990 resultados para Emma Richardson
Mineralógicamente se distinguen tres grupos de arenales: costa de Poniente, costa de Levante e isla Grossa. Las playas de la costa de Poniente se caracterizan por la presencia constante de dolomita, hornblenda y por los minerales opacos. Costa de Levante es ms rica en especies mineralógicas que la costa de Poniente, dominando la dolomita, los piroxenos y la turmalina; y en la isla Grossa predominan los piroxenos, especialmente la enstatita. La proporción de carbonatos es muy elevada en todas las muestras, 20-50 %. Domina en las playas de la costa de Poniente la arena de grano grueso, y en las playas de Levante e isla de Poarena fina. Los cantos son abundantes en las playas de Poniente y estn presentes en las de Levante. Cabo de Palos parece actuar de barrera, separando dos provincias petrogenticas.
Enjeu et contexte de la recherche La dégénérescence lobaire fronto-temporale (DLFT) est une pathologie neurodégénérative aussi fréquente que la maladie d'Alzheimer parmi les adultes de moins de 65 ans. Elle recouvre une constellation de syndromes neuropsychiatriques et moteurs dont les caractéristiques cliniques et anatomo-pathologiques se recoupent partiellement. La plupart des cas de démence sémantique ne présentent pas de troubles moteurs et révèlent à l'autopsie des lésions ubiquitine-positives. Son association à un syndrome cortico-basal et à une tauopathie 4R est donc très inhabituelle. Le cas que nous présentons est le premier à disposer d'une description clinique complète, tant sur le plan cognitif que moteur, et d'une analyse génétique et histopathologique. Résumé de l'article Il s'agit d'un homme de 57 ans, sans antécédents familiaux, présentant une démence sémantique accompagnée de symptômes inhabituels dans ce contexte, tels qu'une dysfonction exécutive et en mémoire épisodique, une désorientation spatiale et une dyscalculie. Le déclin physique et cognitif fut rapidement progressif. Une année et demie plus tard, il développait en effet des symptômes moteurs compatibles initialement avec un syndrome de Richardson, puis avec un syndrome cortico-basal. Son décès survint à l'âge de 60 ans des suites d'une pneumonie sur broncho-aspiration. L'autopsie cérébrale mit en évidence une perte neuronale et de nombreuses lésions tau-4R-positives dans les lobes frontaux, pariétaux et temporaux, les ganglions de la base et le tronc cérébral. Aucune mutation pathologique n'a été décelée dans le gène MAPT (microtubule-associated protein tau). L'ensemble de ces éléments sont discutés dans le cadre des connaissances actuelles sur la DLFT. Conclusions et perspectives Ce cas illustre le recoupement important des différents syndromes de la DLFT, parfois appelée le « complexe de Pick ». De plus, la démence sémantique pourrait s'avérer cliniquement moins homogène que prévu. Les définitions actuelles de la démence sémantique omettent la description des symptômes cognitifs extra-sémantiques malgré l'accumulation de preuves de leur existence. La faible prévalence de la démence sémantique, ainsi que des différences dans les examens neuropsychologiques, peuvent expliquer en partie la raison de cette omission. La variabilité histopathologique de chaque phénotype de DLFT peut également induire des différences dans leur expression clinique. Dans un domaine aussi mouvant que la DLFT, la co- occurrence ou la succession de plusieurs syndromes cliniques est en outre probablement la règle plutôt que l'exception.
