996 resultados para Experimental surgery
Previous studies have suggested that abnormal corneal wound healing in patients after photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) is associated with the appearance of myofibroblasts in the stroma between two and four weeks after surgery. The purpose of this study was to examine potential myofibroblast progenitor cells that might express other filament markers prior to completion of the differentiation pathway that yields a-smooth muscle actin (SMA)-expressing myofibroblasts associated with haze localized beneath the epithelial basement membrane after PRK. Twenty-four female rabbits that had -9 diopter PRK were sacrificed at I week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks or 4 weeks after surgery. Corneal rims were collected, frozen at -80 degrees C, and analyzed by immunocytochemistry using anti-vimentin, anti-desmin, and anti-SMA antibodies. Double immunostaining was performed for the co-localization of SMA with vimentin or desmin with SMA. An increase in vimentin expression in stromal cells is noted as early as 1 week after PRK in the rabbit cornea. As the healing response continues at two or three weeks after surgery, many stromal cells expressing vimentin also begin to express desmin and SMA. By 4 weeks after the surgery most, if not all, myofibroblasts express vimentin, desmin and SMA. Generalized least squares regression analysis showed that there was strong evidence that each of the marker groups differed in expression over time compared to the other two (p < 0.01). Intermediate filaments - vimentin and desmin co-exist in myofibroblasts along with SMA and may play an important role in corneal remodeling after photorefractive keratectomy. The earliest precursors of myofibroblasts destined to express SMA and desmin are detectible by staining for vimentin at I week after surgery. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND: The most common laparoscopic complications are associated with trocar insertion. The purpose of this study was to develop an objective method of evaluating the safety profile of various access devices used in laparoscopic surgery. STUDY DESIGN: In 20 swine, 6 bladed and 2 needle access devices were evaluated. A force profile was determined by measuring the force required to drive the trocar or needle through the fascia and into the peritoneum, at 0 and 10 mmHg. The amount Of tissue deformation, the length of blade exposed, and the duration of exposure were measured using a high-speed digital imaging system. RESULTS: The needle system without the sheath required the least driving force and had the most favorable force profile. In contrast, the bladed, nonretractable trocar system required a higher driving force and a rapid loss of resistance. Insertion under a pneumoperitoneum did not significantly alter the force profile of the various access devices except for the amount of tissue deformation. With the bladed system, the blade itself was exposed for an average of 0.5 to 1.0 seconds for a distance of 4.5 to 5.0 cm. In comparison, the needle system was exposed for 0.2 seconds for a distance of 1.8 cm. CONCLUSIONS: We developed a reproducible method of measuring the forces required to place the access systems, their pattern of resistance loss, and the characteristics of the blade exposure. These parameters may provide an adjunctive and objective measurement of safety, allowing for more direct comparison between various trocar designs. (J Am Coll Surg 2009;209:222-232. (C) 2009 by the American College of Surgeons)
Background: Since its introduction, laparoscopic colorectal surgery has raised intense debate and controversies regarding its safety and effectiveness. Methods: This multicentric registry reports the experience of 28 Brazilian surgical teams specializing in laparoscopic colorectal surgery. Results: Between 1992 and 2007, 4744 patients (1994 men-42% and 2750 women-58%) were operated upon, with ages ranging from 13 to 94 years (average 57.5y). Benign diseases were diagnosed in 2356 patients (49.6%). Most diseases were located in 50.7% of the left and sigmoid colon, 28.2% in the rectum and anal canal. 8.0% in the right colon, and diffuse 7.0%. There were 181 (3.8%) intraoperative complications (from 0% to 14%). There were 261 (5.5%) reported conversions to laparotomy (from 0% to 16.5%), mainly during the early experience (n = 119 - 59.8%). Postoperative complications were registered in 683 (14.5%) patients (from 5.0% to 50%). Mortality occurred in 43 patients (0.8%). Surgeons who performed less than 50 cases reported similar rates of intraoperative (4.2% vs. 3.8%,- P = 0.7), postoperative complications (20.8% vs. 14.3%; P = 0.07), and mortality (1.0% vs. 0.9%; P = 0.5) but the conversion rate was higher (10.4% vs. 5.4%; P = 0.04). Two thousand three hundred and eighty-nine (50.4%) malignant tumors were operated upon, and histologic classification showed 2347 (98%) adenocarcinomas, 30 (0.6%) spinocelular carcinomas, and 12 (0.2%) other histologic types. Tumor recurrence rate was 16.3% among patients followed more than I year. After an average follow-Lip of 52 months, 19 (0.8%) parietal recurrences were reported, 18 of which were in port sites and I in a patient with disseminated disease. There was no incisional recurrence in the ports used to withdraw the pathologic specimen. Compared with other registries, there was a 75% increase in the number of groups pet-forming laparoscopic colorectal surgery and a decrease in conversions (from 10.5%. to 5.5%) and mortality (from 1.5% to 0.9%) rates. Conclusions: (1) The number of patients operated upon increased expressively during the last years; (2) operative indications for benign and malignant diseases were similar, and diverticular disease of the colon comprised 40% of the benign ones; (3) conversion and mortality rates decreased over time; (4) Surgeon`s experience did not influence the complication rates, but was associated with a lower conversion; and (5) oncologic outcome expressed by recurrence rates showed results similar to those reported in conventional surgery.
