1000 resultados para Energía eléctrica-Distribución-Equipo de suguridad
Las máquinas síncronas con excitación indirecta sin escobillas (tipo brushless) presentan el problema de que no es posible acceder al devanado de campo para desexcitar la máquina. Esto provoca que, a pesar de la operación correcta del sistema de protecciones, la lenta constante de tiempo de desexcitación pueda producir graves daños en el caso de un cortocircuito interno. En este documento se presentan las pruebas de un novedoso sistema de desexcitación rápida para este tipo de máquinas en un generador de 15 MVA. La desexcitación se consigue introduciendo una resistencia en el circuito de campo, obteniendo una respuesta dinámica similar a la que se consigue en las máquinas con excitación estática. La principal aportación de este estudio es la adaptación del método a máquinas de tamaño industrial y las diversas pruebas realizadas en un generador de 15 MVA validando el correcto funcionamiento de este sistema. Synchronous machines with brushless excitation have the disadvantage that the field winding is no accessible for the de-excitation. This means that, despite the proper operation of the protection system, the slow de-excitation time constant may produce severe damage in the event of an internal short circuit. In this paper the test in a 15 MVA generator of a novel high-speed de-excitation system for brushless synchronous machines is presented. The de-excitation is achieved by inserting a resistance in the field circuit, obtaining a dynamic response similar to that archived in machines with static excitation. The main novelty of this paper is the use of this method in a industrial size machine. This system has been validated through experimental tests on a 15 MVA generator, with satisfactory results.
The transient response of a system of independent electrodes buried in a semi-infinite conducting medium is studied. Using a simple and versatile numerical scheme written by the authors and based on the Electric Field Integral Equation (EFIE), the effect caused by harmonic signals ranging on frequency from Hz to hundred of MHz, and also by lightning type driving signal striking at a remote point far from the conductors, is extensively studied. The value of the scalar potential appearing on the electrodes as a function of the frequency of the applied signal is one of the variables investigated. Other features such as the input impedance at the injection point of the signal and the Ground Potential Rise (GPR) over the electrode system are also discussed
The effect caused by ground fault current in a complex system of interacting electrodes is theoretically studied. The calculation applies to a specific case in which a set of interconnected electrodes, which are part of a grounding facility network, are activated by a ground fault current. Transferred potentials to adjacent passive electrodes are calculated and the most relevant parameters of the electrode system are evaluated. Finally, the convenience of connecting the grounding electrodes is discussed.
The present paper deals with the calculation of grounding resistance of an electrode composed of thin wires, that we consider here as perfect electric conductors (PEC) e.g. with null internal resistance, when buried in a soil of uniform resistivity. The potential profile at the ground surface is also calculated when the electrode is energized with low frequency current. The classic treatment by using leakage currents, called Charge Simulated Method (CSM), is compared with that using a set of steady currents along the axis of the wires, here called the Longitudinal Currents Method (LCM), to solve the Maxwell equations. The method of moments is applied to obtain a numerical approximation of the solution by using rectangular basis functions. Both methods are applied to two types of electrodes and the results are also compared with those obtained using a thirth approach, the Average Potential Method (APM), later described in the text. From the analysis performed, we can estimate a value of the error in the determination of grounding resistance as a function of the number of segments in which the electrodes are divided.
(ENG) IDPSA (Integrated Deterministic-Probabilistic Safety Assessment) is a family of methods which use tightly coupled probabilistic and deterministic approaches to address respective sources of uncertainties, enabling Risk informed decision making in a consistent manner. The starting point of the IDPSA framework is that safety justification must be based on the coupling of deterministic (consequences) and probabilistic (frequency) considerations to address the mutual interactions between stochastic disturbances (e.g. failures of the equipment, human actions, stochastic physical phenomena) and deterministic response of the plant (i.e. transients). This paper gives a general overview of some IDPSA methods as well as some possible applications to PWR safety analyses (SPA)DPSA (Metodologías Integradas de Análisis Determinista-Probabilista de Seguridad) es un conjunto de métodos que utilizan métodos probabilistas y deterministas estrechamente acoplados para abordar las respectivas fuentes de incertidumbre, permitiendo la toma de decisiones Informada por el Riesgo de forma consistente. El punto de inicio del marco IDPSA es que la justificación de seguridad debe estar basada en el acoplamiento entre consideraciones deterministas (consecuencias) y probabilistas (frecuencia) para abordar la interacción mutua entre perturbaciones estocásticas (como por ejemplo fallos de los equipos, acciones humanas, fenómenos físicos estocásticos) y la respuesta determinista de la planta (como por ejemplo los transitorios). Este artículo da una visión general de algunos métodos IDSPA así como posibles aplicaciones al análisis de seguridad de los PWR.
