957 resultados para Eggs and nests


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Salmonella sp. é um dos principais microrganismos causadores de surtos de enfermidades transmitidas por alimentos associados ao consumo de ovos e de alimentos formulados com este ingrediente. Ovos desidratados são largamente utilizados pelas indústrias de alimentos, por oferecer maior praticidade e maior padronização em relação ao produto \"in natura\". Apesar do processo tecnológico de desidratação do ovo incluir uma etapa de pasteurização, existe um risco de haver microrganismos sobreviventes, já que a pasteurização é feita em temperatura branda. Além disso, a pasteurização pode destruir os fatores intrínsecos antimicrobianos presentes na clara, possibilitando a multiplicação de microrganismos que sobreviveram ao processo de pasteurização ou que contaminaram o produto após a pasteurização. O controle da Aa do produto desidratado e o tempo de armazenamento são, portanto, fatores fundamentais para o controle da multiplicação de microrganismos indesejáveis. Nesse estudo, avaliou-se a cinética de multiplicação de Salmonella experimentalmente adicionada a ovo em pó Aa ajustada para 0,4, 0,6, 0,8 e 0,9, durante o armazenamento em quatro temperaturas: 8°C, 15°C, 25°C e 35°C. Os resultados indicaram que S. Enteritidis é capaz de sobreviver por longo tempo (pelo menos 56 dias) em ovo em pó com Aa próximo de 0,4 quando armazenado a 8°C, 15° e a 25°C. Essa sobrevivência é menor (até 28 dias) quando o armazenamento é feito a 35°C. No ovo em pó com Aa em tomo de 0,6 ou 0,8, S. Enteritidis sobrevive por menos tempo do que no produto com Aa de cerca de 0,4, independentemente da temperatura de armazenamento. No produto com Aa de cerca de 0,9, há grande multiplicação de S. Enteritidis quando o armazenamento é feito a 15°C, 25°C ou 35°C. Nesse produto, o armazenamento a 8°C impede a multiplicação do patógeno. Verificou-se também que Salmonella Radar, resistente a diversos antibióticos, apresentou o mesmo comportamento que S. Enteritidis nas amostras de ovo estudadas.


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From the 1990s, through the first decade of the XXI century, the food industry has intensified its production in technologically and genetically sophisticated ways. It has introduced transgenic and genetically modified foods, taking into account an economical push to obtain higher quantities in less time. Today, the foods that we consume seem more like products created in a laboratory than ones that come from working directly with the earth and with animals. These changes in the food industry are just a part of a long and complicated story in which economical interests figure heavily. The single-crop farming era begins in the 1970s in The United States and Europe. In some regions in Spain having a strong agricultural tradition, small private and family-owned farms that provided food to surrounding populations started disappearing, being uprooted in favor of the creation of large, multi-national companies. The market would expand with the growth of production facilities housing large quantities of animals living numbered and crowded. They mainly house cows, chickens, and pigs from which we obtain different products like milk, eggs and meat. The way these “industrial animals” live today does not even come close to what we think of as a balanced ecosystem, seeing as they are surrounded by machines and by the general use of sophisticated techniques to achieve the best return possible...


