941 resultados para Electric circuit-breakers.
Superstring field theory was recently used to derive a covariant action for a self-dual five-form field strength. This action is shown to be a ten-dimensional version of the McClain-Wu-Yu action. By coupling to D-branes, it can be generalized in the presence of sources. In four dimensions, this gives a local Maxwell action with electric and magnetic sources.
This paper presents optical and electrical measurements on plasma generated by DC excited glow discharges in mixtures composed of 95% N2, 4.8% CH4 and 0.2% H2O at pressures varying from 1.064 mbar to 4.0 mbar. The discharges simulate the chemical reactions that may occur in Titan's atmosphere in the presence of meteorites and ice debris coming from Saturn's systems, assisted by cosmic rays and high energy charged particles. The results obtained from actinometric optical emission spectroscopy, combined with the results from a pulsed Langmuir probe, show that chemical species CH, CN, NH and OH are important precursors in the synthesis of the final solid products and that the chemical kinetics is essentially driven by electronic collision processes. It is shown that the presence of water is sufficient to produce complex solid products whose components are important in prebiotic compound synthesis. © 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
In the context of the standard model the quantization of the electric charge occurs only family by family. When we consider the three families together with massless neutrinos the electric charge is not quantized any more. Here we show that a chiral bilepton gauge model based on the gauge group SU(3)C ⊗ SU(3)L ⊗ U(1)N explains the quantization of the electric charge when we take into account the three families of fermions. This result does not depend on the neutrino masses. Charge quantization occurs whether the neutrinos are massless or Dirac or Majorana massive fields.
We investigate whether the equality found for the response of static scalar sources interacting (i) with Hawking radiation in Schwarzschild spacetime and (ii) with the Fulling-Davies-Unruh thermal bath in the Rindler wedge is maintained in the case of electric charges. We find a finite result in the Schwarzschild case, which is computed exactly, in contrast with the divergent result associated with the infrared catastrophe in the Rindler case, i.e., in the case of uniformly accelerated charges in Minkowski spacetime. Thus the equality found for scalar sources does not hold for electric charges.
Measurements of 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) relaxation times, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) and AC Impedance Spectroscopy (IS) are reported for composites based on PEO8:LiClO4 and carbon black (CB), prepared by two methods: solvent and fusion processing. Three nuclear relaxation processes were identified for 1H nuclei: (i) belonging to the polymer chains in the amorphous phase, loosely bound to the CB particles, whose dynamics is almost the same as for unfilled polymer, (ii) belonging to the polymer chains which are tightly attached to the CB particles, and (iii) belonging to the crystalline phase in the loose polymer chain. The paramagnetic electronic susceptibility of the composite samples, measured by EPR, was interpreted by assuming a contribution of localized spin states that follow a Curie law, and a Pauli-like contribution of delocalized spins. A significant change of the EPR linewidth was observed at 40 K, which is the temperature where the Curie and Pauli susceptibilities equally contribute to the paramagnetic electronic susceptibility. The electrical properties are very sensitive to the preparation methods of the composites, which conditions the interaction between carbon particle-carbon particle and carbon particle-polymer chain. Classical statistic models to describe the conductivity in these media were not satisfactory. © 1998 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Although conventional rotating machines have been largely used to drive underground transportation systems, linear induction motors are also being considered for future applications owing to their indisputable advantages. A mathematical model for the transient behavior analysis of linear induction motors, when operating with constant r.m.s. currents, is presented in this paper. Operating conditions, like phase short-circuit and input frequency variations and also some design characteristics, such as air-gap and secondary resistivity variations, can be considered by means of this modeling. The basis of the mathematical modeling is presented. Experimental results obtained in the laboratory are compared with the corresponding simulations and discussed in this paper.
The behaviors of an arc-shaped stator induction machine (the sector-motor) and a disc-secondary linear induction motor are analyzed in this work for different values of the frequency. Variable frequency is produced by a voltage source controlled-current inverter which keeps constant the r.m.s. value of the phase current, also assuring a sinusoidal waveform. For the simulations of the machine developed thrust, an equivalent circuit is used. It is obtained through the application of the one-dimensional theory to the modeling. The circuit parameters take into account the end effects, always present is these kind of machines. The phase current waveforms are analyzed for their harmonic contents. Experimental measurements were carried out in laboratory and are presented with the simulations, for comparison.
