Antarctic sympagic meiofauna in winter

Autoria(s): Kramer, Maike; Swadling, Kerrie M; Meiners, Klaus M; Kiko, Rainer; Scheltz, Annette; Nicolaus, Marcel; Werner, Iris

MEDIAN LATITUDE: -63.663074 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 46.821705 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -65.580000 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -57.416300 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -59.795700 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 128.600000 * DATE/TIME START: 2006-09-08T18:52:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2007-10-10T02:00:00




This study of Antarctic sympagic meiofauna in pack ice during late winter compares communities between the perennially ice-covered western Weddell Sea and the seasonally ice-covered southern Indian Ocean. Sympagic meiofauna (proto- and metazoans > 20 µm) and eggs > 20 µm were studied in terms of diversity, abundance and carbon biomass, and with respect to vertical distribution. Metazoan meiofauna had significantly higher abundance and biomass in the western Weddell Sea (medians: 31.1 * 10**3/m**2 and 6.53 mg/m**2, respectively) than in the southern Indian Ocean (medians: 1.0 * 10**3 /m**2 and 0.06 mg/m**2, respectively). Metazoan diversity was also significantly higher in the western Weddell Sea. Furthermore, the two regions differed significantly in terms of meiofauna community composition, as revealed through multivariate analyses. The overall diversity of sympagic meiofauna was high, and integrated abundance and biomass of total meiofauna were also high in both regions (0.6 - 178.6 * 10**3/m**2 and 0.02 - 89.70 mg/m**2, respectively), mostly exceeding values reported earlier from the western Weddell Sea in winter. We attribute the differences in meiofauna communities between the two regions to the older first-year ice and multi-year ice that is present in the western Weddell Sea, but not in the southern Indian Ocean. Our study indicates the significance of perennially ice-covered regions for the establishment of diverse and abundant meiofauna communities. Furthermore, it highlights the potential importance of sympagic meiofauna for the organic matter pool and trophic interactions in sea ice.


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Supplement to: Kramer, Maike; Swadling, Kerrie M; Meiners, Klaus M; Kiko, Rainer; Scheltz, Annette; Nicolaus, Marcel; Werner, Iris (2010): Antarctic sympagic meiofauna in winter: comparing diversity, abundance and biomass between perennially and seasonally ice-covered regions. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 58(9-10), 1062-1074, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2010.10.029