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A hipótese de \"manipulação comportamental\" supõe que um parasito pode alterar o comportamento de seu hospedeiro visando aumentar a probabilidade de completar seu ciclo evolutivo. Tais alterações aumentariam a taxa de transmissão hospedeirohospedeiro, assegurando ao parasito ou a seus propágulos o encontro de novo hospedeiro. A possibilidade de infecções parasitárias provocarem mudanças comportamentais em seus hospedeiros e a elevada frequência com que o acometimento de seres humanos por larvas de Toxocara e cistos de Toxoplasma ocorre, têm chamado à atenção de pesquisadores interessados no estudo das relações hospedeiro-parasita. Na infecção por Toxoplasma gondii e Toxocara canis, cistos e larvas estão presentes em diversos locais anatômicos incluindo musculatura, coração, pulmões, olhos e cérebro. A presença de parasitos no cérebro dá oportunidade de manipulação do comportamento do hospedeiro. Entretanto, não se sabe qual ou quais mecanismos estão envolvidos no processo de manipulação do comportamento. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram verificar alterações na ansiedade, medo, memória e aprendizagem de Rattus norvegicus experimentalmente infectados por Toxocara canis e/ou Toxoplasma gondii em dois períodos após infecção, bem como a localização das larvas e cistos e presença de placas beta amiloide ( A) na região do hipocampo no tecido cerebral desses roedores corado pela técnica de Hematoxilina e Eosina (HE), e Vermelho de Congo, respectivamente. Foram utilizadas 40 exemplares fêmeas da espécie Rattus norvegicus, com seis a oito semanas. Os animais foram divididos em quatro grupos: Toxocara - 10 ratos infectados com 300 ovos de Toxocara canis, Toxoplasma -10 ratos infectados com 10 cistos de Toxoplasma gondii, Infecção dupla - 10 ratos infectados com 300 ovos de Toxocara canis e 10 cistos de Toxoplasma gondii, e controle - 10 ratos sem infecção. Nos dias 40, 41, 70 e 71 após a infecção, os animais dos grupos infectados e controle foram submetidos à avaliação no Labirinto em Cruz Elevado e Campo aberto. Aos 120 após infecção foi feita avaliação da memória, aprendizado e aversão a urina de gato dos animais no Labirinto de Barnes. No final das análises comportamentais os animais foram levados a eutanásia para retirada do cérebro e confecção dos cortes histológicos preparados em HE e Vermelho de Congo. Os resultados mostraram efeito ansiolítico para ambas as infecções, principalmente para Toxoplasma gondii. Não houve comprometimento da memória e aprendizado no LB, porém os animais infectados por Toxocara canis ou Toxoplasma gondii apresentaram menor tempo para encontrar a toca com urina e entrar nela. A leitura dos cortes histológicos corados com HE mostraram larvas de Toxocara canis e cistos de Toxoplasma gondii em regiões do sistema nervoso central dos animais relacionadas com memória e aprendizado. As lâminas coradas com Vermelho de Congo apresentaram placas beta amiloides ( A) em metade dos animais infectados por Toxoplasma gondii. Conclui-se que a infecção por ambos os parasitos apresenta efeito ansiolítico quando ocorre infecção única. Quando a Infecção ocorre concomitantemente há modulação no comportamento. Além disso, ratas infectadas com infecção única apresentam-se menos aversivas à urina de gatos.


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Tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917) é uma das pragas-chave da cultura do tomate e outras solanáceas na América do Sul e atualmente também na Eurásia e África. Devido aos grandes prejuízos que causa à cultura, são principalmente usados inseticidas para o seu controle. Entretanto, na busca de estratégias mais sustentáveis, cada dia adquire maior importância o uso do controle biológico, como uma das estratégias do manejo integrado de pragas. Para o desenvolvimento destas estratégias é fundamental desenvolver um método de criação de T. absoluta em laboratório, em dieta artificial, sem necessitar do hospedeiro natural, muitas vezes difícil de ser obtido e mantido em laboratório, e, de grande importância para produzir parasitoides específicos para esta praga. Dentre os parasitoides mais usados para ovos de lepidópteros está Trichogramma pretiosum Riley 1879 que é usado no controle biológico aplicado desta praga. Tendo como foco principal T. absoluta, neste trabalho foram pesquisados 1) a seleção de uma dieta artificial para este lepidóptero baseando-se em características físicas e químicas, avaliando o seu desempenho por várias gerações em laboratório, e 2) avaliação de aspectos biológicos e reprodutivos de T. pretiosum parasitando ovos de T. absoluta e aspectos físicos da planta (tricomas) para compreender o controle biológico desta praga no tomateiro. Foi encontrado que uma dieta à base de germe-de-trigo, caseína e celulose é apropriada para a criação deste lepidóptero, já que o inseto mostrou adaptação à mesma no transcorrer das gerações com base em características biológicas e de tabela de vida; adicionalmente, os ovos provenientes de T. absoluta alimentada com dieta artificial são comparáveis aos da dieta natural, no parasitismo de T. pretiosum. Com relação ao controle biológico foi demonstrado que este parasitoide desenvolvido em ovos de T. absoluta, diminui seu tamanho e desempenho com o transcorrer das gerações, apresentando menor capacidade de voo do que os insetos produzidos em A. kuenhiella, sendo necessária a liberação de altas densidades de parasitoides por ovo da praga. Foi observado que, embora o parasitismo de T. pretiosum de ovos de T. absoluta seja melhor em variedades com poucos tricomas, uma alta densidade destas estruturas não impede o controle da praga alvo dependendo da disposição destas estruturas. O controle biológico de T. absoluta com T. pretiosum tem uma ação momentânea, sendo necessárias liberações frequentes devido ao fato de os parasitoides desenvolvidos na praga serem menos competitivos com aqueles provenientes do hospedeiro alternativo que apresenta ovos maiores do que T. absoluta.


