797 resultados para Encapsulated


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The encapsulation of magnetic transition-metal (TM) clusters inside carbon cages (fullerenes, nanotubes) has been of great interest due to the wide range of applications, which spread from medical sensors in magnetic resonance imaging to photonic crystals. Several theoretical studies have been reported; however, our atomistic understanding of the physical properties of encapsulated magnetic TM 3d clusters is far from satisfactory. In this work, we will report general trends, derived from density functional theory within the generalized gradient approximation proposed by Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof (PBE), for the encapsulation properties of the TMm@C-n (TM = Fe, Co, Ni; m = 2-6, n = 60,70,80,90) systems. Furthermore, to understand the role of the van der Waals corrections to the physical properties, we employed the empirical Grimme's correction (PBE + D2). We found that both PBE and PBE + D2 functionals yield almost the same geometric parameters, magnetic and electronic properties, however, PBE + D2 strongly enhances the encapsulation energy. We found that the center of mass of the TMm clusters is displaced towards the inside C-n surfaces, except for large TMm clusters (m = 5 and 6). For few cases, e. g., Co-4 and Fe-4, the encapsulation changes the putative lowest-energy structure compared to the isolated TMm clusters. We identified few physical parameters that play an important role in the sign and magnitude of the encapsulation energy, namely, cluster size, fullerene equatorial diameter, shape, curvature of the inside C-n surface, number of TM atoms that bind directly to the inside C-n surface, and the van der Waals correction. The total magnetic moment of encapsulated TMm clusters decreases compared with the isolated TMm clusters, which is expected due to the hybridization of the d-p states, and strongly depends on the size and shape of the fullerene cages.


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The aim of this work was to produce and characterize microcapsules of lycopene and to evaluate their stability in comparison with free lycopene. An oily dispersion of lycopene was encapsulated by complex coacervation using gelatin and pectin. Samples were analyzed at four different pH values (3, 3.5, 4 and 4.5) and three proportions of core (25, 50 and 100%). The moisture, water activity, solubility, hygroscopicity, encapsulation efficiency and stability of lycopene microcapsules kept at 10 and 25C were determined. The amount of lycopene in the microcapsule did not have a significant (P < 0.05) effect on water activity, hygroscopic characteristics or the efficiency of microencapsulation. The degradation of lycopene was linear, with an average loss of 14% per week. Therefore, despite the formation of microcapsules and the high values of encapsulation efficiency, the encapsulation method and the wall materials used in this work did not provide effective protection of the lycopene from degradation during storage.


