967 resultados para Dry chamber


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/F03237


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/G00528


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/G00529


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Purpose. Fluorophotometry is a well validated method for assessing corneal permeability in human subjects. However, with the growing importance of basic science animal research in ophthalmology, fluorophotometry’s use in animals must be further evaluated. The purpose of this study was to evaluate corneal epithelial permeability following desiccating stress using the modified Fluorotron Master™. ^ Methods. Corneal permeability was evaluated prior to and after subjecting 6-8 week old C57BL/6 mice to experimental dry eye (EDE) for 2 and 5 days (n=9/time point). Untreated mice served as controls. Ten microliters of 0.001% sodium fluorescein (NaF) were instilled topically into each mouse’s left eye to create an eye bath, and left to permeate for 3 minutes. The eye bath was followed by a generous wash with Buffered Saline Solution (BSS) and alignment with the Fluorotron Master™. Seven corneal scans using the Fluorotron Master were performed during 15 minutes (1 st post-wash scans), followed by a second wash using BSS and another set of five corneal scans (2nd post-wash scans) during the next 15 minutes. Corneal permeability was calculated using data calculated with the FM™ Mouse software. ^ Results. When comparing the difference between the Post wash #1 scans within the group and the Post wash #2 scans within the group using a repeated measurement design, there was a statistical difference in the corneal fluorescein permeability of the Post-wash #1 scans after 5 days (1160.21±108.26 vs. 1000.47±75.56 ng/mL, P<0.016 for UT-5 day comparison 8 [0.008]), but not after only 2 days of EDE compared to Untreated mice (1115.64±118.94 vs. 1000.47±75.56 ng/mL, P>0.016 for UT-2 day comparison [0.050]). There was no statistical difference between the 2 day and 5 day Post wash #1 scans (P=.299). The Post-wash #2 scans demonstrated that EDE caused a significant NaF retention at both 2 and 5 days of EDE compared to baseline, untreated controls (1017.92±116.25, 1015.40±120.68 vs. 528.22±127.85 ng/mL, P<0.05 [0.0001 for both]). There was no statistical difference between the 2 day and 5 day Post wash #2 scans (P=.503). The comparison between the Untreated post wash #1 with untreated post wash #2 scans using a Paired T-test showed a significant difference between the two sets of scans (P=0.000). There is also a significant difference between the 2 day comparison and the 5 day comparison (P values = 0.010 and 0.002, respectively). ^ Conclusion. Desiccating stress increases permeability of the corneal epithelium to NaF, and increases NaF retention in the corneal stroma. The Fluorotron Master is a useful and sensitive tool to evaluate corneal permeability in murine dry eye, and will be a useful tool to evaluate the effectiveness of dry eye treatments in animal-model drug trials.^


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An exposure system was constructed to evaluate the performance of a personal organic vapor dosimeter (3520 OVM) at ppb concentrations of nine selected target volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These concentration levels are generally encountered in community air environments, both indoor and outdoor. It was demonstrated that the chamber system could provide closely-controlled conditions of VOC concentrations, temperature and relative humidity (RH) required for the experiments. The target experimental conditions included combinations of three VOC concentrations (10, 20 and 200 $\rm\mu g/m\sp3),$ three temperatures (10, 25 and 40$\sp\circ$C) and three RHs (12, 50 and 90% RH), leading to a total of 27 exposure conditions. No backgrounds of target VOCs were found in the exposure chamber system. In the exposure chamber, the variation of the temperature was controlled within $\pm$1$\sp\circ$C, and the variation of RH was controlled within $\pm$1.5% at 12% RH, $\pm$2% at 50% RH and $\pm$3% at 90% RH. High-emission permeation tubes were utilized to generate the target VOCs. Various patterns of the permeation rates were observed over time. The lifetimes and permeation rates of the tubes differed by compound, length of the tube and manufacturer. By carefully selecting the source and length of the tubes, and closely monitoring tube weight loss over time, the permeation tubes can be used for delivering low and stable concentrations of VOCs during multiple days.^ The results of this study indicate that the performance of the 3520 OVM is compound-specific and depends on concentration, temperature and humidity. With the exception of 1,3-butadiene under most conditions, and styrene and methylene chloride at very high relative humidities, recoveries were generally within $\pm$25% of theory, indicating that the 3520 OVM can be effectively used over the range of concentrations and environmental conditions tested with a 24-hour sampling period. Increasing humidities resulted in increasing negative bias from full recovery. Reverse diffusion conducted at 200 $\rm\mu g/m\sp3$ and five temperature/humidity combinations indicated severe diffusion losses only for 1,3-butadiene, methylene chloride and styrene under increased humidity. Overall, the results of this study do not support the need to employ diffusion samplers with backup sections for the exposure conditions tested. ^