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Elias Mann kept this diary during his undergraduate years at Harvard College. The diary begins August 17, 1796 and ends in August of 1800 and also includes several undated sheets filled with excerpts of poems. The daily entries describe many aspects of Mann's life, including not only his experiences at Harvard but also his involvement in the larger community. Entries related to life at Harvard describe club meetings (coffee club, Hasty Pudding Club and Phi Beta Kappa); trips to the theater; dinners at taverns; games and recreation, including a card game called "Loo," cribbage, backgammon, bowling, playing ball, fishing, skating and going for sleigh rides; gathering, and sometimes taking from others' gardens, food (most often plums, peaches, nuts and apples); what he ate (including one breakfast of three raw eggs and two glasses of wine); what he read (including Tristram Shandy and one of "Mrs. Ratcliffe's novels"); his friends, often mentioned by name; and academic work and formalities. In one entry he mentions the theft of several possessions from his room, and there are several entries about trips to Fresh Pond.


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"I: Monthly statistics on meat; II: Monthly statistics on eggs and poultry; III: Monthly statistics on milk and milk products; External trade and 'Eurostat balance-sheets': meat, eggs and milk products; V: Supply balance-sheets — Survey."


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A general study of structure, biomass estimates and dynamics on the macrofauna was carried out in August 1975 and March 1976 during PREFLEX (1975) and FLEX (1976), the Fladen Ground Experiment. On the basis of these data an attempt was made to estimate macrobenthic production expressed as minimum production (MP). The macrobenthic production is discussed together with meiobenthic annual production and with indirectly estimated microbenthic production in relation to an energy input from the water column of about 25 g C m**-2 year**-1. From the production estimates of the three benthic components a rough energy budget is proposed. Sampling was performed at five stations for endofauna twice during the time of investigation and for epifauna once. At each station two replicate box core samples (30 X 20 cm) were taken for endofauna. Epifauna was sampled with an Agassiz trawl once at each station. The total numbers of endofauna increased from station 1 to 5. This was valid as well for August 1975 (4,233-12,166 individuals per m**2 and 10 cm sediment depth) as for March 1976 (1,008-2,925 individuals). The polychaetes were the dominant organisms with a share of 33 to 62 %. The densities for the endofauna decreased from August 1975 to March 1976 by a mean factor of 2.8. Abundances of epifauna amounted to values between 11 and 102 individuals per 1000 m**2. The biomass dry weights (DWT) for macrobenthic endofauna varied between 0.97 g DWT m**-2 and 6.42 g DWT m**-2 in August 1975 and between 0.27 g DWT m**-2 and 2.64 g DWT m**-2 in March 1976. The mean amounted to 1.74 g DWT m**-2. Dry weights of epifauna biomass gave values between 4.9 and 83.1 g DWT * 1000 m**-2. The minimum production for the total macro-endofauna at Fladen Ground amounted to 1.43 g DWT m**-2 yr**-1 or 0.82 g C m**-2 yr**-1. This resulted in a minimum turnover rate (P/B) of 0.8. The share produced by the polychaetes amounted to 1.06g DWT m**-2 yr**-1 or 74 %.


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"Details of the markets ... statistics and record of prices." p. vii.


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A new species of Sanguinicola Plehn, 1905 is described from the marine teleosts Notolabrus parilus (Richardson) and N. tetricus (Richardson) (Perciformes: Labridae) from Western Australian and Tasmanian waters. This host distribution is strikingly anomalous; however, the present material fulfils the morphological criteria of Sanguinicola. S. maritimus n. sp. differs from previously described species in having the combination of a body 1,432-1,701 mu m long, the oesophagus 18.3-21.7% of the body length, the testis occupying 42.8-52.3% of the body length, an oviducal seminal receptacle and Mehlis' gland present, ovoid eggs, and vitelline follicles that extend anteriorly past the nerve commissure, laterally past the lateral nerve chords and posteriorly to the anterior margin of the cirrus-sac. S. maritimus also lacks a protrusible anterior proboscis. It also differs in the combination of host and geographical location, being the first Sanguinicola species from a marine teleost and the first from Australian waters.


