788 resultados para Language and education


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This thesis consists of three independent chapters that all deal with questions relevant for the provision of health and education and contribute to the field of economic theory. Both Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 address the broad problem of public provision of scarce and indivisible goods. Therein, the role of wealth distribution and the impact wealth has on the assignment of the goods is of particular interest. Chapter 3 addresses quality concerns for the provision of health services that occur if quality cannot be observed precisely and cannot be contracted on.


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Language is essential to mankind and it is a means to interact with nature. Another important element in the discursive constitution of the subject is labour; through it men transform themselves and the surrounding society and this is one of the most ontologically salient features of it. In this sense, this article analysis the literary representation of language and labor world in Quarto de despejo, by Carolina Maria de Jesus. As a theoretical framework to discuss concepts of labour it is adopted Marx (1996); Engels (1990) and Lukács (2004) whose works investigate that universe.  Bakhtin/Volochínov (1986), to reflect on language; Bosi (2002), to analyze literature as a field of resistance and Candido (1976), to consider the interactions between text and context. As a result of this investigation, it was concluded that language, represented by the work of a writer, has a central role in the life of Carolina, because it is through language that the author develops a social critique of the oppressive scenario in which she lives, transcending it in a certain measure. Carolina's work, garbage collector, is not an element of satisfaction in her life, but a meaningless activity and worthless human. However it is through the precarious work universe that language constitutes itself, unfolding as a hybrid between the material world and literary expedients.


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This paper is a synthesis of the ideas discussed in the theme titled Culture, Technology and Education. The issues addressed in this discussion were: Scenarios of education in Brazil and E-Learning, Culture and Digital Communication, practical and systematic educational activities in Virtual Environment for Teaching and Learning and the training of educators to interact in contexts of employment with learning digital technology and the cultural movement that frames our conceptions of teaching and learning in Brazilian society.


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Mary Kalantzis and Bill Cope write in the foreword: “The Multiliteracies Classroom demonstrates in convincing detail how powerful learning can be achieved. Along the way, the book seamlessly weaves cutting-edge theoretical ideas into the fabric of its narrative. In one moment, we hear the lilt of the accents of the children’s discussions. In another, this is connected to the theoretical intricacies of ‘discourse’, ‘heteroglossia’, ‘multimodality’, or ‘dialogic spaces’. We witness the triumphs of a teacher who, in Mills’ words, ‘did not regard literacy as an independent variable. Rather, she regarded it as inseparable from social practices, contextualized in certain political, economic, historic and ecological contexts. Kathy Mills has produced a masterpiece of qualitative research.”


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El presente trabajo forma parte de un proyecto más amplio que comenzó en el curso académico 2006-07. El proyecto se inició al implantar la docencia de asignaturas troncales en inglés dentro del plan de estudios de Ciencias Empresariales en la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. La oferta inicial fue la de permitir a los alumnos escoger, en una banda horaria similar y con el mismo docente, entre cursar Dirección Comercial II en castellano o en inglés. El diseño de Marketing Management II se realizó con un objetivo múltiple, a) Conseguir un mayor nivel de interiorización de las competencias específicas propias de la asignatura b) Potenciar la adquisición y desarrollo de competencias transversales, y en el grupo con docencia en inglés c) Desarrollar la capacidad de expresarse y trabajar tanto oralmente como por escrito en una tercera lengua Y se planificó la docencia con una metodología docente de evaluación continuada a fin de asegurar la implicación de los alumnos en el desarrollo de la asignatura y de facilitar el seguimiento de resultados por parte del docente. El objetivo del presente trabajo es identificar los factores clave de metodología docente que previenen las asimetrías de resultados en grupos con docencia en distintas lenguas; se busca conocer qué modos de hacer permiten evitar que la docencia en inglés presente un impacto, posiblemente negativo, en la consecución de resultados de aprendizaje por parte de los alumnos. El presente trabajo consta de varias fases. La primera fase, el trabajo de campo, consiste en la realización de una encuesta a los alumnos de los dos grupos estudiados. En segundo lugar se valoran las respuestas, y en tercer lugar se realiza el análisis de los resultados. La encuesta es la misma para ambos grupos a excepción de las preguntas específicas sobre el desarrollo de competencias lingüísticas en tercera lengua, que se efectúan sólo a los alumnos que cursan la asignatura en inglés. A fin de evitar sesgos, se comparan los resultados de las encuestas con los resultados académicos de ambos grupos. Los resultados muestran un alto nivel de satisfacción, tanto en aspectos directamente relacionados con la asignatura y su docencia tales como la metodología docente y adquisición de conocimientos y competencias, como de aspectos relacionados con competencias transversales Estas evidencias permiten concluir que, en un entorno metodológico especialmente diseñado para la consecución de competencias (tanto específicas como transversales) la docencia en una tercera lengua no parece ser generadora de asimetrías en la formación de los alumnos


