885 resultados para Freeze-drying


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Negli anni Ottanta si assiste tanto nel vecchio quanto nel nuovo continente alla rinascita del movimento antinucleare. Mentre in Europa l’origine di questa ondata di proteste antinucleari è collegata alla “doppia decisione” NATO del 1979, negli Stati Uniti la genesi si colloca nel contesto dalla mobilitazione dei gruppi ambientalisti in seguito all’incidente alla centrale nucleare di Three Mile Island. Dopo l’elezione di Ronald Reagan, alle proteste contro le applicazioni pacifiche dell’atomo si affiancarono quelle contro la politica nucleare del Paese. La retorica di Reagan, il massiccio piano di riarmo, unitamente al rinnovato deteriorarsi delle relazioni tra USA e URSS contribuirono a diffondere nell’opinione pubblica la sensazione che l’amministrazione Reagan, almeno da un punto di vista teorico, non avesse escluso dalle sue opzioni il ricorso alle armi nucleari nel caso di un confronto con l’URSS. I timori legati a questa percezione produssero una nuova ondata di proteste che assunsero dimensioni di massa grazie alla mobilitazione provocata dalla Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign (NWFC). Il target della NWFC era l’ampio programma di riarmo nucleare sostenuto da Reagan, che secondo gli attivisti nucleari, in un quadro di crescenti tensioni internazionali, avrebbe fatto aumentare le possibilità di uno scontro atomico. Per evitare lo scenario dell’olocausto nucleare, la NWFC proponeva «un congelamento bilaterale e verificabile del collaudo, dell’installazione e della produzione di armi nucleari». L’idea del nuclear freeze, che era concepito come un passo per fermare la spirale del riarmo e tentare successivamente di negoziare riduzioni negli arsenali delle due superpotenze, riscosse un tale consenso nell’opinione pubblica americana da indurre l’amministrazione Reagan a formulare una risposta specifica. Durante la primavera del 1982 fu, infatti, creato un gruppo interdipartimentale ad hoc, l’Arms Control Information Policy Group, con il compito di arginare l’influenza della NWFC sull’opinione pubblica americana e formulare una risposta coerente alle critiche del movimento antinucleare.


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This study investigated the effect of cyclic wetting and drying on the backfill used in soil-bentonite (SB) cutoff walls. For this purpose, model SB vertical cutoff wall backfills were prepared comprising of a fine grained mortar sand and 2% bentonite (by total weight) and 4% bentonite (by total weight). Results of the study indicate that the volume change is influenced by the bentonite content, that is, the increase in volume change increased with increasing bentonite content.


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When a concrete slab experiences differential volume change due to temperature, moisture, and shrinkage gradients, it deforms. The stresses induced by these differential volume changes can reduce the pavement’s fatigue life. Differential volume change is quantified by the equivalent temperature difference required to deform a comparable flat slab to the same shape as the actual slab. This thesis presents models to predict the equivalent temperature difference due to moisture warping and differential drying shrinkage. Moisture warping occurs because a portion of drying shrinkage is reversible, while differential drying shrinkage is due to the irreversible portion of drying shrinkage. The amount of reversible shrinkage was investigated for concretes made with different types of aggregate, including lightweight and recycled. Another source of differential volume change is built-in curl, which is caused by temperature gradients at the time of paving. This thesis also presents a comparison of methods used to quantify built-in curl.