Myofibroblast development and haze generation in the corneal stroma is mediated by cytokines, including transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta), and possibly other cytokines. This study examined the effects of stromal PDGF-beta blockade on the development of myofibroblasts in response to -9.0 diopter photorefractive keratectomy in the rabbit. Rabbits that had haze generating photorefractive keratectomy (PRK, for 9 diopters of myopia) in one eye were divided into three different groups: stromal application of plasmid pCMV.PDGFRB.23KDEL expressing a subunit of PDGF receptor b (domains 2-3, which bind PDGF-B), stromal application of empty plasmid pCMV, or stromal application of balanced salt solution (BSS). The plasmids (at a concentration 1000 ng/mu l) or BSS was applied to the exposed stroma immediately after surgery and every 24 h for 4-5 days until the epithelium healed. The group treated with pCMV.PDGFRB.23KDEL showed lower alpha SMA+ myofibroblast density in the anterior stroma compared to either control group (P <= 0.001). Although there was also lower corneal haze at the slit lamp at one month after surgery, the difference in haze after PDGF-B blockade was not statistically significant compared to either control group. Stromal PDGF-B blockade during the early postoperative period following PRK decreases stromal alpha SMA+ myofibroblast generation. PDGF is an important modulator of myofibroblast development in the cornea. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: The intrapleural instillation of a sclerosing agent produces an inflammatory process frequently followed by pain. The treatment can include the use of analgesics or anti-inflammatory drugs. Previously, it was demonstrated (experimental studies) that corticoids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac) reduce the inflammation and fibrosis produced by talc but not by transforming growth factor-P or silver nitrate. The objective of this study was to determine whether parecoxib (COX-2 inhibitor) affects pleurodesis induced by talc or silver nitrate. Methods: 140 rabbits received intrapleural. injection (2 mL) of 400 mg/kg of talc or 0.5% silver nitrate. A subgroup of 70 animals received additional daily intramuscular parecoxib (1 mg/kg). They were sacrificed at 4, 24, 48, 72 h or 7, 14, or 28 days after the procedure. The pleural fluid was quantified; biochemical examinations (glucose, lactic dehydrogenase, and proteins) and immunologic dosages (interleukin-8, vascular endothelial growth factor, and transforming growth factor-beta(1)) were analyzed in pleural fluid and blood. Finally, macro- and microscopic pleura and lung studies were performed. Results: Evaluation after 28 days demonstrated that parecoxib reduced pleural and pulmonary inflammation but not pleural adhesions. The changes were observed precociously (72 h) and were more evident after silver nitrate injection. Conclusion: Systemic parecoxib injection does not interfere with talc or silver nitrate pleurodesis. These results suggest that use of COX-2 inhibitors can be considered and depending of the results of other studies, recommended in human pleurodesis. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We assessed a new experimental model of isolated right ventricular (RV) failure, achieved by means of intramyocardial injection of ethanol. RV dysfunction was induced in 13 mongrel dogs via multiple injections of 96% ethanol (total dose 1 mL/kg), all over the inlet and trabecular RV free walls. Hemodynamic and metabolic parameters were evaluated at baseline, after ethanol injection, and on the 14th postoperative day (POD). Echocardiographic parameters were evaluated at baseline, on the sixth POD, and on the 13th POD. The animals were then euthanized for histopathological analysis of the hearts. There was a 15.4% mortality rate. We noticed a decrease in pulmonary blood flow right after RV failure (P = 0.0018), as well as during reoperation on the 14th POD (P = 0.002). The induced RV dysfunction caused an increase in venous lactate levels immediately after ethanol injection and on the 14th POD (P < 0.0003). The echocardiogram revealed a decrease in the RV ejection fraction on the sixth and 13th PODs (P = 0.0001). There was an increased RV end-diastolic volume on the sixth (P = 0.0001) and 13th PODs (P = 0.0084). The right ventricle showed a 74% +/- 0.06% transmural infarction area, with necrotic lesions aged 14 days. Intramyocardial ethanol injection has allowed the creation of a reproducible and inexpensive model of RV failure. The hemodynamic, metabolic, and echocardiographic parameters assessed at different protocol times are compatible with severe RV failure. This model may be useful in understanding the pathophysiology of isolated right-sided heart failure, as well as in the assessment of ventricular assist devices.
