1000 resultados para Extração fracionada


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Ao longo dos últimos anos, o crescimento ao acesso a esse tipo de tecnologia pelos consumidores brasileiros tem intensificado o aumento no interesse ambiental e econômico dos LCDs. Os displays de cristal líquido são utilizados em televisores, calculadoras, telefones celulares, computadores (portáteis e tablets), vídeo games entre outros equipamentos eletrônicos. O avanço tecnológico neste campo tem tornado estes aparelhos obsoletos cada vez mais rápido, aumentando o volume de resíduos de LCDs a ser dispostos em aterros o que contribui para a redução da sua vida útil. Neste contexto, os LCDs provenientes de televisores de LED LCD tem se tornado uma fonte importante de resíduos de equipamentos eletroeletrônicos (REEE). Assim, torna-se essencial o desenvolvimento de métodos e processos para tratamento e reciclagem de LCDs. Deste modo, o objetivo do presente trabalho é a caracterização física e química de telas de cristal líquido provenientes de displays de televisores de LED LCDs e o estudo de uma rota hidrometalúrgica para recuperação de índio. Para tanto se utilizou técnicas de tratamento de minérios e análises físicas e químicas (separação granulométrica, perda ao fogo, visualização em lupa binocular, TGA, FRX, FT-IR) para caracterização do material e quantificação do índio antes e, após, a rota hidrometalúrgica que, por sua vez, foi realizada em reatores de bancada utilizando três agentes lixiviantes (ácido nítrico, sulfúrico e clorídrico), três temperaturas (25ºC, 40ºC e 60ºC) e quatro tempos (0,5h; 1h; 2h e 4h). Encontrou-se que a tela de cristal líquido representa cerca de 20% da massa total do display de televisores de LCD e que é composta por aproximadamente 11% em massa de polímeros e 90% de vidro + cristal líquido. Verificou-se também que há seis camadas poliméricas nas telas de cristal líquido, onde: um conjunto com 3 polímeros compõe o analisador e o polarizador, sendo que o polímero da primeira e da terceira camada de cada conjunto é triacetato de celulose e corresponde a 64% da massa de polímeros das telas. Já o polímero da segunda camada é polivinilalcool e representa 36% da massa de polímeros. Os melhores resultados obtidos nos processos de lixiviação foram com o ácido sulfúrico, nas condições de 60°C por 4h, relação sólido-líquido 1/5. Nessas condições, foi extraído em torno de 61% do índio contido tela de LCD.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz


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Fil: Andino, Fernando. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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O laser de baixa intensidade (LBI) tem demonstrado efeitos bioestimulatórios na movimentação ortodôntica, acelerando a resposta celular e, reduzindo o tempo de tratamento. Entretanto, o uso do LBI seria mais efetivo com maior potência, menor tempo (única irradiação), ou a junção da menor potência e tempo em aplicação fracionada? Este estudo visou quantificar a movimentação de molares de 64 ratos e suas alterações histológicas, submetidos a uma força ortodôntica, liberada por meio de uma mola fechada de níquel-titânio (Niti/25gf), calibrada em 20gf. Os animais foram divididos em quatro grupos (cada grupo com 16 ratos), de acordo com os seguintes protocolos de irradiação do laser GaAlAs(780nm): grupo controle , submetidos à movimentação ortodôntica mas sem aplicação do LBI ; grupo total 1 (P=60mW/DE=15J/cm²/Et=6J/t=100seg), com a movimentação ortodôntica associada à única aplicação do LBI laser (P=60mW/DE=15J/cm²/Et=6J/t=100seg) no dia zero. Grupo total 2 em que o LBI foi aplicado no dia 0, segundo o protocolo P=20mW/DE=15J/cm²/E=6J/t=300seg;,; e Grupo fracionado em que o LBI foi aplicado nos dias 0, 3 e 7, empregando-se o protocolo (P=20mW/DE=5J/cm²/E=2J/t=100seg). Os sacrifício dos ratos foi realizado em quatro momentos (dias 1,4,8 e 15), sendo que 4 ratos de cada grupo foi sacrificado em cada um dos dias. A quantidade de movimentação ortodôntica foi mensurada in loco por meio de paquímetro digital, antes da instalação das molas e, imediatamente após o sacrifício dos animais. Para o exame histológico, as maxilas foram removidas, preparadas e coradas pelo sistema H/E. Os resultados foram avaliados pela Análise de Variância, seguida do teste Tukey (p<0,05). O grupo fracionado apresentou maior movimentação dentária frente aos demais nos dias 4 e 8, sendo que os grupos total 1 e 2 demonstraram maior movimentação dentária que o controle somente no dia 8. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos total 1 e 2 em todo o período avaliado. Este estudo concluiu que, o laser de baixa intensidade acelerou a movimentação dentária, salientando-se o efeito da aplicação fracionada em relação às aplicações únicas.


