917 resultados para Electrostatic separators


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Addition of salts, especially perchlorates, to zwitterionic micelles of SB3-14, C(14)H(29)NMe(2)(+)(CH(2))(3)SO(3)(-), induces anionic character and uptake of H(3)O(+) by SB3-14 micelles. Thus, the addition of alkali metal perchlorates accelerates the acid hydrolysis of 2-(p-heptoxypheny1)-1,3-dioxolane, HPD, in the presence of SB3-14 micelles, which depends on the local proton concentration at the micelle surface. The addition of metal chlorides to solutions of such perchlorate-modified SB3-14 micelles decreases both the negative zeta potential of the micelles and the observed rate constant for acid hydrolysis of HPD. The effect of the monovalent cations Li(+), Na(+), and K(+) is smaller than that of the divalent cations Be(2+), Mg(2+), and Ca(2+), and much smaller than that of the trivalent cations Al(3+), La(3+), and Er(3+). The major factor responsible for this cation valence dependence of these effects is shown to be electrostatic in nature, reflecting the strong dependence of the micellar surface potential on the cation valence. The fact that the salt effects are not identical after correction for the electrostatic effects indicates that additional secondary nonelectrostatic effects may contribute as well.


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Liposomes have been an excellent option as drug delivery systems, since they are able of incorporating lipophobic and/or lipophilic drugs, reduce drug side effects, increase drug targeting, and control delivery. Also, in the last years, their use reached the field of gene therapy, as non-viral vectors for DNA delivery. As a strategy to increase system stability, the use of polymerizable phospholipids has been proposed in liposomal formulations. In this work, through differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and electron spin resonance (ESR) of spin labels incorporated into the bilayers, we structurally characterize liposomes formed by a mixture of the polymerizable lipid diacetylenic phosphatidylcholine 1,2-bis(10,12-tricosadiynoyl)-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DC8,9PC) and the zwitterionic lipid 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPC), in a 1:1 molar ratio. It is shown here that the polymerization efficiency of the mixture (c.a. 60%) is much higher than that of pure DC8,9PC bilayers (c.a. 20%). Cationic amphiphiles (CA) were added, in a final molar ratio of 1:1:0.2 (DC8,9PC:DMPC:CA), to make the liposomes possible carriers for genetic material, due to their electrostatic interaction with negatively charged DNA. Three amphiphiles were tested, 1,2-dioleoyl-3-trimetylammonium-propane (DOTAP), stearylamine (SA) and trimetyl (2-miristoyloxietyl) ammonium chloride (MCL), and the systems were studied before and after UV irradiation. Interestingly, the presence of the cationic amphiphiles increased liposomes polymerization. MCL displaying the strongest effect. Considering the different structural effects the three cationic amphiphiles cause in DC8,9PC bilayers, there seem to be a correlation between the degree of DC8,9PC polymerization and the packing of the membrane at the temperature it is irradiated (gel phase). Moreover, at higher temperatures, in the bilayer fluid phase, more polymerized membranes are significantly more rigid. Considering that the structure and stability of liposomes at different temperatures can be crucial for DNA binding and delivery, we expect the study presented here contributes to the production of new carrier systems with potential applications in gene therapy. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new biomaterial, based on silica organofunctionalized with p-phenylenediamine (p-PDA) and the enzyme peroxidase, was used in the development of an enzymatic solid-phase reactor. The analytical techniques used in the characterization showed that the organic ligand was incorporated into the silica matrix. Thus, the silica modified with p-PDA allowed the incorporation of peroxidase by the electrostatic interaction between the carboxylic groups present in the enzyme molecules and the amino groups attached to the silica. The enzymatic solid-phase reactor was used for chemical oxidation of phenols in 1, 4-benzoquinone that was then detected by chronoamperometry. The system allowed the analysis of hydroquinone with a detection limit of 83.6 nmol L-1. Thus, the new material has potential in the determination of phenolic compounds river water samples.


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We analyze the behavior of a relativistic particle moving under the influence of a uniform magnetic field and a stationary electrostatic wave. We work with a set of pulsed waves that allows us to obtain an exact map for the system. We also use a method of control for near-integrable Hamiltonians that consists of the addition of a small and simple control term to the system. This control term creates invariant tori in phase space that prevent chaos from spreading to large regions, making the controlled dynamics more regular. We show numerically that the control term just slightly modifies the system but is able to drastically reduce chaos with a low additional cost of energy. Moreover, we discuss how the control of chaos and the consequent recovery of regular trajectories in phase space are useful to improve regular particle acceleration.