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The Calvert Cliffs, which form much of the western coastline of the Chesapeake Bay in Calvert County, Maryland, are actively eroding and destabilizing, resulting in a critical situation for many homes in close proximity to the slope's crest. Past studies have identified that where waves directly interact with the toe of the slope, wave action controls cliff recession; however, where waves do not regularly interact with the slope toe, the past work identified that freeze-thaw controls recession. This study investigated the validity of this second claim by analyzing the recession rate and freeze-thaw behavior of six study sites along the Calvert Cliffs that are not directly affected by waves. While waves do remove failed material from the toe, in these regions freeze-thaw is believed to be the dominant factor driving recession at the Calvert Cliffs. Past recession rates were calculated using historical aerial photographs and were analyzed together with a number of other variables selected to represent the freeze-thaw behavior of the Calvert Cliffs. The investigation studied sixteen independent variables and found that over 65% of recession at these study sites can be represented by the following five variables: (1) cliff face direction, (2 and 3) the percent of total cliff height composed of soil with freeze-thaw susceptibility F4 and F2, (4) the number of freeze-thaw cycles, and (5) the weighted shear strength. Future mitigation techniques at these sites should focus on addressing these variables and might include vegetation or addressing the presence of water along the face of the slope. Unmitigated, the Calvert Cliffs will continue to recede until a stable slope angle is reached and maintained.


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BACKGROUND Preclinical and clinical studies suggest that a combination of enamel matrix derivative (EMD) with demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft (DFDBA) may improve periodontal wound healing and regeneration. To date, no single study has characterized the effects of this combination on in vitro cell behavior. The aim of this study is to test the ability of EMD to adsorb to the surface of DFDBA particles and determine the effect of EMD coating on downstream cellular pathways such as adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation of primary human osteoblasts and periodontal ligament (PDL) cells. METHODS DFDBA particles were precoated with EMD or human blood and analyzed for protein adsorption patterns via scanning electron microscopy. Cell attachment and proliferation were quantified using a commercial assay. Cell differentiation was analyzed using real-time polymerase chain reaction for genes encoding Runx2, alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin, and collagen 1α1, and mineralization was assessed using alizarinred staining. RESULTS Analysis of cell attachment revealed no significant differences among control, blood-coated, and EMD-coated DFDBA particles. EMD significantly increased cell proliferation at 3 and 5 days after seeding for both osteoblasts and PDL cells compared to control and blood-coated samples. Moreover, there were significantly higher messenger ribonucleic acid levels of osteogenic differentiation markers, including collagen 1α1, alkaline phosphatase, and osteocalcin, in osteoblasts and PDL cells cultured on EMD-coated DFDBA particles at 3, 7, and 14 days. CONCLUSION The results suggest that the addition of EMD to DFDBA particles may influence periodontal regeneration by stimulating PDL cell and osteoblast proliferation and differentiation.


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Understanding how organisms control soil water dynamics is a major research goal in dryland ecology. Although previous studies have mostly focused on the role of vascular plants on the hydrological cycle of drylands, recent studies highlight the importance of biological soil crusts formed by lichens, mosses, and cyanobacteria (biocrusts) as a major player in this cycle. We used data from a 6.5-year study to evaluate how multiple abiotic (rainfall characteristics, temperature, and initial soil moisture) and biotic (vascular plants and biocrusts) factors interact to determine wetting and drying processes in a semi-arid grassland from Central Spain. We found that the shrub Retama sphaerocarpa and biocrusts with medium cover (25–75%) enhanced water gain and slowed drying compared with bare ground areas (BSCl). Well-developed biocrusts (>75% cover) gained more water, but lost it faster than BSCl microsites. The grass Stipa tenacissima reduced water gain due to rainfall interception, but increased soil moisture retention compared to BSCl microsites. Biotic modulation of water dynamics was the result of different mechanisms acting in tandem and often in opposite directions. For instance, biocrusts promoted an exponential behavior during the first stage of the drying curve, but reduced the importance of soil characteristics that accentuate drying rates. Biocrust-dominated microsites gained a similar amount of water than vascular plants, although they lost it faster than vascular plants during dry periods. Our results emphasize the importance of biocrusts for water dynamics in drylands, and illustrate the potential mechanisms behind their effects. They will help to further advance theoretical and modeling efforts on the hydrology of drylands and their response to ongoing climate change.