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beta-Carotene (BC) is one of the natural pigments that is most commonly added to food; however, the utilization of BC is limited due to its instability. Microencapsulation techniques are commonly used because they can protect the microencapsulated material from oxidization. Nevertheless, the properties of the encapsulated compounds must be studied. We compared the antigenotoxic potential of pure and microencapsulated beta-carotene (mBC) in Wistar rats. Two doses of BC or mBC (2.5 or 5.0 mg/kg) were administered by gavage over a period of 14 days. The final gavage was followed by an injection of doxorubicin (DXR). After 24 h the animals were euthanized. The micronucleus test results showed that when both mBC and DXR were given, only the higher dose was antigenotoxic. The results of the comet assay show that when given in association with DXR, mBC had protective effects in the liver. The differences between the results obtained with BC and mBC suggest that possibly the carotenoid biodisponibility was modified by the process of microencapsulation. In conclusion, mBC does not lose its protective properties, but higher doses must be used to observe antigenotoxic effects. This is the first time that the genotoxicity and antigenotoxicity of a microencapsulated compound was evaluated in vivo. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to produce and evaluate solid lipid microparticles containing Bifidobacterium lactis or Lactobacillus acidophilus. Survival assays were conducted to evaluate the resistance of the probiotics to spray-chilling process, their resistance to simulated gastric fluid (SGF) and simulated intestinal fluid (SIF) and their stability during 90 d of storage. The viability of the cells was not affected by microencapsulation. The free and encapsulated cells of B. lactis were resistant to SGF and SIF. The microencapsulation, however, provided protection for L. acidophilus against SGF and SIF. The free and encapsulated microorganisms lost their viability when they were stored at 37 degrees C. However, promising results were obtained when refrigerated and frozen storage was applied. The study indicates that spray-chilling using fat as carrier can be considered an innovative technology and matrix, respectively, for the protection, application and delivery of probiotics. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Antitumor activities have been described in selol, a hydrophobic mixture of molecules containing selenium in their structure, and also in maghemite magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs). Both selol and MNPs were co-encapsulated within poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanocapsules for therapeutic purposes. The PLGA-nanocapsules loaded with MNPs and selol were labeled MSE-NC and characterized by transmission and scanning electron microscopy, electrophoretic mobility, photon correlation spectroscopy, presenting a monodisperse profile, and positive charge. The antitumor effect of MSE-NC was evaluated using normal (MCF-10A) and neoplastic (4T1 and MCF-7) breast cell lines. Nanocapsules containing only MNPs or selol were used as control. MTT assay showed that the cytotoxicity induced by MSE-NC was dose and time dependent. Normal cells were less affected than tumor cells. Cell death occurred mainly by apoptosis. Further exposure of MSE-NC treated neoplastic breast cells to an alternating magnetic field increased the antitumor effect of MSE-NC. It was concluded that selol-loaded magnetic PLGA-nanocapsules (MSE-NC) represent an effective magnetic material platform to promote magnetohyperthermia and thus a potential system for antitumor therapy.


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A delivery system containing polymeric (Eudragit) nanoparticles has been developed for encapsulation and controlled release of bioactive flavonoids (quercetin). Nanoparticles were fabricated using a solvent displacement method. Particle size, morphology, and charge were measured by light scattering, electron microscopy and zeta-potential. Encapsulation efficiency (EE) and release profiles were determined using electrochemical methods. Molecular interactions within the particle matrix were characterized by X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry, and infrared spectroscopy. Antioxidant properties of free and encapsulated quercetin were analyzed by TBARS and fluorescence spectroscopy. Bioaccessibility of quercetin was evaluated using an in vitro digestion model. Relatively small (d a parts per thousand aEuro parts per thousand 370 nm) anionic polymeric nanoparticles were formed containing quercetin in a non-crystalline form (EE a parts per thousand aEuro parts per thousand 67 %). The main interaction between quercetin and Eudragit was hydrogen bonding. Encapsulated quercetin remained stable during 6 months storage and maintained its antioxidant activity. Quercetin bioaccessibility within simulated small intestinal conditions was improved by encapsulation. The knowledge obtained from this study will facilitate the rational design and fabrication of polymeric nanoparticles as oral delivery systems for encapsulation, protection, and release of bioactive compounds.


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Capability to produce antilisterial bacteriocins by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) can be explored by the food industry as a tool to increase the safety of foods. Furthermore, probiotic activity of bacteriogenic LAB brings extra advantages to these strains, as they can confer health benefits to the consumer. Beneficial effects depend on the ability of the probiotic strains to maintain viability in the food during shelf-life and to survive the natural defenses of the host and multiply in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). This study evaluated the probiotic potential of a bacteriocinogenic Lactobacillus plantarum strain (Lb. plantarum ST16Pa) isolated from papaya fruit and studied the effect of encapsulation in alginate on survival in conditions simulating the human GIT. Good growth of Lb. plantarum ST16Pa was recorded in MRS broth with initial pH values between 5.0 and 9.0 and good capability to survive in pH 4.0, 11.0 and 13.0. Lb. plantarum ST16Pa grew well in the presence of oxbile at concentrations ranging from 0.2 to 3.0%. The level of auto-aggregation was 37%, and various degrees of co-aggregation were observed with different strains of Lb. plantarum, Enterococcus spp., Lb. sakei and Listeria, which are important features for probiotic activity. Growth was affected negatively by several medicaments used for human therapy, mainly anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics. Adhesion to Caco-2 cells was within the range reported for other probiotic strains, and PCR analysis indicated that the strain harbored the adhesion genes mapA, mub and EF-Tu. Encapsulation in 2, 3 and 4% alginate protected the cells from exposure to 1 or 2% oxbile added to MRS broth. Studies in a model simulating the transit through the GIT indicated that encapsulated cells were protected from the acidic conditions in the stomach but were less resistant when in conditions simulating the duodenum, jejunum, ileum and first section of the colon. To our knowledge, this is the first report on a bacteriocinogenic LAB isolated from papaya that presents application in food biopreservation and may be beneficial to the consumer health due to its potential probiotic characteristics.


