806 resultados para Internet of things, Mqtt, domotica, Raspberry Pi
The growing dominance of project planning cycles and results-based management in development over the past 20 years has significant implications for the effective evaluation of communication for development and social change and the sustainability of these processes. These approaches to development and evaluation usually give priority to the linear, logical framework (or log frame) approach promoted by many development institutions. This tends to emphasize upward accountability approaches to development and its evaluation, so that development is driven by exogenous rather than endogenous models of development and social change. Such approaches are underpinned by ideas of preplanning, and predetermination of what successful out -comes look like. In this way, outcomes of complex interventions tend to be reduced to simple, cause-effect processes and the categorization of things, including people (Chambers and Pettit 2004; Eyben 2011). This runs counter to communication for development approaches, which prioritize engagement, relationships, empowerment and dialogue as important components for positive social change.
Service mismatches involve the adaptation of structural and behavioural interfaces of services, which in practice incurs long lead times through manual, coding e ort. We propose a framework, complementary to conventional service adaptation, to extract comprehensive and seman- tically normalised service interfaces, useful for interoperability in large business networks and the Internet of Services. The framework supports introspection and analysis of large and overloaded operational signa- tures to derive focal artefacts, namely the underlying business objects of services. A more simpli ed and comprehensive service interface layer is created based on these, and rendered into semantically normalised in- terfaces, given an ontology accrued through the framework from service analysis history. This opens up the prospect of supporting capability comparisons across services, and run-time request backtracking and ad- justment, as consumers discover new features of a service's operations through corresponding features of similar services. This paper provides a rst exposition of the service interface synthesis framework, describing patterns having novel requirements for unilateral service adaptation, and algorithms for interface introspection and business object alignment. A prototype implementation and analysis of web services drawn from com- mercial logistic systems are used to validate the algorithms and identify open challenges and future research directions.
Table of Contents Acknowledgments Preface by Dr. Pat Carlen Introduction 1. Political Languages of Prostitution 2. Genealogical Analysis: Documenting The Disorder of Things 3. From Death Rituals to Health Practices 4. Policing Female Prostitutes 5. Private Remedies for Public Concerns 6. The Emergence of the Male Prostitute 7. From Procreation to Pleasure 8. HIV/AIDS and Prostitution Conclusion Bibliography Index
The rights of individuals to self-determination and participation in social, political and economic life are recognised and supported by Articles 1, 3 and 25 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966.4 Article 1 of the United Nations’ Human Rights Council’s Resolution on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights on the Internet of July 2012 confirms individuals have the same rights online as offline. Access to the internet is essential and as such the UN: Calls upon all States to promote and facilitate access to the Internet and international cooperation aimed at the development of media and information and communications facilities in all countries (Article 3) Accordingly, access to the internet per se is a fundamental human right, which requires direct State recognition and support.5 The obligations of the State to ensure its citizens are able, and are enabled, to access the internet, are not matters that should be delegated to commercial parties. Quite simply – access to the internet, and high-speed broadband, by whatever means are “essential services” and therefore “should be treated as any other utility service”...
Workshops can be seen as a one kind of occupational model in the field of the social employing. The objective of social employing is to support the employment of those persons who are in a weak labour market position and to maintain their ability to function. The objectives of the workshops, which are offering work experience and learning of life management, maintain the same goal as social employment. Workshop services in Finland are relatively little scientifically studied in spite of their fairly long history. The workshop as a concept is still quite sparsely defined and also an unknown occupational model to the large part of people. The starting point for this study was to clarify what the workshops are like, what the services are like and how learning can be seen from the point of view of the workshop services. The objective of this study was to analyse how the apprentices experience the workshop services as well as learning in the workshops and thus describe how the workshops are shaped at the youth workshops. According to earlier studies the apprentices have experienced the workshops as useful periods in their lives and also they believe that other people in society appreciate the experience that apprentices have been received from the workshops. This study can be described as a qualitative study. Its methodological foundation is in phenomenology and especially in existential phenomenology. The research material consisted of seven individual interviews and two group interviews. In the group interviews five apprentices were those who had also participated in the individual interviews and one apprentice who did not participate. The interviewees' ages were between 17-22 years. The interviews were carried out as semi-structured interviews. The method which was utilised in the analysis of the research material is developed by Juha Perttula (2000). This analyse method is based on existential phenomenology. The apprentices considered that significant experiences in the workshop services were the entry to the workshop, the form of activity of the workshop, workshop community, the achieving of life management and work experience, the understanding of the significance of the education and the planning of the future. Regarding to learning the attitude, on-the-job learning, the importance of the mentors, the new information and new skills achieved were significant experiences at the workshop for the apprentices. The apprentices' experiences reflect well the achievement of the objectives which are set for the workshop services. Results of this study are also compatible to the results of earlier studies of apprentices' positive experience of the workshop services. The results can be utilised in developing the workshop services to offer more versatile experiences than before and to improve learning conditions on the workshops. The arranging of the on-the-job learning and the significance of the actions of mentors should also be noticed.