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Snowfall was measured at 11 sites in the McMurdo Dry Valleys to determine its magnitude, its temporal changes, and spatial patterns. Annual values ranged from 3 to 50 mm water equivalent with the highest values nearest the coast and decreasing inland. A particularly strong spatial gradient exists in Taylor Valley, probably resulting from local uplift conditions at the coastal margin and valley topography that limits migration inland. More snow occurs in winter near the coast, whereas inland no seasonal pattern is discernable. This may be due, again, to local uplift conditions, which are common in winter. We find no influence of the distance to the sea ice edge. Katabatic winds play an important role in transporting snow to the valley bottoms and essentially double the precipitation. That much of the snow accumulation sublimates prior to making a hydrologic contribution underscores the notion that the McMurdo Dry Valleys are indeed an extreme polar desert.


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Objetivos: Determinar el período de conservación de zapallo orgánico respecto del tradicional, en dos condiciones de almacenamiento. Materiales y métodos: Zapallos variedad Frontera se limpiaron en seco y se pesaron individualmente para controlar pérdida de peso; se consignaron características externas. Para determinar deshidratación se midió humedad en la pulpa (estufa 105 °C). Para conservación, acondicionamiento en cajones de madera con viruta, en galpón (temperatura y humedad ambiente) y antecámara (15- 20 °C y 70-85 % HR). Duración 187 días. Comparación sensorial, al inicio y al final de la conservación, considerando: color, olor, sabor, retrogusto, jugosidad, textura y calidad general. Se utilizó planilla con escala mixta estructurada de 9 puntos y participaron jueces semientrenados (n = 10). Evaluación de datos por análisis de varianza = 0.05. Conclusiones: En las condiciones del ensayo, el período de conservación no debe ser superior a los 105 días por aparición de podredumbre. Por deshidratación superior al 60 %, debe ser inferior a 68 días para antecámara, 105 días para orgánicos de galpón y 105-126 días para tradicionales de galpón. Las características sensoriales iniciales de los zapallos orgánicos fueron mejores; al final se destacaron los tradicionales en galpón, luego los orgánicos en galpón y los conservados en antecámara presentaron características inferiores.


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En semillas de diferentes cultivares de maíz provenientes de 12 lotes adquiridos en distintos años se estudió la relación entre la conductividad eléctrica y el pH del agua de remojo y la germinación y crecimiento de plántulas en invernadero, utilizando semillas sin tratar y semillas sometidas a la cámara de envejecimiento acelerado (72 h a 45 ± 1°C y 100% de humedad relativa). Se empleó un diseño de bloques completos al azar con cuatro repeticiones, se realizó el análisis de varianza y las diferencias entre cultivares se detectaron mediante la prueba de la mínima diferencia significativa. Los lotes mostraron a los 16 días de evaluación altos porcentajes de germinación en semillas no tratadas y se evidenció el efecto desfavorable sobre la germinación previo envejecimiento de las semillas. La altura de la planta, el peso seco del vástago y de las raíces mostraron diferencias significativas entre los lotes estudiados. La conductividad eléctrica se relacionó con los porcentajes de germinación de semillas sometidas a envejecimiento. Los lotes de semillas con altos valores de altura de planta y peso seco de vástago y de raíces presentaron bajos valores de conductividad eléctrica, por lo tanto, esta prueba podría ser indicativa del comportamiento de semillas de maíz en condiciones de invernadero. La prueba de pH no arrojó relación directa con la emergencia y el vigor de las semillas.


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Two box cores taken off Cape Barbas (North-West Africa) have been studied using three methods. The analyses of the coarse fraction, of biogenic opal and of planktonic foraminifera revealed : 1. Core GIK12310-4 penetrates Z, Y, X and upper part of W zone, whereas core GIK12379-1 penetrates Z and upper part of Y zone. 2. Holocene sedimentation rates are 2.5 cm/1000 y for core GIK12310-4 and 6.0 cm/1000 y for core GIK12379-1. During the Y zone 5 cm/l000 y were sedimented incore GIK12310-4 and > 10-20 cm/1000 y in core GIK12379-1. 3. Paleoclimatohgical results are: arid climate and relatively warm water temperatures during the Holocene (Z zone) and during X zone; humid climate and relatively cool water temperatures within the Wuerm (Y zone) (with a non-dated more arid interval found in the middle part of the Y zone) and in the upper part of the W zone. 4. Increased contents of benthos and radiolaria in the Y zone indicate upwelling. Upwelling, characterized by high content of biogenic opal and low water temperatures, was found in core GIK12310-4 at 250 to 350 cm in the lower part of the Y zone. The plankton/benthos ratio of foraminifera, the benthos/radiolaria ratio and water temperatures derived from planktonic foraminifera, differ in both cores in the Holocene, and are nearly identical during the Wuerm.