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Abstract Background Leukotriene B4 (LTB4) is a potent inflammatory mediator that also stimulates the immune response. In addition, it promotes polymorphonuclear leukocyte phagocytosis, chemotaxis, chemokinesis and modulates cytokines release. Regarding chemical instability of the leukotriene molecule, in the present study we assessed the immunomodulatory activities conferred by LTB4 released from microspheres (MS). A previous oil-in-water emulsion solvent extraction-evaporation method was chosen to prepare LTB4-loaded MS. Results In the mice cremasteric microcirculation, intraescrotal injection of 0.1 ml of LTB4-loaded MS provoked significant increases in leukocyte rolling flux, adhesion and emigration besides significant decreases in the leukocyte rolling velocity. LTB4-loaded MS also increase peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α (PPARα) expression by murine peritoneal macrophages and stimulate them to generate nitrite levels. Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and nitric oxide (NO) productions were also increased when human umbilical vein and artery endothelial cells (HUVECs and HUAECs, respectively) were stimulated with LTB4-loaded MS. Conclusion LTB4-loaded MS preserve the biological activity of the encapsulated mediator indicating their use as a new strategy to modulate cell activation, especially in the innate immune response.


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Most amniotes vertebrates have an intromittent organ to deliver semen. The reptile Sphenodon and most birds lost the ancestral penis and developed a cloaca-cloaca mating. Known as hemipenises, the copulatory organ of Squamata shows unique features between the amniotes intromittent organ. They are the only paired intromittent organs across amniotes and are fully inverted and encapsulated in the tail when not in use. The histology and ultrastructure of the hemipenes of Crotalus durissus rattlesnake is described as the evolutionary implications of the main features discussed. The organization of hemipenis of Crotalus durissus terrificus in two concentric corpora cavernosa is similar to other Squamata but differ markedly from the organization of the penis found in crocodilians, testudinata, birds and mammals. Based on the available data, the penis of the ancestral amniotes was made of connective tissue and the incorporation of smooth muscle in the framework of the sinusoids occurred independently in mammals and Crotalus durissus. The propulsor action of the muscle retractor penis basalis was confirmed and therefore the named should be changed to musculus hemipenis propulsor.The retractor penis magnus found in Squamata has no homology to the retractor penis of mammals, although both are responsible for the retraction of the copulatory organ