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Four new species and two new genera of thelastomatoid are described from several species of Australian burrowing cockroaches (Blattodea: Panesthiinae; Geoscapheinae). Corpicracens munozae n. g., n. sp., Pseudodesmicola botti n. g., n. sp. and Cephalobellus nolani n. sp. are described from Geoscapheus dilatatus (Blattodea: Geoscapheinae) from Mendooran, New South Wales; one new thelastomatid, Blattophila praelongicauda n. sp., is described from Panesthia cribrata from Lamington National Park, Queensland. Corpicracens munozae n. g., n. sp. is long and slender, with a monodelphic female reproductive system, a clavate corpus with a slight posterior pseudobulb, oval eggs flattened at the poles, and a relatively robust, subulate tail. Pseudodesmicola botti n. g., n. sp. is slightly more robust in body, also has a monodelphic reproductive system, a cylindrical corpus with a posterior pseudobulb, ovoid eggs and a very long, subulate tail. Cephalobellus nolani n. sp. is distinguished from other members of the genus by its relatively short and broad body and egg shape. Lastly, Blattophila praelongicauda n. sp. is distinguished from other members of the genus by having eggs with a single, polar operculum, tail length, and position of the vulva, nerve ring and excretory pore. An additional species, known by a single specimen from Panesthia tryoni tryoni from the same locality is characterised but not named. The species found are all relatively rare parasites of Australian burrowing cockroaches, each having a prevalence of less than 10%.


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I-2 is an avirulent strain of Newcastle disease virus. During establishment of the I-2 strain master vaccine seed, a series of selection procedures was carried out at 56 degrees C in order to enhance heat resistance. This master seed is used to produce a working seed, which is then employed to produce the vaccine. These two passages are done without further heat selection; however, it is not known how rapidly and to what extent thermostable variants would be lost during further passage. The study was therefore conducted to determine the effect of passage on thermostability of strain I-2. The virus was serially passaged and at various passage levels samples were subjected to heat treatment at 56 degrees C for 120 min. The inactivation rates for infectivity and haemagglutinin (HA) titres were assayed by use of chicken embryonated eggs and HA test, respectively. Thermostability of HA and infectivity of I-2 virus were reduced after 10 and 5 passages, respectively, without heat selection at 56 degrees C. These results suggest that 5 more passages could be carried out between the working seed and vaccine levels without excessive loss of thermostability. This would result in increased vaccine production from a single batch of a working seed.


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The goat and sheep industry shows up as an agricultural activity of great importance for the semiarid Northeast. However, the sheep and goats production is made with various difficulties. Among them, parasitic infections, particularly helminth infections of the gastrointestinal tract, the eimeriosis and toxoplasmosis; this one related to problems in reproduction. For this reason, the aim of this study is to to make a survey of the occurrence and some determinants of parasitic diseases that affect small ruminant flocks of the microregions Natal, Macaíba, Litoral Sul, Angicos, Vale do Açu and Borborema Potiguar. Thereunto, epidemiological tools were applied with producers, keepers or guardians of herds and also held collections of blood and feces of animals in eight properties located in seven municipalities of these microregions. The parasite load of the animals was determined through eggs and oocysts counting per gram of feces EPG and OPG, respectively. In addition, the recovery of infective larvae was made. Blood samples were used to measure the globular cell volume and the search for anti-Toxoplasma gondii IgG in sheep serum, by Enzyme Linked Immune Sorbent Assay (ELISA). For categorical variables, the statistical analysis was performed using Poisson regression, with significance level of 0.05. The analysis of the instruments showed that ivermectin is the anthelmintic used in 85,71% of properties. From the total of feces samples of the sheep (n = 179), 53,07% were positive for helminth eggs and 48,04% were positive for oocysts of Eimeria. From the samples of faeces of goats (n = 133), 72,18% were positive for helminth eggs and 96,99% for oocysts of Eimeria. The lowest EPG and OPG count was observed in the micro region of Angicos. Most of the EPG count was found in the micro region Litoral Sul and the OPG count in the micro-region Borborema Potiguar. Both cases the difference was statistically significant(p- value0,000)The most prevalent helminth genus found was Haemonchus, present in 49,87% of the sheep and 80,42% of goats. The average of hematocrit ranged from 22,91 to 33,25 in sheep and from 22,62 to 28,25 in goats. The prevalence of anti-Toxoplasma gondii IgG ranged from 63,33% to 100,00%. The goats showed to be more susceptible to infections by parasites of the gastrointestinal tract than the sheep. In all the properties was observed high prevalence of infection by T. gondii, with the lowest percentages recorded in the micro regions Angicos and Borborema Potiguar.