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Este estudo avaliou o posicionamento ântero posterior dos primeiros molares inferiores, durante o tratamento ortodôntico, utilizando o arco lingual inferior como acessório de ancoragem na técnica Straight-Wire, em comparação aos casos tratados pela técnica Edgewise, sem a utilização do arco lingual. Dois grupos foram selecionados, ambos apresentando má oclusão de Classe I de Angle7, tratados com extração dos primeiros pré-molares superiores e inferiores. Foi utilizada uma amostra de 255 telerradiografias em norma lateral, obtidas de pacientes brasileiros, de ambos os sexos, com média de idade de 13 anos e 6 meses e com diferentes padrões de crescimento facial. Embasado na análise e discussão dos resultados, concluiu-se que: 1) do início do tratamento ao fim da fase de nivelamento, a perda de ancoragem coronária do primeiro molar inferior foi maior nos casos tratados com a técnica Straight-Wire; 2) do fim da fase de nivelamento ao fim do tratamento, a perda de ancoragem coronária e radicular do primeiro molar inferior foi maior na técnica Edgewise; 3) do início ao fim tratamento a perda de ancoragem radicular foi maior nos pacientes tratados com a técnica Edgewise; e 4) o deslocamento ântero-posterior dos incisivos inferiores não apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante para ambas as técnicas, em todas as etapas observadas.(AU)


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O presente estudo investigou as alterações no trespasse vertical e na altura facial ântero-inferior em pacientes com má-oclusão de Classe I e diferentes tipos faciais com apinhamento submetidos a extração de quatro pré-molares, no pré e pós-tratamento ortodôntico. Foram selecionadas telerradiografias em norma lateral de 36 indivíduos na faixa etária de 12 anos e 2 meses a 16 anos e 5 meses, que realizaram o tratamento ortodôntico com o emprego de aparelho pré-ajustado Straight Wire..Para a análise as medidas utilizadas foram AFA, AFAI, AFP, FMA, SN.GoGn, além de medidas lineares descritas por Hans et al. As alterações nas alturas faciais anterior, antero-inferior e posterior foram similares nos três grupos estudados, apresentando aumento ao final do tratamento ortodôntico, porém sem significância estatística nas alturas faciais anteriores no grupo dos braquifaciais. Em FMA, foram estatisticamente significantes apenas para os braquifaciais e de SN.GoGn para braqui e dolicofaciais. Quanto às medidas lineares de Hans verificou-se que o grupo dos braquifaciais apresentou aumento estatisticamente significante em TLI e MNSK, no grupo dos mesofaciais, o mesmo ocorreu em BUI e MNSK e nos dolicofaciais todas as medidas exceto TUI apresentaram aumento significativo. Em todos os grupos foi observada uma diminuição da sobremordida.(AU)


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The sulfated polysaccharides (SP) from the edible red seaweed Gracilaria birdiae were obtained using five different condition extraction (GB1: Water; GB1p: Water/proteolysis; GB1s: Water/sonication; GB1sp: Water/sonication/proteolysis; GB2s: NaOH/sonication; GB2sp: NaOH/sonication/proteolysis. The yield (g) increased in the following order GB2sp>GB1sp>GB1p>GB2s>GB1s>GB1. However, the amount of SP extracted increased in different way GB2sp>GB1p>GB1>GB1sp>GB1s>GB2s. Infrared and electrophoresis analysis showed that all conditions extracted the same SP. In addition, monosaccharide composition showed that ultrasound promotes the extraction of other polysaccharides than SP. In the prothrombin time (PT) test, which evaluates the extrinsic coagulation pathway, none of the samples showed anticoagulant activity. While in the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) test, which evaluates the intrinsic coagulation pathway, all samples showed anticoagulant activity, except GB2s. The aPTT activity decreased in the order of GB1sp>GB2sp>GB1p>GB1>GB1s>GB2s. Total capacity antioxidant (TCA) of the SP was also affected by condition extraction, since GB2s and GB1 showed lower activity in comparison to the other conditions. In conclusion, the conditions of SP extraction influence their biological activities and chemical composition. The data showed NaOH/sonication/proteolysis was the best condition to extract anticoagulant and antioxidant SPs from Gracilaria birdiae.