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Die Synthese funktionalisierter Polyorganosiloxan-µ-Netzwerke (Rh = 5 – 30 nm) gelingt durch Polycokondensation von Alkoxysilanen. Die entstehenden sphärischen Teilchen sind in unpolaren organischen Lösungsmitteln partikulär dispergierbar. Durch die sequentielle Zugabe der Silanmonomere können Kern-Schale-Partikel mit unterschiedlichen Teilchenarchitekturen realisiert werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird p-Chlormethylphenyltrimethoxysilan als funktionalisiertes Monomer verwendet, um den µ-Netzwerken durch eine anschließende Quaternisierung der Chlorbenzylgruppen mit Dimethylaminoethanol amphiphile Eigenschaften zu verleihen. Durch den Kern-Schale-Aufbau der Partikel sind die hydrophilen Bereiche im Kugelinneren von der hydrophoben äußeren Schale separiert, was unerläßlich für die Verwendung der Partikel zur Verkapselung wasserlöslicher Substanzen ist.So können in den amphiphilen µ-Netzwerken beispielsweise wasserlösliche Farbstoffe verkapselt werden. Diese diffundieren sowohl aus Lösung als auch aus dem Festkörper in das geladene Partikelinnere und werden dort angereichert. Es wird eine Abhängigkeit der Farbstoffbeladung vom Quaternisierungsgrad gefunden, wobei die Anzahl an verkapselten Farbstoffmolekülen mit dem Quaternisierungsgrad zunimmt.Weiterhin können amphiphile µ-Gelpartikel auch als molekulare Nanoreaktoren zur Synthese von Edelmetallkolloiden verwendet werden, die in den Netzwerken topologisch gefangen sind. Hierzu werden zuerst Metallionen im Kugelinneren verkapselt und anschließend reduziert, wobei das Kolloidwachstum durch den wohldefinierten Reaktionsraum gesteuert wird. Neben Gold- und Palladiumkolloiden können auf diese Weise beispielsweise auch Silberkolloide in den Kernen von µ-Netzwerken hergestellt werden.


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Die dieser Arbeit zugrundeliegenden Nanopartikel wurden mittels der Makromonomer-Strategie aus polymerisierbaren Polystyrol-b-Poly(2-vinylpyridin) Oligomeren dargestellt. Die Bürstenpolymere besitzen eine polare PS-Schale und einen polaren Kern (P2VP), dessen Polarität durch Quaternisierung deutlich erhöht werden kann. Die Bürstenpolymere weisen bei Molmassen um 400 - 800 kg/mol einen Teilchendurchmesser von ca. 15 - 20 nm auf. Die Nanopartikel eignen sich dazu, hydrophile Farbstoffe in unpolaren Lösungsmitteln zu solubilisieren. Durch spektroskopische Untersuchungen wurden in Abhängigkeit der chemischen Struktur und der Bürstenpolymere Beladungsgrade von über 1 g Farbstoff pro Gramm Polymer ermittelt. Die Beladung der Nanopartikel folgt hierbei einer nichttrivialen Kinetik, was möglicherweise durch eine wasserinduzierte Überstrukturbildung während der Beladung bedingt ist. Mittels isothermer Titrationskalorimetrie konnten die Wechselwirkungen zwischen polymeren Substrat und niedermolekularen Liganden genauer charakterisiert werden. Teilweise werden hierbei zweistufige Titrationsverläufe und "überstöchiometrische" Beladung der Bürstenpolymere beobachtet. Den Hauptbeitrag zur Wechselwirkung liefert hierbei die exotherme Wechselwirkung zwischen basischen Polymer und saurem Farbstoff. Die hohe Farbstoffbeladung führt zur deutlichen Vergrößerung der einzelnen Nanopartikel, was sowohl in Lösung durch Lichtstreu-Techniken als auch auf Oberflächen mit Hilfe des AFM zu beobachten ist. Durch Untersuchungen mit der analytischen Ultrazentrifuge konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass sich der eingelagerte Farbstoff in einem Polaritäts-abhängigen Gleichgewicht mit der Umgebung steht, er somit auch wieder aus den Nanopartikeln freigesetzt werden kann. Darüberhinaus wurden im Rahmen der Arbeit erste Erfolge bei der Synthese von wasserlöslichen Nanopartikeln mit Poly(2-vinylpyridin)-Kern erzielt. Als hierfür geeignet stellte sich eine Synthesestrategie heraus, bei der zunächst ein Bürstenpolymer mit P2VP-Seitenketten dargestellt und dieses anschließend mit geeignet funktionalisierten Polyethylenoxid-Ketten zum Kern-Schale Teilchen umgesetzt wurde. Neben Untersuchungen zum Mizellisierungsverhalten von PEO-b-P2VP Makromonomeren wurden deren Aggregate in Wasser hinsichtlich ihrer Zelltoxizität durch in-vitro Experimente an C26-Mäusekarzinom-Zellen charakterisiert. Die extrem geringe Toxizität macht das PEO-P2VP System zu einem potentiellen Kandidaten für drug-delivery Anwendungen. Besonders die pH-abhängige Löslichkeitsänderung des Poly(2-vinylpyridin) erscheint hierbei besonders interessant.


