965 resultados para HEAD AND NECK CARCINOMA
Little is known about the population genetics of the louse infestations of humans. We used microsatellite DNA to study 11 double infestations, that is, hosts infested with head lice and body lice simultaneously. We tested for population structure on a host, and for population structure among seven hosts that shared sleeping quarters. We also sought evidence of migration among louse populations. Our results showed that: (i) the head and body lice on these individual hosts were two genetically distinct populations; (ii) each host had their own populations of head and body lice that were genetically distinct to those on other hosts; and (iii) lice had migrated from head to head, and from body to body, but not between heads and bodies. Our results indicate that head and body lice are separate species.
Over 90% of all adults human cancers are of epithelial origin comprising mainly of skin and aero-digestive tract cancers. A significant proportion of our discipline's workload consists of management of these cancers. This review article is to provide clinicians with a summary of the current research findings in invasion and metastasis of epithelial cancers and the translation of some of this information to clinical use particularly related to skin and head and neck cancers (HNSCC). Metastasis is the leading cause of death in cancer patients. Although surgical resection of isolated metastases is beneficial for some patients, the overall efficacy of surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy is limited. Clearly, with today's advances in surgery a majority of these primary cancers are resectable and a cure attainable if surgeons could control or inhibit metastasis.
Computer display height and desk design to allow forearm support are two critical design features of workstations for information technology tasks. However there is currently no 3D description of head and neck posture with different computer display heights and no direct comparison to paper based information technology tasks. There is also inconsistent evidence on the effect of forearm support on posture and no evidence on whether these features interact. This study compared the 3D head, neck and upper limb postures of 18 male and 18 female young adults whilst working with different display and desk design conditions. There was no substantial interaction between display height and desk design. Lower display heights increased head and neck flexion with more spinal asymmetry when working with paper. The curved desk, designed to provide forearm support, increased scapula elevation/protraction and shoulder flexion/abduction.
Fusobacterium necrophorum, a Gram negative, anaerobic bacterium, is a common cause of acute pharyngitis and tonsillitis and a rare cause of more severe infections of the head and neck. At the beginning of the project, there was no available genome sequence for F. necrophorum. The aim of this project was to sequence the F. necrophorum genome and identify and study its putative virulence factors contained using in silico and in vitro analysis. Type strains JCM 3718 and JCM 3724,F. necrophorum subspecies necrophorum (Fnn) and funduliforme (Fnf), respectively, and strain ARU 01 (Fnf), isolated from a patient with LS, were commercially sequenced by Roche 454 GS-FLX+ next generation sequencing and assembled into contigs using Roche GS Assembler. Sequence data was annotated semi-automatically, using the xBASE pipeline, BLASTp and Pfam. The F. necrophorum genome was determined to be approximately 2.1 – 2.3 Mb in size, with an estimated 1,950 ORFs and includes genes for a leukotoxin, ecotin, haemolysin, haemagglutinin, haemin receptor, adhesin and type Vb and Vc secretion systems. The prevalence of the leukotoxin gene was investigated in strains JCM 3718, JCM 3724 and ARU 01, as well as a clinical collection of 25 Fnf strains, identified using biochemical and molecular tests. The leukotoxin operon was found to be universal within the strain collection by PCR. HL-60 cells subjected to aliquots of concentrated high molecular weight culture supernatant, predicted to contain the secreted leukotoxins of strains JCM 3718, JCM 3724 and ARU 01, were killed in a dose-dependent manner. The cytotoxic effect of the leukotoxin against human donor white blood cells was also tested to validate the HL-60 assay. The differences in the results between the two assays were not statistically significant. Ecotin, a serine protease inhibitor, was found to be present in 100 % of the strain collection and had a highly conserved sequence with primary and secondary binding sites exposed on opposing sides of the protein. During enzyme inhibition studies, a purified recombinant F. necrophorum ecotin protein inhibited human neutrophil elastase, a protease that degrades bacteria at inflammation sites, and human plasma kallikrein, a component of the host clotting cascade. The recombinant ecotin also prolonged human plasma clotting times by up to 7-fold for the extrinsic pathway, and up to 40-fold for the intrinsic pathway. The genome sequence data provides important information about F. necrophorum type strains and enables comparative study between strains and subspecies. Results from the leukotoxin and ecotin assays can be used to build up an understanding of how the organism behaves during infection.
One-stage laparoscopic procedure for a patient with bilateral colorectal tumours and renal carcinoma
We describe a case of a patient with synchronous bilateral colorectal tumours and renal carcinoma who underwent one-stage laparoscopic surgery procedure with right transperitoneal nefrectomy, right hemicolectomy and sigmoidectomy. One-stage laparoscopic procedure can be used safely and successfully for a patient with multiple primary tumours.