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Produced water is a major problem associated with the crude oil extraction activity. The monitoring of the levels of metals in the waste is constant and requires the use of sensitive analytical techniques. However, the determination of trace elements can often require a pre-concentration step. The objective of this study was to develop a simple and rapid analytical method for the extraction and pre-concentration based on extraction phenomenon cloud point for the determination of Cd, Pb and Tl in produced water samples by spectrometry of high resolution Absorption source continues and atomization graphite furnace. The Box Behnken design was used to obtain the optimal condition of extraction of analytes. The factors were evaluated: concentration of complexing agent (o,o-dietilditilfosfato ammonium, DDTP), the concentration of hydrochloric acid and concentration of surfactant (Triton X -114). The optimal condition obtained through extraction was: 0,6% m v-1 DDTP, HCl 0,3 mol L-1 and 0,2% m v-1 of Triton X - 114 for Pb; 0,7% m v-1 DDTP, HCl 0,8 mol L-1 and 0,2% m v-1 Triton X-114 for Cd. For Tl was evidenced that best extraction condition occurs with no DDTP, the extraction conditions were HCl 1,0 mol L-1 e 1,0% m v-1 de Triton X - 114. The limits of detection for the proposed method were 0,005 µg L-1 , 0,03 µg L-1 and 0,09 µg L-1 to Cd, Pb and Tl, Respectively. Enrichment factors Were greater than 10 times. The method was applied to the water produced in the Potiguar basin, and addition and recovery tests were performed, and values were between 81% and 120%. The precision was expressed with relative standard deviation (RSD) is less than 5%


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The Terminalia catappa Linn belonging to Combretaceae family, popularly known as castanets, has fruits consists of a fleshy pulp, rounded seed and a very hard shell. The natural pigmentation existing in the fruit of castanet indicates the presence of anthocyanins, phenolic nature components belonging to the group of flavonoids, which have antioxidant activity. This research was conducted with the castanets and aimed to the study of factors influencing the extraction of dyes from its pulp. The extracts were obtained using a reactor enjaquetado by solid-liquid extraction. The factors were evaluated as temperature, time, solvent ratio and pH extraction. Adopting a factorial design of 24 , with 4 repetitions at the central point, the effects of these factors on the extraction process were analyzed using Statistica 7.0 software. The antioxidant activity (AA), the content of phenolic compounds (CFT) and the total monomeric anthocyanin content (AMT) were evaluated as response variables planning. Statistical analysis of the results, the effects that influenced the extraction were different for each response (CFT, AMT and AA). However, the pH was significant for the extraction of all compounds. The kinetic behavior of the dye extraction was also studied for phenolic compounds, monomeric anthocyanins and antioxidant activity, in which the equilibrium was reached after 90 minutes of extraction. To study the stability of anthocyanins temperature was the factor that most influenced the stability, however the concentration and pH also played a part.


