, foram realizadas quatro aplicações de cada fungicida, por meio de aplicador portátil de produtos químicos, a intervalos de seis a dez dias, lâmina de água de 3,4 mm, e seis minutos de aplicação. A produção de grãos (kg/ha) e a porcentagem de infecção foram de 1.550,0 e 6,6; 1.238,0 e 20,5; 1.358,0 e 26,9; 1.014,0 e 42,0; e 1.088,0 e 52,2 com bitertanol, mancozeb, benomyl, iprodione e testemunha, respectivamente. Os resultados mostraram a viabilidade da fungigação e a eficácia do bitertanol no controle da ferrugem-do- feijoeiro.
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 586
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 587
Background: The coagulation factor thrombin mediates ischemic neuronal deathand, at a low concentration, induces tolerance to ischemia.We investigated its modeof activation in ischemic neural tissue using an in vitro approach to distinguish therole of circulating coagulation factors from endogenous cerebral mechanisms. Wealso studied the signalling pathway downstream of thrombin in ischemia and afterthrombin preconditioning.Methods: Rat organotypic hippocampal slice cultures to 30 minute oxygen (5%)and glucose (1 mmol/L) deprivation (OGD).Results: Selective factor Xa (FXa) inhibition by fondaparinux during and afterOGD significantly reduced neuronal death in the CA1 after 48 hours. Thrombinactivity was increased in the medium 24 hours after OGD and this increasewas prevented by fondaparinux suggesting that FXa catalyzes the conversion ofprothrombin to thrombin in neural tissue after ischemia in vitro. Treatment withSCH79797, a selective antagonist of the thrombin receptor protease activatedreceptor-1 (PAR-1), significantly decreased neuronal cell death indicating thatthrombin signals ischemic damage via PAR-1. The JNK pathway plays an importantrole in cerebral ischemia and we observed activation of the JNK substrate,c-Jun in our model. Both the FXa inhibitor, fondaparinux and the PAR-1 antagonistSCH79797, decreased the level of phospho-c-Jun Ser73. After thrombin preconditioningc-Jun was activated by phosphorylation in the nuclei of neurons of the CA1.Treatment with a synthetic thrombin receptor agonist resulted in the same c-Junactivation profile and protection against subsequent OGD indicating that thrombinalso signals via PAR-1 and c-Jun in cell protection.Conclusion: These results indicate that FXa activates thrombin in cerebral ischemia,leading via PAR-1 to the activation of the JNK pathway resulting in neuronal death.Thrombin induced tolerance also involves PAR-1 and JNK, revealing commonfeatures in cell death and survival signalling.
We show how nonlinear embedding algorithms popular for use with shallow semi-supervised learning techniques such as kernel methods can be applied to deep multilayer architectures, either as a regularizer at the output layer, or on each layer of the architecture. This provides a simple alternative to existing approaches to deep learning whilst yielding competitive error rates compared to those methods, and existing shallow semi-supervised techniques.
The PHO1 family comprises 11 members in Arabidopsis thaliana. In order to decipher the role of these genes in inorganic phosphate (Pi) transport and homeostasis, complementation of the pho1 mutant, deficient in loading Pi to the root xylem, was determined by the expression of the PHO1 homologous genes under the control of the PHO1 promoter. Only PHO1 and the homologue PHO1;H1 could complement pho1. The PHO1;H1 promoter was active in the vascular cylinder of roots and shoots. Expression of PHO1;H1 was very low in Pi-sufficient plants, but was strongly induced under Pi-deficient conditions. T-DNA knock-out mutants of PHO1;H1 neither showed growth defects nor alteration in Pi transport dynamics, or Pi content, compared with wild type. However, the double mutant pho1/pho1;h1 showed a strong reduction in growth and in the capacity to transfer Pi from the root to the shoot compared with pho1. Grafting experiments revealed that phenotypes associated with the pho1 and pho1/pho1;h1 mutants were linked to the lack of gene expression in the root. The increased expression of PHO1;H1 under Pi deficiency was largely controlled by the transcription factor PHR1 and was suppressed by the phosphate analogue phosphite, whereas the increase of PHO1 expression was independent of PHR1 and was not influenced by phosphite. Together, these data reveal that although transfer of Pi to the root xylem vessel is primarily mediated by PHO1, the homologue PHO1;H1 also contributes to Pi loading to the xylem, and that the two corresponding genes are regulated by Pi deficiency by distinct signal transduction pathways.
TWEAK is a recently cloned novel member of the TNF ligand family. Here we show that soluble TWEAK is sufficient to induce apoptosis in Kym-1 cells within 18 h. TWEAK-induced apoptosis is indirect and is mediated by the interaction of endogenous TNF and TNF receptor (TNFR)1, as each TNFR1-Fc, neutralizing TNF-specific antibodies and TNFR1-specific Fab fragments efficiently antagonize cell death induction. In addition to this indirect mode of action, co-stimulation of Kym-1 cells with TWEAK enhances TNFR1-mediated cell death induction. In contrast to TNF, TWEAK does only modestly activate NF-kappaB or c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) in Kym-1 cells. Although TWEAK binding to Kym-1 cells is easily detectable by flow cytometric analysis, we found neither evidence for expression of the recently identified TWEAK receptor Apo3/TRAMP/wsl/DR3/LARD, nor indications for direct interactions of TWEAK with TNFR. Together, these characteristics of TWEAK-induced signaling in Kym-1 cells argue for the existence of an additional, still undefined non-death domain-containing TWEAK receptor in Kym-1 cells.
