981 resultados para Estratégias de coping


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 Two studies examined associations between non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI), emotion dysregulation, attachment, and alexithymia. Using cross-sectional and ecological momentary assessment methods, results revealed that attachment variables were correlated with NSSI, and that emotion dysregulation partially explained this association, with participants with NSSI reporting higher levels of negative affect and greater fluctuations in affect across time.


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This research examined how individual differences in coping styles and drinking motives are associated with personality in the prediction of alcohol use.


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Purpose: The objectives of this paper are as follows: (1) propose an explanatory model as to how hearing disability may impact on health and (2) examine the model’s utility.
Methods: Data were collected on the psycho-social wellbeing, disability and physical health of farmers (n=56) participating in an intervention to manage the social impacts of hearing disability. Two models were proposed and examined using multiple hierarchical linear regression. Model 1 used self-rated quality of life and model 2 used capacity to manage hearing and listening impairments, as dependent variables.
Results: The analyses found that physical measures of hearing impairment (audiograms) were not correlated with physical or mental health outcomes. However, in model 1, self-confidence and self-rated ability to manage hearing impairment were most closely associated with reduced quality of life (anxiety and diastolic blood pressure were positively associated with quality of life). In model 2, higher anxiety and reduced self-confidence were associated with decreasing ability to successfully manage one’s hearing impairment.
Conclusions: The findings support the explanatory model that stress is higher and wellbeing lower when the fit between the person’s coping capacity and environmental demands is poor.


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Due to improved treatments and ageing population, many countries now report increasing prevalence in rates of ischemic heart disease and heart failure. Cardiac rehabilitation has potential to reduce morbidity and mortality, but not all patients complete. In light of favourable effects of cardiac rehabilitation it is important to develop patient education methods which can enhance adherence to this effective program. The LC-REHAB study aims to compare the effect of a new patient education strategy in cardiac rehabilitation called 'learning and coping' to that of standard care. Further, this paper aims to describe the theoretical basis and details of this intervention.


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Research shows that Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) investigators cope well with the range of stressors their work exposes them to, but little is known about how they manage to cope. The current study attempts to expand knowledge and address the limitations of prior research by using a broad, open-ended anonymous interviewing strategy that differentiates between individual and organizational coping resources in the first study conducted with Australian investigators. Participants were 32 ICE investigators from all nine Australian jurisdictions. Results were organized thematically in the following headings: selection of ideal applicants, indicators of poor coping and coping strategies. The overriding conclusions and their implications for police managers are discussed. © 2014 American Psychological Association.


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A partial latent structural regression analysis was used to evaluate the role of coping resources, depression, diet and exercise on mental and physical health status. The sample consisted of 113 participants (59 females and 54 males) with a mean age of 59.38 years (SD = 10.52). Coping resources, depression and exercise explained 52 and 26% of the variance in mental and physical health status, respectively. Fewer coping resources predicted higher levels of depression and both predicted worse mental health. Only higher levels of depression predicted worse physical health status. There were also significant indirect effects of coping on mental and physical health status through depression. The development of cognitive, social and emotional coping strategies is important for managing depression and supporting positive mental health. These results highlight the important role of health psychologists in the care of individuals with chronic illness. Additionally, the management of depression is important in maintaining positive physical health.


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This paper examines several individual coping strategies and employees' perception of organisational provision of work–life balance (WLB) programmes with a sample of 700 Australian employees. The combined effects of individual coping strategies and organisational provision of WLB programmes on employee affective well-being are examined, using structural equation modelling. Results indicate that individuals with positive attitudes and life coping strategies were more capable of achieving overall well-being. Both monetary- and non-monetary-based organisational WLB provision had no direct association with employee well-being, but had indirect effects via individual coping strategies to help employees achieve better well-being. Employee well-being was found to have a stronger association with individual effort than organisational deliberation in providing WLB programmes. Theoretical and practical implications of these study outcomes are discussed.


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Little is known regarding the symptoms of fatigue that maritime pilots experience during shift work. Moreover, the strategies these individuals use to cope with the onset of fatigue are also unknown. The current study explored the symptoms of fatigue and coping strategies experienced by maritime pilots when on-shift.

Material and methods:
Fifty maritime pilots were recruited via an advertisement in the national association’s quarterly newsletter (Mage = 51.42; SD = 9.81). Participants responded to a modified version of the questionnaire used with aviation pilots that assessed overall fatigue, and the symptoms pilots associated with fatigue on duty. Methods pilots used to cope with fatigue before shift and when on the bridge were also assessed.

