798 resultados para Creative Teams


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This study analyzes howhard and soft conditions influence the development of entrepreneurship in cultural and creative industries (CCIs). The study further examines what influence the context has on the effect of these conditions. A multiplemultivariate regression analysis examines the importance of both the hard and soft conditions to explain the differences between the United Kingdom and the Mediterranean countries of Portugal, Spain, and Greece. The sample comprises 123 entrepreneurs from the four countries. The use of this method represents an important contribution to the understanding of entrepreneurship dynamics and for the further fine-tuning of entrepreneurship policies in CCIs in different contexts.


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Lexical combinations of at least two roots around "carbon" as the hub, such as "carbon finance" or "carbon footprint," have recently become ubiquitous in English-speaking science, politics, and mass media. They are part of a new language evolving around the issue of climate change that can reveal how it is framed by various stakeholders. In this article, the authors study the role of these "carbon compounds" as tools of communication in different online discourses on climate change mitigation. By combining a quantitative analysis of their occurrences with a qualitative analysis of the contexts in which the compounds were used, the authors identify three clusters of compounds focused on finance, lifestyle, and attitudes and elucidate the communicative purposes to which they were put between the 1990s and the early 21st century. This approach may open up new ways of analyzing the framings of climate change mitigation initiatives in the public sphere.


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El siguiente ensayo sintetiza y describe el proyecto de investigación creación ¿Cuál realidad? cuyo objetivo es la creación y análisis de una práctica artística como forma de entender y generar conocimiento a partir de las manifestaciones y acontecimientos sociales y culturales en diversos lugares de la frontera sur de México. Lo que se busca es reflexionar acerca de las fronteras, no sólo como lo que delimita el fin o el principio de los territorios de estados nacionales o geográficos, sino como productoras simbólicas de las diferencias entre las personas, recalcando todo aquello en lo que no son iguales por encima de lo que tienen en común. Los espacios geopolíticos que delimitan el territorio de un estado-nación son el repertorio palpable de la movilidad de personas, cosas y acontecimientos. Estas prácticas son efectuadas de manera más o menos visible y demuestran que existen y han estado ahí constantemente redes de comunicación y formas de acción común, que tienen como fin procurar bienestar y elevar la calidad de vida de los partícipes. El proyecto ¿Cuál realidad? en su materialidad y visibilidad fue planteado como una serie de intervenciones en sitio, tales como esculturas públicas, instalaciones, acciones participativas, fotografía y video, a partir de la interacción en algunas ciudades fronterizas en los estados de Chiapas, Tabasco y Quintana Roo y su colindancia con los países de Guatemala y Belice. La producción a girado entorno a las siguientes tres líneas de búsqueda temática: La línea fronteriza, el espacio físico; las personas y grupos que confluyen en estos territorios; el contrabando de cosas y el trasiego de las personas entre los países o en el interior del territorio nacional (entre ciudades del mismo estado, inmigrantes rurales etc.). Los lugares seleccionados son significativos de la frontera sur y tanto las esculturas como las intervenciones han sido construidas con objetos y/o procesos que funcionen simbólicamente para los grupos o habitantes de la zona y en colaboración con ellos: objetos útiles para el trabajo, procesos de transformación de materiales, técnicas de fabricación artesanal, ropa, donaciones, entre muchas otras construcciones.


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This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


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El sistema de eslabones propuesto por PUNI se basa en una serie de pasos fundamentales en la preparación psicológica de los deportistas ante una competencia concreta. En primera instancia se hace referencia a: (a) la selección de información necesaria, suficiente y confiable acerca de las condiciones de la próxima competición y sobre las particularidades del rival, (b) al análisis de los recursos y posibilidades del propio equipo, (c) a la definición de estrategias de juego y de objetivos específicos individuales, (d) a la actualización de motivos personal y socialmente importantes en concordancia con los objetivos de la participación, (e) a la modelación de condiciones de la próxima competición, (f) a la preparación especial para el encuentro, utilizando obstáculos competitivos de diversa gravedad (especialmente acontecimientos inesperados), (g) a la definición de mecanismos de autorregulación de estados internos desfavorables y (h) a la selección y utilización de procedimientos de activación psicofísica precompetitiva óptima.


