864 resultados para Electricity Demand
The Finnish electricity distribution sector, rural areas in particular, is facing major challenges because of the economic regulation, tightening supply security requirements and the ageing network asset. Therefore, the target in the distribution network planning and asset management is to develop and renovate the networks to meet these challenges in compliance with the regulations in an economically feasible way. Concerning supply security, the new Finnish Electricity Market Act limits the maximum duration of electricity supply interruptions to six hours in urban areas and 36 hours in rural areas. This has a significant impact on distribution network planning, especially in rural areas where the distribution networks typically require extensive modifications and renovations to meet the supply security requirements. This doctoral thesis introduces a methodology to analyse electricity distribution system development. The methodology is based on and combines elements of reliability analysis, asset management and economic regulation. The analysis results can be applied, for instance, to evaluate the development of distribution reliability and to consider actions to meet the tightening regulatory requirements. Thus, the methodology produces information for strategic decision-making so that DSOs can respond to challenges arising in the electricity distribution sector. The key contributions of the thesis are a network renovation concept for rural areas, an analysis to assess supply security, and an evaluation of the effects of economic regulation on the strategic network planning. In addition, the thesis demonstrates how the reliability aspect affects the placement of automation devices and how the reserve power can be arranged in a rural area network.
More discussion is required on how and which types of biomass should be used to achieve a significant reduction in the carbon load released into the atmosphere in the short term. The energy sector is one of the largest greenhouse gas (GHG) emitters and thus its role in climate change mitigation is important. Replacing fossil fuels with biomass has been a simple way to reduce carbon emissions because the carbon bonded to biomass is considered as carbon neutral. With this in mind, this thesis has the following objectives: (1) to study the significance of the different GHG emission sources related to energy production from peat and biomass, (2) to explore opportunities to develop more climate friendly biomass energy options and (3) to discuss the importance of biogenic emissions of biomass systems. The discussion on biogenic carbon and other GHG emissions comprises four case studies of which two consider peat utilization, one forest biomass and one cultivated biomasses. Various different biomass types (peat, pine logs and forest residues, palm oil, rapeseed oil and jatropha oil) are used as examples to demonstrate the importance of biogenic carbon to life cycle GHG emissions. The biogenic carbon emissions of biomass are defined as the difference in the carbon stock between the utilization and the non-utilization scenarios of biomass. Forestry-drained peatlands were studied by using the high emission values of the peatland types in question to discuss the emission reduction potential of the peatlands. The results are presented in terms of global warming potential (GWP) values. Based on the results, the climate impact of the peat production can be reduced by selecting high-emission-level peatlands for peat production. The comparison of the two different types of forest biomass in integrated ethanol production in pulp mill shows that the type of forest biomass impacts the biogenic carbon emissions of biofuel production. The assessment of cultivated biomasses demonstrates that several selections made in the production chain significantly affect the GHG emissions of biofuels. The emissions caused by biofuel can exceed the emissions from fossil-based fuels in the short term if biomass is in part consumed in the process itself and does not end up in the final product. Including biogenic carbon and other land use carbon emissions into the carbon footprint calculations of biofuel reveals the importance of the time frame and of the efficiency of biomass carbon content utilization. As regards the climate impact of biomass energy use, the net impact on carbon stocks (in organic matter of soils and biomass), compared to the impact of the replaced energy source, is the key issue. Promoting renewable biomass regardless of biogenic GHG emissions can increase GHG emissions in the short term and also possibly in the long term.