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Lo studio condotto durante il Dottorato di Ricerca è stato focalizzato sulla valutazione e sul monitoraggio delle diverse degradazioni termossidative in oli da frittura. Per raggiungere tale obiettivo si è ritenuto opportuno procedere mediante uno screening dei principali oli presenti sul mercato italiano e successiva messa a punto di due miscele di oli vegetali che sono state sottoposte a due piani sperimentali di frittura controllata e standardizzata in laboratorio, seguiti da due piani di frittura eseguiti in due differenti situazioni reali quali mensa e ristorante. Ognuna delle due miscele è stata messa a confronto con due oli di riferimento. A tal fine è stata identificato il profilo in acidi grassi, la stabilità ossidativa ed idrolitica, il punto di fumo, i composti polari, il contenuto in tocoferoli totali, ed i composti volatili sia sugli oli crudi che sottoposti ai diversi processi di frittura. Lo studio condotto ha permesso di identificare una delle miscele ideate come valida alternativa all’impiego dell’olio di palma ampiamente utilizzato nelle fritture degli alimenti, oltre a fornire delle indicazioni più precise sulla tipologia e sull’entità delle modificazioni che avvengono in frittura, a seconda delle condizioni impiegate.


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Die Stimulation der APP-prozessierenden α-Sekretase ADAM10 eröffnet eine vielversprechende Möglichkeit zur medizinischen Behandlung der Alzheimer-Krankheit. In dieser Arbeit wurden drei unterschiedliche Strategien zur therapeutischen Aktivierung von ADAM10 verfolgt: Die Aktivierung des G-Protein-gekoppelten Rezeptors PAC1 durch PACAP, die Gentherapie mit ADAM10-cDNA und die ADAM10-Promotorstimulation durch Retinoid-Rezeptor-Aktivierung. PACAP-38 stimuliert die α-Sekretase-vermittelte APPsα-Sekretion in humanen Neuroblastomzellen. Durch Aktivierung des PAC-1-Rezeptors via intranasal verabreichtem PACAP-38, konnte eine erhöhte α-sekretorische APP-Prozessierung bzw. verminderte Ablagerung von amyloiden Plaques in Mäusen gezeigt werden. Weiterhin sollte durch Immunoliposomen-basierte Transfektion die humane ADAM10-cDNA in den Neuronen der Maus überexprimiert werden. Hiefür wurde die DNA in Liposomen eingeschlossen, welche an ihrer Oberfläche mit anti-Transferrin-Antikörpern zur Überwindung der Blut-Hirn-Schranke gekoppelt waren. Für die Herstellung des DNA-Transportsystems wurden die Einzelschritte wie DNA-Einschluss mit einem Reportergen-Vektor, Konjugation mit verschiedenen Antikörpern und Größe der Liposomen erprobt und optimiert. Es konnte allerdings weder in vitro noch in vivo eine Immunoliposomen-vermittelte Transfektion nachgewiesen werden. In dieser Arbeit wurde zudem die Retinoid-basierte Expressionssteigerung von ADAM10 untersucht. Dafür wurden die beiden potentiellen Retinoid-Rezeptor-Bindestellen auf dem ADAM10-Promotor durch Verwendung selektiver nukleärer Rezeptor-Agonisten charakterisiert. Hierbei konnte erstmals gezeigt werden, dass der ADAM10-Promotor durch ein Dimer der nukleären Rezeptoren RAR und RXR aktiviert wird, wodurch eine erhöhte α-sekretorischen APP-Prozessierung in Neuroblastoma-Zellen resultiert. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass die RAR/RXR-Heterodimeraktivierung sowohl auf dem humanen wie auf dem murinen ADAM10-Promotor identisch ist, so dass am Mausmodell entwickelte Retinoid-basierte Therapien auf den Menschen übertragbar sind. Für das Modell einer solchen Therapie wurde Acitretin verwendet, welches für die medizinische Behandlung humaner Hautkrankheiten seit Jahrzehnten eingesetzt wird. In dieser Arbeit konnte erstmals gezeigt werden, dass Acitretin in humanen und murinen Neuroblastoma-Zellen die Menge an ADAM10 erhöht, wodurch die α-sekretorische APP-Prozessierung gesteigert wird. Zudem wurden Mäuse mit Acitretin oral, subcutan und intranasal behandelt, wobei jedoch weder eine Veränderung in der APP-Prozessierung noch der Blut-Hirn-Transport von Acitretin eindeutig belegt werden konnten. Dennoch erschließt die α-Sekretase-erhöhende Eigenschaft von Acitretin einen neuen Therapieansatz, zur Behandlung von Demenzformen vom Typ des Morbus Alzheimer.


