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Liposome systems are well reported for their activity as vaccine adjuvants; however novel lipid-based microbubbles have also been reported to enhance the targeting of antigens into dendritic cells (DCs) in cancer immunotherapy (Suzuki et al 2009). This research initially focused on the formulation of gas-filled lipid coated microbubbles and their potential activation of macrophages using in vitro models. Further studies in the thesis concentrated on aqueous-filled liposomes as vaccine delivery systems. Initial work involved formulating and characterising four different methods of producing lipid-coated microbubbles (sometimes referred to as gas-filled liposomes), by homogenisation, sonication, a gas-releasing chemical reaction and agitation/pressurisation in terms of stability and physico-chemical characteristics. Two of the preparations were tested as pressure probes in MRI studies. The first preparation composed of a standard phospholipid (DSPC) filled with air or nitrogen (N2), whilst in the second method the microbubbles were composed of a fluorinated phospholipid (F-GPC) filled with a fluorocarbon saturated gas. The studies showed that whilst maintaining high sensitivity, a novel contrast agent which allows stable MRI measurements of fluid pressure over time, could be produced using lipid-coated microbubbles. The F-GPC microbubbles were found to withstand pressures up to 2.6 bar with minimal damage as opposed to the DSPC microbubbles, which were damaged at above 1.3 bar. However, it was also found that DSPC-filled with N2 microbubbles were also extremely robust to pressure and their performance was similar to that of F-GPC based microbubbles. Following on from the MRI studies, the DSPC-air and N2 filled lipid-based microbubbles were assessed for their potential activation of macrophages using in vitro models and compared to equivalent aqueous-filled liposomes. The microbubble formulations did not stimulate macrophage uptake, so studies thereafter focused on aqueous-filled liposomes. Further studies concentrated on formulating and characterising, both physico-chemically and immunologically, cationic liposomes based on the potent adjuvant dimethyldioctadecylammonium (DDA) and immunomodulatory trehalose dibehenate (TDB) with the addition of polyethylene glycol (PEG). One of the proposed hypotheses for the mechanism behind the immunostimulatory effect obtained with DDA:TDB is the ‘depot effect’ in which the liposomal carrier helps to retain the antigen at the injection site thereby increasing the time of vaccine exposure to the immune cells. The depot effect has been suggested to be primarily due to their cationic nature. Results reported within this thesis demonstrate that higher levels of PEG i.e. 25 % were able to significantly inhibit the formation of a liposome depot at the injection site and also severely limit the retention of antigen at the site. This therefore resulted in a faster drainage of the liposomes from the site of injection. The versatility of cationic liposomes based on DDA:TDB in combination with different immunostimulatory ligands including, polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid (poly (I:C), TLR 3 ligand), and CpG (TLR 9 ligand) either entrapped within the vesicles or adsorbed onto the liposome surface was investigated for immunogenic capacity as vaccine adjuvants. Small unilamellar (SUV) DDA:TDB vesicles (20-100 nm native size) with protein antigen adsorbed to the vesicle surface were the most potent in inducing both T cell (7-fold increase) and antibody (up to 2 log increase) antigen specific responses. The addition of TLR agonists poly(I:C) and CpG to SUV liposomes had small or no effect on their adjuvanticity. Finally, threitol ceramide (ThrCer), a new mmunostimulatory agent, was incorporated into the bilayers of liposomes composed of DDA or DSPC to investigate the uptake of ThrCer, by dendritic cells (DCs), and presentation on CD1d molecules to invariant natural killer T cells. These systems were prepared both as multilamellar vesicles (MLV) and Small unilamellar (SUV). It was demonstrated that the IFN-g secretion was higher for DDA SUV liposome formulation (p<0.05), suggesting that ThrCer encapsulation in this liposome formulation resulted in a higher uptake by DCs.


