997 resultados para Gershoff, Elisabeth


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In March of 2004, the Observatory of European Foreign Policy published a special monograph about Spain in Europe (1996-2004) in digital format. The objective of the monograph was to analyse Spain’s foreign policy agenda and strategy during the period of José María Aznar’s presidency. As the title suggests, one of the initial suppositions of the analysis is the Europeanization of Spanish foreign activities. Is that how it was? Did Aznar’s Spain see the world and relate to it through Brussels? The publication was well received, considering the number of visits received and above all the institutions which asked to link the publication to their web pages. Among these, the EUobserver published the introduction to the piece in English titled Aznar: thinking locally, acting in Europe (described by the EUobserver as a paper of utmost importance). The fact that the elections were held three days after the tragic events of the 11th of March dramatically increased interest in Spain and the implications for Europe. This publication is the second of its type, in this case analysing the period of the Zapatero government (2004-2008). Once again the starting premise (the Europeanization of the agenda and the methods employed) has been considered by the analysts. And once again the articles collected in this publication serve to “triangulate” the analysis. Spain and Europe are two vertices (more or less distant, in essence and in form) which the authors handle in their analysis of the case (third vertex).


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En marzo de 2004 el Observatorio de Política Exterior Europea publicó, en versión digital, un monográfico especial sobre España en Europa (1996-2004). Su objetivo era analizar la agenda y la estrategia de España durante el período de José María Aznar en materia de relaciones internacionales. Como bien indicaba el título de aquella publicación, uno de los supuestos de partida del análisis era la europeización de la actividad internacional de España. ¿Era así?, ¿la España de Aznar veía el mundo y se aproximaba a él a través de Bruselas? Aquella publicación tuvo una buena acogida, a la vista de las visitas recibidas y sobre todo de las instituciones que nos pidieron vincular dicha publicación a sus páginas web y, entre ellas, hay que destacar que EUObserver publicó como comentario su artículo introductorio, en versión inglesa, Aznar: thinking locally, acting in Europe (calificado por EUObserver como lectura de máxima relevancia). El hecho de que las elecciones de 2004 se celebraran tres días después de los trágicos acontecimientos del 11-M hizo que el interés por España y por su proyección europea e internacional aumentara de manera destacada. La presente publicación constituye un segundo ejercicio de dicho tipo, en este caso para analizar el período del gobierno Zapatero (2004-2008). Una vez más, el supuesto de partida (la europeización de la agenda y del método) está en la mente de los analistas. Y una vez más los artículos recogidos en esta publicación hacen el ejercicio de “triangular” el análisis. España y Europa son dos vértices (más o menos alejados, en el fondo y en la forma) que los autores manejan en sus análisis de caso (tercer vértice)


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Pensar globalmente, actuar localmente” es un slogan imprescindible en el discurso político de nuestros días. Pues bien, la práctica política, en materia de Unión Europea, de los dos gobiernos del Partido Popular, presididos por José María Aznar (1996-2004), nos permite acuñar un slogan de signo bien diferente: “pensar localmente, actuar en Europa”. En efecto, si algo caracteriza a estos ocho años de práctica política de José María Aznar es haber convertido sus preocupaciones domésticas en factor exclusivo de su estrategia europea, con independencia del contexto de cada momento y de la necesidad de encajar objetivos nacionales con objetivos europeos. De ahí que sea lógico que la campaña electoral que ha precedido a las elecciones generales del 14 de marzo no haya recogido ninguno de los temas que dominan en la agenda de la UE en el momento actual. Ni la ampliación, ni la Constitución, ni tampoco el proceso de conformación de un núcleo duro tienen cabida en el debate político españo


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“Thinking globally, acting locally" is an essential slogan in the current political discourse. Yet, in view of the policies on the European Union carried out by the two governments of the People’s Party (PP) headed by José María Aznar between 1996 and 2004, we could coin a quite different slogan: "thinking locally, acting in Europe". Indeed, José María Aznar’s policy-making during the last eight years has been characterised by turning his domestic concerns into the ‘exclusive factor’ of his European strategy, regardless of the context and the need for fitting in national objectives with Europeans’. Hence, it was natural that the electoral campaign preceding the general elections held on Sunday, 14 March, did not deal with any of the topics prevailing in the EU’s current agenda. Neither enlargement nor the Constitution, nor the process of shaping a core group within the EU, seem to have room in Spain’s political debate...


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A 51 year old man presented to the department of Dermatology, Regional University Hospital of Málaga, Málaga, Spain, in May 2013, with remarkable lesions on the perineal, perianal and gluteal regions reaching the top of the lower limbs, which he had first noted two years earlier. The physical examination revealed large erythematous-brownish plaques with a granulomatous appearance, polypoid lesions and areas of ulceration. In addition, Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture and serum QuantiFERON® TB Gold were negative. The patient was diagnosed to have metastatic Crohn’s disease which is an uncommon complication of Crohn’s disease.


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A insuficiência renal aguda (IRA) que apresenta índice de mortalidade em torno de 50%, pode ser definida como um abrupto declínio da filtração glomerular, resultante de isquemia ou toxicidade. A nefrotoxicidade por drogas é uma das etiologias mais freqüentes (27%) e sugere-se que o intervalo de administração da droga pode interferir neste efeito colateral, entretanto o melhor regime de administração ainda não está bem estabelecido. Este conhecimento proporcionaria uma atuação mais direcionada de enfermagem na prevenção desta IRA hospitalar. Os resultados obtidos nesta pesquisa, indicam que a infusão única de gentamicina determina menor nefrotoxicidade, provavelmente devido à redução da sua concentração plasmática nas 24hs, diminuindo o acúmulo intracelular deste fármaco, um dos principais mecanismos celulares deste tipo de lesão. Este regime de tratamento mostra portanto vantagens quanto ao custo, efeito nefrotóxico e segurança quanto à eficácia terapêutica.


