905 resultados para Destination Loyalty, Repeat Visitation, CRM


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Tanulmányunkban az Albert 0. Hirschman által kialakított „kivonulás, tiltakozás, hűség” koncepció metaelméleti felhasználásával a „kapitalizmus változatai” elméletet vesszük bírálat alá. Egyrészt arra mutatunk rá, hogy már a különböző piacgazdasági modellek tipologizálásához használt vállalatelméleti dimenziójú elemzések is építkeznek a Hirschman-trilemmából, másrészt arra hívjuk fel a figyelmet, hogy olyan sajátos eszközről van szó, amely a tőke- és munkaerő-piaci folyamatok elemzésére támaszkodva új perspektívát is kínál a kapitalista gazdaságok komparatív vizsgálatához. A dolgozat terjedelmi okokból az empirikus kutatásokat megalapozó elméleti alapozásra szorítkozik. ____ In our study we deal with the critical analysis of the “varieties of capitalism” theory by using the “exit, voice, and loyalty” meta-theory invented by Albert O. Hirschman. The paper emphasizes that on the one hand the analyses of the theory of the firm and business used for the classification of distinct market models are also building upon the “Hirschman trilemma”, and on the other hand, it draws attention to the fact that the Hirschmanian method based on labor market and capital market offers a new perspective for the comparative analysis of capitalist economies. The focus of the article is only the theoretical foundation of empirical studies as a result of limitation of scope.


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A lojalitásprogramok egyre népszerűbbek hazánkban is, ahogy a növekedési lehetőségek bezárultak, és a menedzserek figyelme a vevők és a piaci pozíciók megtartása felé fordult. A közelmúltban azonban számos nemzetközi példa mutatja, hogy egy ilyen program lehet sikertelen is, amely veszteséget termel, így vagy kivezetésre kényszerül, vagy a vállalat kénytelen átszabni. Tudatos tervezés és reális üzleti modell nélkül tehát nem feltétlenül térül meg az akár milliárdos nagyságrendű befektetés. Jelen cikk során a szerző kísérletet tett arra, hogy összegyűjtse azokat a döntési pontokat, amelyek hatással lehetnek a programok sikerére, és bemutassa a lehetséges választási alternatívák előnyeit, hátrányait. Konklúzióként három olyan elvet emelt ki, amelyek meghatározóak lehetnek. Eszerint a programoknak a vállalati stratégiába és folyamatokba történő integrációja, a megfelelő megtérülési indikátorok felállítása és azok szisztematikus nyomon követése, valamint a program megkülönböztető, többnyire emocionális és élményszerű jellege, amely kiemelkedő szerepet játszhat az eredményesség szempontjából. _____ As the opportunity of market growth seemed to be limited and managers started to pay more attention to customer retention and market defence, loyalty programs became more and more popular marketing tool in Hungary. Many international cases proved, however, that the implementation of this activity can also lead to failure realizing considerable losses and by necessity companies can end up or reposition the program. Without a deliberate design and realistic business model it is not easy to guarantee the return of investment that can be even billion in size. In the current article the author attempts to collect all the relevant issues that can have effect on the success of loyalty programs and determine the consequences of potential options. As a conclusion, the author emphasized three critical principles. The integration of loyalty programs into the company’s strategy and processes, the appropriate measure of returns with systematic tracking and the unique, mostly emotional and entertaining characteristics of the program can be crucial.


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A kutatás fő célja annak vizsgálata, hogy egy adott kultúra észlelt személyisége milyen hatással van az ország ideális turisztikai, illetve üzleti célországként való megítélésére. A kultúraszemélyiség koncepciójának bemutatása után a kultúraszemélyiség-skála (culture personality, CP) fejlesztésének kezdeti eredményeit, majd a kultúraszemélyiség dimenzióinak vizsgálatát részletezik a szerzők. A skálakialakítás során – kvalitatív eredményeiket felhasználva – egy ötvenegy tulajdonságpárból álló szemantikus differenciálskálát fejlesztettek ki és teszteltek. Jelen cikkükben összehasonlítják Franciaország és Magyarország észlelt kultúraszemélyiségét, vizsgálva a magyar és a francia válaszadók véleményének hasonlóságait és különbségeit. Eredményeik azt mutatják, hogy nemcsak az egyes kultúrák személyiségét észlelik eltérően a válaszadók, de ugyanazon kultúra személyiségének bizonyos jellemzőit is eltérően ítélik meg. _____ The main purpose of our study was to investigate the effect of perceived culture – personality (CP) on the evaluation of the country as ideal business/tourist destination. After introducing the concept of culture-personality, initial results of our CP scale development are discussed, and dimensions of culture-personality will be examined. As a result of the scale construction procedure – based on our extensive qualitative studies –, a 51-item semantic differential scale has been developed and tested. Similarities and differences of perceived culture-personalities of France and Hungary among Hungarian and French respondents are described.