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Liposomes were discovered about 40 years ago by A. Bangham and since then they became very versatile tools in biology, biochemistry and medicine. Liposomes are the smallest artificial vesicles of spherical shape that can be produced from natural untoxic phospholipids and cholesterol. Liposome vesicles can be used as drug carriers and become loaded with a great variety of molecules, such as small drug molecules, proteins, nucleotides and even plasmids. Due to the variability of liposomal compositions they can be used for a large number of applications. In this thesis the β-adrenoceptor antagonists propranolol, metoprolol, atenolol and pindolol, glucose, 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) and Er-DTPA were used for encapsulation in liposomes, characterization and in vitro release studies. Multilamellar vesicles (MLV), large unilamellar vesicles (LUV) and smaller unilamellar vesicles (SUV) were prepared using one of the following lipids: 1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphocholine (DMPC), 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphocholine (DSPC), Phospholipone 90H (Ph90H) or a mixture of DSPC and DMPC (1:1). The freeze thawing method was used for preparation of liposomes because it has three advantages (1) avoiding the use of chloroform, which is used in other methods and causes toxicity (2) it is a simple method and (3) it gives high entrapping efficiency. The percentage of entrapping efficiencies (EE) was different depending on the type and phase transition temperature (Tc) of the lipid used. The average particle size and particle size distribution of the prepared liposomes were determined using both dynamic light scattering (DLS) and laser diffraction analyzer (LDA). The average particle size of the prepared liposomes differs according to both liposomal type and lipid type. Dispersion and dialysis techniques were used for the study of the in vitro release of β-adrenoceptor antagonists. The in vitro release rate of β-adrenoceptor antagonists was increased from MLV to LUV to SUV. Regarding the lipid type, β-adrenoceptor antagonists exhibited different in vitro release pattern from one lipid to another. Two different concentrations (50 and 100mg/ml) of Ph90H were used for studying the effect of lipid concentration on the in vitro release of β-adrenoceptor antagonists. It was found that liposomes made from 50 mg/ml Ph90H exhibited higher release rates than liposomes made at 100 mg/ml Ph90H. Also glucose was encapsulated in MLV, LUV and SUV using 1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphocholine (DMPC), 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphocholine (DSPC), Phospholipone 90H (Ph90H), soybean lipid (Syb) or a mixture of DSPC and DMPC (1:1). The average particle size and size distribution were determined using laser diffraction analysis. It was found that both EE and average particle size differ depending on both lipid and liposomal types. The in vitro release of glucose from different types of liposomes was performed using a dispersion method. It was found that the in vitro release of glucose from different liposomes is dependent on the lipid type. 18F-FDG was encapsulated in MLV 1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphocholine (DMPC), 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphocholine (DSPC), Phospholipone 90H (Ph90H), soybean lipid (Syb) or a mixture of DSPC and DMPC (1:1). FDG-containing LUV and SUV were prepared using Ph90H lipid. The in vitro release of FDG from the different types of lipids was accomplished using a dispersion method. Results similar to that of glucose release were obtained. In vivo imaging of FDG in both uncapsulated FDG and FDG-containing MLV was performed in the brain and the whole body of rats using PET scanner. It was found that the release of FDG from FDG-containing MLV was sustained. In vitro-In vivo correlation was studied using the in vitro release data of FDG from liposomes and in vivo absorption data of FDG from injected liposomes using microPET. Erbium, which is a lanthanide metal, was used as a chelate with DTPA for encapsulation in SUV liposomes for the indirect radiation therapy of cancer. The liposomes were prepared using three different concentrations of soybean lipid (30, 50 and 70 mg/ml). The stability of Er-DTPA SUV liposomes was carried out by storage of the prepared liposomes at three different temperatures (4, 25 and 37 °C). It was found that the release of Er-DTPA complex is temperature dependent, the higher the temperature, the higher the release. There was an inverse relationship between the release of the Er-DTPA complex and the concentration of lipid.