BACKGROUND: Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma (MCS) is a distinct, very rare sarcoma with little evidence supporting treatment recommendations. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Specialist centres collaborated to report prognostic factors and outcome for 113 patients. RESULTS: Median age was 30 years (range: 11-80), male/female ratio 1.1. Primary sites were extremities (40%), trunk (47%) and head and neck (13%), 41 arising primarily in soft tissue. Seventeen patients had metastases at diagnosis. Mean follow-up was 14.9 years (range: 1-34), median overall survival (OS) 17 years (95% confidence interval (CI): 10.3-28.6). Ninety-five of 96 patients with localised disease underwent surgery, 54 additionally received combination chemotherapy. Sixty-five of 95 patients are alive and 45 progression-free (5 local recurrence, 34 distant metastases, 11 combined). Median progression-free survival (PFS) and OS were 7 (95% CI: 3.03-10.96) and 20 (95% CI: 12.63-27.36) years respectively. Chemotherapy administration in patients with localised disease was associated with reduced risk of recurrence (P=0.046; hazard ratio (HR)=0.482 95% CI: 0.213-0.996) and death (P=0.004; HR=0.445 95% CI: 0.256-0.774). Clear resection margins predicted less frequent local recurrence (2% versus 27%; P=0.002). Primary site and origin did not influence survival. The absence of metastases at diagnosis was associated with a significantly better outcome (P<0.0001). Data on radiotherapy indications, dose and fractionation were insufficiently complete, to allow comment of its impact on outcomes. Median OS for patients with metastases at presentation was 3 years (95% CI: 0-4.25). CONCLUSIONS: Prognosis in MCS varies considerably. Metastatic disease at diagnosis has the strongest impact on survival. Complete resection and adjuvant chemotherapy should be considered as standard of care for localised disease.
Introdução: As neoplasias do espaço parafaríngeo são raras, representando apenas 0,5% dos tumores da cabeça e pescoço. A maioria são benignas, mas uma ampla variedade de patologias benignas e malignas podem ser encontradas neste espaço, o que cria desafios complexos de diagnóstico e tratamento. Objetivo: Descrever e analisar uma série de casos de neoplasias primárias do espaço parafaríngeo tratadas no Instituto Português de Oncologia de Lisboa Francisco Gentil (IPOLFG). Material e métodos: Estudo retrospetivo, com recolha e análise dos dados dos processos clínicos de tumores primários do espaço parafaríngeo, que foram diagnosticados ou referenciados ao IPOLFG entre 1 de Janeiro de 2003 e 31 de Dezembro de 2013. Resultados: Foram incluídos 38 doentes. A idade mediana foi de 52 anos (Âmbito Interquartil: 40-63 anos). Dez (26,3%) doentes eram assintomáticos. O sintoma mais comum à apresentação foi a sensação de corpo estranho orofaríngeo (23,7%) e o achado mais frequente foi um abaulamento orofaríngeo (78,4%). Todos os doentes fizeram exames de imagem pré-operatórios: 94,7% tomografia computorizada e 68,4% ressonância magnética. A citologia aspirativa foi realizada em 39,5%. 31 tumores eram benignos (81,6%), sendo os mais frequentes os adenomas pleomórficos (58,1%). 7 eram malignos (18,4%), com os carcinomas exadenomas pleomórficos (28,6%) e os linfomas (28,6%) sendo os mais comuns. 36 doentes (94,7%) foram submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico primário; os outros 2 doentes (5,3%) receberam tratamento não cirúrgico, com quimioterapia e quimioradioterapia, respectivamente. A abordagem cervical foi a mais utilizada (80%). A mandibulotomia foi necessária em apenas 5,7%. A complicação mais frequente foi a neuropatia de pares cranianos de novo, identificada em 22,2%. Destes, 75% foram sequela da resseção de tumores neurogénicos. Todas as neuropatias que resultaram da resseção de tumores não neurogénicos foram transitórias. O follow-up mediano foi de 6,5 anos. A taxa de recorrência foi de 13,5%. Conclusões: Os tumores do espaço parafaríngeo requerem um elevado índice de suspeição para serem diagnosticados num estadio precoce. A resseção cirúrgica completa é o principal tratamento. A abordagem cirúrgica deve ser selecionada caso a caso, mas a cervical fornece um excelente acesso à maioria dos tumores deste espaço
Malignant otitis externa (MOE) is an aggressive but benign entity which evolves into skull base osteomyelitis. An 81-year-old female patient was admitted for left hemiparesis and homonymous hemianopia. She complained of headache radiating to the right cervical area. A recent history of recurrent otitis media was present. Head and neck imaging showed an ischemic infarction (right temporo-occipital) and a parapharyngeal soft tissue mass originating in an external and medial ear infection. Culture samples revealed Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection leading to the diagnosis of Malignant otitis externa (MOE). Parenteral antibacterial therapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy resulted in improvement.