The broad aim of biomedical science in the postgenomic era is to link genomic and phenotype information to allow deeper understanding of the processes leading from genomic changes to altered phenotype and disease. The EuroPhenome project (http://www.EuroPhenome.org) is a comprehensive resource for raw and annotated high-throughput phenotyping data arising from projects such as EUMODIC. EUMODIC is gathering data from the EMPReSSslim pipeline (http://www.empress.har.mrc.ac.uk/) which is performed on inbred mouse strains and knock-out lines arising from the EUCOMM project. The EuroPhenome interface allows the user to access the data via the phenotype or genotype. It also allows the user to access the data in a variety of ways, including graphical display, statistical analysis and access to the raw data via web services. The raw phenotyping data captured in EuroPhenome is annotated by an annotation pipeline which automatically identifies statistically different mutants from the appropriate baseline and assigns ontology terms for that specific test. Mutant phenotypes can be quickly identified using two EuroPhenome tools: PhenoMap, a graphical representation of statistically relevant phenotypes, and mining for a mutant using ontology terms. To assist with data definition and cross-database comparisons, phenotype data is annotated using combinations of terms from biological ontologies.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar clones de seringueira (Hevea spp.) promissores para a região do planalto do Estado de São Paulo. De uma população de 70 clones, de polinização controlada, integrantes do experimento de avaliação em pequena escala, foram avaliados 16 da série IAC 300. O experimento foi instalado na Estação Experimental de Pindorama, no espaçamento de 7 x 3 m, em delineamento de blocos casualizados, com três repetições, tendo os clones RRIM 600 e GT 1 como testemunhas. Quanto à produção de borracha seca, destacaram-se oito e dez clones superiores ao RRIM 600 e GT 1, respectivamente. Todos os clones avaliados apresentaram-se vigorosos em relação ao perímetro do caule na abertura do painel. Sete deles mostraram alta resistência; sete, resistência moderada, e dois, suscetíveis à antracnose do painel. Sugere-se sua avaliação em experimentos de grande escala, para avaliar, além da produção, os demais caracteres secundários, em diferentes ambientes, para futuras recomendações em larga escala para o Estado de São Paulo.
Increasing anthropogenic pressures urge enhanced knowledge and understanding of the current state of marine biodiversity. This baseline information is pivotal to explore present trends, detect future modifications and propose adequate management actions for marine ecosystems. Coralligenous outcrops are a highly diverse and structurally complex deep-water habitat faced with major threats in the Mediterranean Sea. Despite its ecological, aesthetic and economic value, coralligenous biodiversity patterns are still poorly understood. There is currently no single sampling method that has been demonstrated to be sufficiently representative to ensure adequate community assessment and monitoring in this habitat. Therefore, we propose a rapid non-destructive protocol for biodiversity assessment and monitoring of coralligenous outcrops providing good estimates of its structure and species composition, based on photographic sampling and the determination of presence/absence of macrobenthic species. We used an extensive photographic survey, covering several spatial scales (100s of m to 100s of km) within the NW Mediterranean and including 2 different coralligenous assemblages: Paramuricea clavata (PCA) and Corallium rubrum assemblage (CRA). This approach allowed us to determine the minimal sampling area for each assemblage (5000 cm² for PCA and 2500 cm²for CRA). In addition, we conclude that 3 replicates provide an optimal sampling effort in order to maximize the species number and to assess the main biodiversity patterns of studied assemblages in variability studies requiring replicates. We contend that the proposed sampling approach provides a valuable tool for management and conservation planning, monitoring and research programs focused on coralligenous outcrops, potentially also applicable in other benthic ecosystems
Although there is consensus that the central nervous system mediates the increases in maximal voluntary force (maximal voluntary contraction, MVC) produced by resistance exercise, the involvement of the primary motor cortex (M1) in these processes remains controversial. We hypothesized that 1-Hz repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of M1 during resistance training would diminish strength gains. Forty subjects were divided equally into five groups. Subjects voluntarily (Vol) abducted the first dorsal interosseus (FDI) (5 bouts x 10 repetitions, 10 sessions, 4 wk) at 70-80% MVC. Another group also exercised but in the 1-min-long interbout rest intervals they received rTMS [Vol+rTMS, 1 Hz, FDI motor area, 300 pulses/session, 120% of the resting motor threshold (rMT)]. The third group also exercised and received sham rTMS (Vol+Sham). The fourth group received only rTMS (rTMS_only). The 37.5% and 33.3% gains in MVC in Vol and Vol+Sham groups, respectively, were greater (P = 0.001) than the 18.9% gain in Vol+rTMS, 1.9% in rTMS_only, and 2.6% in unexercised control subjects who received no stimulation. Acutely, within sessions 5 and 10, single-pulse TMS revealed that motor-evoked potential size and recruitment curve slopes were reduced in Vol+rTMS and rTMS_only groups and accumulated to chronic reductions by session 10. There were no changes in rMT, maximum compound action potential amplitude (M(max)), and peripherally evoked twitch forces in the trained FDI and the untrained abductor digiti minimi. Although contributions from spinal sources cannot be excluded, the data suggest that M1 may play a role in mediating neural adaptations to strength training.