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Until today, autogenic bone grafts from various donor regions represent the gold standard in the field of bone reconstruction, providing both osteoinductive and osteoconductive characteristics. However, due to low availability and a disequilibrium between supply and demand, the risk of disease transfer and morbidity, usually associated with autogeneic bone grafts, the development of biomimic materials with structural and chemical properties similar to those of natural bone have been extensively studied. So far,rnonly a few synthetic materials, so far, have met these criteria, displaying properties that allow an optimal bone reconstitution. Biosilica is formed enzymatically under physiological-relevant conditions (temperature and pH) via silicatein (silica protein), an enzyme that was isolated from siliceous sponges, cloned, and prepared in a recombinant way, retaining its catalytic activity. It is biocompatible, has some unique mechanical characteristics, and comprises significant osteoinductive activity.rnTo explore the application of biosilica in the fields of regenerative medicine,rnsilicatein was encapsulated, together with its substrate sodium metasilicate, into poly(D,L-lactide)/polyvinylpyrrolidone(PVP)-based microspheres, using w/o/wrnmethodology with solvent casting and termed Poly(D,L-lactide)-silicatein silicacontaining-microspheres [PLASSM]. Both silicatein encapsulation efficiency (40%) and catalytic activity retention upon polymer encapsulation were enhanced by addition of an essential pre-emulsifying step using PVP. Furthermore, the metabolic stability, cytoxicity as well as the kinetics of silicatein release from the PLASSM were studied under biomimetic conditions, using simulated body fluid. As a solid support for PLASSM, a polyvinylpyrrolidone/starch/Na2HPO4-based matrix (termed plastic-like filler matrix containing silicic acid [PMSA]) was developed and its chemical and physical properties determined. Moreover, due to the non-toxicity and bioinactivity of the PMSA, it is suggested that PMSA acts as osteoconductive material. Both components, PLASSM and PMSA, when added together, form arnbifunctional 2-component implant material, that is (i)non-toxic(biocompatible), (ii)moldable, (iii) self-hardening at a controlled and clinically suitable rate to allows a tight insertion into any bone defect (iv) biodegradable, (v)forms a porous material upon exposure to body biomimetic conditions, and (vi)displays both osteoinductive (silicatein)and osteoconductive (PMSA) properties.rnPreliminary in vivo experiments were carried out with rabbit femurs, by creatingrnartificial bone defects that were subsequently treated with the bifunctional 2-component implant material. After 9 weeks of implantation, both computed tomography (CT) and morphological analyses showed complete resorption of the implanted material, concurrent with complete bone regeneration. The given data can be considered as a significant contribution to the successful introduction of biosilica-based implants into the field of bone substitution surgery.