Energiatehokkuus on nykyaikana yksi tärkeimmistä energiataloudellisista tekijöistä voimalaitosten sähköntuotannossa. Varsinkin yhteistuotantolaitoksissa joissa sähkö on lämpöenergian lisänä saatava sivutuote, sähkön tuotannon optimointi voi merkitä laitostalouden ja yrityksen kannalta huomattavia lisätuloja tai -säästöjä. Kaukaan Voima Oy:n biovoimalaitos on vuonna 2009 kaupalliseen käyttöön valmistunut moderni yhteistuotantolaitos, joka sijaitsee Lappeenrannassa UPM Kaukas sellutehtaan tehdasalueella. Voimalaitos tuottaa kaukolämpöä ja sähköä Lappeenrannan kaupungille sekä prosessihöyryä ja sähköä UPM Kaukaan tehtaille. Tämän työn tavoitteena on tarkastella biovoimalaitoksen omakäyttösähkön kulutusta kuukausitasolla verrattuna laitoksella tuotettavan höyryn määrään sekä etsiä voimalaitokselta kohteita, joiden omakäyttösähkön kulutusta voidaan vähentää vaikuttamatta höyryntuotantoon ja näin parantaa laitoksen energiatehokkuutta ja hyötysuhdetta. Työ rajataan käsittelemään voimalaitoksen apulaitteiden ja -järjestelmien omakäyttösähkön kulutusta. Työssä tarkastellaan vuodenaikojen vaihtelun ja kaukolämmön sekä prosessihöyryn tarpeen muutoksen vaikutusta voimalaitoksen ajomalliin sekä höyryntuotannon ja omakäyttösähkön kulutuksen suhteisiin. Työssä esiin nousseiden kohteiden potentiaaliset sähköenergian säästöt ovat noin 2500 MWh vuodessa joka tarkoittaa keskimäärin 3,7 % vähennystä voimalaitoksen kuukausittaiseen omakäyttösähkön kulutukseen. Kohteet eivät käytännössä vaadi minkaanlaista investointirahaa, vaan uusia ajojärjestelyitä. Keskeisimmiksi säästökohteiksi valikoitui laitoksen pumppausjärjestelmien paineenalennukset.
Maailmanlaajuinen ilmastopolitiikka asettaa vaativia tavoitteita hiilidioksidipäästöjen vähentämiselle. Suurin haaste on tuottaa energiaa mahdollisimman alhaisin kustannuksin käyttäen uusiutuvia ja ympäristöä säästäviä energiamuotoja. Tuulivoimasta on tullut nopeimmin kehittyvä sähköntuotantotapa, ja tuuliturbiinien koon kasvun myötä on myös generaattorien koko kasvanut merkittävästi 1990-luvulta lähtien. Generaattorin massiivisuus suoravetoisessa tuuliturbiinin voimansiirrossa vaatii tarkkoja kuormitustarkasteluja, jotta rakenne kestäisi tuuliturbiinin eliniän. Tuuliturbiinin kuormitukset ovat stokastisia ja toisinaan erittäin suuria, mikä vaikeuttaa kuormitusten määrittämistä. Tuulen kuormitusten lisäksi generaattori altistuu eri toimintojen kautta muillekin kuormituksille, ja tästä syystä on otettava huomioon jarrutuksen, dynaamisen tasapainon ja ohjauksen sekä verkkovikojen aiheuttamat rasitukset tuuliturbiinin voimansiirrolle. Edellisten lisäksi työssä on tarkasteltu erilaisia rakenneratkaisuja sekä pyritty kiinnittämään huomio niiden kuormankantokykyyn ja jäykkyyteen sekä generaattorin keventämismahdollisuuksiin verrattuna perinteisiin radiaalivuogeneraattoreihin. Työssä on pyritty selvittämään rakenteen kuormitukset siten, että pystyttäisiin optimoimaan mahdollisimman kevyt rakenne. Optimoinnin kohteena on pinnarakenteisen generaattorin rakenteen massa puolien, puolan kulmien sekä tukirenkaan ja niistä aiheutuvien erilaisten rakenneyhdistelmien suhteen tarkasteltuna.
The Nordic electricity market is often seen as an example of how to create a working, developed and integrated electricity market. Nevertheless, this thesis studies the obstacles of transmission network investments and the market integration challenges in the Nordic electricity market. The main focus is in the Nordic Transmission system operators (TSOs), which have a key role in grid development. This study introduces a case study of cancellation of South-West link, Western part, which was seen as essential grid investment in order to improve the Nordic electricity market functioning but ended up with cancellation in 2013. This study includes semi-structured theme interviews of the experts among Nordic electricity industry stakeholders. Despite the political will to create more equal prices for electricity in the Nordic market, the differing national regulation, mixed incentives created by bottleneck income and the focus moving from Nordic integration to European integration may create challenges to the Nordic electricity market integration in the future.
The purpose of this thesis was to study the design of demand forecasting processes and management of demand. In literature review were different processes found and forecasting methods and techniques interviewed. Also role of bullwhip effect in supply chain was identified and how to manage it with information sharing operations. In the empirical part of study is at first described current situation and challenges in case company. After that will new way to handle demand introduced with target budget creation and how information sharing with 5 products and a few customers would bring benefits to company. Also the new S&OP process created within this study and organization for it.