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Obstacle courses are an activity that brings a group of people together, in which teams are organized to navigate an established route during a set period of time, completing tasks (clues, riddles, or challenges) to meet a defined goal.  Rules and safety norms are explained to all participants; however, they are not informed of the location of the clues, riddles, or challenges.  The following should be considered when organizing an obstacle course: objective, topic to be developed, location, materials needed, clues, riddles or challenges that may be included, and how to supervise that all teams pass the checkpoints.  Like any other activity with a touch of competitiveness, fair play and respect should be above any interest.  If, for any reason, any of the teams has an emergency, solidarity should prevail, and the activity can be used to teach values.  An adventurous spirit is also essential in this activity.  The desire for the unknown and the new challenges individuals and groups.  This activity helps groups of friends, children, adults, families, etc. share a nice and healthy day together in contact with nature, rescuing concepts such as cooperation, cleverness and, particularly, team work.


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Some physical characteristics are related to maximum sport performance, which has resulted in what has been denominated the morphological prototype.  Knowing about this concept is of great relevance for physical activity professionals.  Consequently, the purpose of this research was to give evidence as to whether the somatotypes of elite Cuban paddlers are related to international studies done in Spain (Esparza, 1993), Canada (Carter, 1999), Australia (Ackland et al, 2000), Argentina (Lentini et al, 2002), and the United States (Vaccaro et al, 2000).  A total of 30 athletes were evaluated including 9 female kayakers and 21 male canoeists and kayakers. This study shows the significant heterogeneity found in this population based on the behavior of the somatotypes when contrasting the groups.  Compared to the other reference studies, the endomorphic component proved to be the differentiating factor in this research.  The foregoing allowed us to conclude that actions should be taken to modify this component in a way that Cuban athletes are closer to the anthropometric profile exhibited by international elite teams.


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The objective of this study was to determine the importance of different dimensions as the possible causes for the abandonment of the practice of swimming by former Costa Rican swimmers.  Subjects: 51 former swimmers participated, including 17 men (22 ±3.4 years of age) and 34 women (22.5 ±3.4 years of age) from different Costa Rican swimming teams.  The Questionnaire of Reasons for Attrition in the Practice of Sports (Gould et al, 1982; cited by Salguero, Tuero, and Márquez, 2003) was used.  Results:  A positive relationship was noted between perceptions of low skill and low performance (r: 0.372), while negative relationships were noted between years of practice and low skill (r:-0.337), years of practice and influence from others (r:-0.286), and years of practice and starting age for swimming (r:-0.622).  A significant interaction was found in the dimensions gender of participants (F: 2.952; p<0.05) and starting age for swimming (F: 3.147; p<0.01).  An interaction was also found between dimensions and the desire to swim again (F: 2.485; p>0.05).  There were also significant differences in the years of practice; that is, subjects who started before the age of 10 had a higher average of years of practice than those who started later (F: 21.465; p<0.05).  Additionally, a significant interaction was found in weekly hours of swimming practice (F: 2.072; p<0.05).  There were no significant differences (F: 2.535; p>0.05) according to weekly hours of training when subjects were actively swimming. Conclusions: Possible reasons for dropping out were lack of enjoyment and poor physical condition for men and perception of lack of team spirit for women.  The group that started after the age of ten gives similar importance to all the dimensions as possible reasons for dropping out, while the group that began swimming before the age of ten sees lack of team spirit, lack of enjoyment, and poor physical condition as the key reasons for dropping out.  The most important dimensions that represented the reasons for abandonment in subjects who wanted to swim again were lack of team spirit, poor physical condition and low skill, while lack of enjoyment was the most important reason for subjects who do not want to swim again.  In the group of subjects who would swim less than six hours, lack of team spirit is the most important cause, while the dimension lack of enjoyment was the most important reason for subjects who would swim 6 to 12 hours.  Additionally, the highest dropout percentages were observed in the transition from secondary school to college.