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The hydration of mesityl oxide (MOx) was investigated through a sequential quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics approach. Emphasis was placed on the analysis of the role played by water in the MOx syn-anti equilibrium and the electronic absorption spectrum. Results for the structure of the MOx-water solution, free energy of solvation and polarization effects are also reported. Our main conclusion was that in gas-phase and in low-polarity solvents, the MOx exists dominantly in syn-form and in aqueous solution in anti-form. This conclusion was supported by Gibbs free energy calculations in gas phase and in-water by quantum mechanical calculations with polarizable continuum model and thermodynamic perturbation theory in Monte Carlo simulations using a polarized MOx model. The consideration of the in-water polarization of the MOx is very important to correctly describe the solute-solvent electrostatic interaction. Our best estimate for the shift of the pi-pi* transition energy of MOx, when it changes from gas-phase to water solvent, shows a red-shift of -2,520 +/- 90 cm(-1), which is only 110 cm(-1) (0.014 eV) below the experimental extrapolation of -2,410 +/- 90 cm(-1). This red-shift of around -2,500 cm(-1) can be divided in two distinct and opposite contributions. One contribution is related to the syn -> anti conformational change leading to a blue-shift of similar to 1,700 cm(-1). Other contribution is the solvent effect on the electronic structure of the MOx leading to a red-shift of around -4,200 cm(-1). Additionally, this red-shift caused by the solvent effect on the electronic structure can by composed by approximately 60 % due to the electrostatic bulk effect, 10 % due to the explicit inclusion of the hydrogen-bonded water molecules and 30 % due to the explicit inclusion of the nearest water molecules.


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In this work we examine the interaction between the 13-residue cationic antimicrobial peptide (AMP) tritrpticin (VRRFPWWWPFLRR, TRP3) and model membranes of variable lipid composition. The effect on peptide conformational properties was investigated by means of CD (circular dichroism) and fluorescence spectroscopies. Based on the hypothesis that the antibiotic acts through a mechanism involving toroidal pore formation, and taking into account that models of toroidal pores imply the formation of positive curvature, we used large unilamellar vesicles (LUV) to mimic the initial step of peptide-lipid interaction, when the peptide binds to the bilayer membrane, and micelles to mimic the topology of the pore itself, since these aggregates display positive curvature. In order to more faithfully assess the role of curvature, micelles were prepared with lysophospholipids containing (qualitatively and quantitatively) head groups identical to those of bilayer phospholipids. CD and fluorescence spectra showed that, while TRP3 binds to bilayers only when they carry negatively charged phospholipids. binding to micelles occurs irrespective of surface charge, indicating that electrostatic interactions play a less predominant role in the latter case. Moreover, the conformations acquired by the peptide were independent of lipid composition in both bilayers and micelles. However, the conformations were different in bilayers and in micelles, suggesting that curvature has an influence on the secondary structure acquired by the peptide. Fluorescence data pointed to an interfacial location of TRP3 in both types of aggregates. Nevertheless, experiments with a water soluble fluorescence quencher suggested that the tryptophan residues are more accessible to the quencher in micelles than in bilayers. Thus, we propose that bilayers and micelles can be used as models for the two steps of toroidal pore formation. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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There is a continuous search for theoretical methods that are able to describe the effects of the liquid environment on molecular systems. Different methods emphasize different aspects, and the treatment of both the local and bulk properties is still a great challenge. In this work, the electronic properties of a water molecule in liquid environment is studied by performing a relaxation of the geometry and electronic distribution using the free energy gradient method. This is made using a series of steps in each of which we run a purely molecular mechanical (MM) Monte Carlo Metropolis simulation of liquid water and subsequently perform a quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) calculation of the ensemble averages of the charge distribution, atomic forces, and second derivatives. The MP2/aug-cc-pV5Z level is used to describe the electronic properties of the QM water. B3LYP with specially designed basis functions are used for the magnetic properties. Very good agreement is found for the local properties of water, such as geometry, vibrational frequencies, dipole moment, dipole polarizability, chemical shift, and spin-spin coupling constants. The very good performance of the free energy method combined with a QM/MM approach along with the possible limitations are briefly discussed.


