973 resultados para Circuits de microones


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Background: The aim of this research was to characterize the experience of living with diabetes mellitus (DM) and identify patients" opinions of the quality of care received and the results of interventions. Methods: A descriptive, exploratory evaluation study using qualitative methodology was performed. Participants consisted of 40 adult patients diagnosed with DM and followed up in a public hospital in Barcelona, Spain. A semistructured interview and a focus group were used and a thematic content analysis was performed. Results: Patients described DM as a disease that is difficult to control and that provokes lifestyle changes requiring effort and sacrifice. Insulin treatment increased the perception of disease severity. The most frequent and dreaded complication was hypoglycemia. The main problems perceived by patients affecting the quality of care were related to a disease-centered medical approach, lack of information, limited participation in decision-making, and the administrative and bureaucratic problems of the health care system. Conclusion: The bureaucratic circuits of the health care system impair patients" quality of life and perceived quality of care. Health professionals should foster patient participation in decision-making. However, this requires not only training and appropriate attitudes, but also adequate staffing and materials.


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L'impuls de l'activitat investigadora caracteritza actualment la major part de les polítiques educatives, i és una realitat inquestionable que augmenta les exigències institucionals relatives a la producció científica en un panorama cada vegada més internacionalitzat. El saber es difon mitjançant circuits cada vegada més ramificats i fluids, alhora que s'accedeix a un volum creixent de producció científica amb una facilitat impensable fa una década, pero també és un fet que es posen més en evidéncia els desfasaments entre ambits científics, entre famílies d'una determinada comunitat científica, entre perspectives agresolades i novedoses del coneixement, entre cosmovisions localistes i d'ampli calat, entre tecnologies transferibles i reflexions epistemologiques ... i podríem seguir mencionant una Ilarga sé-rie de contradiccions que impregnen la nostra realitat diaria. En definitiva, si bé és cert que es tracta de popularitzar l'activitat investigadora, també ho és que es multipliquen determinades barreres que amb més o menys subtilesa s'han d'esquivar perqué la investigació i els seus resultats siguin una realitat tangible.


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Background: The aim of this research was to characterize the experience of living with diabetes mellitus (DM) and identify patients" opinions of the quality of care received and the results of interventions. Methods: A descriptive, exploratory evaluation study using qualitative methodology was performed. Participants consisted of 40 adult patients diagnosed with DM and followed up in a public hospital in Barcelona, Spain. A semistructured interview and a focus group were used and a thematic content analysis was performed. Results: Patients described DM as a disease that is difficult to control and that provokes lifestyle changes requiring effort and sacrifice. Insulin treatment increased the perception of disease severity. The most frequent and dreaded complication was hypoglycemia. The main problems perceived by patients affecting the quality of care were related to a disease-centered medical approach, lack of information, limited participation in decision-making, and the administrative and bureaucratic problems of the health care system. Conclusion: The bureaucratic circuits of the health care system impair patients" quality of life and perceived quality of care. Health professionals should foster patient participation in decision-making. However, this requires not only training and appropriate attitudes, but also adequate staffing and materials.


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A partir du cas clinique d'une adolescente de 15 ans prise en charge à l'hôpital de jour, nous nous proposons d'observer certaines fonctions et modes d'expression d'une violence explosive. Repérée comme " violente " dès sa petite enfance, cette jeune fille a grandi dans un milieu peu contenant qui n'a cessé de reculer devant sa violence et qui n'a opposé que peu de limites à sa toute-puissance. Son admission à 1 'hôpital de jour fait suite à une situation familiale de crise et une recrudescence des passages à l'acte violents sur sa petite soeur. Les déterminants institutionnels ont alors suscité un redéploiement de la violence, avec des circuits complexes d'expression alternant entre l'auto et l'hétéroagressivité. A la fois répétition et repère iclentitaire, cette violence est également une forme de communication pour l'adolescente qui exprime ainsi divers indicibles, dont sa souffrance, et qui module les orientations de la prise en charge. Les réponses institutionnelles à la violence de cette adolescente, perçue comme extrêmement dangereuse et impulsive, ont la lourde tâche de s'inscrire dans une visée à la fois compréhensive (sur le plan psychopathologique) et répressive-éducative.


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Injury to the central nervous system (CNS), including stroke, traumatic brain injury andspinal cord injury, cause devastating and irreversible damage and loss of function. Forexample, stroke affects very large patient populations, results in major suffering for the patients and their relatives, and involves a significant cost to society. CNS damage implies disruption of the intricate internal circuits involved in cognition, the sensory-motor functions, and other important functions. There are currently no treatments available to properly restore such lost functions. New therapeutic proposals will emerge from an understanding of the interdependence of molecular and cellular responses to CNS injury, in particular the inhibitory mechanisms that block regeneration and those that enhanceneuronal plasticity...