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Depuis une trentaine d'années, les représentations de la figure de Jésus se sont multipliées en photographie. De la séquence narrative du photographe américain Duane Michals (Christ in New York, 1981) au chemin de croix de Wim Delvoye (Viae Crucis, 2006), en passant par la série I.N.R.I. (1997-98) de Bettina Rheims, les Photographies apocryphes (1994-98) d'Olivier Christinat, les Seven Bible Scenes (1998) de Rauf Mamedov, Ecce homo (1996-98) d'Elisabeth Ohlson, Jesus is my Homeboy (2003) de David LaChapelle ou encore South Soudan (2006) de Vanessa Beecroft, l'intérêt pour la figure christique dans le champ profane est incontestable. Le phénomène dépasse d'ailleurs les frontières géographiques, culturelles et confessionnelles.¦Cette thèse de doctorat réunit un important fonds iconographique qui démontre l'intérêt actuel pour la figure du Christ et la grande diversité des démarches et des profils des artistes. Cet important corpus est analysé selon trois perspectives. La première partie est consacrée au médium photographique, à ses liens étroits avec la sainte Face depuis le cliché du suaire de Turin en 1898, et depuis l'ambitieux projet photographique (1898) de Fred Holland Day qui incame le Christ dans ses nombreuses réinterprétations de la vie de Jésus.¦La deuxième partie de ce travail interroge l'emploi des formules iconographiques chrétiennes archétypales et questionne les références christiques utilisées par les artistes au travers de poses, d'attitudes, de gestes repris de chefs-d'oeuvre de l'art religieux, tant dans le domaine de la photographie d'art que dans la publicité ou la photographie de presse. L'usage du texte, la place des Ecritures dans les projets actuels sont aussi abordés, notamment autour de la question de la possibilité de raconter la vie de Jésus et des stratégies de mises en scène employées pour traduire les récits en images.¦Enfin, la dernière partie porte plus particulièrement sur les usages de la figure de Jésus, souvent alter ego de l'artiste, mais surtout porte-parole. À la suite des luttes socio- politiques des années 1970, la figure de Jésus est réinvestie par les minorités et Jésus incarne alors les combats d'artistes qui se réapproprient la représentation du Christ pour qu'elle corresponde à l'image qu'ils voient dans leur propre miroir (ex. Renee Cox, Yo Mama's Last Supper, 1996). Cet usage revendicateur, souvent doublé d'un goût non dissimulé pour la provocation (ex. Andres Serrano, Piss Christ, 1987), a souvent suscité la polémique. La question de la réception des oeuvres constitue un point essentiel de cette recherche qui tâche d'analyser la figure christique au miroir de la photographie contemporaine et qui conclut que le Christ est en réalité miroir des artistes eux-mêmes.


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Background: The COSMIN checklist is a tool for evaluating the methodological quality of studies on measurement properties of health-related patient-reported outcomes. The aim of this study is to determine the inter-rater agreement and reliability of each item score of the COSMIN checklist (n = 114). Methods: 75 articles evaluating measurement properties were randomly selected from the bibliographic database compiled by the Patient-Reported Outcome Measurement Group, Oxford, UK. Raters were asked to assess the methodological quality of three articles, using the COSMIN checklist. In a one-way design, percentage agreement and intraclass kappa coefficients or quadratic-weighted kappa coefficients were calculated for each item. Results: 88 raters participated. Of the 75 selected articles, 26 articles were rated by four to six participants, and 49 by two or three participants. Overall, percentage agreement was appropriate (68% was above 80% agreement), and the kappa coefficients for the COSMIN items were low (61% was below 0.40, 6% was above 0.75). Reasons for low inter-rater agreement were need for subjective judgement, and accustom to different standards, terminology and definitions.Conclusions: Results indicated that raters often choose the same response option, but that it is difficult on item level to distinguish between articles. When using the COSMIN checklist in a systematic review, we recommend getting some training and experience, completing it by two independent raters, and reaching consensus on one final rating. Instructions for using the checklist are improved.


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With increasing data on the dynamics of normative couples as they transition to parenthood and become a triad, the need for greater understanding of the impact of parental psychopathology on this transition has become clear. The goal of the current article is to begin exploring this area that has received little attention to date, by describing case examples from a study of clinical families as they transitioned to parenthood. Four representative cases were selected from a pool of 13 mother-father-baby triads, for whom the mother had been hospitalized conjointly with her infant due to a psychotic episode during the postpartum period. The families were observed as part of a clinical consultation that included a semistructured play paradigm known as the Lausanne Trilogue Play (LTP; E. Fivaz-Depeursinge, & A. Corboz-Warnery, 1999). Interactions were scored using standardized measures as well as clinical impressions. All families from the clinical sample were noted to struggle and frequently failed to achieve the goals of play. The impact on the infants in terms of their developing sense of self as well as their defensive strategies in this context are discussed, with clinical implications explored.


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L'étude de la communication à trois entre le bébé, le père et la mère au travers du jeu du trilogue lausannois montre que la communication intersubjective dans la famille suit la même trajectoire développementale que la communication intersubjective à deux entre le bébé et sa mère ou son père : d'une forme primaire ou directe, elle évolue vers une forme secondaire ou référentielle, pour intégrer ensuite des formes symbolique et morale et enfin narrative.