Ciència catalana a Madrid: el discurs de Jesús M. Bellido Golferichs a la Biblioteca Nacional (1927)
We analyze Dr. Bellido"s discourse at the Spanish National Library in Madrid (1927) in the framework of what has been called Medical Catalanism. Further development of this case study will provide a better understanding of Catalan as a scientific language, the importance of the role played by Catalan publishing industry and the cultural and political relationship between Madrid and Barcelona.
Aquest treball analitza l’enregistrament audiovisual d’una activitat de guiatge duta a terme per una professora practicant en el rol d’investigadora en l’acció en una classe de català de 1r d’ESO per valorar el grau d’efectivitat de la seva parla. Al llarg de la recerca, es confronten els resultats de l’anàlisi qualitativa i quantitativa recollits a partir del discurs enregistrat de la docent amb mostres del treball fet pels alumnes per donar resposta a les preguntes de la investigació i extreure conclusions que permetin configurar una guia de propostes de millora per a la futura tasca docent de la investigadora
En aquesta recerca es presenten els resultats i les conclusions d’unes entrevistes realitzades a pares i mares d’alumnes de quart de primària de diferents orígens culturals, amb l’objectiu de descobrir el valor que cada família dóna a les matemàtiques, d’observar amb quines dificultats es troben els pares i mares quan han d’ajudar als seus fills i filles a fer els deures de matemàtiques, a més d’esbrinar quins recursos i/o estratègies tenen per ajudar-los. Per altra banda, també es vol saber si les experiències que tenen els adults en relació amb les matemàtiques afecta a l’ensenyament-aprenentatge dels seus fills i filles.
The 1935 Iowa-Illinois Memorial Bridge is being documented at this time to fulfill the requirements of the Memorandum of Agreement regarding the removal of the Iowa-Illinois Memorial Bridge and the Iowana Farms Milk Company Building for the proposed improvements to Interstate 7 4 in Bettendorf, Iowa, and Moline, Illinois.1 The 1959 twin suspension bridge will be removed as well, but it was determined to be ineligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Discussion of the history of the 1959 twin span is included, however, in the current report as part of the overall history of the Iowa-Illinois Memorial Bridge. Fieldwork for the documentation occurred in November 2009 and October 2010 (Fig. 1). Limitations on photography included limited shoreline access on the Illinois side, making good views of the bridge from the south somewhat challenging. Also, photographs on the bridge deck were not possible because of interstate traffic and prohibitions on pedestrian traffic. Within the last few years, online primary sources have proliferated, along with historical materials regarding the Iowa-Illinois Memorial Bridge. Sources available online for this report included numerous historical photographs, as well as historical Davenport, Iowa, and U.S. newspapers that document the bridge planning and construction. Additional primary source material was found at the University of Iowa Libraries, the State Historical Society of Iowa in Iowa City, the Bettendorf Public Library, the Richardson-Sloane Special Collections Center at the Davenport Public Library, and the Iowa State University Special Collections in Ames.
Thyroid hormones are involved in the regulation of growth and metabolism in all vertebrates. Transthyretin is one of the extracellular proteins with high affinity for thyroid hormones which determine the partitioning of these hormones between extracellular compartments and intracellular lipids. During vertebrate evolution, both the tissue pattern of expression and the structure of the gene for transthyretin underwent characteristic changes. The purpose of this study was to characterize the position of Insectivora in the evolution of transthyretin in eutherians, a subclass of Mammalia. Transthyretin was identified by thyroxine binding and Western analysis in the blood of adult shrews, hedgehogs, and moles. Transthyretin is synthesized in the liver and secreted into the bloodstream, similar to the situation for other adult eutherians, birds, and diprotodont marsupials, but different from that for adult fish, amphibians, reptiles, monotremes, and Australian polyprotodont marsupials. For the characterization of the structure of the gene and the processing of mRNA for transthyretin, cDNA libraries were prepared from RNA from hedgehog and shrew livers, and full-length cDNA clones were isolated and sequenced. Sections of genomic DNA in the regions coding for the splice sites between exons 1 and 2 were synthesized by polymerase chain reaction and sequenced. The location of splicing was deduced from comparison of genomic with cDNA nucleotide sequences. Changes in the nucleotide sequence of the transthyretin gene during evolution are most pronounced in the region coding for the N-terminal region of the protein. Both the derived overall amino sequences and the N-terminal regions of the transthyretins in Insectivora were found to be very similar to those in other eutherians but differed from those found in marsupials, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. Also, the pattern of transthyretin precursor mRNA splicing in Insectivora was more similar to that in other eutherians than to that in marsupials, reptiles, and birds. Thus, in contrast to the marsupials, with a different pattern of transthyretin gene expression in the evolutionarily "older" polyprotodonts compared with the evolutionarily "younger" diprotodonts, no separate lineages of transthyretin evolution could be identified in eutherians. We conclude that transthyretin gene expression in the liver of adult eutherians probably appeared before the branching of the lineages leading to modern eutherian species.