The flight dynamics and stability of a kite with a single main line flying in steady and unsteady wind conditions are discussed. A simple dynamic model with five degrees of freedom is derived with the aid of Lagrangian formulation, which explicitly avoids any constraint force in the equations of motion. The longitudinal and lateral–directional modes and stability of the steady flight under constant wind conditions are analyzed by using both numerical and analytical methods. Taking advantage of the appearance of small dimensionless parameters in the model, useful analytical formulas for stable-designed kites are found. Under nonsteady wind-velocity conditions, the equilibrium state disappears and periodic orbits occur. The kite stability and an interesting resonance phenomenon are explored with the aid of a numerical method based on Floquet theory.
Se analiza el efecto de la temperatura del termotratamiento sobre la conductividad eléctrica de la madera de pino radiata. Sobre probetas de madera de pino radiata de procedencia País Vasco (España), termotratada a 190ºC y 210ºC por el método Thermowood así como sobre piezas testigo de la misma especie, procedencia y dimensiones, acondicionadas todas ellas hasta masa constante a 20ºC/40%HR, 20ºC/65%HR y 20ºC/90%HR se evaluó la resistencia eléctrica (longitudinal y transversal) y, posteriormente, se ajustó el modelo Samuelson para modelizar en cada tipo de material la relación humedad de la madera-resistencia eléctrica. Se concluye que la temperatura empleada en el tratamiento térmico de la madera afecta no sólo a la humedad de equilibrio sino, también, a su conductividad eléctrica, siendo máximo este efecto en el tratamiento efectuado a 210ºC.
Considering that non-renewable energy resources are dwindling, the smart grid turns out to be one of the most promising and compelling systems for the future of energy. Not only does it combine efficient energy consumption with avant-garde technologies related to renewable energies, but it is also capable of providing several beneficial utilities, such as power monitoring and data provision. When smart grid end users turn into prosumers, they become arguably the most important value creators within the smart grid and a decisive agent of change in terms of electricity usage. There is a plethora of research and development areas related to the smart grid that can be exploited for new business opportunities, thus spawning another branch of the so-called ?green economy? focused on turning smart energy usage into a profitable business. This paper deals with emerging business models for smart grid prosumers, their strengths and weaknesses and puts forward new prosumer-oriented business models, along with their value propositions.
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are one of the most important users of wireless communication technologies in the coming years and some challenges in this area must be addressed for their complete development. Energy consumption and spectrum availability are two of the most severe constraints of WSNs due to their intrinsic nature. The introduction of cognitive capabilities into these networks has arisen to face the issue of spectrum scarcity but could be used to face energy challenges too due to their new range of communication possibilities. In this paper a new strategy based on game theory for cognitive WSNs is discussed. The presented strategy improves energy consumption by taking advantage of the new change-communication-channel capability. Based on game theory, the strategy decides when to change the transmission channel depending on the behavior of the rest of the network nodes. The strategy presented is lightweight but still has higher energy saving rates as compared to noncognitive networks and even to other strategies based on scheduled spectrum sensing. Simulations are presented for several scenarios that demonstrate energy saving rates of around 65% as compared to WSNs without cognitive techniques.