For the electric polarizability of a bound system in relativistic quantum theory, there are two definitions that have appeared in the literature. They differ depending on whether or not the vacuum background is included in the system. A recent confusion in this connection is clarified. © 1999 American Associations of Physics Teachers.
In this work we study the structure of electromagnetic interactions and electric charge quantization in gauge theories of electroweak interactions based on semisimple groups. We show that in the standard model of electroweak interactions the structure of electromagnetic interactions is strongly correlated to the quantization pattern of electric charges. We examine these two questions also in all possible chiral bilepton gauge models of electroweak interactions. In all, we can explain the vectorlike nature of electromagnetic interactions and electric charge quantization together demanding nonvanishing fermion masses and anomaly cancellations. ©1999 The American Physical Society.
The design of a Gilbert Cell Mixer and a low noise amplifier (LNA), using GaAs PHEMT technology is presented. The compatibility is shown for co-integration of both block on the same chip, to form a high performance 1.9 GHz receiver front-end. The designed LNA shows 9.23 dB gain and 2.01 dB noise figure (NF). The mixer is designed to operate at RF=1.9 GHz, LO=2.0 GHz and IF=100 MHz with a gain of 14.3 dB and single sideband noise figure (SSB NF) of 9.6 dB. The mixer presents a bandwith of 8 GHz.
A new family of dc-to-dc pulse-width-modulated (PWM) converters is presented. These converters feature soft-commutation at zero-current (ZC) in the active switches. The new ZCS-PWM Boost and new ZCS-PWM Zeta converters, both based on the new ZCS-PWM soft-commutation cell proposed, are used as examples to illustrate the operation of the new family of converters.
This work uses a monitoring system based on a PC platform, where the acoustic emission and electric power signals generated during the grinding process are used to investigate superficial burning occurrence in a surface grinding operation using two types of steel, three grinding conditions and an Al203 vitrified grinding wheel. Acoustic emission signals on the workpiece and grinding power were measured during a surface plunge operation until the grinding burn happened. From the results the standard deviation of the acoustic emission signal and the maximum electric power were calculated for each grinding pass. The proposed DPO parameter is the product between the power level and acoustic emission standard deviation. The results show that both signals can be used for burning detection, and the parameter DPO is the best indicator for the burning studied in this work. This can be explained by the high dispersion of the acoustic emission RMS level associated to the high power consumption when the grinding wheel lose its sharpness.
A linearly-tunable ULV transconductor featuring excellent stability of the processed signal common-mode voltage upon tuning, critical for very-low voltage applications, is presented. Its employment to the synthesis of CMOS gm-C high-frequency and voiceband filters is discussed. SPICE data describe the filter characteristics. For a 1.3 V-supply, their nominal passband frequencies are 1.0 MHz and 3.78 KHz, respectively, with tuning rates of 12.52 KHz/mV and 0.16 KHz/m V, input-referred noise spectral density of 1.3 μV/Hz1/2 and 5.0μV/Hz1/2 and standby consumption of 0.87 mW and 11.8 μW. Large-signal distortion given by THD = 1% corresponds to a differential output-swing of 360 mVpp and 480 mVpp, respectively. Common-mode voltage deviation is less than 4 mV over tuning interval.
The objective of this work is the development of a methodology for electric load forecasting based on a neural network. Here, it is used Backpropagation algorithm with an adaptive process based on fuzzy logic. This methodology results in fast training, when compared to the conventional formulation of Backpropagation algorithm. Results are presented using data from a Brazilian Electric Company and the performance is very good for the proposal objective.
This paper presents a high speed current mode CMOS comparator. The comparator was optimized for allows wide range input current 1mA, ±0.5uA resolution and has fast response. This circuit was implemented with 0.8μm CMOS n-well process with area of 120μm × 105μm and operates with 3.3V(±1.65V).