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The determination and monitoring of metallic contaminants in water is a task that must be continuous, leading to the importance of the development, modification and optimization of analytical methodologies capab le of determining the various metal contaminants in natural environments, because, in many cases, the ava ilable instrumentation does not provide enough sensibility for the determination of trace values . In this study, a method of extraction and pre- concentration using a microemulsion system with in the Winsor II equilibrium was tested and optimized for the determination of Co, Cd, P b, Tl, Cu and Ni through the technique of high- resolution atomic absorption spectrometry using a continuum source (HR-CS AAS). The optimization of the temperature program for the graphite furnace (HR-CS AAS GF) was performed through the pyrolysis and atomization curves for the analytes Cd, Pb, Co and Tl with and without the use of different chemical modifiers. Cu and Ni we re analyzed by flame atomization (HR-CS F AAS) after pre-concentr ation, having the sample introduction system optimized for the realization of discrete sampling. Salinity and pH levels were also analyzed as influencing factors in the efficiency of the extraction. As final numbers, 6 g L -1 of Na (as NaCl) and 1% of HNO 3 (v/v) were defined. For the determination of the optimum extraction point, a centroid-simplex statistical plan was a pplied, having chosen as the optimum points of extraction for all of the analytes, the follo wing proportions: 70% aqueous phase, 10% oil phase and 20% co-surfactant/surfactant (C/S = 4). After extraction, the metals were determined and the merit figures obtained for the proposed method were: LOD 0,09, 0,01, 0,06, 0,05, 0,6 and 1,5 μg L -1 for Pb, Cd, Tl, Co, Cu and Ni, re spectively. Line ar ranges of ,1- 2,0 μg L -1 for Pb, 0,01-2,0 μg L -1 for Cd, 1,0 - 20 μg L -1 for Tl, 0,1-5,0 μg L -1 for Co, 2-200 μg L -1 and for Cu e Ni 5-200 μg L -1 were obtained. The enrichment factors obtained ranged between 6 and 19. Recovery testing with the certified sample show ed recovery values (n = 3, certified values) after extraction of 105 and 101, 100 and 104% for Pb, Cd, Cu and Ni respectively. Samples of sweet waters of lake Jiqui, saline water from Potengi river and water produced from the oil industry (PETROBRAS) were spiked and the recovery (n = 3) for the analytes were between 80 and 112% confirming th at the proposed method can be used in the extraction. The proposed method enabled the sepa ration of metals from complex matrices, and with good pre-concentration factor, consistent with the MPV (allowed limits) compared to CONAMA Resolution No. 357/2005 which regulat es the quality of fresh surface water, brackish and saline water in Brazil.


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The textile sector is one of the main contributors to the generation of industrial wastewaters due to the use of large volumes of water, which has a high organic load content. In these, it is observed to the presence of dyes, surfactants, starch, alcohols, acetic acid and other constituents, from the various processing steps of the textiles. Hence, the treatment of textile wastewater becomes fundamental before releasing it into water bodies, where they can cause disastrous physical-chemical changes for the environment. Surfactants are substances widely used in separation processes and their use for treating textile wastewaters was evaluated in this research by applying the cloud point extraction and the ionic flocculation. In the cloud point extraction was used as surfactant nonylphenol with 9.5 ethoxylation degree to remove reactive dye. The process evaluation was performed in terms of temperature, surfactant and dye concentrations. The dye removal reached 91%. The ionic flocculation occurs due to the presence of calcium, which reacts with anionic surfactant to form insoluble surfactants capable of attracting the organic matter by adsorption. In this work the ionic flocculation using base soap was applied to the treatment of synthetic wastewater containing dyes belonging to three classes: direct, reactive, and disperse. It was evaluated by the influence of the following parameters: surfactant and electrolyte concentrations, stirring speed, equilibrium time, temperature, and pH. The flocculation of the surfactant was carried out in two ways: forming the floc in the effluent itself and forming the floc before mixing it to the effluent. Removal of reactive and direct dye, when the floc is formed into textile effluent was 97% and 87%, respectively. In the case where the floc is formed prior to adding it to the effluent, the removal to direct and disperse dye reached 92% and 87%, respectively. These results show the efficience of the evaluated processes for dye removal from textile wastewaters.