En 1966, D. B. Leeson publicó el artículo titulado “A simple model of feedback oscillator noise spectrum” en el que, mediante una ecuación obtenida de forma heurística y basada en parámetros conocidos de los osciladores, proponía un modelo para estimar el espectro de potencia que cuantifica el Ruido de Fase de estos osciladores. Este Ruido de Fase pone de manifiesto las fluctuaciones aleatorias que se producen en la fase de la señal de salida de cualquier oscilador de frecuencia f_0. Desde entonces, los adelantos tecnológicos han permitido grandes progresos en cuanto a la medida del Ruido de Fase, llegando a encontrar una estrecha “zona plana”, alrededor de f_0, conocida con el nombre de Ensanchamiento de Línea (EL) que Leeson no llegó a observar y que su modelo empírico no recogía. Paralelamente han ido surgiendo teorías que han tratado de explicar el Ruido de Fase con mayor o menor éxito. En esta Tesis se propone una nueva teoría para explicar el espectro de potencia del Ruido de Fase de un oscilador realimentado y basado en resonador L-C (Inductancia-Capacidad). Al igual que otras teorías, la nuestra también relaciona el Ruido de Fase del oscilador con el ruido térmico del circuito que lo implementa pero, a diferencia de aquellas, nuestra teoría se basa en un Modelo Complejo de ruido eléctrico que considera tanto las Fluctuaciones de energía eléctrica asociadas a la susceptancia capacitiva del resonador como las Disipaciones de energía eléctrica asociadas a su inevitable conductancia G=1⁄R, que dan cuenta del contacto térmico entre el resonador y el entorno térmico que le rodea. En concreto, la nueva teoría que proponemos explica tanto la parte del espectro del Ruido de Fase centrada alrededor de la frecuencia portadora f_0 que hemos llamado EL y su posterior caída proporcional a 〖∆f〗^(-2) al alejarnos de f_0, como la zona plana o pedestal que aparece en el espectro de Ruido de Fase lejos de esa f_0. Además, al saber cuantificar el EL y su origen, podemos explicar con facilidad la aparición de zonas del espectro de Ruido de Fase con caída 〖∆f〗^(-3) cercanas a la portadora y que provienen del denominado “exceso de ruido 1⁄f” de dispositivos de Estado Sólido y del ruido “flicker” de espectro 1⁄f^β (0,8≤β≤1,2) que aparece en dispositivos de vacío como las válvulas termoiónicas. Habiendo mostrado que una parte del Ruido de Fase de osciladores L-C realimentados que hemos denominado Ruido de Fase Térmico, se debe al ruido eléctrico de origen térmico de la electrónica que forma ese oscilador, proponemos en esta Tesis una nueva fuente de Ruido de Fase que hemos llamado Ruido de Fase Técnico, que se añadirá al Térmico y que aparecerá cuando el desfase del lazo a la frecuencia de resonancia f_0 del resonador no sea 0° o múltiplo entero de 360° (Condición Barkhausen de Fase, CBF). En estos casos, la modulación aleatoria de ganancia de lazo que realiza el Control Automático de Amplitud en su lucha contra ruidos que traten de variar la amplitud de la señal oscilante del lazo, producirá a su vez una modulación aleatoria de la frecuencia de tal señal que se observará como más Ruido de Fase añadido al Térmico. Para dar una prueba empírica sobre la existencia de esta nueva fuente de Ruido de Fase, se diseñó y construyó un oscilador en torno a un resonador mecánico “grande” para tener un Ruido de Fase Térmico despreciable a efectos prácticos. En este oscilador se midió su Ruido de Fase Técnico tanto en función del valor del desfase añadido al lazo de realimentación para apartarlo de su CBF, como en función de la perturbación de amplitud inyectada para mostrar sin ambigüedad la aparición de este Ruido de Fase Técnico cuando el lazo tiene este fallo técnico: que no cumple la Condición Barkhausen de Fase a la frecuencia de resonancia f_0 del resonador, por lo que oscila a otra frecuencia. ABSTRACT In 1966, D. B. Leeson published the article titled “A simple model of feedback oscillator noise spectrum” in which, by means of an equation obtained heuristically and based on known parameters of the oscillators, a model was proposed to estimate the power spectrum that quantifies the Phase Noise of these oscillators. This Phase Noise reveals the random fluctuations that are produced in the phase of the output signal from any oscillator of frequencyf_0. Since then, technological advances have allowed significant progress regarding the measurement of Phase Noise. This way, the narrow flat region that has been found around f_(0 ), is known as Line Widening (LW). This region that Leeson could not detect at that time does not appear in his empirical model. After Leeson’s work, different theories have appeared trying to explain the Phase Noise of