698 resultados para Educational accountability.
Education is often understood as a process whereby children come to conform to the norms teachers believe should govern our practices. This picture problematically presumes that educators know in advance what it means for children to go on the way that is expected of them. In this essay Viktor Johansson suggests a revision of education, through the philosophy of Stanley Cavell, that can account for both the attunement in our practices and the possible dissonance that follows when the teacher and child do not go on together. There is an anxiety generated by the threat of disharmony in our educational undertakings that may drive teachers toward philosophy in educational contexts. Here Johansson offers a philosophical treatment of this intellectual anxiety that teachers may experience when they, upon meeting dissonant children, search for epistemic justifications of their practices—a treatment whereby dissonant children can support teachers in dissolving their intellectual frustrations.
In the field of Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D) ICT use in education is well studied. Education is often seen as a pre-requisite for development and ICTs are believed to aid in education, e.g. to make it more accessible and to increase its quality. In this paper we study the access and use of ICT in a study circle (SC) education program in the south coast of Kenya. The study is qualitative reporting results based on interviews and observations with SC participants, government officers and SC coordinators and teachers. The study builds on the capability approach perspective of development where individuals’ opportunities and ability to live a life that they value are focused. The aim of the study is to investigate the capability outcomes enabled through the capability inputs access and use of ICT in education as well as the factors that enabled and/or restricted the outcomes. Findings show that many opportunities have been enabled such as an increase in the ability to generate an income, learning benefits, community development and basic human development (e.g. literacy and self-confidence). However, conversion factors such as a poorly developed infrastructure and poor IT literacy prevent many of the individuals from taking full advantage of the ICT and the opportunities it enables.
Background. Nurses' research utilization (RU) as part of evidence-based practice is strongly emphasized in today's nursing education and clinical practice. The primary aim of RU is to provide high-quality nursing care to patients. Data on newly graduated nurses' RU are scarce, but a predominance of low use has been reported in recent studies. Factors associated with nurses' RU have previously been identified among individual and organizational/contextual factors, but there is a lack of knowledge about how these factors, including educational ones, interact with each other and with RU, particularly in nurses during the first years after graduation. The purpose of this study was therefore to identify factors that predict the probability for low RU among registered nurses two years after graduation. Methods. Data were collected as part of the LANE study (Longitudinal Analysis of Nursing Education), a Swedish national survey of nursing students and registered nurses. Data on nurses' instrumental, conceptual, and persuasive RU were collected two years after graduation (2007, n = 845), together with data on work contextual factors. Data on individual and educational factors were collected in the first year (2002) and last term of education (2004). Guided by an analytic schedule, bivariate analyses, followed by logistic regression modeling, were applied. Results. Of the variables associated with RU in the bivariate analyses, six were found to be significantly related to low RU in the final logistic regression model: work in the psychiatric setting, role ambiguity, sufficient staffing, low work challenge, being male, and low student activity. Conclusions. A number of factors associated with nurses' low extent of RU two years postgraduation were found, most of them potentially modifiable. These findings illustrate the multitude of factors related to low RU extent and take their interrelationships into account. This knowledge might serve as useful input in planning future studies aiming to improve nurses', specifically newly graduated nurses', RU.
This paper examines the impact of socioeconomic factors on eighth grade achievement test scores in the face of federal and state initiatives for educational reform in Maine. We use student-level data over a five year period to provide a framework for understanding the policy implications of these initiatives. We model performance on standardized tests using a seemingly unrelated regressions approach and then determine the likelihood of meeting the standards defined by the adequate yearly progress requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act and Maine Learning Results initiatives. Our results indicate that the key factors influencing a student’s test scores include the education of a student’s parents, special services received for learning disabilities, and alternative measures of academic achievement.
In this paper, we show that when the government is able to transfer wealth between generations, regressive policies are no longer optimal. The optimal educational policy can be decentralized through appropriate Pigouvian taxes and credit provision, is not regressive, and provides equality of opportunities in education (in the sense of irrelevance of parental income for the amount of education). Moreover, in the presence of default, the optimal policy can be implemented through income-contingent payments.
This work investigates the impact of schooling Oil income distribution in statesjregions of Brazil. Using a semi-parametric model, discussed in DiNardo, Fortin & Lemieux (1996), we measure how much income diíferences between the Northeast and Southeast regions- the country's poorest and richest - and between the states of Ceará and São Paulo in those regions - can be explained by differences in schooling leveIs of the resident population. Using data from the National Household Survey (PNAD), we construct counterfactual densities by reweighting the distribution of the poorest region/state by the schooling profile of the richest. We conclude that: (i) more than 50% of the income di:fference is explained by the difference in schooling; (ii) the highest deciles of the income distribution gain more from an increase in schooling, closely approaching the wage distribution of the richest region/state; and (iii) an increase in schooling, holding the wage structure constant, aggravates the wage disparity in the poorest regions/ states.
Além de realizar um balanço da literatura internacional relativa a reformas econômicas em novas democracias e aos programas de ajuste fiscal, o presente projeto de pesquisa visa analisar as transformações ocorridas na área fiscal no Brasil ao longo das duas últimas décadas no contexto de constrangimentos econômicos internos e externos e da democratização política.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar, numa perspectiva comparada, aspectos das relações dos provedores de serviços sociais filantrópicos com o Estado e a sociedade a partir da análise dos benefícios fiscais concedidos nos termos do artigo 150, VI, c, da Constituição Brasileira e do parágrafo 501, c, 3, do Internal Revenue Code norte-americano. No caso brasileiro, aborda as recentes figuras jurídicas (Organizações Sociais e Organizações da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público) e faz um breve relato das evoluções recentes nas áreas de educação, assistência social e saúde.
A tese procura analisar a atuação do Congresso Nacional no momento de criação das agências reguladoras de primeira geração no Brasil (ANEEL, ANP e ANATEL), assim como no momento posterior à sua instalação. O estudo mostra de que forma a preocupação com a accountability parlamentar se fez presente na concepção e na operação dessas agências entre 1998 e 2004.
Esta Dissertação analisa o desenvolvimento institucional do sistema antitruste brasileiro, com o objetivo de investigar a constituição e o funcionamento dos seus mecanismos de accountability.Coloca-se em discussão a fragmentação e as fragilidades institucionais do Sistema Brasileiro de Defesa da Concorrência (SBDC), formado pelo Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (CADE), autarquia vinculada ao Ministério da Justiça, a Secretaria de Direito Econômico (SDE), órgão interno do Ministério da Justiça, e a Secretaria de Acompanhamento Econômico (SEAE), órgão interno do Ministério da Fazenda. A pesquisa foca também o duplo papel do Ministério Público e do Poder Judiciário, que fiscalizam a atuação das autoridades do SBDC e concomitantemente atuam diretamente na prevenção e repressão contra práticas anticompetitivas. Esse paradoxo pelo qual o "principal" (sistema judicial) exerce funções semelhantes ao "agent" (sistema administrativo) gera indefinições sobre a matriz do sistema antitruste brasileiro e sobre a dinâmica de check and balances de prestação de contas e responsabilização das autoridades antitrustes. Por fim, será debatida a participação da sociedade civil e de políticos do Executivo e do Legislativo na política da concorrência.