The crucial questions that define democracy relate to its depth and width: who can participate in decision making and what kind of things can be commonly decided? Theories deeper than representative democracy emphasize discussion, in which by evaluating justifications it is possible to achieve consensus in ideal situation. The aim of my research is to develop tools for promoting the participation of third graders in decision making in the classroom. In addition I study the development of depth and width of democracy in the classroom, the development of skills and competencies in the decision making and the challenges of the project. My research method is participative action research. I collected my data between October 2007 and March 2008. I used videos and observation diaries as my primary data. Additional data consisted of the interviews of the students, the conversations between the adults and the material produced by the teacher. Since we discussed the matters students had highlighted in specific lessons, my analysis proceeds according to these lessons constructing a general view of the process. The width and depth of classroom democracy are difficult to define. Though the system we had created enabled third graders to discuss matters they found important the participation was unequal: some of the students couldn’t among other things give justifications for their opinions. This poses challenges for models that emphasize deliberation since these theories presuppose that everyone has concordant competencies. But then again only critical citizens who are able to make justifications and to evaluate them are able to oppose indoctrination. This makes teaching these competencies justified. Different decision making procedures define the classroom democracy. Deliberation doesn’t necessarily provide deeper information about the preferences of the participants than mere voting. But then again voting doesn’t express the reasons which support one’s preferences. Structured conversation can equalize the time used for every participant’s opinions, but doesn’t solve the challenge of unequal competencies. Children’s suggestion box diversified the possibilities to participate, and also the silent ones used it during the research. The asymmetry in deliberation might also be caused by the social structure of the students. Teacher’s directing and participation encouraging role in deliberation was significant. Diversifying the participation by different roles could equalize the asymmetry in participation.
Subtraction of one complex spatial function from another can be accomplished holographically by shifting the phase of the reference beam by pi between the two exposures. A simple and reliable system for this purpose, which makes use of the fact that the beam from a gas laser is usually plane-polarized, is described, and its application to obtain the equivalent of a dark field with the frozen-fringe technique in holographic interferometry is demonstrated.
We study a model of fermions hopping on a chain with a weak incommensuration close to dimerization; both q, the deviation of the wave number from pi, and delta, the strength of the incommensuration, are assumed to be small. For free fermions, we show that there are an infinite number of energy bands which meet at zero energy as q approaches zero. The number of states lying inside the q = 0 gap remains nonzero as q/delta --> 0. Thus the limit q --> 0 differs from q = 0, as can be seen clearly in the low-temperature specific heat. For interacting fermions or the XXZ spin-(1/2) chain, we use bosonization to argue that similar results hold. Finally, our results can be applied to the Azbel-Hofstadter problem of particles hopping on a two-dimensional lattice in the presence of a magnetic field.
Hyönteispölytys lisää monien ristipölytteisten viljelykasvien siemensatoa sekä parantaa sadon laatua. Marjakasveilla, kuten mansikalla ja vadelmalla marjojen koko suurenee sekä niiden laatu paranee onnistuneen pölytyksen seurauksena. Aiempien havaintojen mukaan mansikan kukat eivät pääsääntöisesti houkuttele mehiläisiä, kun taas vadelma on yksi mehiläisten pääsatokasveista. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten tehokkaasti mehiläiset vierailevat mansikalla sekä vadelmalla, keskittyen kukkakohtaisiin käynteihin tuntia kohti. Mehiläisiä voidaan käyttää Gliocladium catenulatum-vektoreina torjuttaessa mansikan ja vadelman harmaahometta (Botrytis cinerea). Kukkavierailujen perusteella arvioidaan, onko vektorilevitys riittävän tehokas torjumaan harmaahometta ja miten hyvin mehiläisiä voidaan käyttää pölytyspalveluihin, etenkin mansikalla. Havainnot kerättiin kuudelta eri tilalta Sisä-Savosta kesällä 2007. Kukkavierailuja laskettiin mansikan ja vadelman kukinnan aikana erilaisissa sääolosuhteissa, eri kellonaikoina ja eri etäisyyksillä mehiläispesistä. Kukat valittiin satunnaisesti, ja valintaperusteena oli kukan avonaisuus. Tarkkailuaika riippui mehiläisten lentoaktiivisuudesta. Mansikan koko havaintojakson keskiarvoksi tuli 1,75 käyntiä kukkaa kohti tunnissa. Vadelmalla vastaava luku oli 4,27, joten keskiarvojen perusteella vadelma oli houkuttelevampi kuin