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The current study aimed to exploit the electrostatic associative interaction between carrageenan and gelatin to optimise a formulation of lyophilised orally disintegrating tablets (ODTs) suitable for multiparticulate delivery. A central composite face centred (CCF) design was applied to study the influence of formulation variables (gelatin, carrageenan and alanine concentrations) on the crucial responses of the formulation (disintegration time, hardness, viscosity and pH). The disintegration time and viscosity were controlled by the associative interaction between gelatin and carrageenan upon hydration which forms a strong complex that increases the viscosity of the stock solution and forms tablet with higher resistant to disintegration in aqueous medium. Therefore, the levels of carrageenan, gelatin and their interaction in the formulation were the significant factors. In terms of hardness, increasing gelatin and alanine concentration was the most effective way to improve tablet hardness. Accordingly, optimum concentrations of these excipients were needed to find the best balance that fulfilled all formulation requirements. The revised model showed high degree of predictability and optimisation reliability and therefore was successful in developing an ODT formulation with optimised properties that were able deliver enteric coated multiparticulates of omeprazole without compromising their functionality.


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Despite recent Success, many fast-disintegrating tablets (FDTs) still face problems of low mechanical strength, poor mouth-feel and higher disintegration times. This Study aimed to optimise FDTS using a progressive three-stage approach. A series of hardness, fracturability and disintegration time tests were performed on the formulations at each stage. During Stage 1, tablets were prepared in concentrations between 2% and 5% w/w, and were formulated at each concentration as single and combination bloom strength gelatin (BSG) using 75 and 225 BSGs. Analysis revealed that both hardness and disintegration time increased with an increase in gelatin concentration. A combination (5% gelatin) FDT comprising a 50:50 ratio of 75:225 BSGs (hardness: 13.7 +/- 0.9 N and disintegration time: 24.1 +/- 0.6 s) was judged the most ideal, and was carried forward to Stage II: the addition of the saccharides sorbitol, mannitol and sucrose in concentrations between 10% and 80% w/w. The best properties were exhibited by mannitol-containing formulations (50%-hardness: 30.9 +/- 2.8 N and disintegration time: 13.3 +/- 2.1 s), which were carried forward to the next stage: the addition of viscosity-modifying polymers to improve mouth-feel and aid pre-gastric retention. Addition of carbopol 974P-NF resulted in the enhancement of viscosity with a compromise of the hardness of the tablet, whereas Pluronic F127 (6%) showed an increase in disintegration time and viscosity with retention of mechanical propel-ties. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Poor water solubility is characterised by low dissolution rate and consequently reduced bioavailability. Formulation of solid dispersion of the drug has attracted considerable interest as a means of improving dissolution process of a range of poorly water soluble drugs. This current study investigates the formulation of solid dispersion for a range of poorly water soluble drugs with varying physicochemical properties including paracetamol, sulphamethoxazole, phenacetin, indomethacin, chloramphenicol, phenylbutazone and succinylsulphathiazole. Solid dispersions were prepared using various drugs to polymer ratios. PEG 8000 was selected as a carrier in the solid dispersions. The study revealed that inclusion of drug within the polymeric matrix, ratio of drug to polymer and physicochemical properties of the drug molecules enhance the dissolution rate. Characterisations of the solid dispersions were performed using DSC, FTIR and SEM. These studies revealed that all seven drugs were present in the amorphous form within the solid dispersions and there was a lack of interaction between the PEG 8000 and drug. Stability studies for solid dispersions showed that all seven drugs studied were unstable at accelerated conditions (40°C±2°C/75%RH±5%RH) whereas, they were found to be stable for 12 months at room conditions. Permeability of indomethacin, phenacetin, phenylbutazone and paracetamol were higher for solid dispersions as compared to drug alone across Caco-2 cell monolayers. From the cell uptake studies it was shown that PEG 8000 enhanced rhodamine123 uptake which suggested that PEG 8000 may increase the permeability of these drugs in solid dispersions. Gene expression profiles analyzing the expression changes in the ABC and solute carrier transporter during permeability studies.ABCA10, ABCB4, ABCC12, SLC12A6, MCT13, SLC22A12 and SLC6A6 gene expression were increased by indomethacin alone whereas solid dispersion of indomethacin resulted in a slight increase in expression. ABCC12 and SAMC gene expression was increased in case of paracetamol alone but slightly increased when exposed to solid dispersion of paracetamol.