Objective To delineate the effects of extracorporeal bypass on biomarkers of hemostasis, fibrinolysis, and inflammation and clinical sequelae. Methods Patients were assigned prospectively and randomly to either on-pump (n=41) or off-pump (n=51) coronary bypass surgery. The concentrations of C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, D-dimer, and plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 in blood were quantified before and after (1 and 24 h) surgery. Similar surgical and anesthetic procedures were used for both groups. Clinical events were assessed during initial hospitalization and at the end of I year. Results The concentrations of plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 and D-dimer were greater compared with preoperative values 1 and 24 h after surgery in both groups, but their concentrations increased to a greater extent 24 h after surgery in the on-pump group (P<0.01). The concentration of C-reactive protein did not change appreciably immediately after surgery in either group but increased in a parallel manner 24 h after either on-pump or off-pump surgery (P<0.01). Bypass surgery in the on-pump group was associated with greater blood loss during surgery and more bleeding after surgery (P <= 0.01). The incidence of all other complications was similar in the two groups. Conclusion On-pump surgery was associated with biochemical evidence of a prothrombotic state early after surgery but no greater incidence of thrombotic events was observed. The prothrombotic state might be a consequence of extracorporeal bypass, compensation in response to more bleeding, or both in patients undergoing on-pump surgery. Coron Artery Dis 20:100-105 (C) 2009 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Background and objective The influence of ventilatory settings on static and functional haemodynamic parameters during mechanical ventilation is not completely known. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of positive end-expiratory pressure, tidal volume and inspiratory to expiratory time ratio variations on haemodynamic parameters during haemorrhage and after transfusion of shed blood. Methods Ten anaesthetized pigs were instrumented and mechanically ventilated with a tidal volume of 8 ml kg(-1), a positive end-expiratory pressure of 5 cmH(2)O and an inspiratory to expiratory ratio of 1 : 2. Then, they were submitted in a random order to different ventilatory settings (tidal volume 16 ml kg(-1), positive end-expiratory pressure 15 cmH(2)O or inspiratory to expiratory time ratio 2: 1). Functional and static haemodynamic parameters (central venous pressure, pulmonary artery occlusion pressure, right ventricular end-diastolic volume and pulse pressure variation) were evaluated at baseline, during hypovolaemia (withdrawal of 20% of estimated blood volume) and after an infusion of withdrawn blood (posttransfusion). Results During baseline, a positive end-expiratory pressure of 15cmH(2)O significantly increased pulmonary artery occlusion pressure from 14.6 +/- 1.6 mmHg to 17.4 +/- 1.7 mmHg (P<0.001) and pulse pressure variation from 15.8 +/- 8.5% to 25.3 +/- 9.5% (P<0.001). High tidal volume increased pulse pressure variation from 15.8 8.5% to 31.6 +/- 10.4% (P<0.001), and an inspiratory to expiratory time ratio of 2: 1 significantly increased only central venous pressure. During hypovolaemia, high positive end-expiratory pressure influenced all studied variables, and high tidal volume strongly increased pulse pressure variation (40.5 +/- 12.4% pre vs. 84.2 +/- 19.1 % post, P<0.001). The inversion of the inspiratory to expiratory time ratio only slightly increased filling pressures during hypovolaemia, without without affecting pulse pressure variation or right ventricle end-diastolic volume. Conclusion We concluded that pulse pressure variation measurement is influenced by cyclic variations in intrathoracic pressure, such as those caused by augmentations in tidal volume. The increase in mean airway pressure caused by positive end-expiratory pressure affects cardiac filling pressures and also pulse pressure variation, although to a lesser extent. Inversion of the inspiratory to expiratory time ratio does not induce significant changes in static and functional haemodynamic parameters. Eur J Anaesthesiol 26:66-72 (c) 2009 European Society of Anaesthesiology.