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Solvent effects on the one- and two-photon absorption (IPA and 2PA) of disperse orange 3 (DO3) in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) are studied using a discrete polarizable embedding (PE) response theory. The scheme comprises a quantum region containing the chromophore and an atomically granulated classical region for the solvent accounting for full interactions within and between the two regions. Either classical molecular dynamics (MD) or hybrid Car-Parrinello (CP) quantum/classical (QM/MM) molecular dynamics simulations are employed to describe the solvation of DO3 in DMSO, allowing for an analysis of the effect of the intermolecular short-range repulsion, long-range attraction, and electrostatic interactions on the conformational changes of the chromophore and also the effect of the solute-solvent polarization. PE linear response calculations are performed to verify the character, solvatochromic shift, and overlap of the two lowest energy transitions responsible for the linear absorption spectrum of DO3 in DMSO in the visible spectral region. Results of the PE linear and quadratic response calculations, performed using uncorrelated solute-solvent configurations sampled from either the classical or hybrid CP QM/MM MD simulations, are used to estimate the width of the line shape function of the two electronic lowest energy excited states, which allow a prediction of the 2PA cross-sections without the use of empirical parameters. Appropriate exchange-correlation functionals have been employed in order to describe the charge-transfer process following the electronic transitions of the chromophore in solution.


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Electronic polarization induced by the interaction of a reference molecule with a liquid environment is expected to affect the magnetic shielding constants. Understanding this effect using realistic theoretical models is important for proper use of nuclear magnetic resonance in molecular characterization. In this work, we consider the pyridine molecule in water as a model system to briefly investigate this aspect. Thus, Monte Carlo simulations and quantum mechanics calculations based on the B3LYP/6-311++G (d,p) are used to analyze different aspects of the solvent effects on the N-15 magnetic shielding constant of pyridine in water. This includes in special the geometry relaxation and the electronic polarization of the solute by the solvent. The polarization effect is found to be very important, but, as expected for pyridine, the geometry relaxation contribution is essentially negligible. Using an average electrostatic model of the solvent, the magnetic shielding constant is calculated as -58.7 ppm, in good agreement with the experimental value of -56.3 ppm. The explicit inclusion of hydrogen-bonded water molecules embedded in the electrostatic field of the remaining solvent molecules gives the value of -61.8 ppm.


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We analyze long-range time correlations and self-similar characteristics of the electrostatic turbulence at the plasma edge and scrape-off layer in the Tokamak Chauffage Alfven Bresillien (TCABR), with low and high Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) activity. We find evidence of self-organized criticality (SOC), mainly in the region near the tokamak limiter. Comparative analyses of data before and during the MHD activity reveals that during the high mHD activity the Hurst parameter decreases. Finally, we present a cellular automaton whose parameters are adjusted to simulate the analyzed turbulence SOC change with the MHD activity variation. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The ability to entrap drugs within vehicles and subsequently release them has led to new treatments for a number of diseases. Based on an associative phase separation and interfacial diffusion approach, we developed a way to prepare DNA gel particles without adding any kind of cross-linker or organic solvent. Among the various agents studied, cationic surfactants offered particularly efficient control for encapsulation and DNA release from these DNA gel particles. The driving force for this strong association is the electrostatic interaction between the two components, as induced by the entropic increase due to the release of the respective counter-ions. However, little is known about the influence of the respective counter-ions on this surfactant-DNA interaction. Here we examined the effect of different counter-ions on the formation and properties of the DNA gel particles by mixing DNA (either single-(ssDNA) or double-stranded (dsDNA)) with the single chain surfactant dodecyltrimethylammonium (DTA). In particular, we used as counter-ions of this surfactant the hydrogen sulfate and trifluoromethane sulfonate anions and the two halides, chloride and bromide. Effects on the morphology of the particles obtained, the encapsulation of DNA and its release, as well as the haemocompatibility of these particles are presented, using counter-ion structure and DNA conformation as controlling parameters. Analysis of the data indicates that the degree of counter-ion dissociation from the surfactant micelles and the polar/hydrophobic character of the counter-ion are important parameters in the final properties of the particles. The stronger interaction with amphiphiles for ssDNA than for dsDNA suggests the important role of hydrophobic interactions in DNA.