Environmental issues, including global warming, have been serious challenges realized worldwide, and they have become particularly important for the iron and steel manufacturers during the last decades. Many sites has been shut down in developed countries due to environmental regulation and pollution prevention while a large number of production plants have been established in developing countries which has changed the economy of this business. Sustainable development is a concept, which today affects economic growth, environmental protection, and social progress in setting up the basis for future ecosystem. A sustainable headway may attempt to preserve natural resources, recycle and reuse materials, prevent pollution, enhance yield and increase profitability. To achieve these objectives numerous alternatives should be examined in the sustainable process design. Conventional engineering work cannot address all of these substitutes effectively and efficiently to find an optimal route of processing. A systematic framework is needed as a tool to guide designers to make decisions based on overall concepts of the system, identifying the key bottlenecks and opportunities, which lead to an optimal design and operation of the systems. Since the 1980s, researchers have made big efforts to develop tools for what today is referred to as Process Integration. Advanced mathematics has been used in simulation models to evaluate various available alternatives considering physical, economic and environmental constraints. Improvements on feed material and operation, competitive energy market, environmental restrictions and the role of Nordic steelworks as energy supplier (electricity and district heat) make a great motivation behind integration among industries toward more sustainable operation, which could increase the overall energy efficiency and decrease environmental impacts. In this study, through different steps a model is developed for primary steelmaking, with the Finnish steel sector as a reference, to evaluate future operation concepts of a steelmaking site regarding sustainability. The research started by potential study on increasing energy efficiency and carbon dioxide reduction due to integration of steelworks with chemical plants for possible utilization of available off-gases in the system as chemical products. These off-gases from blast furnace, basic oxygen furnace and coke oven furnace are mainly contained of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, nitrogen and partially methane (in coke oven gas) and have proportionally low heating value but are currently used as fuel within these industries. Nonlinear optimization technique is used to assess integration with methanol plant under novel blast furnace technologies and (partially) substitution of coal with other reducing agents and fuels such as heavy oil, natural gas and biomass in the system. Technical aspect of integration and its effect on blast furnace operation regardless of capital expenditure of new operational units are studied to evaluate feasibility of the idea behind the research. Later on the concept of polygeneration system added and a superstructure generated with alternative routes for off-gases pretreatment and further utilization on a polygeneration system producing electricity, district heat and methanol. (Vacuum) pressure swing adsorption, membrane technology and chemical absorption for gas separation; partial oxidation, carbon dioxide and steam methane reforming for methane gasification; gas and liquid phase methanol synthesis are the main alternative process units considered in the superstructure. Due to high degree of integration in process synthesis, and optimization techniques, equation oriented modeling is chosen as an alternative and effective strategy to previous sequential modelling for process analysis to investigate suggested superstructure. A mixed integer nonlinear programming is developed to study behavior of the integrated system under different economic and environmental scenarios. Net present value and specific carbon dioxide emission is taken to compare economic and environmental aspects of integrated system respectively for different fuel systems, alternative blast furnace reductants, implementation of new blast furnace technologies, and carbon dioxide emission penalties. Sensitivity analysis, carbon distribution and the effect of external seasonal energy demand is investigated with different optimization techniques. This tool can provide useful information concerning techno-environmental and economic aspects for decision-making and estimate optimal operational condition of current and future primary steelmaking under alternative scenarios. The results of the work have demonstrated that it is possible in the future to develop steelmaking towards more sustainable operation.
