624 resultados para Intercellular osmoregulation


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Imprinting is an epigenetic mechanism that restrains the expression of about 100 genes to one allele depending on its parental origin. Several imprinted genes are implicated in neurodevelopmental brain disorders, such as autism, Angelman, and Prader-Willi syndromes. However, how expression of these imprinted genes is regulated during neural development is poorly understood. Here, using single and double KO animals for the transcription factors Neurogenin2 (Ngn2) and Achaete-scute homolog 1 (Ascl1), we found that the expression of a specific subset of imprinted genes is controlled by these proneural genes. Using in situ hybridization and quantitative PCR, we determined that five imprinted transcripts situated at the Dlk1-Gtl2 locus (Dlk1, Gtl2, Mirg, Rian, Rtl1) are upregulated in the dorsal telencephalon of Ngn2 KO mice. This suggests that Ngn2 influences the expression of the entire Dlk1-Gtl2 locus, independently of the parental origin of the transcripts. Interestingly 14 other imprinted genes situated at other imprinted loci were not affected by the loss of Ngn2. Finally, using Ngn2/Ascl1 double KO mice, we show that the upregulation of genes at the Dlk1-Gtl2 locus in Ngn2 KO animals requires a functional copy of Ascl1. Our data suggest a complex interplay between proneural genes in the developing forebrain that control the level of expression at the imprinted Dlk1-Gtl2 locus (but not of other imprinted genes). This raises the possibility that the transcripts of this selective locus participate in the biological effects of proneural genes in the developing telencephalon.


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BACKGROUND The monoclonal antibody natalizumab (NAT) inhibits the migration of lymphocytes throughout the blood-brain barrier by blocking very late antigen (VLA)-4 interactions, thereby reducing inflammatory central nervous system (CNS) activity in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). We evaluated the effects of different NAT treatment regimens. METHODS We developed and optimised a NAT assay to measure free NAT, cell-bound NAT and VLA-4 expression levels in blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients using standard and prolonged treatment intervals and after the cessation of therapy. RESULTS In paired CSF and blood samples of NAT-treated MS patients, NAT concentrations in CSF were approximately 100-fold lower than those in serum. Cell-bound NAT and mean VLA-4 expression levels in CSF were comparable with those in blood. After the cessation of therapy, the kinetics of free NAT, cell-bound NAT and VLA-4 expression levels differed. Prolonged intervals greater than 4 weeks between infusions caused a gradual reduction of free and cell-bound NAT concentrations. Sera from patients with and without NAT-neutralising antibodies could be identified in a blinded assessment. The NAT-neutralising antibodies removed NAT from the cell surface in vivo and in vitro. Intercellular NAT exchange was detected in vitro. CONCLUSIONS Incorporating assays to measure free and cell-bound NAT into clinical practice can help to determine the optimal individual NAT dosing regimen for patients with MS.