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The ionization of chlorophyll-c(2) in liquid methanol was investigated by a sequential quantum mechanical/Monte Carlo approach. Focus was placed on the determination of the first ionization energy of chlorophyll-c(2). The results show that the first vertical ionization energy (IE) is red-shifted by 0.47 +/- 0.24 eV relative to the gas-phase value. The red-shift of the chlorophyll-c(2) IE in the liquid phase can be explained by Mg center dot center dot center dot OH hydrogen bonding and long-ranged electrostatic interactions in solution. The ionization threshold for chlorophyll-c2 in liquid methanol is close to 6 eV. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The analysis of the infrared (IR) carbonyl band of some 3-(4'-substituted phenylsulfonyl)-1-methyl-2-piperidones 1-5 bearing as substituents: OMe 1, Me 2, H 3, Cl 4 and NO2 5, supported by B3LY13/6-31G(d,p) calculations along with NBO analysis (for 1, 3 and 5) and X-ray diffraction (for 5), indicated the existence of three stable conformations i.e. quasi-axial (q-ax), syn-clinal (s-cl) and quasi-equatorial (q-eq). In the gas phase, the q-ax conformer is calculated as the most stable (ca. 88%) and the least polar, the s-cl conformer is less stable (ca. 12%) but more polar, and the q-eq conformer is the least stable (ca. 1%) and the most polar of the three conformers evaluated. The sum of the most important orbital interactions from NBO analysis and the trend of the electrostatic interactions accounts for the relative populations as well as for the v(CO) frequencies of the q-ax. s-cl and q-eq conformers calculated in the gas phase. The unique IR v(CO) band in CCl4 may be ascribed to the most stable q-ax conformer. The more intense (60%) high frequency doublet component in CHCl3 may be assigned to the summing up of the least stable q-eq and the less stable s-cl conformers, as their frequencies are almost coincident. The occurrence of only a single v(CO) band in both CH2Cl2 and CH3CN supports the fact that the v(CO) band of the two more polar conformers appear as a single band. Additional support to this rationalization is given by the single point PCM method, which showed a progressive increase of the q-eq + s-cl/q-ax population ratio going from the gas phase to CCl4, to CHCl3, to CH2Cl2 and to CN3CN. X-ray single crystal analysis of 5 indicates that this compound displays a quasi-axial geometry with respect to the [O=C-CH-S] moiety, and that the 2-piperidone ring assumes a slightly distorted half-chair conformation. In the crystal packing, molecules of 5 are arranged into supramolecular layers linked through C-H center dot center dot center dot O interactions along with it pi center dot center dot center dot pi interactions between adjacent benzene rings. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Self-assembly of poly(4-vynil-N-alkyl)pyridinium bromide with alkyl side chains of 2, 5, 7, 10, or 16 carbons from ethanolic solutions onto flat silica surfaces was studied by means of ellipsometry, atomic force microscopy (AFM), contact angle measurements, and sum-frequency generation (SFG) vibrational spectroscopy in the CH3 and CH2 stretch region. Ab initio quantum-chemical calculations on the N-alkylpyridinium side-group with restricted Hartree-Fock (RHF) method and 6-311G (d,p) basis set were C one to estimate the charge distribution along the pyridinium ring and the alkyl side-chain. SFG results showed that longer side chains promote the disorientation of the alkyl groups at the surface, corroborating with the contact angle values. AFM images revealed film homogeneity, regardless the alkyl side group. However, after 24 h contact with water, ringlike structures appeared on the film surfaces, when the polycation alkyl side chain had 7 or less carbons, and as the alkyl chain increased to 10 or 16 carbons, the films dewetted because the hydrophobic interactions prevailed over the electrostatic interactions between the pyridinium charged groups and the negatively charged SiO2 surface. Under acid conditions (HCl 0.1 mol.L-1), the film mean thickness values decreased up to 50% of original values when the alkyl side chains were ethyl or pentyl groups due to ion-pair disruption, but for longer groups they remained unchanged. Quantum-chemical optimization and Mulliken electron population showed that (i) from C2 to C15 the positive charge at the headgroup (HG) decreased 0.025, while the charge at combined HG + alpha-CH2 increased 0.037; and (ii) for C6 or longer, the alkyl side group presents a tilt in the geometry, moving away from the plane. Such effects summed up over the whole polymer chain give support to suggest that when the side chains are longer than 7 carbons, the hydrophobic interaction decreases film stability and increases acid resistance.


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Well-established statistical approaches such as transition-state theory based on high-level calculated potential energy profiles are unable to account for the selectivity observed in the gas-phase OH- + CH3ONO2 reaction. This reaction can undergo bimolecular nucleophilic displacement at either the carbon center (S(N)2@C) or the nitrogen center (S(N)2@N) as well as a proton abstraction followed by dissociation (E(CO)2) pathway. Direct dynamics simulations yield an S(N)2:E(CO)2 product ratio in close agreement with experiment and show that the lack of reactivity at the nitrogen atom is due to the highly negative electrostatic potential generated by the oxygen atoms in the ONO2 group that scatters the incoming OH-. In addition to these dynamical effects, the nonstatistical behavior of these reactions is attributed to the absence of equilibrated reactant complexes and to the large number of recrossings, which might be present in several ion-molecule gas-phase reactions.