Low levels of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) are considered to be an indirect index of hyperinsulinemia, predicting the later onset of diabetes mellitus type 2. In the insulin resistance state and in the presence of an increased pancreatic ß-cell demand (e.g. obesity) both absolute and relative increases in proinsulin secretion occur. In the present study we investigated the correlation between SHBG and pancreatic ß-cell secretion in men with different body compositions. Eighteen young men (30.0 ± 2.4 years) with normal glucose tolerance and body mass indexes (BMI) ranging from 22.6 to 43.2 kg/m2 were submitted to an oral glucose tolerance test (75 g) and baseline and 120-min blood samples were used to determine insulin, proinsulin and C-peptide by specific immunoassays. Baseline SHBG values were significantly correlated with baseline insulin (r = -0.58, P<0.05), proinsulin (r = -0.47, P<0.05), C-peptide (r = -0.55, P<0.05) and also with proinsulin at 120 min after glucose load (r = -0.58, P<0.05). Stepwise regression analysis revealed that proinsulin values at 120 min were the strongest predictor of SHBG (r = -0.58, P<0.05). When subjects were divided into obese (BMI >28 kg/m2, N = 8) and nonobese (BMI £25 kg/m2, N = 10) groups, significantly lower levels of SHBG were found in the obese subjects. The obese group had significantly higher baseline proinsulin, C-peptide and 120-min proinsulin and insulin levels. For the first time using a specific assay for insulin determination, a strong inverse correlation between insulinemia and SHBG levels was confirmed. The finding of a strong negative correlation between SHBG levels and pancreatic ß-cell secretion, mainly for the 120-min post-glucose load proinsulin levels, reinforces the concept that low SHBG levels are a suitable marker of increased pancreatic ß-cell demand.
Työssä tarkasteltiin älykkäiden sähköverkkojen näkökulmasta, millaisia toiminnallisuuksia kiinteistöautomaatiojärjestelmiltä odotetaan ja miten markkinoilla olevat järjestelmät vastaavat näihin odotuksiin. Lisäksi arvioitiin, kuinka taloudellisesti kannattavia valittuihin automaatiojärjestelmiin kuuluvat energian käytön hallintaan liittyvät toiminnallisuudet ovat sähkönkäyttäjien näkökulmasta. Lopuksi tehtiin lyhyt katsaus kiinteistöautomaatiojärjestelmien tulevaisuuden näkymiin. Kiinteistöautomaatiolla voidaan vaikuttaa energian käytön tehokkuuteen ohjaamalla esimerkiksi valaistusta, ilmanvaihtoa, ilmastointia, lämmitystä ja sähkölaitteita. Eräs vaihtoehto on toteuttaa ohjauksen avulla markkinapohjaista kysyntäjoustoa, jossa kiinteistön sähköjärjestelmän toimintaa säädetään sähkön hinnan perusteella. Kiinteistössä tulee myös voida tehdä laitekohtaisia energiankulutuksen mittauksia, jotka antavat tietoa sähkönkäyttäjille eri laitteiden sähkönkulutuksesta. Kiinteistöautomaation ja sähkön pientuotannon yleistymisen myötä on myös etähallittavien virtuaalivoimaloiden toteuttaminen tulossa mahdolliseksi. Lisäksi laskettiin sähkönkäyttäjän kannalta lämmityksen, valaistuksen ja ilmanvaihdon ohjauksen kannattavuutta ja selvitettiin, että tutkituissa esimerkkijärjestelmissä suurin säästöpotentiaali on lämmityksen ohjauksessa.
The aim of this thesis is to search how to match the demand and supply effectively in industrial and project-oriented business environment. The demand-supply balancing process is searched through three different phases: the demand planning and forecasting, synchronization of demand and supply and measurement of the results. The thesis contains a single case study that has been implemented in a company called Outotec. In the case study the demand is planned and forecasted with qualitative (judgmental) forecasting method. The quantitative forecasting methods are searched further to support the demand forecast and long term planning. The sales and operations planning process is used in the synchronization of the demand and supply. The demand forecast is applied in the management of a supply chain of critical unit of elemental analyzer. Different meters on operational and strategic level are proposed for the measurement of performance.
This research concerns different statistical methods that assist to increase the demand forecasting accuracy of company X’s forecasting model. Current forecasting process was analyzed in details. As a result, graphical scheme of logical algorithm was developed. Based on the analysis of the algorithm and forecasting errors, all the potential directions for model future improvements in context of its accuracy were gathered into the complete list. Three improvement directions were chosen for further practical research, on their basis, three test models were created and verified. Novelty of this work lies in the methodological approach of the original analysis of the model, which identified its critical points, as well as the uniqueness of the developed test models. Results of the study formed the basis of the grant of the Government of St. Petersburg.