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This study of Antarctic sympagic meiofauna in pack ice during late winter compares communities between the perennially ice-covered western Weddell Sea and the seasonally ice-covered southern Indian Ocean. Sympagic meiofauna (proto- and metazoans > 20 µm) and eggs > 20 µm were studied in terms of diversity, abundance and carbon biomass, and with respect to vertical distribution. Metazoan meiofauna had significantly higher abundance and biomass in the western Weddell Sea (medians: 31.1 * 10**3/m**2 and 6.53 mg/m**2, respectively) than in the southern Indian Ocean (medians: 1.0 * 10**3 /m**2 and 0.06 mg/m**2, respectively). Metazoan diversity was also significantly higher in the western Weddell Sea. Furthermore, the two regions differed significantly in terms of meiofauna community composition, as revealed through multivariate analyses. The overall diversity of sympagic meiofauna was high, and integrated abundance and biomass of total meiofauna were also high in both regions (0.6 - 178.6 * 10**3/m**2 and 0.02 - 89.70 mg/m**2, respectively), mostly exceeding values reported earlier from the western Weddell Sea in winter. We attribute the differences in meiofauna communities between the two regions to the older first-year ice and multi-year ice that is present in the western Weddell Sea, but not in the southern Indian Ocean. Our study indicates the significance of perennially ice-covered regions for the establishment of diverse and abundant meiofauna communities. Furthermore, it highlights the potential importance of sympagic meiofauna for the organic matter pool and trophic interactions in sea ice.


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O estudo apresentado avaliou a adequabilidade da ingesta de nutrientes e energia de estudantes do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém (IPS), através do preenchimento de um relatório alimentar de 24 horas, preenchido on line. Foram obtidas 103 respostas válidas para avaliação, maioritariamente do género feminino (77%), com uma idade média de 21 anos e valores de IMC normoponderais (78%). Cerca de metade dos participantes apresentou um estilo de vida sedentário. No geral, a alimentação caracterizou-se por elevados consumos de arroz, massa, batatas ou cereais de pequeno-almoço, de carne ou ovos, e consumos reduzidos de peixe, leguminosas e hortícolas crus ou cozinhados. O consumo de frutos e vegetais foi maioritariamente inferior ao recomendado, assim como a ingesta de energia e fibra. Ao contrário, a ingesta de lípidos totais e lípidos saturados foi superior ao recomendado na maioria dos participantes. A prevalência de inadequação de micronutrientes como cálcio, vitamina A, vitamina C e folatos foi próxima dos 50% ou superior. Perante os dados obtidos sugere-se uma melhoria dos hábitos alimentares e de estilo de vida, nomeadamente, o aumento do número de refeições realizadas, o aumento do consumo de frutos, hortícolas e leguminosas e o aumento da prática de atividade física.


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Many sessile, suspension-feeding marine invertebrates mate by spermcasting: aquatic sperm are spawned and gathered by conspecific individuals to fertilize eggs that are generally retained during development. In two phylogenetically distant examples, a cheilostome bryozoan and an aplousobranch ascidian, the receipt of allosperm has previously been shown to alter sex allocation by triggering female investment in eggs and brooding. Here we report experiments demonstrating that two species of cyclostome bryozoan also show restrained female investment in the absence of mating opportunity. In Tubulipora plumosa, the production of female zooids and progeny is much reduced in reproductive isolation. In Filicrisia geniculata, development of distinctive female zooids (gonozooids) begins but halts in the absence of mating opportunity, and no completed gonozooids or progeny result. Reduced female investment in the absence of a mate thus occurs in at least two orders of Bryozoa, but significant differences in detail exist and the evolutionary history within the phylum of the mechanism(s) by which female investment is initiated might be complex. The broadening taxonomic spectrum of examples where female investment appears restrained until allosperm becomes available may signify a general adaptive strategy among outcrossing modular animals, analogous to similarly adaptive sex allocation typical of many flowering plants.