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The strategies and operations of the Rover Group were investigated using a behaviour based longitudinal examination. The investigating method used was developed from Mintzberg's classical diachronic study approach through the adoption of an observing participant approach supplemented with probes into specific areas of the organisation's activities. The thesis argues, through the use of a future-forward perspective of organisation capability, that an organisation's future capability can be assessed. The thesis questions the periodisation approach normally adopted in longitudinal studies and proposes an alternative method which the author believes generates a better understanding of the operations and future potential of the organisation. This method also produces generalisations which can be readily applied to other organisations. The introduction of a process perspective to behavioural studies has led to the promise of a unified understanding of strategic management and organisation development.


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The aim of this research was to formulate a novel biodegradable, biocompatible cationic microparticle vector for the delivery of DNA vaccines. The work builds upon previous research by Singh et al which described the adsorption of DNA to the surface of poly (D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLG) microparticles stabilised with the surfactant cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CT AB). This work demonstrated the induction of antibody and cellular immune responses to HIV proteins encoded on plasmid DNA adsorbed to the particle surface in mice, guinea pigs and non-human primates (Singh et aI, 2000; O'Hagan et aI, 2001). However, the use of surfactants in microparticle formulations for human vaccination is undesirable due to long term safety issues. Therefore, the present research aim was to develop an adsorbed DNA vaccine with enhanced potency and increased safety compared to CTAB stabilised PLG microparticles (PLG/CTAB) by replacement of the surfactant CTAB with an alternative cationic agent. The cationic polymers chitosan and poly (N- vinylpyrrolidone/2-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate), dimethyl sulfate quaternary (PVP-PDAEMA) were investigated as alternative stabilisers to CTAB. From a variety of initial formulations, the most promising vector(s) for DNA vaccination were selected based on physicochemical data (chapter 3) and in vitro DNA loading and release characteristics (chapter 4). The chosen formulation(s) were analysed in greater depth (chapters 3 and 4), and gene expression was assessed by in vitro cell transfection studies using 293T kidney epithelial and C2C12 myoblast non-phagocytic cell lines (chapter 5). The cytotoxicity of the microparticles and their constituents were also evaluated in vitro (chapter 5). Stability and suitability of the formulation(s) for commercial production were assessed by cryopreparation and lyophilisation studies (chapters 3 and 4). Gene expression levels in cells of the immune response were evaluated by microparticle transfection of the dendritic cell (DC) line 2.4 and primary bone marrow derived DCs (chapter 6). In vivo, mice were injected i.m. with the formulations deemed most promising on the basis of in vitro studies and humoral and cellular immune responses were evaluated (chapter 6).


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Topical and transdermal formulations are promising platforms for the delivery of drugs. A unit dose topical or transdermal drug delivery system that optimises the solubility of drugs within the vehicle provides a novel dosage form for efficacious delivery that also offers a simple manufacture technique is desirable. This study used Witepsol® H15 wax as a abase for the delivery system. One aspect of this project involved determination of the solubility of ibuprofen, flurbiprofen and naproxen in the was using microscopy, Higuchi release kinetics, HyperDSC and mathematical modelling techniques. Correlations between the results obtained via these techniques were noted with additional merits such as provision of valuable information on drug release kinetics and possible interactions between the drug and excipients. A second aspect of this project involved the incorporation of additional excipients: Tween 20 (T), Carbopol®971 (C) and menthol (M) to the wax formulation. On in vitro permeation through porcine skin, the preferred formulations were: ibuprofen (5% w/w) within Witepsol®H15 + 1% w/w T; flurbiprofen (10% w/w) within Witepsol®H15 + 1% w/w T; naproxen (5% w/w) within Witepsol®H15 + 1% w/w T + 1% C and sodium diclofenac (10% w/w) within Witepsol®H15 + 1% w/w T + 1% w/w T + 1% w/w C + 5% w/w M. Unit dose transdermal tablets containing ibuprofen and diclofenac were produced with improved flux compared to marketed products; Voltarol Emugel® demonstrated flux of 1.68x10-3 cm/h compared to 123 x 10-3 cm/h for the optimised product as detailed above; Ibugel Forte® demonstrated a permeation coefficient value of 7.65 x 10-3 cm/h compared to 8.69 x 10-3 cm/h for the optimised product as described above.