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Our research aimed to reveal the effects that can be observed during the buying process of food products and can influence the decisions of customers. We focused on the role of enduring involvement in customers’ behavioural loyalty, that is, the repurchase of food brands. To understand this relationship in a more sophisticated way, we involved two mediating constructs in our conceptual model: perceived risk and perceived knowledge of food products. The data collection was carried out among undergraduate students in frame of an online survey, and we used SPSS/AMOS software to test the model. The results only partly supported our hypothesis, although the involvement effects on loyalty and the two mediating constructs were strong enough, loyalty couldn’t be explained well by perceived risk and knowledge. The roles of further mediating/moderating variables should be determined and investigated in the next section of the research series. Keywords: involvement brand loyalty, subjective knowledge, perceived risk, food products


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A CRM-elnevezés alig két évtizeddel ezelőtt vált általánossá a marketing köznyelvben. Az azóta eltelt időszakban azonban óriási mértékű fejlődés ment végbe ezen a területen, elsősorban a beszállítói oldalon. A CRM technológiai, informatikai oldalát képviselő partnerek és az alkalmazásokat üzleti szemszögből értelmező tanácsadók egyre inkább összehangolódtak, és komplex, integrált rendszereket képesek ajánlani a vállalatoknak. A felhasználói oldalon azonban nem ennyire egyértelmű a kép. A CRM adaptálása a vállalatok által alkalmazott, szerteágazó eszközrendszerbe nem mindig egyértelmű, és ezekre eltérő gyakorlati megoldások születnek. A tanulmány arra törekszik, hogy feltárja azokat a faktorokat, amelyek a fent említett divergenciát okozzák, megértse azok hatásmechanizmusait és kísérletet tegyen olyan mintázatok kialakítására, amelyek jól leírják egy egyes vállalatcsoportok viszonyát a CRM-mel. A kutatás 20 feltáró interjúra épül, amely öt iparág Magyarországon (is) működő vállalatainak CRM-felelőseivel készült. Az eredmények azt jelzik, hogy a CRM vállalati gyakorlata mögött mind iparági, mind vállalati sajátosságok is megjelenhetnek, egyben számos fejlesztési lehetőség adódik a CRM eredményesebb felhasználása érdekében.


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Van egy szó, ami egyre fontosabb lesz a társadalom és a vállalatok számára is, ez a szó a közösség. A közösséghez tevékenységek tartoznak, és ezen a ponton kapcsolódik be a vállalat. A vállalkozások az elmúlt években a közösségi igényeket a CRM-(Customer Relationship Management) megoldásokkal szolgálták ki. Informatikailag a közösségi hálózatok, már nemcsak vállalkozási folyamatot, hanem ehhez kapcsoltan az emberek társadalmi igényét is megpróbálják lefedni az elektronika lehetőségeivel. Egyre inkább a közösségi vállalkozások korát éljük, melyben a folyamathoz tartozó közösségek megosztják, egymás rendelkezésére bocsátják az információkat. A korábbi klasszikus CRM-rendszerek csak begyűjtötték az információkat, ezzel ellenben a közösségi CRM-rendszerek kétirányú kommunikációt folytatnak, párbeszédet kezdeményeznek az ügyfelekkel, buzdítják őket, hogy mondják el a véleményüket. Vajon ez az új stratégia,egy teljesen új világot hoz el a vállalatok számára, vagy csak a CRM fejlődésének egy újabb fokát jelenti? A szerzők erre a kérdésre keresik a választ gyakorlati esetek és szakirodalmi publikációk feldolgozásával. ______ There is a word that begins to be more and more important for the society and the companies, and this word is community. We can talk about social networks, people seek the social demand they already had as a part of their lives for a long time, and this means that it appears in the electronic society as an essential need too. The community is not enough, activities are also needed and this is the point where the companies link in, who promote their goods and facilities to the outside world and with this they use the next stage of customer relationship management, the fulfilment of social needs. We live in the age of social shopping, communities are everywhere and everyone shares information, and up to the present classic CR M systems ran from static databases. On the contrary social CR M systems perform a two-way communication, start a conversation with customers and encourage them to tell their opinions, which always changes on social media, so they build a dynamic database and communicate with customers through response-reactions. Does this new strategy bring a whole new world to companies or is it only another step in the development and another channel of CRM?