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Multicellular tumor spheroids (MCTS) are used as organotypic models of normal and solid tumor tissue. Traditional techniques for generating MCTS, such as growth on nonadherent surfaces, in suspension, or on scaffolds, have a number of drawbacks, including the need for manual selection to achieve a homogeneous population and the use of nonphysiological matrix compounds. In this study we describe a mild method for the generation of MCTS, in which individual spheroids form in hanging drops suspended from a microtiter plate. The method has been successfully applied to a broad range of cell lines and shows nearly 100% efficiency (i.e., one spheroid per drop). Using the hepatoma cell line, HepG2, the hanging drop method generated well-rounded MCTS with a narrow size distribution (coefficient of variation [CV] 10% to 15%, compared with 40% to 60% for growth on nonadherent surfaces). Structural analysis of HepG2 and a mammary gland adenocarcinoma cell line, MCF-7, composed spheroids, revealed highly organized, three-dimensional, tissue-like structures with an extensive extracellular matrix. The hanging drop method represents an attractive alternative for MCTS production, because it is mild, can be applied to a wide variety of cell lines, and can produce spheroids of a homogeneous size without the need for sieving or manual selection. The method has applications for basic studies of physiology and metabolism, tumor biology, toxicology, cellular organization, and the development of bioartificial tissue. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) were captured across a salinity gradient from freshwater (FW) to seawater (SW). Across all salinities, C leucas were hyperosmotic to the environment. Plasma osmolarity in FW-captured animals (642 +/- 7 mosM) was significantly reduced compared to SW-captured animals (1067 +/- 21 mosM). In FW animals, sodium, chloride and urea were 208 +/- 3, 203 +/- 3 and 192 +/- 2 mmol l(-1), respectively. Plasma sodium, chloride and urea in SW-captured C leucas were 289 +/- 3, 296 +/- 6 and 370 +/- 10 mmol l(-1), respectively. The increase in plasma osmolarity between FW and SW was not linear. Between FW (3 mosM) and 24%o SW (676 mosM), plasma osmolarity increased by 22% or 0.92% per 1parts per thousand rise in salinity. Between 24%o and 33parts per thousand, plasma osmolarity increased by 33% or 4.7% per 1 parts per thousand rise in salinity, largely due to a sharp increase in plasma urea between 28parts per thousand and 33parts per thousand. C. leucas moving between FW and SW appear to be faced with three major osmoregulatory challenges, these occur between 0-10parts per thousand, 11-20parts per thousand and 21-33parts per thousand. A comparison between C leucas captured in FW and estuarine environments (20-28%o) in the Brisbane River revealed no difference in the mass of rectal glands between these animals. However, a comparison of rectal gland mass between FW animals captured in the Brisbane River and Rio San Juan/Lake Nicaragua showed that animals in the latter system had a significantly smaller rectal gland mass at a given length than animals in the Brisbane River. The physiological challenges and mechanisms required for C leucas moving between FW and SW, as well as the ecological implications of these data are discussed. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Clustering of the T cell integrin, LFA-1, at specialized regions of intercellular contact initiates integrin-mediated adhesion and downstream signaling, events that are necessary for a successful immunological response. But how clustering is achieved and sustained is not known. Here we establish that an LFA-1-associated molecule, PTA-1, is localized to membrane rafts and binds the carboxyl-terminal domain of isoforms of the actin-binding protein 4.1G. Protein 4.1 is known to associate with the membrane-associated guanylate kinase homologue, human discs large. We show that the carboxyl-terminal peptide of PTA-1 also can bind human discs large and that the presence or absence of this peptide greatly influences binding between PTA-1 and different isoforms of 4.1G. T cell stimulation with phorbol ester or PTA-1 cross-linking induces PTA-1 and 4.1G to associate tightly with the cytoskeleton, and the PTA-1 from such activated cells now can bind to the amino-terminal region of 4.1G. We propose that these dynamic associations provide the structural basis for a regulated molecular adhesive complex that serves to cluster and transport LFA-1 and associated molecules.


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Diarrhea-causing Escherichia coli strains are responsible for numerous cases of gastrointestinal disease and constitute a serious health problem throughout the world. The ability to recognize and attach to host intestinal surfaces is an essential step in the pathogenesis of such strains. AIDA is a potent bacterial adhesin associated with some diarrheagenic E. coli strains. AIDA mediates bacterial attachment to a broad variety of human and other mammalian cells. It is a surface-displayed autotransporter protein and belongs to the selected group of bacterial glycoproteins; only the glycosylated form binds to mammalian cells. Here, we show that AIDA possesses self-association characteristics and can mediate autoaggregation of E. coli cells. We demonstrate that intercellular AIDA-AIDA interaction is responsible for bacterial autoaggregation. Interestingly, AIDA-expressing cells can interact with antigen 43 (Ag43) -expressing cells, which is indicative of an intercellular AIDA-Ag43 interaction. Additionally, AIDA expression dramatically enhances biofilm formation by E. coli on abiotic surfaces in How chambers.


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The On-Off direction-selective ganglion cells (DSGCs) in the rabbit retina comprise four distinct subtypes that respond preferentially to image motion in four orthogonal directions; each subtype forms a regular territorial array, which is overlapped by the other three arrays. In this study, ganglion cells in the developing retina were injected with Neurobiotin, a gap-junction-permeable tracer, and the DSGCs were identified by their characteristic type 1 bistratified (BiS1) morphology. The complex patterns of tracer coupling shown by the BiSl ganglion cells changed systematically during the course of postnatal development. BiSl cells appear to be coupled together around the time of birth, but, over the next 10 days, BiSl cells decouple from each other, leading to the mature pattern in which only one subtype is coupled. At about postnatal day 5, before the ganglion cells become visually responsive, each of the BiSl cells commonly showed tracer coupling both to a regular array of neighboring BiSl cells, presumably destined to be DSGCs of the same subtype, and to a regular array of overlapping BiSl cells, presumably destined to be DSGCs of a different subtype. The gap-junction intercellular communication between subtypes of DSGCs with different preferred directions may play an important role in the differentiation of their synaptic connectivity, with respect to either the inputs that DSGCs receive from retinal interneurons or the outputs that DSGCs make to geniculate neurons. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Cultivation technologies promoting organization of mammalian cells in three dimensions are essential for gene-function analyses as well as drug testing and represent the first step toward the design of tissue replacements and bioartificial organs. Embedded in a three-dimensional environment, cells are expected to develop tissue-like higher order intercellular structures (cell-cell contacts, extracellular matrix) that orchestrate cellular functions including proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, and angiogenesis with unmatched quality. We have refined the hanging drop cultivation technology to pioneer beating heart microtissues derived from pure primary rat and mouse cardiomyocyte cultures as well as mixed populations reflecting the cell type composition of rodent hearts. Phenotypic characterization combined with detailed analysis of muscle-specific cell traits, extracellular matrix components, as well as endogenous vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression profiles of heart microtissues revealed (1) a linear cell number-microtissue size correlation, (2) intermicrotissue superstructures, (3) retention of key cardiomyocyte-specific cell qualities, (4) a sophisticated extracellular matrix, and (5) a high degree of self-organization exemplified by the tendency of muscle structures to assemble at the periphery of these myocardial spheroids. Furthermore (6), myocardial spheroids support endogenous VEGF expression in a size-dependent manner that will likely promote vascularization of heart microtissues produced from defined cell mixtures as well as support connection to the host vascular system after implantation. As cardiomyocytes are known to be refractory to current transfection technologies we have designed lentivirus-based transduction strategies to lead the way for genetic engineering of myocardial microtissues in a clinical setting.