Purpose: This study aimed to characterize the postural alignment of the head and shoulder in the sagittal plane of Portuguese adolescents, 15-17 years old, and to evaluate the effects of a 32-week resistance and stretching training program applied in Physical Education classes on forward head posture and protracted shoulder posture of Portuguese adolescents. After 32-training weeks the detraining effects after a 16-week period were measured. Methods: This randomized and controlled study was conducted in two secondary schools in Portugal for 48 weeks. Prior the study 275 students aged 15-17 years old were evaluated. Sagittal head, cervical and shoulder angle were measured with photogrammetry and Postural Analysis Software. After this assessment 130 adolescents were considered to have forward head and protracted shoulder posture and were randomly assigned to a control group, an experimental group one or experimental group two. The control group (n=46) only did the Physical Education classes whereas the intervention group one (n=42) and two (n=42) performed a 16-week and 32-week stretching and strengthening program in addition to Physical Education classes, respectively. The postural angles were measured before and after the 16-week and 32-week time intervention period for the three groups and after a 16-week detraining period following the 32-week in intervention group two. Results: 68% of the adolescents studied revealed anteriorization of the head whereas 58% of them had protraction of the shoulder. Significant increases were observed in the cervical and shoulder angle in the experimental group (n=84) following the 16-week and in experimental group two (n=42)after the 32 week-intervention period. After the 16-week detraining period no significant differences were observed in the three postural angles in the intervention group two. Conclusions: Forward head and protracted shoulder are common postural disorders in Portuguese adolescents. The exercise intervention was successful ate decreasing forward head and protracted shoulder in adolescents. Detraining period of 16-week didn´t reduce the overall training effects.
Injuries of non-lethal child physical abuse to the crania and orofacial regions: a scientific review
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O cancro é um dos principais causadores de milhões de mortes em todo o mundo e sendo o cancro oral, especificamente, a sexta neoplasia mais frequente a nível mundial. Todos os anos são diagnosticados mais de 500 mil novos casos, sendo que as altas taxas de mortalidade e mortalidade não se têm alterado ao longo dos anos. A maior incidência de cancro oral encontra-se na Ásia e na Europa do Sul. Em Portugal, mais precisamente em 2012, foram diagnosticados cerca de 1924 novos casos de cancro oral, dos quais 967 ocorreram em homens. O carcinoma espinocelular é o tipo histológico mais comum, sendo que 90% dos casos de cancro oral são deste tipo. Sabe-se também que esta variante é mais frequente no sexo masculino entre a 5ª e 6 ª década de vida apesar de, a incidência no sexo feminino, ter vindo a aumentar, devido à contínua exposição ao tabaco, álcool e a outros factores de risco. Como foi dito anteriormente, o cancro oral tem uma alta taxa de mortalidade e de morbilidade e, apesar dos avanços no diagnóstico, no tratamento e no conhecimento de quais os factores de risco desta patologia, a taxa de sobrevivência ainda é inferior a 50% o que revela que, o grande problema, passa pelo diagnóstico do cancro em estádios avançados. Assume-se então que, grande parte dos casos de cancro oral, poderiam ter sido evitados se houvesse maior conhecimento e grau de alerta sobre a doença o que tendencialmente, levaria a diagnósticos mais precoces. Neste sentido, este estudo tem como propósito a avaliação do nível de conhecimento geral e do grau de alerta de uma população do interior do país, mais precisamente do Nordeste Transmontano, bem como, efectuar o registo da percepção dos inquiridos relativamente a esta patologia, passando pelo reconhecimento da doença, pelo conhecimento epidemiológico e etiológico, e pela melhor percepção a nível de sinais e sintomas clínicos próprios desta patologia.
TEMA: a avaliação da eficiência mastigatória pela análise colorimétrica com beads, pode ser um método promissor, mas não há relatos sobre a sua confiabilidade. OBJETIVO: investigar a confiabiabilidade das beads para teste de eficiência mastigatória e a correlação com a atividade eletromiográfica dos músculos masseter e temporal anterior. MÉTODO: participaram dezenove sujeitos adultos jovens, nove do gênero masculino e dez do feminino com idades entre dezoito e vinte-oito anos, com dentição completa, sem histórico de desordem temporomandibular, trauma, cirurgia na região de cabeça e pescoço, tratamento ortodôntico ou fonoaudiológico. O teste de eficiência mastigatória foi realizado com beads nas condições: mastigação habitual, mastigação unilateral direita e esquerda, com duração de 20 segundos. Simultaneamente, foi realizada a eletromiografia. A atividade em máxima intercuspidação habitual dos dentes também foi registrada. A quantidade de fucsina liberada após a mastigação foi medida usando o espectrofotômetro Beckman DU-7 UV-Visible (Beckman Inc., Palo Alto, CA, USA). RESULTADOS: houve alta confiabilidade do teste de eficiência mastigatória (r = 0,86, p < 0,01) e correlação significante com a atividade eletromiográfica (r = 0,76, p < 0,01). Também houve correlações positivas quando as provas foram analisadas separadamente. CONCLUSÃO: o teste de eficiência mastigatória realizado com beads mostrou-se um método confiável e correlacionado positivamente à atividade eletromiográfica dos músculos temporal anterior e músculos masseter.