mansikka. Kasvukauden vaiheella ei ollut eroja vierailuihin kummallakaan kasvilla, mutta vuorokaudenajan suhteen vierailuja oli enemmän aamupäivällä kuin iltapäivällä. Lämpötila korreloi positiivisesti vierailutiheyden kanssa kummallakin kasvilla. Sääolosuhteet rajoittivat havaintojen keräämistä ja kesä oli erittäin sateinen. Mehiläiset vierailivat kukissa riittävästi haastavissakin sääolosuhteissa niin, että harmaahometorjunta onnistui. Vektorilevitystä suunnitellessa, etenkin mansikalla, tulee ottaa huomioon pesien sijoittelu sekä riittävä lukumäärä. Pesien ravinnontarpeen tulee olla suuri, jotta mehiläiset keräisivät ravintoa kukista mahdollisimman tehokkaasti. Pesiin voidaan lisätä tarvittaessa avosikiöitä tai poistaa siitepölyvarastoja ravinnonkeruuaktiivisuuden lisäämiseksi. Lisätutkimusta tarvitaan pesien sijoittelun, kilpailevien kasvien sekä mansikkalajikkeiden houkuttelevuuden vaikutuksesta vierailutiheyteen. Suomalaisten mansikkalajikkeiden meden sekä siitepölyneritystä olisi myös hyvä selvittää.
The type III restriction endonuclease EcoPI, coded by bacteriophage Fl, cleaves unmodified DNA in the presence of ATP and magnesium ions. We show that purified EcoPI restriction enzyme fails to cleave DNA in the presence of non-hydrolyzable ATP analogs. More importantly, this study demonstrates that EcoPI restriction enzyme has an inherent ATPase activity, and ATP hydrolysis is necessary for DNA cleavage. Furthermore, we show that the progress curve of the reaction with Eco PI restriction enzyme exhibits a lag which is dependent on the enzyme concentration. Kinetic analysis of the progress curves of the reaction suggest slow transitions that can occur during the reaction, characteristic of hysteretic enzymes. The role of ATP in the cleavage mechanism of type III restriction enzymes is discussed.
9-Anthryl and 1-pyrenyl terpyridines (1 and 2, respectively), key precursors for the design of novel fluorescent sensors have been synthesized and characterized by H-1 NMR, mass spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. Twisted molecular conformations for each 1 and 2 were observed in their single crystal structures. Energy minimization calculations for the 1 and 2 using the semi-empirical AM1 method show that the 'twisted' conformation is intrinsic to these systems. We observe interconnected networks of edge-to-face CH...pi interactions, which appear to be cooperative in nature, in each of the crystal structures. The two twisted molecules, although having differently shaped polyaromatic hydrocarbon substituents, show similar patterns of edge-to-face CH...pi interactions.The presently described systems comprise of two aromatic surfaces that are almost orthogonal to each other. This twisted or orthogonal nature of the molecules leads to the formation of interesting multi-directional ladder like supramolecular organizations. A combination of edge-to-face and face-to-face packing modes helps to stabilize these motifs. The ladder like architecture in 1 is helical in nature. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
The potential energy surfaces of both neutral and dianionic SnC(2)P(2)R(2) (R=H, tBu) ring systems have been explored at the B3PW91/LANL2DZ (Sn) and 6-311 + G* (other atoms) level. In the neutral isomers the global minimum is a nido structure in which a 1,2-diphosphocyclobutadiene ring (1,2-DPCB) is capped by the Sn. Interestingly, the structure established by Xray diffraction analysis, for R=tBu, is a 1,3-DPCB ring capped by Sn and it is 2.4 kcal mol(-1) higher in energy than the 1,2-DPCB ring isomer. This is possibly related to the kinetic stability of the 1,3-DPCB ring, which might originate from the synthetic precursor ZrCp(2)tBu(2)C(2)P(2). In the case of the dianionic isomers we observe only a 6 pi-electron aromatic structure as the global minimum, similarly to the cases of our previously reported results with other types of heterodiphospholes.([1,4,19]) The existence of large numbers of cluster-type isomers in neutral and 6 pi-planar structures in the dianions SnC(2)P(2)R(2)(2-) (R=H, tBu) is due to 3D aromaticity in neutral clusters and to 2D pi aromaticity of the dianionic rings. Relative energies of positional isomers mainly depend on: 1) the valency and coordination number of the Sn centre, 2) individual bond strengths, and 3) the steric effect of tBu groups. A comparison of neutral stannadiphospholes with other structurally related C(5)H(5)(+) analogues indicates that Sn might be a better isolobal analogue to P(+) than to BH or CH(+). The variation in global minima in these C(5)H(5)(+) analogues is due to characteristic features such as 1) the different valencies of C, B, P and Sn, 2) the electron deficiency of B, 3) weaker p pi-p pi bonding by P and Sn atoms, and 4) the tendency of electropositive elements to donate electrons to nido clusters. Unlike the C5H5+ systems, all C(5)H(5)(-) analogues have 6 pi-planar aromatic structures as global minima. The differences in the relative ordering of the positional isomers and ligating properties are significant and depend on 1) the nature of the pi orbitals involved, and 2) effective overlap of orbitals.