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the beliefs and attitudes of nurses regarding the effects of visitation in pediatric intensive care units (PICU).^ Questionnaires were used to gather data from nurses (n = 48) in four study sites. Data were analyzed according to the Theory of Reasoned Action.^ A predominant theme among the beliefs was that visitation should be individualized. It was found that PICU nurses have more positive attitudes regarding traditional visitation as opposed to open visitation (p $<$.01). Significant relationships were found between nurses' years of education and attitudes toward traditional (p $<$.01) and open (p $<$.05) visitation.^ In light of the literature suggesting the positive effects of open visitation, it appears that PICU nurses' attitudes may present a barrier when implementing open policies. Since years of education shows a positive correlation with nurses' attitudes, educational intervention may be helpful in overcoming this obstacle. ^


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The purpose of this research was to demonstrate the applicability of reduced-size STR (Miniplex) primer sets to challenging samples and to provide the forensic community with new information regarding the analysis of degraded and inhibited DNA. The Miniplex primer sets were validated in accordance with guidelines set forth by the Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM) in order to demonstrate the scientific validity of the kits. The Miniplex sets were also used in the analysis of DNA extracted from human skeletal remains and telogen hair. In addition, a method for evaluating the mechanism of PCR inhibition was developed using qPCR. The Miniplexes were demonstrated to be a robust and sensitive tool for the analysis of DNA with as low as 100 pg of template DNA. They also proved to be better than commercial kits in the analysis of DNA from human skeletal remains, with 64% of samples tested producing full profiles, compared to 16% for a commercial kit. The Miniplexes also produced amplification of nuclear DNA from human telogen hairs, with partial profiles obtained from as low as 60 pg of template DNA. These data suggest smaller PCR amplicons may provide a useful alternative to mitochondrial DNA for forensic analysis of degraded DNA from human skeletal remains, telogen hairs, and other challenging samples. In the evaluation of inhibition by qPCR, the effect of amplicon length and primer melting temperature was evaluated in order to determine the binding mechanisms of different PCR inhibitors. Several mechanisms were indicated by the inhibitors tested, including binding of the polymerase, binding to the DNA, and effects on the processivity of the polymerase during primer extension. The data obtained from qPCR illustrated a method by which the type of inhibitor could be inferred in forensic samples, and some methods of reducing inhibition for specific inhibitors were demonstrated. An understanding of the mechanism of the inhibitors found in forensic samples will allow analysts to select the proper methods for inhibition removal or the type of analysis that can be performed, and will increase the information that can be obtained from inhibited samples.


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Cannabis sativa is the most frequently used of all illicit drugs in the United States. Cannabis has been used throughout history for its stems in the production of hemp fiber, for its seed for oil and food, and for its buds and leaves as a psychoactive drug. Short tandem repeats (STRs), were chosen as molecular markers because of their distinct advantages over other genetic methods. STRs are co-dominant, can be standardized such that reproducibility between laboratories can be easily achieved, have a high discrimination power and can be multiplexed. ^ In this study, six STR markers previously described for Cannabis were multiplexed into one reaction. The multiplex reaction was able to individualize 98 Cannabis samples (14 hemp and 84 marijuana, authenticated as originating from 33 of the 50 United States) and detect 29 alleles averaging 4.8 alleles per loci. The data did not relate the samples from the same state to each other. This is the first study to report a single reaction six-plex and apply it to the analysis of almost 100 Cannabis samples of known geographic collection site. ^