Demand forecasting is one of the fundamental managerial tasks. Most companies do not know their future demands, so they have to make plans based on demand forecasts. The literature offers many methods and approaches for producing forecasts. Former literature points out that even though many forecasting methods and approaches are available, selecting a suitable approach and implementing and managing it is a complex cross-functional matter. However, it’s relatively rare that researches are focused on the differences in forecasting between consumer and industrial companies. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the potential of improving demand forecasting practices for B2B and B2C sectors in the global supply chains. Business to business (B2B) sector produces products for other manufacturing companies. On the other hand, consumer (B2C) sector provides goods for individual buyers. Usually industrial sector have a lower number of customers and closer relationships with them. The research questions of this thesis are: 1) What are the main differences and similarities in demand planning between B2B and B2C sectors? 2) How the forecast performance for industrial and consumer companies can be improved? The main methodological approach in this study is design science, where the main objective is to develop tentative solutions to real-life problems. The research data has been collected from a case company. Evaluation and improving in organizing demand forecasting can be found in three interlinked areas: 1) demand planning operational environment, 2) demand forecasting techniques, 3) demand information sharing scenarios. In this research current B2B and B2C demand practices are presented with further comparison between those two sectors. It was found that B2B and B2C sectors have significant differences in demand practices. This research partly filled the theoretical gap in understanding the difference in forecasting in consumer and industrial sectors. In all these areas, examples of managerial problems are described, and approaches for mitigating these problems are outlined.
Tässä diplomityössä on tutkittu lauhdekapasiteetin ennenaikaisen markkinoilta poistumisen energiataloudellisia vaikutuksia. Tarkastelu toteutettiin sähkömarkkinamallinnuksen avulla luomalla kaksi erilaista lauhdekapasiteettiskenaariota perustuen arvioituun lauhdekapasiteetin poistumiseen sekä vastavuoroisesti sen säilymiseen markkinoilla. Skenaarioiden vaikutuksia tutkittiin myös herkkyystarkasteluin ja tuloksia analysoitiin energiataloudellisesta näkökulmasta. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää lauhdekapasiteetin ennenaikaisen poistumisen energiataloudellista kustannusta. Viime vuosien pitkittynyt talouden taantuma on hillinnyt kysynnän ennakoitua kehitystä johtaen alhaiseen sähkön markkinahintatasoon. Samalla tiukentuneet energiatuotannon ympäristövaatimukset asettavat investointirasitteita perinteisille voimalaitoksille heikentäen niiden taloudellisen kannattavuuden edellytyksiä. Markkinasähkön alhainen hintataso yhdessä investointirasitteiden kanssa asettaa haasteita etenkin usein rajatuotantomuotona toimiville lauhdelaitoksille. Alhaisen kannattavuuden seurauksena lauhdekapasiteettia arvioidaan poistuvan ennen teknisen käyttöiän täyttymistä markkinoilta merkittävästi lähivuosina. Kapasiteetin poistuminen kasvattaa oman tuotannon ja kysynnän välistä tehovajetta, minkä vuoksi sähköjärjestelmän nähdään tiukentuvan merkittävästi ennen rakenteilla olevan ydinvoimalaitoksen valmistumista. Työssä toteutettujen mallinnusten perusteella lauhdekapasiteetin väheneminen nostaa sähkön hintatasoa sekä lisää korkeiden hintapiikkien esiintymistä merkittävästi suhteessa korkeamman kapasiteetin tuloksiin. Sähköjärjestelmä on hyvin tiukka ennen rakenteilla olevan ydinvoimalaitoksen käyttöönottoa, minkä vuoksi lauhdekapasiteetin eroavaisuuksien vaikutukset ovat merkittävä etenkin poikkeuksellisen kylmänä vuotena. Lauhdekapasiteetin merkitys pienenee selvästi 2020-luvulla, kun oma tuotantokapasiteetti kasvaa. Työn tulosten perusteella lähivuosina alhaisemman lauhdekapasiteetin aiheuttama vuotuinen energiataloudellinen kustannus on huomattavasti korkeampi kuin laitosten kannattavan ylläpidon vaatima kustannus.
The Thesis is dedicated to development of an operative tool to support decision making of battery energy storages implementation in distribution networks. The basics of various battery technologies, their perspectives and challenges are represented in the Thesis. Mathematical equations that describe economic effect from battery energy storage installation are offered. The main factors that influence profitability of battery settings have been explored and mathematically defined. Mathematical model and principal trends of battery storage profitability under an impact of the major factors are determined. The meaning of annual net value was introduced to show the difference between savings and required costs. The model gives a clear vision for dependencies between annual net value and main factors. Proposals for optimal network and battery characteristics are suggested.