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This study examined the osmoregulatory status of the euryhaline elasmobranch Carcharhinus leucas acclimated to freshwater (FW) and seawater ( SW). Juvenile C. leucas captured in FW ( 3 mOsm l(-1) kg(-1)) were acclimated to SW ( 980 - 1,000 mOsm l(-1) kg(-1)) over 16 days. A FW group was maintained in captivity over a similar time period. In FW, bull sharks were hyper-osmotic regulators, having a plasma osmolarity of 595 mOsm l(-1) kg(-1). In SW, bull sharks had significantly higher plasma osmolarities ( 940 mOsm l(-1) kg(-1)) than FW-acclimated animals and were slightly hypoosmotic to the environment. Plasma Na+, Cl-, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, urea and trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) concentrations were all significantly higher in bull sharks acclimated to SW, with urea and TMAO showing the greatest increase. Gill, rectal gland, kidney and intestinal tissue were taken from animals acclimated to FW and SW and analysed for maximal Na+/ K+-ATPase activity. Na+/ K+-ATPase activity in the gills and intestine was less than 1 mmol Pi mg(-1) protein h(-1) and there was no difference in activity between FW- and SW-acclimated animals. In contrast Na+/ K+-ATPase activity in the rectal gland and kidney were significantly higher than gill and intestine and showed significant differences between the FW- and SW-acclimated groups. In FW and SW, rectal gland Na+/ K+-ATPase activity was 5.6 +/- 0.8 and 9.2 +/- 0.6 mmol Pi mg(-1) protein h(-1), respectively. Na+/ K+-ATPase activity in the kidney of FW and SW acclimated animals was 8.4 +/- 1.1 and 3.3 +/- 1.1 Pi mg(-1) protein h(-1), respectively. Thus juvenile bull sharks have the osmoregulatory plasticity to acclimate to SW; their preference for the upper reaches of rivers where salinity is low is therefore likely to be for predator avoidance and/or increased food abundance rather than because of a physiological constraint.


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The effects of short-term fasting and prolonged fasting during aestivation on the morphology of the proximal small intestine and associated organs were investigated in the green-striped burrowing frog, Cyclorana alboguttata (Anura: Hylidae). Animals were fasted for 1 week while active or for 3-9 months during aestivation. Short-duration fasting (1 week) had little effect on the morphology of the small intestine, whilst prolonged fasting during aestivation induced marked enteropathy including reductions in intestinal mass, length and diameter, longitudinal fold height and tunica muscularis thickness. Enterocyte morphology was also affected markedly by prolonged fasting: enterocyte cross-sectional area and microvillous height were reduced during aestivation, intercellular spaces were visibly reduced and the prevalence of lymphocytes amongst enterocytes was increased. Mitochondria and nuclei were also affected by 9 months of aestivation with major disruptions to mitochondrial cristae and increased clumping of nuclear material and increased infolding of the nuclear envelope. The present study demonstrates that the intestine of an aestivating frog responds to prolonged food deprivation during aestivation by reducing in size, presumably to reduce the energy expenditure of the organ.