Palavras-Chave #(Bulk phaeopigment concentration) / (Bulk chlorophyll a concentration); (Integrated phaeopigment concentration) / (Integrated chlorophyll a concentration); 1; 10; 11; 12; 13; 2; 4; 5; 6; 8; Acoela indet; Acoela indet C; Acoela indeterminata; Acoela indeterminata, biomass as carbon; Acoela indeterminata, C-content; Acoela indeterminata, length; Acoela indeterminata, width; Acoela indet l; Acoela indet w; Air temperature; ANT-XXIII/7; Atlantic Ocean; Aurora Australis; Av abio sea-ice; Average abiotic sea-ice; average brine; Average brine salinity; average bulk; Average bulk salinity; Average meiofauna; Average relative brine volume; average sea ice; Average sea-ice temperature; Av meiof; Bottom-ice meiof; Bottom-ice meiofauna; brine; Brine salinity; bulk; Bulk abundance; Bulk biomass; Bulk chlorophyll a concentration; Bulk phaeopigment concentration; Bulk salinity; Calanoida; C content; Chl a; Chl a conc; Chlorophyll a; Chlorophyll a, areal concentration; Ci-CVI of meiofauna; CI-CVI of meiofauna; CI-CVI of Metazoa; CI-CVI total; Cil; Ciliata; Ciliata, biomass as carbon; Ciliata, C-content; Ciliata, length; Ciliata, width; Ciliata C; Ciliata indet; Ciliata indeterminata; Ciliata l; Ciliata w; Comment; Copepoda; Copepoda, biomass as carbon; Copepoda, biomass as carbon, integrated; Copepoda C; Copepoda indet; Copepoda indeterminata; Copepoda indeterminata, nauplii; Copepoda indeterminata, nauplii, biomass as carbon; Copepoda indet naup; Copepoda indet naup C; Copepoda indet naups C; Copepoda total (NI-NVI and CI-CVI) of meiofauna; Crustacea indet; Crustacea indeterminata; Ctenophora; Ctenophora indet; Ctenophora indet C; Ctenophora indeterminata; Ctenophora indeterminata, biomass as carbon; Ctenophora indeterminata, C-content; Ctenophora indeterminata, length; Ctenophora indeterminata, width; Ctenophora indet l; Ctenophora indet w; Cyclopoida indet; Cyclopoida indet C; Cyclopoida indeterminata; Cyclopoida indeterminata, biomass as carbon; Cyclopoida indeterminata, C-content; Cyclopoida indeterminata, length; Cyclopoida indeterminata, nauplii; Cyclopoida indeterminata, nauplii, biomass as carbon; Cyclopoida indeterminata, nauplii, C-content; Cyclopoida indeterminata, nauplii, length; Cyclopoida indeterminata, nauplii, width; Cyclopoida indeterminata, width; Cyclopoida indet l; Cyclopoida indet naup; Cyclopoida indet naup C; Cyclopoida indet naup l; Cyclopoida indet naup w; Cyclopoida indet w; D. cf. Cilacinus C; D. cf. lilacinus; D. cf. lilacinus C; D. cf. lilacinus l; D. cf. wilacinus w; D. glacialis; D. glacialis C; D. glacialis l; D. glacialis w; dead; dead and exuviae; dead and exuviae, total; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, ice/snow; Depth, top/min; Depth bot; Depth ice/snow; Depth top; DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm 1158 - Antarktisforschung; DFG-SPP1158; Diarthrodes cf. lilacinus; Diarthrodes cf. lilacinus, biomass as carbon; Diarthrodes cf. lilacinus, length; Diarthrodes cf. wilacinus, C-content; Diarthrodes cf. wilacinus, width; Drescheriella glacialis; Drescheriella glacialis, biomass as carbon; Drescheriella glacialis, C-content; Drescheriella glacialis, length; Drescheriella glacialis, width; Drescheriella spp.; Drescheriella spp., biomass as carbon; Drescheriella spp., C-content; Drescheriella spp., length; Drescheriella spp., nauplii; Drescheriella spp., nauplii, biomass as carbon; Drescheriella spp., nauplii, C-content; Drescheriella spp., nauplii, length; Drescheriella spp., nauplii, width; Drescheriella spp., width; Drescheriella spp. C; Drescheriella spp. l; Drescheriella spp. naup; Drescheriella spp. naup C; Drescheriella spp. naup l; Drescheriella spp. naup w; Drescheriella spp. w; E(S); E(S100); Ectinosoma sp.; Ectinosoma sp., biomass as carbon; Ectinosoma sp., C-content; Ectinosoma sp., length; Ectinosoma sp., width; Ectinosoma sp. C; Ectinosoma sp. l; Ectinosoma sp. w; Eggs; Eggs, biomass as carbon; Eggs, length; Eggs, width; Eggs/meiofauna; Eggs/meiofauna ratio; eggs and veliger larvae of Tergipes antarcticus; Eggs and veliger larvae of Tergipes antarcticus; Eggs C; Eggs indet C; Eggs indeterminata, carbon content; Eggs l; Eggs w; EsEs; Event; Expected number of species; exuviae; Fecal pel; Fecal pellets; Foram; Foram C; Foram indet; Foram indet C; Foraminifera; Foraminifera, biomass as carbon; Foraminifera, planktic; Foraminifera, planktic indeterminata; Foraminifera C; Foraminifera indet C; Foraminifera indeterminata; Foraminifera indeterminata, biomass as carbon; Foraminifera indeterminata, C-content; Foraminifera indeterminata, length; Foraminifera indeterminata, width; Foraminifera indet l; Foraminifera indet w; Foram plank; Foram plankt indet; Freeboard; Gastropoda indet; Gastropoda indeterminata; H(S); Harpacticoida; Harpacticoida indet; Harpacticoida indet C; Harpacticoida indeterminata; Harpacticoida indeterminata, biomass as carbon; Harpacticoida indeterminata, C-content; Harpacticoida indeterminata, length; Harpacticoida indeterminata, width; Harpacticoida indet l; Harpacticoida indet w; Harpacticoida sp.; Harpacticus sp.; Harpacticus sp., biomass as carbon; Harpacticus sp., C-content; Harpacticus sp., length; Harpacticus sp., width; Harpacticus sp. C; Harpacticus sp. l; Harpacticus sp. w; Hexapoda indet; Hexapoda indeterminata; I. antarctica; I. antarctica C; I. antarctica l; I. antarctica w; ICE; Ice station; Ice-station; Ice temperature; Idomene antarctica; Idomene antarctica, biomass as