Several research groups have attempted to optimize photopolymerization parameters to increase the throughput of scanning based microstereolithography (MSL) systems through modified beam scanning techniques. Efforts in reducing the curing line width have been implemented through high numerical aperture (NA) optical setups. However, the intensity contour symmetry and the depth of field of focus have led to grossly non-vertical and non-uniform curing profiles. This work tries to review the photopolymerization process in a scanning based MSL system from the aspect of material functionality and optical design. The focus has been to exploit the rich potential of photoreactor scanning system in achieving desired fabrication modalities (minimum curing width, uniform depth profile, and vertical curing profile) even with a reduced NA optical setup and a single movable stage. The present study tries to manipulate to its advantage the effect of optimized lower c] (photoinitiator (PI) concentration) in reducing the minimum curing width to similar to 10-20 mu m even with a higher spot size (similar to 21.36 mu m) through a judiciously chosen ``monomer-PI'' system. Optimization on grounds of increasing E-max (maximum laser exposure energy at surface) by optimizing the scan rate provides enough time for the monomer or resin to get cured across the entire resist thickness (surface to substrate similar to 10-100 mu m), leading to uniform depth profiles along the entire scan lengths. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4750975]
Herein, a new aromatic carboxylate ligand, namely, 4-(dipyridin-2-yl)aminobenzoic acid (HL), has been designed and employed for the construction of a series of lanthanide complexes (Eu3+ = 1, Tb3+ = 2, and Gd3+ = 3). Complexes of 1 and 2 were structurally authenticated by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and were found to exist as infinite 1D coordination polymers with the general formulas {Eu(L)(3)(H2O)(2)]}(n) (1) and {Tb(L)(3)(H2O)]center dot(H2O)}(n) (2). Both compounds crystallize in monoclinic space group C2/c. The photophysical properties demonstrated that the developed 4-(dipyridin-2-yl)aminobenzoate ligand is well suited for the sensitization of Tb3+ emission (Phi(overall) = 64%) thanks to the favorable position of the triplet state ((3)pi pi*) of the ligand the energy difference between the triplet state of the ligand and the excited state of Tb3+ (Delta E) = (3)pi pi* - D-5(4) = 3197 cm(-1)], as investigated in the Gd3+ complex. On the other hand, the corresponding Eu3+ complex shows weak luminescence efficiency (Phi(overall) = 7%) due to poor matching of the triplet state of the ligand with that of the emissive excited states of the metal ion (Delta E = (3)pi pi* - D-5(0) = 6447 cm(-1)). Furthermore, in the present work, a mixed lanthanide system featuring Eu3+ and Tb3+ ions with the general formula {Eu0.5Tb0.5(L)(3)(H2O)(2)]}(n) (4) was also synthesized, and the luminescent properties were evaluated and compared with those of the analogous single-lanthanide-ion systems (1 and 2). The lifetime measurements for 4 strongly support the premise that efficient energy transfer occurs between Tb3+ and Eu3+ in a mixed lanthanide system (eta = 86%).
Abstract: The idea of a “paradise in politics” is an answer to the cosmogonic- anthropogonic problem that, through their bodies, the life of human beings has been shaped politically from the very beginning: all creation is a creation of bodies and bodies are power. All creation, furthermore, means separation, it emerges through a multiplicity of things and beings only. The conventional solution for the problem, in the realm of human beings, consists in forming societies out of a multiplicity of indivuals that remains as such. The solution of a “paradise in politics”, however, envisions a “healing” of creation through a bodily transmutation by which a world of bodies emerges that is freed from the problem of bodies: separation, power. The article discusses the negative cosmology with which all tales on a paradise in politics start. It shows the essential role of phantasy in the constitution of these tales, and elucidates the principal structural elements through which visions of a paradise in politics are built. A special attention is given to the parallelism between these visions and known religious thought, as in the case of the concepts of apokatastasis or perichoresis, for instance. Methodically, the article achieves a demonstration of its subject by an extensive presentation and analysis of two case studies: Rousseau’s vision of a “terrestrial paradise” and the attempt at “bodily redemption” put on the stage in 1968-69 by the “Living Theatre” Group with its performance “Paradise Now”.