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Tradicionalment, el sistema educatiu espanyol ha presentat carències importants respecte al desenvolupament de competències lingüístiques en una o més llengües estrangeres


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El EEES establece entre sus objetivos cambios metodológicos e innovaciones docentes. En este sentido, creemos que el uso de internet en general y de la actividad de la webquest en particular pueden constituir una metodología muy eficaz y altamente motivadora tanto para docentes como para estudiantes, aparte de favorecer un aprendizaje activo, significativo y colaborativo en clase de lengua extranjera. En nuestra comunicación mostraremos, por un lado, en qué consiste la webquest ideada, los elementos que la componen y los objetivos que persigue y, por otro, en qué medida favorece el aprendizaje significativo y colaborativo, cómo desarrolla el pensamiento crítico y creativo del estudiante y el papel que se espera del profesor y del alumno en este tipo de actividad


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To better comprehend how educational reforms and classroom practice interconnect, we need to understand the epistemic environments created for learning, as well as the pedagogical activities and the modes of classroom discourse related to these activities. This article examines how a particular innovation in English literacy, Strategies for English Language Learning and Reading (STELLAR), has been implemented in Singapore. Outlining the broader curriculum initiatives, current literacy policy landscape and pedagogical effect of classroom discourse, we look at how English language teachers in grades 1 and 2 interpret the STELLAR curriculum. Situated within the larger international zeal of educational reform, Singapore presents a rich case for the study of policy–pedagogy initiatives, literacy instruction and cultural values. Adding to the existing policy enactment research, this investigation provides an opportunity to probe both the prospects and limitations of policy implementation associated with centralised educational structures, examination-oriented systems and societal cultural frameworks.


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The purpose of this research was to address how culturally informed ethnomathematical methods of teaching can be utilized to support the learning of Navajo students in mathematics. The study was conducted over the course of four years on the Navajo Reservations at Tohatchi Middle School in Tohatchi New Mexico. The students involved in the study were all in 8th grade and were enrolled either in Algebra 1 or a Response to Intervention, RTI, class. The data collected came in the form of a student survey, student observation and student assessment. The teacher written survey, a math textbook word problem, and two original math textbook problems along with their rewritten version were the sources of these three studies. The first year of the study consisted of a math attitude survey and how Navajo students perceived math as a subject of interest. The students answered four questions pertaining to their thoughts about mathematics. The students’ responses were positive according to their written answers. The second year of the study involved the observation of how students worked through a math word problem as a group. This method tested how the students culturally interacted in order to solve a math problem. Their questions and reasoning to solve the problem were shared with peers and the teacher. The teacher supported the students in understanding and solving the problem by asking questions that kept the students focused on the goal of solving the problem. The students worked collaboratively and openly in order to complete the activity. During the iv study, the teacher was more able to notice the students’ deficiencies individually or as a group, therefore was able to support them in a more specific manner. The last study was conducted over a period of two different years. This study was used to determine how textbook bias in the form of its sentence structure or word choice affects the performance of students who are not culturally familiar with one or both. It was found that the students performed better and took less time on the rewritten problem than on the original problem. The data suggests that focusing on the culture, language and education of Navajo students can affect how the students learn and understand math.


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Com Sona l'ESO és un projecte en què s’integren música i dansa, literatura, llengua i educació amb una doble finalitat: traure fora de les quatre parets de l’aula el treball que es fa dia a dia amb l’alumnat i oferir-los l’oportunitat d’actuar en directe damunt d’un escenari. En aquest article es descriu el treball dins i fora de l’aula que culmina en aquest espectacle durant 16 edicions està recorrent diferents poblacions i centres del territori lingüístic i es posa en valor el caràcter multidisciplinari, la implicació social, el protagonisme de l’alumnat i l’èxit d’un treball que esdevé plenament aprenentatge significatiu.


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This study unites investigations into the linguistic relativity of color categories with research on children's category acquisition. Naming, comprehension, and memory for colors were tracked in 2 populations over a 3-year period. Children from a seminomadic equatorial African culture, whose language contains 5 color terms, were compared with a group of English children. Despite differences in visual environment, language, and education, they showed similar patterns of term acquisition. Both groups acquired color vocabulary slowly and with great individual variation. Those knowing no color terms made recognition errors based on perceptual distance, and the influence of naming on memory increased with age. An initial perceptually driven color continuum appears to be progressively organized into sets appropriate to each culture and language. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2009 APA, all rights reserved