To develop a rat model of erectile dysfunction (ED) after cavernous nerve injury. Given the great similarity between the anatomical structure of the cavernous nerve in rats and humans, 24 rats underwent dissections and the cavernous nerves were identified with the aid of an operating microscope. Then the rats were randomized into two groups: sham-operated controls and a bilateral cavernous nerve section group. At 3 months after surgery, the rats were evaluated for their response to an apomorphine challenge. The erectile response after an apomorphine challenge was normal in all the control rats, while there were no erections in the bilateral injured group. The rat major autonomic ganglion and its cavernous nerve can be identified with the aid of a microscope. Rats are inexpensive and easy to handle, thus a good animal for developing an ED model of cavernous nerve injury. In the present study, the rats with cavernous nerve injury lost erectile capacity in a reliable and reproducible fashion. Because of the great similarity between the cavernous nerve of rats and humans, one may consider this technique as a reliable experimental model for studying ED after radical prostatectomy.
Objective: To analyze the prognostic effect of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9, and vascular endothelial growth factor expression in patients with locally recurrent oral carcinoma after salvage surgery. Design: Retrospective cohort study. Settings: Tertiary center cancer hospital. Patients: The charts of 111 patients with local recurrence of oral carcinomas were retrospectively analyzed. The previous treatment consisted of surgery in 33 patients (30.0%), radiotherapy with or without chemotherapy in 46 patients (41.0%), and surgery with adjuvant radiotherapy in 32 patients (29.0%). The expression of EGFR, matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9, and vascular endothelial growth factor was analyzed with a tissue microarray immunohistochemical technique. Main Outcome Measures: Overall survival and cancer-specific survival (CSS). Results: The recurrences were diagnosed in less than 1 year in 69 patients (62.2%) and in more than 1 year in 42 patients (37.8%). The prognosis was worse in the group with the disease-free interval of less than 1 year (P=.01). Patients with more advanced disease (clinical stage of recurrence, III/IV) had worse rates of CSS (P=.04). Cases that were positive for EGFR had a 3-year CSS of 27.2%, while EGFR-negative cases had a 3-year CSS of 64.3% (P=.001). The expression of matrix metalloproteinases 2 (P=.83) and 9 (P=.15) and vascular endothelial growth factor (P=.86) was not significant in this group. In multivariate analysis, only the disease-free interval and the overexpression of EGFR were associated with a higher risk of cancer death. Conclusions: Local recurrence in oral carcinomas carries a poor prognosis. A disease-free interval of more than 1 year and a EGFR-negative expression are the main prognostic factors related to better CSS in patients treated with salvage surgery.
Background Facial motor evoked potential (FMEP) amplitude ratio reduction at the end of the surgery has been identified as a good predictor for postoperative facial nerve outcome. We sought to investigate variations in FMEP amplitude and waveform morphology during vestibular schwannoma (VS) resection and to correlate these measures with postoperative facial function immediately after surgery and at the last follow-up. Methods Intraoperative orbicularis oculi and oris muscles FMEP data from 35 patients undergoing surgery for VS resection were collected, then analysed by surgical stage: initial, dural opening, tumour dissection (TuDis), tumour resection (TuRes) and final. Findings Immediately after surgery, postoperative facial function correlated significantly with the FMEP amplitude ratio during TuDis, TuRes and final stages in both the orbicularis oculi (p = 0.003, 0.055 and 0.028, respectively) and oris muscles (p = 0.002, 0.104 and 0.014, respectively). At the last follow-up, however, facial function correlated significantly with the FMEP amplitude ratio only during the TuDis (p = 0.005) and final (p = 0.102) stages for the orbicularis oris muscle. At both time points, postoperative facial paresis correlated significantly with FMEP waveform deterioration in orbicularis oculi during the final stage (immediate, p = 0.023; follow-up, p = 0.116) and in orbicularis oris during the TuDis, TuRes and final stages (immediate, p = 0.071, 0.000 and 0.001, respectively; follow-up, p = 0.015, 0.001 and 0.01, respectively). Conclusions FMEP amplitude ratio and waveform morphology during VS resection seem to represent independent quantitative parameters that can be used to predict postoperative facial function. Event-to-baseline FMEP monitoring is quite useful to dictate when intraoperative changes in surgical strategy are warranted to reduce the chances of facial nerve injury.