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The use of plants for medicinal purposes is ancient, with widespread application in medicinal drugs. Although plants are promising sources for the discovery of new molecules of pharmacological interest, estimates show that only 17% of them have been studied for their possible use in medicine. Thus, biodiversity of Brazilian flora represents an immense potential for economic use by the pharmaceutical industry. The plant Arrabidaea chica, popularly known as “pariri”, is common in the Amazon region, and it is assigned several medicinal properties. The leaves of this plant are rich in anthocyanins, which are phenolic compounds with high antioxidant power. Antioxidant compounds play a vital role in the prevention of neurological and cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes, among others. Within the anthocyanins found in Arrabidaea chica, stands out Carajurin (6,7-dihydroxy-5,4’- dimethoxy-flavilium), which is the major pigment encountered in this plant. The present work aimed to study on supercritical extraction and conventional extraction (solid-liquid extraction) in leaves of Arrabidaea chica, evaluating the efficiency of the extractive processes, antioxidant activity and quantification of Carajurin contained in the extracts. Supercritical extraction used CO2 as solvent with addition of co-solvent (ethanol/water mixture) and were conducted by the dynamic method in a fixed bed extractor. The trials followed a 24-1 fractional factorial design, the dependent variables were: process yield, concentration of Carajurin and antioxidant activity; and independent variables were: pressure, temperature, concentration of co-solvent (v/v) and concentration of water in the co-solvent mixture (v/v). Yields (mass of dry extract/mass of raw material used) obtained from supercritical extraction ranged from 15.1% to 32%, and the best result was obtained at 250 bar and 40 °C, co-solvent concentration equal to 30% and concentration of water in the co-solvent mixture equal to 50%. Through statistical analysis, it was found that the concentration of co-solvent revealed significant effect on the yield. Yields obtained from conventional extractions were of 8.1% (water) and 5.5% (ethanol). Through HPLC (High-performance liquid chromatography) analysis, Carajurin was quantified in all the extracts and concentration values (Carajurin mass/mass of dry extract) ranged between 1% and 2.21% for supercritical extraction. For conventional extraction, Carajurin was not detected in the aqueous extract, while the ethanol extract showed Carajurin content of 7.04%, and therefore, more selective in Carajurin than the supercritical extraction. Evaluation of antioxidant power (radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl – DPPH – sequestration method) of the supercritical extracts resulted in EC50 values (effective concentration which neutralizes 50% of free radicals) ranged from 38.34 to 86.13 μg/mL, while conventional extraction resulted in EC50 values of 167.34 (water) and 42.58 (ethanol) μg/mL. As for the quantification of total phenolic content (Folin-Ciocalteau analysis) of the supercritical extracts resulted in values ranged from 48.93 and 88.62 mg GAE/g extract (GAE = Gallic Acid Equivalents), while solid-liquid extraction resulted in values of 37.63 (water) and 80.54 (ethanol) mg GAE/g extract. The good antioxidant activity cannot be attributed solely to the presence of Carajurin, but also the existence of other compounds and antioxidants in Arrabidaea chica. By optimizing the experimental design, it was possible to identify the experiment that presented the best result considering the four dependent variables together. This experiment was performed under the following conditions: pressure of 200 bar, temperature of 40 °C, co-solvent concentration equal to 30% and concentration of water in the co-solvent mixture equal to 30%. It is concluded that, within the studied range, it is possible to purchase the optimum result using milder operating conditions, which implies lower costs and greater ease of operation.


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This study aimed to extract, characterize and conduct a prospective analysis of pharmacological activities of sulfated polysaccharides from green seaweed Caulerpa prolifera. Seven fractions (CP-0.3/CP-0.5/CP-0.7/CP-0.9/CP-1.1/CP-1.5/CP-2.0) were obtained from C. prolifera by alkaline proteolysis followed by sequential precipitation in acetone. The physicochemical analyzes indicated that C. prolifera synthesizes a homogalactan (CP-0.9) and different populations of sulfated heteropolysaccharides. In the analysis of anticoagulant activity, all fractions except CP-0.3, influenced the intrinsic coagulation pathway. All fractions showed antioxidant activity in six different assays being more pronounced in hydrogen peroxide scavenging assay, especially CP-0.3, CP-0.7 and CP-0.9 (which obtained 61% of hydrogen peroxide scavenging), in ferric chelation assay (especially CP-0.9 with 56% chelation) and cupric chelation assay (especially CP-2.0 with 78% chelation). With respect to immunomodulatory activity, the presence of CP-0.3, CP-0.7 and CP-0.9 showed an immunogenic potential, increasing the production of nitric oxide (NO) by 48, 142 and 163 times, respectively. Conversely, the NO synthesis fell 73% after the activation of macrophages by LPS, incubated concurrently with CP-2.0. The anti-adipogenic activity of the fractions was also evaluated and CP-1.5 was able to reduce the differentiation of pre-adipocytes (3T3-L1) into adipocytes by 60%, without affecting the cell viability. The fractions CP-0.3, CP-0.5 and CP-0.9 reduced the viability of the HeLa cells (human cervical adenocarcinoma) by 55% and CP-1.5 reduced the viability of the 786-0 cells (human renal adenocarcinoma) by 75%. Leishmanicidal activity and microbicide effect against Carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (KPC) have not been identified. However, the viability of Staphylococcus epidermidis was reduced by 23.8% in the presence of CP -1.5. All fractions were able to change the formation of calcium oxalate crystals. CP-0.3, CP-0.5 and CP-1.1 only promoted the formation of COD type crystals with a very small size (1 μm). Confocal microscopy and zeta potential data of crystals formed in the presence of the samples showed that the polysaccharides present in the fractions must interact with calcium ions present throughout the crystal lattice, affecting the growth and morphology of crystals The results described herein indicate that the fractions rich in polysaccharides obtained from the green seaweed C. prolifera present a multi therapeutic potential, and subsequent purification steps, as well as research on the mechanisms of action by which these polymers act should be investigated.