There were significant effects for pilot vitality on 4 categories of fatigue: cognitive dysfunction; emotional disturbance; mean physical effects; and sleepiness. There were no significant effects for vitality on any of the self-reported coping strategy factors.

The findings indicated that maritime pilots experience a variety of physical, behavioural, and cognitive fatigue symptoms when on shift. Some of these symptoms are similar to those reported by aviation pilots. However, unlike aviation pilots, maritime pilots reported utilising self-sufficient coping strategies to deal with the experience of fatigue.


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PURPOSE: To examine the acceptability of the methods used to evaluate Coping-Together, one of the first self-directed coping skill intervention for couples facing cancer, and to collect preliminary efficacy data. METHODS: Forty-two couples, randomized to a minimal ethical care (MEC) condition or to Coping-Together, completed a survey at baseline and 2 months after, a cost diary, and a process evaluation phone interview. RESULTS: One hundred seventy patients were referred to the study. However, 57 couples did not meet all eligibility criteria, and 51 refused study participation. On average, two to three couples were randomized per month, and on average it took 26 days to enrol a couple in the study. Two couples withdrew from MEC, none from Coping-Together. Only 44 % of the cost diaries were completed, and 55 % of patients and 60 % of partners found the surveys too long, and this despite the follow-up survey being five pages shorter than the baseline one. Trends in favor of Coping-Together were noted for both patients and their partners. CONCLUSIONS: This study identified the challenges of conducting dyadic research, and a number of suggestions were put forward for future studies, including to question whether distress screening was necessary and what kind of control group might be more appropriate in future studies.


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 Students commencing university were surveyed three times to identify what individual variables facilitated positive adjustment experiences. Student’s attachment orientations were found to be strongly associated with their university adjustment, and this was mediated by students’ use of different coping strategies and their negotiation of the developmental tasks of young adulthood.


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 This study involved a longitudinal investigation of how older couples cope with chronic illness. The study found that one person’s chronic illness affects the wellbeing of both members of the couple. Ensuring that both members of the couple are supported when a chronic illness is experienced is important to optimise the psychological health of this vulnerable cohort of Australians.


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O artigo busca explanar as estratégias de administração da educação pública desenvolvidas na cidade do Rio de Janeiro entre 1922 e 1935. Examinando as políticas públicas de educação, durante as administrações de Antônio Carneiro Leão (1922-1926), Fernando de Azevedo (1927-1930) e Anísio Teixeira (1931-1935), apresenta as mudanças ocorridas na organização da Diretoria Geral de Instrução Pública. Na complexa rede de instituições e saberes, visando reformar a estrutura administrativa da educação, a ampliação das agências de Estado e a especialização dos serviços de educação constituem um importante recurso político.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é o de analisar a existência de estratégias de marketing das empresas de grande, médio e pequeno porte, prestadoras de serviços de galvanização geral no Brasil, para mostrar e divulgar os benefícios do material revestido com zinco em relação a outros revestimentos e, consequentemente, o aumento do uso e consumo do zinco metálico neste principal segmento de mercado, e, através de uma abordagem ampla sobre os principais conceitos e questões sobre o marketing, como marketing industrial, estratégias de marketing, segmentação de mercado e mercado-alvo, diferenciação de produtos e de serviços, canais de distribuição e rede de valor, partiu para a realização de uma pesquisa, com um roteiro de entrevista estruturado, no qual foram coletados dados de sete sujeitos amostrados de forma não-probabilística proposital, localizados no estado de São Paulo, representando 10% do total de empresas do mercado brasileiro de galvanização geral. Após avaliação dos resultados obtidos na pesquisa, pode-se constatar que a maioria do segmento galvanizador geral brasileiro não tem nenhuma estratégia de marketing voltada para a divulgação e promoção do uso de revestimento de zinco em relação a outros revestimentos. Ficando claro que somente algumas empresas de grande porte identificam a necessidade de formular e criar estratégias voltadas para o produto e/ou serviços, porém, que se desenvolvem muito timidamente. Outros aspectos, como fator de decisão para galvanizar, diferenciais avaliados pelo cliente, desenvolvimento de novos mercados, parcerias com fornecedores, atendimento das necessidades e relação com o mercado, também foram apurados neste trabalho.