Background. Periodontal disease is often associated with systemic diseases and is characterized by destruction of the tissues supporting the teeth. Patients using immunosuppressive drugs such as tacrolimus are among those who suffer from tissue destruction. Objective. We sought to evaluate the effects of laser and photodynamic therapies (PDT; nonsurgical) as an adjunct to scaling and rootplaning (SRP) in the treatment of corona-induced periodontitis in rats immunosuppressed with tacrolimus (Prograf). Materials and Methods. The animals were divided into 5 groups. Each groups had 6 rats. Group I, the control group, received only saline solution throughout the study period of 42 days and did not receive periodontal treatment; group II received saline solution and SRP; group III received tacrolimus (1 mg/kg per day) and was treated with SRP; group IV animals were treated identically to group III and then administered laser treatment; and in group V, the animals were treated identically to group III and then administered PDT. Results. Statistical analysis indicated decreased bone loss with the progression of time (P = .035). There was no difference between the bone loss associated with the types of treatment administered to groups I, II, and III (P > .9) or groups IV and V (P > .6). The analysis also indicated that immunosuppression was not a bone loss-determining factor. Conclusion. Laser and PDT therapies were effective as an adjunctive treatment to SRP in reducing bone loss caused by experimental periodontitis induced in animals being treated systemically with tacrolimus.
Objectives. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of thermal and mechanical cycling alone or in combination, on the flexural strength of ceramic and metallic frameworks cast in gold alloy or titanium. Methods. Metallic frameworks (25 mm x 3 mm x 0.5 mm) (N = 96) cast in gold alloy or commercial pure titanium (Ti cp) were obtained using acrylic templates. They were airborne particle-abraded with 150 mu m aluminum oxide at the central area of the frameworks (8 mm x 3 mm). Bonding agent and opaque were applied on the particle-abraded surfaces and the corresponding ceramic for each metal was fired onto them. The thickness of the ceramic layer was standardized by positioning the frameworks in a metallic template (height: I mm). The specimens from each ceramic-metal combination (N = 96, n = 12 per group) were randomly assigned into four experimental fatigue conditions, namely water storage at 37 degrees C for 24 h (control group), thermal cycling (3000 cycles, between 4 and 55 degrees C, dwell time: 10 s), mechanical cycling (20,000 cycles under 10 N load, immersion in distilled water at 37 degrees C) and, thermal and mechanical cycling. A flexural strength test was performed in a universal testing machine (crosshead speed: 1.5 mm/min). Data were statistically analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey`s test (alpha = 0.05). Results. The mean flexural strength values for the ceramic-gold alloy combination (55 +/- 7.2MPa) were significantly higher than those of the ceramic-Ti cp combination (32 +/- 6.7 MPa) regardless of the fatigue conditions performed (p < 0.05). Mechanical and thermo-mechanical fatigue decreased the flexural strength results significantly for both ceramic-gold alloy (52 +/- 6.6 and 53 +/- 5.6 MPa, respectively) and ceramic-Ti cp combinations (29 +/- 6.8 and 29 +/- 6.8 MPa, respectively) compared to the control group (58 +/- 7.8 and 39 SA MPa, for gold and Ti cp, respectively) (p < 0.05) (Tukey`s test). While ceramic-Ti cp combinations failed adhesively at the metal-opaque interface, gold alloy frameworks exhibited a residue of ceramic material on the surface in all experimental groups. Significance. Mechanical and thermo-mechanical fatigue conditions decreased the flexural strength values for both ceramic-gold alloy and ceramic-Ti cp combinations with the results being significantly lower for the latter in all experimental conditions. (C) 2007 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.