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This research focused on the formation of particulate delivery systems for the sub-unit fusion protein, Ag85B-ESAT-6, a promising tuberculosis (TB) vaccine candidate. Initial work concentrated on formulating and characterising, both physico-chemically and immunologically, cationic liposomes based on the potent adjuvant dimethyl dioctadecyl ammonium (DDA). These studies demonstrated that addition of the immunomodulatory trehalose dibehenate (TDB) enhanced the physical stability of the system whilst also adding further adjuvanticity. Indeed, this formulation was effective in stimulating both a cell mediated and humoural immune response. In order to investigate an alternative to the DDA-TDB system, microspheres based on poly(DL-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) incorporating the adjuvants DDA and TDB, either alone or in combination, were first optimised in terms of physico-chemical characteristics, followed by immunological analysis. The formulation incorporating PLGA and DDA emerged as the lead candidate, with promising protection data against TB. Subsequent optimisation of the lead microsphere formulation investigated the effect of several variables involved in the formulation process on physico-chemical and immunological characteristics of the particles produced. Further, freeze-drying studies were carried out with both sugar-based and amino acid-based cryoprotectants, in order to formulate a stable freexe-dried product. Finally, environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) was investigated as a potential alternative to conventional SEM for the morphological investigation of microsphere formulations. Results revealed that the DDA-TDB liposome system proved to be the most immunologically efficient delivery vehicle studied, with high levels of antibody and cytokine production, particularly gamma-interferon (IFN-ϒ), considered the key cytokine marker for anti-mycobacterial immunity. Of the microsphere systems investigated, PLGA in combination with DDA showed the most promise, with an ability to initiate a broad spectrum of cytokine production, as well as antigen specific spleen cell proliferation comparable to that of the DDA-TDB formulation.


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High-performance liquid chromatographic methods are developed for the simultaneous determination of various salicylates, their p-hydroxy isomers and nicotinic acid esters. The method is sensitive enough to detect trace amounts (~µM/L)of the product generated from cross reactivity between the drugs and the vehicle. The developed method also allows analysis of various topical products containing salicylate and nicotinate esters in their formulations. Applying this method, the degradation profiles of salicylates, nicotinates, p-hydroxy benzoate, o-methoxy benzoate and aspirin prodrugs in alkaline media are determined. The profile for alkyl salicylate degradation is found to be first order (A---? B) When the alcoholic radical is similar to that of the ester. In alcohol having a radical different from that of the ester function, the degradation is found to proceed through competitive transesterification and hydrolysis. The intermediates are identified following synthesis and isolation. The rate and extent of transesterification depends on the proportion of alcohol present in the system. Equations are presented to model the time profiles of reactant and product concentration. The reactions are base catalysed and the predominant pathway involves a concerted solvent attack upon the salicylate anion. Competitive hydrolysis of both ester components also follows this mechanism at moderate pH values but rates increase under strongly alkaline conditions as direct hydroxide attack becomes significant. In contrast, transesterification is independent of base concentration once full ionization is accomplished. The competitive hydrolysis is modelled using equations involving the dielectric constant of the medium. A range of other esters are also shown to undergo base-catalysed transesterification. In non-alcoholic solution phenyl salicylate undergoes a concentration-dependent oligomerisation which yields salsalate among the products. Competitive transesterification and hydrolysis also occur in products for topical use which have vehicles based upon alcohol, glycol or glycol polymers. Such reactions may compromise stability assessments, pharmaceutical integrity and delivery profiles.