oscillators. This Thesis proposes a new theory that explains the Phase Noise power spectrum of a feedback oscillator around a resonator L-C (Inductance-Capacity). Like other theories, ours also relates the oscillator Phase Noise to the thermal noise of the feedback circuitry, but departing from them, our theory uses a new, Complex Model for electrical noise that considers both Fluctuations of electrical energy associated with the capacitive susceptance of the resonator and Dissipations of electrical energy associated with its unavoidable conductance G=1/R, which accounts for the thermal contact between the resonator and its surrounding environment (thermal bath). More specifically, the new theory we propose explains both the Phase Noise region of the spectrum centered at the carrier frequency f_0 that we have called LW and shows a region falling as 〖∆f〗^(-2) as we depart from f_0, and the flat zone or pedestal that appears in the Phase Noise spectrum far from f_0. Being able to quantify the LW and its origin, we can easily explain the appearance of Phase Noise spectrum zones with 〖∆f〗^(-3) slope near the carrier that come from the so called “1/f excess noise” in Solid-State devices and “flicker noise” with 1⁄f^β (0,8≤β≤1,2) spectrum that appears in vacuum devices such as thermoionic valves. Having shown that the part of the Phase Noise of L-C oscillators that we have called Thermal Phase Noise is due to the electrical noise of the electronics used in the oscillator, this Thesis can propose a new source of Phase Noise that we have called Technical Phase Noise, which will appear when the loop phase shift to the resonance frequency f_0 is not 0° or an integer multiple of 360° (Barkhausen Phase Condition, BPC). This Phase Noise that will add to the Thermal one, comes from the random modulation of the loop gain carried out by the Amplitude Automatic Control fighting against noises trying to change the amplitude of the oscillating signal in the loop. In this case, the BPC failure gives rise to a random modulation of the frequency of the output signal that will be observed as more Phase Noise added to the Thermal one. To give an empirical proof on the existence of this new source of Phase Noise, an oscillator was designed and constructed around a “big” mechanical resonator whose Thermal Phase Noise is negligible for practical effects. The Technical Phase Noise of this oscillator has been measured with regard to the phase lag added to the feedback loop to separate it from its BPC, and with regard to the amplitude disturbance injected to show without ambiguity the appearance of this Technical Phase Noise that appears when the loop has this technical failure: that it does not fulfill the Barkhausen Phase Condition at f_0, the resonance frequency of the resonator and therefore it is oscillating at a frequency other than f_0.
Electrical power systems are changing their traditional structure, which was based on a little number of large generating power plants placed at great distances from loads by new models that tend to split the big production nodes in many smaller ones. The set of small groups which are located close to consumers and provide safe and quality energy is called distributed generation (DG). The proximity of the sources to the loads reduces losses associated with transportation and increases overall system efficiency. DG also favors the inclusion of renewable energy sources in isolated electrical systems or remote microgrids, because they can be installed where the natural resource is located. In both cases, as weak grids unable to get help from other nearby networks, it is essential to ensure appropriate behavior of DG sources to guarantee power system safety and stability. The grid codes sets out the technical requirements to be fulfilled for the sources connected in these electrical networks. In technical literature it is rather easy to find and compare grid codes for interconnected electrical systems. However, the existing literature is incomplete and sparse regarding isolated electrical systems and this happens due to the difficulties inherent in the pursuit of codes. Some countries have developed their own legislation only for their island territory (as Spain or France), others apply the same set of rules as in mainland, another group of island countries have elaborated a complete grid code for all generating sources and some others lack specific regulation. This paper aims to make a complete review of the state of the art in grid codes applicable to isolated systems, setting the comparison between them and defining the guidelines predictably followed by the upcoming regulations in these particular systems.