carbon; Idomene antarctica, C-content; Idomene antarctica, length; Idomene antarctica, width; indet; indet, dead and exuviae; integrated; Integrated abundance; Integrated biomass; Integrated chlorophyll a concentration; Integrated diversity; Integrated meiofauna; Integrated phaeopigment concentration; Integrated pigment; International Polar Year (2007-2008); Int meiof; Int pigm; IO-1; IO-10; IO-11; IO-12; IO-13; IO-14; IO-15a; IO-15b; IO-2; IO-3; IO-5; IO-6; IO-7; IO-8; IO-9; IPY; J; juvenile; juveniles; Length; Level-ice thickness; lower end of ice-core section; M. rosea; M. rosea C; M. rosea l; M. rosea w; Margalefs richness index; Meiofauna; Meiofauna, abundance; Meiofauna, biomass as carbon; Meiof C; melted ice; melted ice of the lowermost 5 cm of ice core; Metazoa; Metazoa, biomass as carbon; Metazoa C; Microsetella rosea; Microsetella rosea, biomass as carbon; Microsetella rosea, C-content; Microsetella rosea, length; Microsetella rosea, width; MR; MULT; Multiple investigations; N. gracilimana; N. gracilimana C; N. gracilimana l; N. gracilimana w; N. pachyderma; N. pachyderma C; N. pachyderma l; N. pachyderma w; Nauplii; Neogloboquadrina pachyderma; Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, biomass as carbon; Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, C-content; Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, length; Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, width; NI-NVI of Copepoda total; NI-NVI of meiofauna; NI-NVI of Metazoa; NI-NVI total; Nitokra gracilimana; Nitokra gracilimana, biomass as carbon; Nitokra gracilimana, C-content; Nitokra gracilimana, length; Nitokra gracilimana, width; No; Number; Number of species; of Acoela; of meiofauna; of Metazoa; of Protozoa; of Tergipes antarcticus; other; other, big; other, small; other Ciliata big; other Ciliata small; others; P. antarctica; P. antarctica C; P. antarctica l; P. antarctica naup; P. antarctica naup C; P. antarctica naup l; P. antarctica naup w; P. antarctica w; Paralabidocera antarctica; Paralabidocera antarctica, biomass as carbon; Paralabidocera antarctica, C-content; Paralabidocera antarctica, length; Paralabidocera antarctica, nauplii; Paralabidocera antarctica, nauplii, biomass as carbon; Paralabidocera antarctica, nauplii, C-content; Paralabidocera antarctica, nauplii, length; Paralabidocera antarctica, nauplii, width; Paralabidocera antarctica, width; Phaeopigments; Phaeopigments, areal concentration; Phaeopigments/Chlorophyll a ratio; Pheop; Pheop/Chl a; Pheop con; PI; Pielou evenness index; Plathelminthes; Plathelminthes, biomass as carbon; Plathelminthes C; Polarstern; Principle investigator; Protozoa; Protozoa, biomass as carbon; Protozoa C; PS69/542-2; PS69/543-1; PS69/546-1; PS69/549-2; PS69/551-2; PS69/554-2; PS69/556-1; PS69/558-1; PS69/562-1; PS69/564-1; PS69/565-1; PS69/567-4; PS69/568-1; PS69/572-1; PS69/574-1; PS69/576-1; PS69/577-1; PS69/578-1; PS69/579-1; PS69/581-1; PS69/584-1; PS69/585-1; PS69 WWOS; Rad; Rad C; Rad indet; Rad indet C; Rad indet l; Rad indet w; Radiolarians; Radiolarians, biomass as carbon; Radiolarians indeterminata; Radiolarians indeterminata, C-content; Radiolarians indeterminata, length; Radiolarians indeterminata, width; relative; Relative brine volume; Rhabditophora indet; Rhabditophora indet C; Rhabditophora indeterminata; Rhabditophora indeterminata, biomass as carbon; Rhabditophora indeterminata, C-content; Rhabditophora indeterminata, length; Rhabditophora indeterminata, width; Rhabditophora indet l; Rhabditophora indet w; S. longipes; S. longipes C; S. longipes l; S. longipes naup; S. longipes naup C; S. longipes naup l; S. longipes naup w; S. longipes w; Sal; Sal brine; Salinity; Salinity, brine; Sample volume; Samp vol; Scotia Sea, southwest Atlantic; Sea ice thickness; Shannon index of diversity; shell; SIPEX; snow; Snow temperature; Snow thick; Snow thickness; South Indian Ocean; species 1; Spec No; Stephos longipes; Stephos longipes, biomass as carbon; Stephos longipes, C-content; Stephos longipes, length; Stephos longipes, nauplii; Stephos longipes, nauplii, biomass as carbon; Stephos longipes, nauplii, C-content; Stephos longipes, nauplii, length; Stephos longipes, nauplii, width; Stephos longipes, width; t; T. antarcticus; T. antarcticus C; T. antarcticus l; T. antarcticus w; T. quinqueloba; T. quinqueloba C; T. quinqueloba l; T. quinqueloba w; Temperature, air; Temperature, ice/snow; Tergipes antarcticus; Tergipes antarcticus, biomass as carbon; Tergipes antarcticus, C-content; Tergipes antarcticus, length; Tergipes antarcticus, width; Tergipes antarcticus C; Tintinnida indet; Tintinnida indet C; Tintinnida indeterminata; Tintinnida indeterminata, biomass as carbon; Tintinnida indeterminata, C-content; Tintinnida indeterminata, length; Tintinnida indeterminata, width; Tintinnida indet l; Tintinnida indet w; tota, Protozoa and Metazoa; total; total, Protozoa and Metazoa; total (NI-NVI and CI-CVI) of meiofauna; total of Metazoa; TTT; Turborotalita quinqueloba; Turborotalita quinqueloba, biomass as carbon; Turborotalita quinqueloba, length; Turborotalita quinqueloba, width; upper end of ice-core section; veliger; Vertical profiles of abiotic and pigment; Vertical profiles of meiofauna; Vert prof abio pigm; Vert prof meiof; Vol; Vol brine; Volume; Volume, brine; Weddell Sea; Width; WS-1; WS-10; WS-11; WS-12; WS-13; WS-14; WS-15; WS-16; WS-17; WS-18; WS-19; WS-2; WS-20; WS-21; WS-22; WS-3; WS-4; WS-5; WS-6; WS-7; WS-8; WS-9