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Reversed-pahse high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) methods were developed for the assay of indomethacin, its decomposition products, ibuprofen and its (tetrahydro-2-furanyl)methyl-, (tetrahydro-2-(2H)pyranyl)methyl- and cyclohexylmethyl esters. The development and application of these HPLC systems were studied. A number of physico-chemical parameters that affect percutaneous absorption were investigated. The pKa values of indomethacin and ibuprofen were determined using the solubility method. Potentiometric titration and the Taft equation were also used for ibuprofen. The incorporation of ethanol or propylene glycol in the solvent resulted in an improvement in the aqueous solubility of these compounds. The partition coefficients were evaluated in order to establish the affinity of these drugs towards the stratum corneum. The stability of indomethacin and of ibuprofen esters were investigated and the effect of temperature and pH on the decomposition rates were studied. The effect of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide on the alkaline degradation of indomethacin was also followed. In the presence of alcohol, indomethacin alcoholysis was observed and the kinetics of decomposition were subjected to non-linear regression analysis and the rate constants for the various pathways were quantified. The non-isothermal, sufactant non-isoconcentration and non-isopH degradation of indomethacin were investigated. The analysis of the data was undertaken using NONISO, a BASIC computer program. The degradation profiles obtained from both non-iso and iso-kinetic studies show that there is close concordance in the results. The metabolic biotransformation of ibuprofen esters was followed using esterases from hog liver and rat skin homogenates. The results showed that the esters were very labile under these conditions. The presence of propylene glycol affected the rates of enzymic hydrolysis of the ester. The hydrolysis is modelled using an equation involving the dielectric constant of the medium. The percutaneous absorption of indomethacin and of ibuprofen and its esters was followed from solutions using an in vitro excised human skin model. The absorption profiles followed first order kinetics. The diffusion process was related to their solubility and to the human skin/solvent partition coefficient. The percutaneous absorption of two ibuprofen esters from suspensions in 20% propylene glycol-water were also followed through rat skin with only ibuprofen being detected in the receiver phase. The sensitivity of ibuprofen esters to enzymic hydrolysis compared to the chemical hydrolysis may prove valuable in the formulation of topical delivery systems.


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Recent technological advances have resulted in the production of safe subunit and synthetic small peptide vaccines. Unfortunately, these vaccines are weakly or non-immunogenic in the absence of an immunological adjuvant (agents that can induce strong immunity to antigens). In addition, in order to prevent and/or control infection at the mucosal surface, stimulation of the mucosal immune system is essential. This may be achieved via the common mucosal immune system by exposure to antigen at a mucosal surface remote from the area of infection. Initial studies investigated the potential of multiple emulsions in effecting oral absorption and the subsequent immune responses to a lipopolysaccharide vaccine (LPS) after immunisation. Nasal delivery of LPS was carried out in parallel work using either aqueous solution or gel formulations. Tetanus toxoid vaccine in simple solution was delivered to guinea pigs as free antigen or entrapped in DSPC liposomes. In addition, adsorbed tetanus toxoid vaccine was delivered nasally free or in an aerosil gel formulation. This work was extended to investigate guinea pigs immunised by various mucosal routes with a herpes simplex virus subunit vaccine prepared from virus infected cells and delivered in gels, multiple emulsions and liposomes. Comparable serum antibody responses resulted but failed to produce enhanced protection against vaginal challenge when compared to subcutaneous immunisation with alhydrogel adjuvanted vaccine. Thus, immunisation of the mucosal surface by these methods may have been inadequate. These studies were extended in an attempt to protect against HSV genital challenge by construction of an attenuated Salmonella typhimurium HWSH aroA mutant expressing a cloned glycoprotein D-l gene fused to the Es-cherichia coli lac z promoter. Preliminary work on the colonisation of guinea pigs with S. typhimurium HWSH aroA mutants were carried out, with the aim of using the guinea pig HSV vaginal model to investigate protection.