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Adhesion of erythrocytes infected with the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum to human host receptors is a process associated with severe malarial pathology. A number of in vitro cell lines are available as models for these adhesive processes, including Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells which express the placental adhesion receptor chondroitin-4-sulphate (CSA) on their surface. CHO-745 cells, a glycosaminoglycan-negative mutant CHO cell line lacking CSA and other reported P. falciparum adhesion receptors, are often used for recombinant expression of host receptors and for receptor binding studies. In this study we show that P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes can be easily selected for adhesion to an endogenous receptor on the surface of CHO-745 cells, bringing into question the validity of using these cells as a tool for P. falciparum adhesin expression studies. The adhesive interaction between CHO-745 cells and parasitized erythrocytes described here is not mediated by the known P. falciparum adhesion receptors CSA, CD36, or ICAM-1. However, we found that CHO-745-selected parasitized erythrocytes bind normal human IgM and that adhesion to CHO-745 cells is inhibited by protein A in the presence of serum, but not in its absence, indicating a non-specific inhibitory effect. Thus, protein A, which has been used as an inhibitor for a recently described interaction between infected erythrocytes and the placenta, may not be an appropriate in vitro inhibitor for understanding in vivo adhesive interactions. (c) 2005 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscopy were explored to investigate the movement and localization of mineral oils in citrus. In a laboratory experiment, fluorescence microscopy observation indicated that when a 'narrow' distillation fraction of an nC23 horticultural mineral oil was applied to adaxial and opposing abaxial leaf surfaces of potted orange [Citrus x aurantium L. (Sapindales: Rutaceae)] trees, oil penetrated steadily into treated leaves and, subsequently, moved to untreated petioles of the leaves and adjacent untreated stems. In another experiment, confocal laser scanning microscopy was used to visualize the penetration into, and the subsequent cellular distribution of, an nC24 agricultural mineral oil in C. trifoliata L. seedlings. Oil droplets penetrated or diffused into plants via both stomata and the cuticle of leaves and stems, and then moved within intercellular spaces and into various cells including phloem and xylem. Oil accumulated in droplets in intercellular spaces and within cells near the cell membrane. Oil entered cells without visibly damaging membranes or causing cell death. In a field experiment with mature orange trees, droplets of an nC23 horticultural mineral oil were observed, by fluorescence microscopy, in phloem sieve elements in spring flush growth produced 4-5 months and 16-17 months after the trees were sprayed with oil. These results suggest that movement of mineral oil in plants is both apoplastic via intercellular spaces and symplastic via plasmodesmata. The putative pattern of the translocation of mineral oil in plants and its relevance to oil-induced chronic phytotoxicity are discussed.


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The relatively low numbers and sporadic pattern of incidence of the acetic acid bacterium Gluconacetobacter sacchari with the pink sugarcane mealybug (PSMB) Saccharicoccus sacchari Cockerell (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae) over time and from different sugarcane-growing regions do not indicate that Glac. sacchari is a significant commensal of the PSMB, as has been previously proposed. This study was conducted to investigate the hypothesis that Glac. sacchari is, like its closest relative Glac. diazotrophicus, an endophyte of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarium L.). In this study, both Glac. sacchari and Glac. diazotrophicus were isolated from internal sugarcane tissue, although the detection of both species was sporadic in all sugarcane-growing regions of Queensland tested. To confirm the ability of Glac. sacchari to live endophytically, an experiment was conducted in which the roots of micropropagated sugarcane plantlets were inoculated with Glac. sacchari, and the plantlets were subsequently examined for the presence of the bacterium in the stem cells. Pure cultures of Glac. sacchari were grown from homogenized surface sterilized sugarcane stems inoculated with Glac. sacchari. Electron microscopy was used to provide further conclusive evidence that Glac. sacchari lives as an endophyte in sugarcane. Scanning electron microscopy of (SEM) sugarcane plantlet stems revealed rod-shaped cells of Glac. sacchari within a transverse section of the plantlet stem cells. The numbers of bacterial cells inside the plant cell indicated a successful infection and colonization of the plant tissue. Using transmission electron microscopy, (TEM) bacterial cells were more difficult to find, due to their spatial separation. In our study, bacteria were mostly found singularly, or in groups of up to four cells inside intercellular spaces, although bacterial cells were occasionally found inside other cells.


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Forced expression of HOXA1 is sufficient to stimulate oncogenic transformation of immortalized human mammary epithelial cells and subsequent tumor formation. We report here that the expression and transcriptional activity of HOXA1 are increased in mammary carcinoma cells at full confluence. This confluence-dependent expression of HOXA1 was abrogated by incubation of cells with EGTA to produce loss of intercellular contact and rescued by extracellular addition of Ca2+. Increased HOXA1 expression at full confluence was prevented by an E-cadherin function-blocking antibody and attachment of non-confluent cells to a substrate by homophilic ligation of E-cadherin increased HOXA1 expression. E-cadherin-directed signaling increased HOXA1 expression through Rac1. Increased HOXA1 expression consequent to E-cadherin-activated signaling decreased apoptotic cell death and was required for E-cadherin-dependent anchorage-independent proliferation of human mammary carcinoma cells. HOXA1 is therefore a downstream effector of E-cadherin-directed signaling required for anchorage-independent proliferation of mammary carcinoma cells.