999 resultados para Dysidea robusta
This paper discusses the Paleobathymetric and paleoenvironmental history of the New Hebrides Island Arc and North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge during Cenozoic time based on benthic foraminiferal and sedimentological data. Oligocene and Pliocene to Pleistocene benthic foraminiferal assemblages from Sites 827, 828, 829, and 832 of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 134 (Vanuatu) are examined by means of Q-mode factor analysis. The results of this analysis recognize the following bathymetrically significant benthic foraminiferal biofacies: (1) Globocassidulina subglobosa biofacies and Bulimina aculeata-Bolivinita quadrilatera biofacies representing the upper bathyal zone (600-1500 m); (2) Gavelinopsis praegeri-Cibicides wuellerstorfi biofacies, indicating the Pacific Intermediate Water (water depth between 1500 and 2400 m); (3) Tosaia hanzawai-Globocassidulina muloccensis biofacies, Valvulineria gunjii biofacies, and the Melonis barleeanus-Melonis sphaeroides biofacies, which characterize the lower bathyal zone; (4) the Nuttallides umbonifera biofacies, which characterizes the interval between the lysocline (approximately 3500 m) and the carbonate compensation depth (approximately 4500 m); and (5) the Rhabdammina abyssorum biofacies representing the abyssal zone below the carbonate compensation depth. Benthic foraminiferal patterns are used to construct Paleobathymetric and paleogeographic profiles of the New Hebrides Island Arc and North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge for the following age boundaries: late Miocene/Pliocene, early/late Pliocene, Pliocene/Pleistocene, and Pleistocene/Holocene.
A well-preserved, diverse sporomorph flora of over 60 species has been found in Cores 120-750B-12W through -14R from the Southern Kerguelen Plateau. Analysis of the flora indicates that the terrestrial sediments overlaying the basaltic basement are late Early Cretaceous in age. Ranges of the sporomorphs in other parts of Gondwana and the morphology and paucity of angiosperm pollen grains confine the age of this section to the early to possibly early middle Albian. The Albian palynomorph assemblages in Hole 750B are composed primarily of fern spores and podocarpaceous pollen, and show most similarity to those from southern Australia. Changes in the flora through time reflect the successional vegetation changes on barren volcanic islands, beginning with high percentages of colonizing ferns and maturing into conifer (podocarp) forests. The flora shows some signs of endemism, which may be a result of the isolated position of the Kerguelen Islands during the Early Cretaceous. This endemism is expressed by high percentages of a distinctive monosulcate pollen species Ashmoripollis woodywisei n.sp. of pteridosperm or cycadophytean origin, and by a thick-walled, monosulcate angiosperm pollen species of the genus Clavatipollenites. The climatic conditions were probably cool to temperate (mean annual temperature approximately 7°-12°C) and humid (annual rainfall >1000 mm), analogous to modern Podocarpus-dominated forests in New Zealand and in South American mountain regions.