El ARE ‘Sector Estació’, es una propuesta para generar una centralidad en un entorno de baja densidad, utilizando como foco un gran vacío-parque que viene generado por la afección aérea del Aeródromo de Sabadell, y que resuelva la conexión viaria interna a través del ferrocarril. Se trata de generar un tejido residencial diverso y versátil, rico en gradaciones entre espacio público y privado, que incorpore criterios sencillos de urbanismo sostenible, y conseguir un espacio de identidad y de referencia en el municipio.
This essay examines the American Civil War of 1861 – 1865, which is also known as the bloodiest war that the United States has ever experienced. The pretext for the war was the abolition of slavery in the South, and after many battles the Southern states lost: as a consequence, they experienced major changes in their economic and social life. This interesting piece from American history can be traced out throughout the characters’ lives in the novel Gone with the Wind which has been thoroughly analyzed in order to draw nearer and to comprehend the changes in the Southern way of life before and after the war. The author, Margaret Mitchell, was born in Atlanta, Georgia, and grew up with the stories about the war. As a result, Gone with the Wind studies not only its causes, but also the years after its end – a period which is not generally a subject of history and receives little attention – and the effects that such reversals have on former planters and slaves. From the position of contemporaneity, the reader can see that such changes in a society do not end with the laying down of an act, or in this case the end of the war, but they continue during many years; thus, the modern world can draw conclusions and lessons for events that are happening at the moment.
Expression of the alcohol dehydrogenase gene ADH1, which converts ethanol into carcinogenic acetaldehyde, significantly inversely correlated with the expression of CDR1 and CDR2, genes linked to azole resistance in Candida albicans isolated from chronic oral candidosis in autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidosis-ectodermal dystrophy (APECED, APS-I) patients. This is a novel link between candidal two-carbon metabolism genes and azole resistance.
Although metabolic syndrome (MS) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) are often associated, a common link has not been identified. Using the BWF1 mouse, which develops MS and SLE, we sought a molecular connection to explain the prevalence of these two diseases in the same individuals. We determined SLE- markers (plasma anti-ds-DNA antibodies, splenic regulatory T cells (Tregs) and cytokines, proteinuria and renal histology) and MS-markers (plasma glucose, non-esterified fatty acids, triglycerides, insulin and leptin, liver triglycerides, visceral adipose tissue, liver and adipose tissue expression of 86 insulin signaling-related genes) in 8-, 16-, 24-, and 36-week old BWF1 and control New-Zealand-White female mice. Up to week 16, BWF1 mice showed MS-markers (hyperleptinemia, hyperinsulinemia, fatty liver and visceral adipose tissue) that disappeared at week 36, when plasma anti-dsDNA antibodies, lupus nephritis and a pro-autoimmune cytokine profile were detected. BWF1 mice had hyperleptinemia and high splenic Tregs till week 16, thereby pointing to leptin resistance, as confirmed by the lack of increased liver P-Tyr-STAT-3. Hyperinsulinemia was associated with a down-regulation of insulin related-genes only in adipose tissue, whereas expression of liver mammalian target of rapamicyn (mTOR) was increased. Although leptin resistance presented early in BWF1 mice can slow-down the progression of autoimmunity, our results suggest that sustained insulin stimulation of organs, such as liver and probably kidneys, facilitates the over-expression and activity of mTOR and the development of SLE.