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Information extraction is a frequent and relevant problem in digital signal processing. In the past few years, different methods have been utilized for the parameterization of signals and the achievement of efficient descriptors. When the signals possess statistical cyclostationary properties, the Cyclic Autocorrelation Function (CAF) and the Spectral Cyclic Density (SCD) can be used to extract second-order cyclostationary information. However, second-order cyclostationary information is poor in nongaussian signals, as the cyclostationary analysis in this case should comprise higher-order statistical information. This paper proposes a new mathematical tool for the higher-order cyclostationary analysis based on the correntropy function. Specifically, the cyclostationary analysis is revisited focusing on the information theory, while the Cyclic Correntropy Function (CCF) and Cyclic Correntropy Spectral Density (CCSD) are also defined. Besides, it is analytically proven that the CCF contains information regarding second- and higher-order cyclostationary moments, being a generalization of the CAF. The performance of the aforementioned new functions in the extraction of higher-order cyclostationary characteristics is analyzed in a wireless communication system where nongaussian noise exists.


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Assessing the soil nutrient availability to plants under lab conditions is one of the main challenges to Soil Fertility and Chemistry, due to the complex behavior and the interaction of the soil properties. Many extractant solutions associated with mechanical forms of agitation have been proposed, showing different correlations with plant growth and nutrients absorption. Using ultrasonic energy is a agitation procedure of the soil:extractant solution suspension (based on the cavitation phenomenon). It allows the establishment of relations between the amount of extracted nutrient and the ultrasonic energy level. Thus, this work aims: to evaluate the effect of cavitation intensity on the extraction of P, Zn, Cu, Mn and Fe in soil samples from five Latosols under different uses around Uberlândia and Uberaba, Minas Gerais State; to obtain extracting curves as function of ultrasonic energy levels; and to obtain an index from extracting curves to expresses the nutrient retention by the soil solid phase. A soil-solution suspension (ratio 1:10) was sonicated using a probe ultrasound equipment under different combinations of power and time: i) 30 W for 35, 70, 140 and 280 s; ii) 50 W for 21, 42, 84 and 168 s; and iii) 70 W for 15, 30, 60 and 120 s. The extractant solutions used were Mehlich-1 (for all elements), Olsen and distilled water for P. After each sonication, P concentration was quantified by molybdenum blue colorimetric method and Zn, Cu, Mn and Fe by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The cavitation intensity did not affect the P extraction, only the total energy applied. The P extraction was influenced by extractant solution, decreasing as follows: Mehlich-1>Olsen>water. In cultivated Latosols, the P extraction increased linearly with ultrasonic energy, and the slope of the 1:1 linear regression reflects the P retention in the soil. The Zn and Fe extractions were influenced only by total energy applied. Mn and Cu extractions were influenced by both cavitation intensity and total ultrasonic energy. Soils containing similar amounts of P, Cu, Zn, Mn, and Fe may have a different extraction rate. Likewise, soils containing different amounts of those elements may have the same extraction rate.