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Deep-sea deposits, which resemble in nearly every respect the deep-sea oozes have been observed in many islands of the East-Indian Archipelago, notably the islands of Borneo, Rotti and Timor. Manganese nodules are found in equivalents of deeep-sea red clays on Timor and Rotti island. In this paper, those relative to red clay deposits dating from a Cretaceous ocean are analysed in detail in the vicinity of the town of Niki Niki in Western Timor.


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El propósito de este trabajo es obtener un antioxidante natural a partir de las semillas de uva (Vitis vinifera L.), para emplear en alimentos. Para ello se compararon distintos solventes para la extracción de fenoles de las semillas de la uva, de modo de obtener el extracto más concentrado en compuestos activos con la mínima degradación de su poder antioxidante durante el proceso de obtención. La concentración de fenoles totales de los extractos se determinó por el método Folin Ciocalteu. El poder reductor de los extractos se midió empleando el método de Oyaizu. Una vez seleccionado el solvente más adecuado para la extracción, se analizó la cinética de extracción, optimizando el tiempo de tratamiento. El extracto fue concentrado al vacío, y se veríficó la conservación del poder reductor en el extracto concentrado, por el método de Oyaizu. El extracto de semillas concentrado y sin concentrar se empleó en un sistema real sujeto a oxidación, tal como el jugo de manzanas. El grado de oxidación del jugo se midió por el método de Özoglu. El extracto concentrado fue deshidratado por secado en lecho de espuma y por liofilizado. En ambos casos se verificó el efecto del tratamiento de secado sobre el poder reductor. Finalmente, se evaluó la actividad antioxidante del extracto líquido concentrado de semillas de vid, respecto de otros antioxidantes comerciales como ácido ascórbico y dióxido de azufre. El sustrato oxidable fue el jugo de manzanas, y el grado de oxidación se midió por el método de Özoglu. El análisis estadístico de los datos se realizó mediante el análisis de la varianza; cuando no fue posible emplear el mencionado análisis, debido a que no se verificaban los supuestos básicos para su aplicación, se empleó la prueba de Kruskal –Wallis. En todos los casos, se utilizó el programa Statgraphics plus ®4.0. Para obtener un extracto antioxidante a partir de semillas de vid se utilizó una ex-tracción con agua a 90ºC, durante 4 horas. La relación sólido- líquido empleada fue de 1g de semillas enteras por 10 ml de solvente. El extracto obtenido presentaba una concentración de 12,587 mg de fenoles totales por gramo de semillas de uva extractadas y un poder reductor de 1,290 unidades. Como consecuencia del análisis de la cinética de extracción, el tiempo de tratamiento se redujo de 4 horas a 3 horas. La concentración del extracto se realizó al vacío a 60ºC, verificándose un aumen-to del poder reductor en el extracto concentrado, comprobado sobre jugo de manzanas. Comparando el extracto concentrado y el extracto sin concentrar se observa que la concentración de fenoles totales aumentó 29,57 veces, mientras que el poder reductor aumentó 37,39 veces. El deshidratado del extracto por medio del lecho de espuma permitió conservar el poder reductor del mismo, no ocurrió lo mismo en el deshidratado por liofilizado, donde se produjo un deterioro del poder reductor. Para un mismo contenido de fenoles totales agregado al jugo de manzanas, el ex-tracto líquido sin concentrar produjo un 28,4% de inhibición de la oxidación, mientras que el de extracto líquido concentrado produjo un 51,5 % de inhibición de la oxidación del jugo de manzanas. El extracto de semillas de vid, aplicado como antioxidante en jugo de manzanas, inhibió el desarrollo de la oxidación en un 31,51%, considerando 24 horas el tiempo de tratamiento. Este desempeño supera al ácido ascórbico, que en iguales condiciones, inhibió el desarrollo de la oxidación en un 2,6%. Pero en las condiciones de tra-bajo, el dióxido de azufre resulta mejor antioxidante que ambos, ya que logró inhibir el desarrollo de la oxidación en un 97,40 %.