Although chemokines are well established to function in immunity and endothelial cell activation and proliferation, a rapidly growing literature suggests that CXC Chemokine receptors CXCR3, CXCR4 and CXCR7 are critical in the development and progression of solid tumors. The effect of these chemokine receptors in tumorigenesis is mediated via interactions with shared ligands I-TAC (CXCL11) and SDF-1 (CXCL12). Over the last decade, CXCR4 has been extensively reported to be overexpressed in most human solid tumors and has earned considerable attention toward elucidating its role in cancer metastasis. To enrich the existing armamentarium of anti-cancerous agents, many inhibitors of CXCL12-CXCR4 axis have emerged as additional or alternative agents for neo-adjuvant treatments and even many of them are in preclinical and clinical stages of their development. However, the discovery of CXCR7 as another receptor for CXCL12 with rather high binding affinity and recent reports about its involvement in cancer progression, has questioned the potential of "selective blockade" of CXCR4 as cancer chemotherapeutics. Interestingly, CXCR7 can also bind another chemokine CXCL11, which is an established ligand for CXCR3. Recent reports have documented that CXCR3 and their ligands are overexpressed in different solid tumors and regulate tumor growth and metastasis. Therefore, it is important to consider the interactions and crosstalk between these three chemokine receptors and their ligand mediated signaling cascades for the development of effective anti-cancer therapies. Emerging evidence also indicates that these receptors are differentially expressed in tumor endothelial cells as well as in cancer stem cells, suggesting their direct role in regulating tumor angiogenesis and metastasis. In this review, we will focus on the signals mediated by this receptor trio via their shared ligands and their role in tumor growth and progression.
A través de este articulo he pretendido exponer una introducción a los Modelos Causales desde las perspectivas histórica, metodológica y estadístico-matemtitica. Asimismo, he planteado las posibilidades que tienen estos modelos, asociados a estructuras de covariancia, como via que puede contribuir a superar la dicotomia metodo experimental/mktodo correlacional. Para la exposición de 10s procesos de especificación, identificación, estimación, prueba de ajuste e interpretación de parámetros de un modelo causal he tomado como referencia el modelo LISREL. Sin embargo, en la sistematización de estos procesos no he intentado presentar solamente la simple descripción del modelo, insistiendo, para ello, en la necesidad de integrar este modelo en el contexto del método cientifico.
Regulation of renal Na(+) transport is essential for controlling blood pressure, as well as Na(+) and K(+) homeostasis. Aldosterone stimulates Na(+) reabsorption by the Na(+)-Cl(-) cotransporter (NCC) in the distal convoluted tubule (DCT) and by the epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) in the late DCT, connecting tubule, and collecting duct. Aldosterone increases ENaC expression by inhibiting the channel's ubiquitylation and degradation; aldosterone promotes serum-glucocorticoid-regulated kinase SGK1-mediated phosphorylation of the ubiquitin-protein ligase Nedd4-2 on serine 328, which prevents the Nedd4-2/ENaC interaction. It is important to note that aldosterone increases NCC protein expression by an unknown post-translational mechanism. Here, we present evidence that Nedd4-2 coimmunoprecipitated with NCC and stimulated NCC ubiquitylation at the surface of transfected HEK293 cells. In Xenopus laevis oocytes, coexpression of NCC with wild-type Nedd4-2, but not its catalytically inactive mutant, strongly decreased NCC activity and surface expression. SGK1 prevented this inhibition in a kinase-dependent manner. Furthermore, deficiency of Nedd4-2 in the renal tubules of mice and in cultured mDCT(15) cells upregulated NCC. In contrast to ENaC, Nedd4-2-mediated inhibition of NCC did not require the PY-like motif of NCC. Moreover, the mutation of Nedd4-2 at either serine 328 or 222 did not affect SGK1 action, and mutation at both sites enhanced Nedd4-2 activity and abolished SGK1-dependent inhibition. Taken together, these results suggest that aldosterone modulates NCC protein expression via a pathway involving SGK1 and Nedd4-2 and provides an explanation for the well-known aldosterone-induced increase in NCC protein expression.
MCT2 is the main neuronal monocarboxylate transporter essential for facilitating lactate and ketone body utilization as energy substrates. Our study reveals that treatment of cultured cortical neurons with insulin and IGF-1 led to a striking enhancement of MCT2 immunoreactivity in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. Surprisingly, neither insulin nor IGF-1 affected MCT2 mRNA expression, suggesting that regulation of MCT2 protein expression occurs at the translational rather than the transcriptional level. Investigation of the putative signalling pathways leading to translation activation revealed that insulin and IGF-1 induced p44- and p42 MAPK, Akt and mTOR phosphorylation. S6 ribosomal protein, a component of the translational machinery, was also strongly activated by insulin and IGF-1. Phosphorylation of p44- and p42 MAPK was blocked by the MEK inhibitor PD98058, while Akt phosphorylation was abolished by the PI3K inhibitor LY294002. Phosphorylation of mTOR and S6 was blocked by the mTOR inhibitor rapamycin. In parallel, it was observed that LY294002 and rapamycin almost completely blocked the effects of insulin and IGF-1 on MCT2 protein expression, whereas PD98059 and SB202190 (a p38K inhibitor) had no effect on insulin-induced MCT2 expression and only a slight effect on IGF-1-induced MCT2 expression. At the subcellular level, a significant increase in MCT2 protein expression within an intracellular pool was observed while no change at the cell surface was apparent. As insulin and IGF-1 are involved in synaptic plasticity, their effect on MCT2 protein expression via an activation of the PI3K-Akt-mTOR-S6K pathway might contribute to the preparation of neurons for enhanced use of nonglucose energy substrates following altered synaptic efficacy.