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The purpose of this thesis was to contribute to a dialogue that considers the relationship between history, literature, and empathy as a literary affect. Specifically, I explored sites of literature’s transformative potential as it relates to cultural studies and the ethics of deconstruction. Via a deconstructive, post-colonial reading of Toni Morrison’s Beloved and Junot Díaz’s The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, I considered how subjects in our current socio-political moment can feel history. Emerging from a post-structurally mediated engagement with history, signification, and feeling, I argued that empathy, as it is contentiously presented in the context of deconstruction, is not necessarily a reductive or essentialist approach towards relating or “being-with” an-other. Instead, I proposed that the act of reading historiographical novels that take constructions of the Atlantic Slave Trade to task might generate an affective empathy, which could in turn engender a more empathetic relationality and way of being-in-the-world.


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OpenLab ESEV is a project of the School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu (ESEV), Portugal, that aims to promote, foster and support the use of Free/Libre Software and Open Source Software, Open Educational Resources, Free Culture, Free file formats and more flexible copyright licenses for creative and educational purposes in the ESEV's domains of activity (education, arts, media). Most of the OpenLab ESEV activities are related to the teacher education and arts and multimedia programs, with a special focus on the later. In this paper, the project and some activities are presented, starting with its origins and its conceptual framework. The presented overview is intended as background for the examination of the use of Free/Libre Software and Free Culture in educational settings, specially at the higher education level, and for creative purposes. The activities developed with students and professionals generated pipelines and workflows implemented for different creative purposes, software packages used for different tasks, choices for file formats and copyright licenses. Finished and ongoing multimedia and arts projects will be presented as real case scenarios.


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The success of childhood weight management programmes relies on family engagement. While attendance offers many benefits including the support to make positive lifestyle changes, the majority of families referred to treatment decline. Moreover, for those who do attend, benefits are often compromised by high programme attrition. This systematic review investigated factors influencing attendance at community-based lifestyle programmes among families of over-weight or obese children. A narrative synthesis approach was used to allow for the inclusion of quantitative, qualitative and mixed-method study designs. Thirteen studies met the inclusion criteria. Results suggest that parents provided the impetus for programme initiation, and this was driven largely by a concern for their child's psychological health and wellbeing. More often than not, children went along without any real reason or interest in attending. Over the course of the programme, however, children's positive social experiences such as having fun and making friends fostered the desire to continue. The stigma surrounding excess weight and the denial of the issue amongst some parents presented barriers to enrolment and warrant further study. This study provides practical recommendations to guide future policy makers, programme delivery teams and researchers in developing strategies to boost recruitment and minimise attrition.


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This report presents results from a study of the creative economy associated with the arts, design, crafts and related activities in South Carolina. As this report will show, these creative individuals and enterprises exert a strong impact on the state’s economic base. Like other drivers of the regional economy, this creative activity revolves around a cluster, or a set of interrelated industries, that thrive in tandem. Along with manufacturing and agriculture, the creative cluster is a catalyst for state and local economic development. The report presents results from an analysis of the South Carolina creative cluster based on 2008 data. For the first time, this report provides a comprehensive summary of the creative economic footprint in South Carolina.


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Describes three tensions in the theoretical literature of indexing: chief sources of evidence indexing, process of indexing (rubrics and methods), and philosophical position of indexing scholarship. Following this exposition, we argue for a change in perspective in Knowledge Organization research. Using the difference between prescriptive and descriptive linguis- tics as a metaphor, we advocate for a shift to a more descriptive, rather than the customary prescriptive, approach to the theo- retical and empirical study of indexing, and by extension Knowledge Organization.


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