This paper presents results of the validity study of the use of MATLAB/Simulink synchronous-machine block for power-system stability studies. Firstly, the waveforms of the theoretical synchronous-generator short-circuit currents are described. Thereafter, the comparison between the currents obtained through the simulation model in the sudden short-circuit test, are compared to the theoretical ones. Finally, the factory tests of two commercial generating units are compared to the response of the synchronous generator simulation block during sudden short-circuit, set with the same real data, with satisfactory results. This results show the validity of the use of this generator block for power plant simulation.
New On-Line Excitation-System Ground Fault Location Method Tested in a 106 MVA Synchronous Generator
In this paper, a novel excitation-system ground-fault location method is described and tested in a 106 MVA synchronous machine. In this unit, numerous rotor ground-fault trips took place always about an hour after the synchronization to the network. However, when the field winding insulation was checked after the trips, there was no failure. The data indicated that the faults in the rotor were caused by centrifugal forces and temperature. Unexpectedly, by applying this new method, the failure was located in a cable between the excitation transformer and the automatic voltage regulator. In addition, several intentional ground faults were performed along the field winding with different fault resistance values, in order to test the accuracy of this method to locate defects in rotor windings of large generators. Therefore, this new on-line rotor ground-fault detection algorithm is tested in high-power synchronous generators with satisfactory results.
El código COBAYA4 es un simulador de núcleo multi-escala que resuelve la ecuación de difusión 3D en multigrupos en geometría cartesiana y hexagonal[3]. Este código ha sido desarrollado en el Departamento de Ingeniería Nuclear desde los años 80[2] ampliando su alcance y funcionalidades de forma continua. Como parte de estos desarrollos es necesaria la verificación continua de que el código sigue teniendo al menos las mismas capacidades que tenía anteriormente. Además es necesario establecer casos de referencia que nos permitan confirmar que los resultados son comparables a los obtenidos con otros códigos con modelos de mayor precisión. El desarrollo de una herramienta informática que automatice la comparación de resultados con versiones anteriores del código y con resultados obtenidos mediante modelos de mayor precisión es crucial para implementar en el código nuevas funcionalidades. El trabajo aquí presentado ha consistido en la generación de la mencionada herramienta y del conjunto de casos de referencia que han constituido la matriz mencionada.
Los análisis de los transitorios y situaciones accidentales de los reactores de agua ligera requieren el uso de simuladores y códigos a nivel de núcleo completo con modelos de cinética 3D. Normalmente estos códigos utilizan como datos de entrada librerías de secciones eficaces compiladas en tablas multidimensionales. En este caso, los errores de interpolación, originados a la hora de computar los valores de las secciones eficaces a partir de los puntos de la tabla, son una fuente de incertidumbre en el cálculo del parámetro k-efectiva y deben de tenerse en cuenta. Estos errores dependen de la estructura de la malla de puntos que cubre el dominio de variación de cada una de las variables termo-hidráulicas en las que se tabula la librería de secciones eficaces, y pueden ser minimizados con la elección de una malla adecuada, a diferencia de los errores debidos a los datos nucleares. En esta ponencia se evalúa el impacto que tiene una determinada malla sobre un transitorio en un reactor PWR consistente en la expulsión de una barra de control. Para ello se han usado los códigos neutrónico y termo-hidráulico acoplados COBAYA3/COBRA-TF. Con este objetivo se ha escogido el OECD/NEA PWR MOX/UO2 rod ejection transient benchmark ya que proporciona unas composiciones isotópicas y unas configuraciones geométricas definidas que permiten el empleo de códigos lattice para generar librerías propias. El código de transporte utilizado para ello ha sido el código APOLLO2.8. Así mismo, ya que se proporcionaba también una librería como parte de las especificaciones, los efectos debidos a la generación de éstas sobre la respuesta del transitorio son analizados. Los resultados muestran grandes discrepancias al emplear la librería del benchmark o las librerías propias comparándolas con las soluciones de otros participantes. El origen de estas discrepancias se halla en las secciones eficaces nodales proporcionadas en el benchmark.