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This dissertation aims to improve the performance of existing assignment-based dynamic origin-destination (O-D) matrix estimation models to successfully apply Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) strategies for the purposes of traffic congestion relief and dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) in transportation network modeling. The methodology framework has two advantages over the existing assignment-based dynamic O-D matrix estimation models. First, it combines an initial O-D estimation model into the estimation process to provide a high confidence level of initial input for the dynamic O-D estimation model, which has the potential to improve the final estimation results and reduce the associated computation time. Second, the proposed methodology framework can automatically convert traffic volume deviation to traffic density deviation in the objective function under congested traffic conditions. Traffic density is a better indicator for traffic demand than traffic volume under congested traffic condition, thus the conversion can contribute to improving the estimation performance. The proposed method indicates a better performance than a typical assignment-based estimation model (Zhou et al., 2003) in several case studies. In the case study for I-95 in Miami-Dade County, Florida, the proposed method produces a good result in seven iterations, with a root mean square percentage error (RMSPE) of 0.010 for traffic volume and a RMSPE of 0.283 for speed. In contrast, Zhou's model requires 50 iterations to obtain a RMSPE of 0.023 for volume and a RMSPE of 0.285 for speed. In the case study for Jacksonville, Florida, the proposed method reaches a convergent solution in 16 iterations with a RMSPE of 0.045 for volume and a RMSPE of 0.110 for speed, while Zhou's model needs 10 iterations to obtain the best solution, with a RMSPE of 0.168 for volume and a RMSPE of 0.179 for speed. The successful application of the proposed methodology framework to real road networks demonstrates its ability to provide results both with satisfactory accuracy and within a reasonable time, thus establishing its potential usefulness to support dynamic traffic assignment modeling, ITS systems, and other strategies.


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Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in United States women, estimated to be diagnosed in 1 out of 8 women in their lifetime. Screening mammography detects breast cancer in its pre-clinical stages when treatment strategies have the greatest chance of success, and is currently the only population-wide prevention method proven to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with breast cancer. Research has shown that the majority of women are not screened annually, with estimates ranging front 6% - 30% of eligible women receiving all available annual mammograms over a 5-year or greater time frame. Health behavior theorists believe that perception of risk/susceptibility to a disease influences preventive health behavior, in this case, screening mammography The purpose of this dissertation is to examine the association between breast cancer risk perception and repeat screening mammography using a structural equation modeling (SEM) framework. A series of SEM multivariate regressions were conducted using self-reported, nationally representative data from the 2005 National Health Interview Survey. Interaction contrasts were tested to measure the potential moderating effects of variables which have been shown to be predictive of mammography use (physician recommendation, economic barriers, structural barriers, race/ethnicity) on the association between breast cancer risk perception and repeat mammography, while controlling for the covariates of age, income, region, nativity, and educational level. Of the variables tested for moderation, results of the SEM analyses identify physician recommendation as the only moderator of the relationship between risk perception and repeat mammography, thus the potentially most effective point of intervention to increase mammography screening, and decrease the morbidity and mortality associated with breast cancer. These findings expand the role of the physician from recommendation to one of attenuating the effect of risk perception and increasing repeat screening. The long range application of the research is the use of the SEM methodology to identify specific points of intervention most likely to increase preventive behavior in population-wide research, allowing for the most effective use of intervention funds.^


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Many private country clubs across the United States have experienced a declining or flat membership and smaller waitlists of members wanting to join. The objective of this study was to investigate whether member involvement, service quality, and perceived value, influence member satisfaction and intention to renew membership for members of private country clubs. An online survey instrument customized for the country club industry was distributed to members of two country clubs in northeast Ohio. Results indicate that involvement level of members and perceived value impact country club members’ satisfaction and intention to renew their membership. Managerial implications are discussed.


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The authors investigate the relationship between loyalty and perceived service quality of hotel customers and discus managerial implications to develop strategies to enhance loyalty of hotel customers. A survey was conducted among customers in the San Francisco Bay Area. Results indicate that customer loyalty is dependent on perceived service quality which is observed in terms of timelines, facilities, and ambience.


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The phenomenon of at-destination search activity and decision processes utilized by visitors to a location is predominantly an academic unknown. As destinations and organizations increasingly compete for their share of the travel dollar, it is evident that more research need to be done regarding how consumers obtain information once they arrive at a destination. This study examined visitor referral recommendations provided by hotel and non-hotel ''locals" in a moderately-sized community for lodging, food service, and recreational and entertainment venues.


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Canada expends a large amount of money on tourism and advertising in the U.S., but growth has not kept up. The author surveys Floridians as to their attitudes toward Canada as a tourism destination.