782 resultados para Corporate responsibility
The research in this thesis addresses the question of corporate legitimation and values. It studies moral speech in Finnish companies' social responsibility reports and annual reports. The managerial rhetoric has been examined as a means of building and maintaining legitimacy. The companies studyed are the ten biggest companies that repordted on social responsibility in 2004, and the analysed data consists of the companie's reporting from 1998 to 2008. The theoretical and analytical framework is provided by Luc Boltanski's and Laurent Thévenot's theory of justification. The theory is focused on systems of moral thinking and argumentation, so called "orders of worth". The study shows how these moral schemes were used in the legitimation process. Special attention is paid on the ways that compromises are made between different orders of worth, such as the market, civic and green order. The study shows that the focus of legitimation has shifted towards societal and environmental themes. The values of market and industry, profits and efficiency, however, remain the strongest basis for organizational legitimation in Finnish companies. The economic crisis of 2008 had a visible impact on the moral rhetoric, especially in the Finnish forestry sector. Large layoffs questionned the companies' traditional role and made companies adopt a more market-centered and project-based moral rhetoric. New inspirational and project-centered moral speech emerged as the companies were less able to present themselves as nation-based, traditional actors in the Finnish society.
Work/family reconciliation is a crucial question for both personal well-being and on societal level for productivity and re-production throughout the Western world. This thesis examines work/family reconciliation on societal and organisational level in the Finnish context. The study is based on an initial framework, developing it further and analysing the results with help of it. The methodology of the study is plural, including varying epistemological emphasis and both quantitative and qualitative methods. Policy analysis from two different sectors is followed by a survey answered by 113 HR-managers, and then, based on quantitative analyses, interviews in four chosen case companies. The central findings of the thesis are that there indeed are written corporate level policies for reconciling work and family in companies operating in Finland, in spite of the strong state level involvement in creating a policy context in work/family reconciliation. Also, the existing policies vary in accessibility and use. The most frequently used work/family policies still are the statutory state level policies for family leave, taking place when a baby is born and during his or her first years. Still, there are new policies arising, such as a nurse for an employee’s child who has fallen ill, that are based on company activity only, which shows in both accessibility and use of the policy. Reasons for developing corporate level work/family policies vary among the so-called pro-active and re-active companies. In general, family law has a substantial effect for developing corporate level policies. Also headquarter gender equality strategies as well as employee demands are important. In regression analyses, it was found that corporate image and importance in recruitment are the foremost reasons for companies to develop policies, not for example the amount of female employees in the company. The reasons for policy development can be summarized into normative pressures, coercive pressures and mimetic pressures, in line with findings from institutional theory. This research, however, includes awareness of different stakeholder interests and recognizes that institutional theory needs to be complemented with notions of gender and family, which seem to play a part in perceived work/family conflict and need for further work/family policies both in managers’ personal lives and on the organisational level. A very central finding, demanding more attention, is the by HR managers perceived change in values towards work and commitment towards organisation at the youngest working generation, Generation Y. This combined with the need for key personnel has brought new challenges to companies especially in knowledge business and will presumably lead to further development of flexible practices in organisations. The accessibility to this flexibility seems to, however, be even more dependent on the specific knowledge and skills of the employee. How this generation will change the organisations remains to be seen in further research.
Resumen: El artículo analiza el principio de subsidiariedad en la dirección de personas y gestión intra-empresa en base a la aplicación propuesta en el documento pontificio La vocación del líder empresarial: una reflexión. En primer lugar, analiza a la empresa y al líder empresarial como agentes sociales que deben practicar una caridad inteligente que contribuya al bien común. Luego, se centra en el diseño organizacional, y en su sistema de incentivos y políticas corporativas y en el debate acerca de la posibilidad de atribuir o no responsabilidad moral a la empresa en tanto grupo humano organizado. La autora postula que si bien la organización actúa muchas veces como condicionante de la libertad de sus integrantes, es importante destacar que esto no debe ser determinante, y que un verdadero líder debe actuar regido por el principio de subsidiariedad
Paper was revised on 2009-11-11.-- Published as article in: Rationality and Society (2009), 21(2), 1-24.
Extracto del trabajo de investigación presentado en el programa de doctorado, que además está incluido en el formato de artículo en los anales (proceedings) de las II Jornadas Internacionales de Marketing Público y No Lucrativo (Zaragoza, abril de 2003).
[ES] El objetivo del presente trabajo es reflejar las acciones legislativas que se han emprendido desde el estado argentino en sus diferentes jurisdicciones en materia de responsabilidad social empresaria. A partir del mismo se pretende fijar posición desde la perspectiva de los autores sobre su escenario futuro.
[EN] In the last decades, the topic of business ethics has attracted great interest at the academic and professional levels. Nowadays business ethics is being increasingly implemented as a necessary discipline in universities’ study plans on business management. Moreover, its importance is also evident according to the worldwide increase of organizations and/or institutions that have implemented ethics systems. However, some approaches thoroughly do not consider the importance and the need of an ethical behaviour and are still guiding the actions and the way of thinking of many academics and professionals led to consider that the only responsibility of business is limited just to profit maximization.
[ES] En España, la reciente normativa ha convertido la presencia equilibrada de mujeres y hombres en los Consejos de Administración en un elemento a incorporar en la gestión empresarial. El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar los grupos de interés (stakeholders) que demandan a las empresas esta presencia equilibrada utilizando la metodología de Mitchell et al. (1997) y Agle et al. (1999).
[ES] En el presente trabajo se realiza una revisión del concepto de responsabilidad social. Posteriormente se analizan las posibilidades y problemas de la utilización del benchmarking en RSE haciendo un análisis de las últimas investigaciones que desarrollaron algún método de benchmarking. A partir de ese análisis se propone un indicador homogéneo que evalúa 68 aspectos relacionados con los diferentes stakeholders implicados en RSE. También se recoge información sobre la importancia otorgada por las empresas encuestadas a estos aspectos.