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Previous functional imaging studies have pointed to the compensatory recruitment of cortical circuits in old age in order to counterbalance the loss of neural efficiency and preserve cognitive performance. Recent electroencephalographic (EEG) analyses reported age-related deficits in the amplitude of an early positive-negative working memory (PN(wm)) component as well as changes in working memory (WM)-load related brain oscillations during the successful performance of the n-back task. To explore the age-related differences of EEG activation in the face of increasing WM demands, we assessed the PN(wm) component area, parietal alpha event-related synchronization (ERS) as well as frontal theta ERS in 32 young and 32 elderly healthy individuals who successfully performed a highly WM demanding 3-back task. PN(wm) area increased with higher memory loads (3- and 2-back > 0-back tasks) in younger subjects. Older subjects reached the maximal values for this EEG parameter during the less WM demanding 0-back task. They showed a rapid development of an alpha ERS that reached its maximal amplitude at around 800 ms after stimulus onset. In younger subjects, the late alpha ERS occurred between 1,200 and 2,000 ms and its amplitude was significantly higher compared with elders. Frontal theta ERS culmination peak decreased in a task-independent manner in older compared with younger cases. Only in younger individuals, there was a significant decrease in the phasic frontal theta ERS amplitude in the 2- and 3-back tasks compared with the detection and 0-back tasks. These observations suggest that older adults display a rapid mobilization of their neural generators within the parietal cortex to manage very low demanding WM tasks. Moreover, they are less able to activate frontal theta generators during attentional tasks compared with younger persons.


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Regional citrate anticoagulation of the extracorporeal circuits (CRA) experienced considerable growth over the past decade. This development is partly explained by the significant progresses made in the field of bioengineering. These allow a secure administration of citrate, while an increasing availability of ionized calcium measurement at the bedside allows reactivity in monitoring the treatment. An increasing severity of the medical condition of patients requiring blood purification treatment gives more contrast to the profile of patient who may benefit from a CRA. If some methods of renal replacement therapy are well suited to this mode of anticoagulation, others are, to date, only at the stage of development and are applied under close medical supervision.


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The IncP alpha promiscuous plasmid (R18, R68, RK2, RP1 and RP4) comprises 60,099 bp of nucleotide sequence, encoding at least 74 genes. About 40 kb of the genome, designated the IncP core and including all essential replication and transfer functions, can be aligned with equivalent sequences in the IncP beta plasmid R751. The compiled IncP alpha sequence revealed several previously unidentified reading frames that are potential genes. IncP alpha plasmids carry genetic information very efficiently: the coding sequences of the genes are closely packed but rarely overlap, and occupy almost 86% of the genome's nucleotide sequence. All of the 74 genes should be expressed, although there is as yet experimental evidence for expression of only 60 of them. Six examples of tandem-in-frame initiation sites specifying two gene products each are known. Two overlapping gene arrangements occupy different reading frames of the same region. Intergenic regions include most of the 25 promoters; transcripts are usually polycistronic. Translation of most of the open reading frames seems to be initiated independently, each from its own ribosomal binding and initiation site, although, a few cases of coupled translation have been reported. The most frequently used initiation codon is AUG but translation for a few open reading frames begins at GUG or UUG. The most common stop-codon is UGA followed by UAA and then UAG. Regulatory circuits are complex and largely dependent on two components of the central control operon. KorA and KorB are transcriptional repressors controlling at least seven operons. KorA and KorB act synergistically in several cases by recognizing and binding to conserved nucleotide sequences. Twelve KorB binding sites were found around the IncP alpha sequence and these are conserved in R751 (IncP beta) with respect to both sequence and location. Replication of IncP alpha plasmids requires oriV and the plasmid-encoded initiator protein TrfA in combination with the host-encoded replication machinery. Conjugative plasmid transfer depends on two separate regions occupying about half of the genome. The primary segregational stability system designated Par/Mrs consists of a putative site-specific recombinase, a possible partitioning apparatus and a post-segregational lethality mechanism, all encoded in two divergent operons. Proteins related to the products of F sop and P1 par partitioning genes are separately encoded in the central control operon.


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This paper presents a method to reconstruct 3D surfaces of silicon wafers from 2D images of printed circuits taken with a scanning electron microscope. Our reconstruction method combines the physical model of the optical acquisition system with prior knowledge about the shapes of the patterns in the circuit; the result is a shape-from-shading technique with a shape prior. The reconstruction of the surface is formulated as an optimization problem with an objective functional that combines a data-fidelity term on the microscopic image with two prior terms on the surface. The data term models the acquisition system through the irradiance equation characteristic of the microscope; the first prior is a smoothness penalty on the reconstructed surface, and the second prior constrains the shape of the surface to agree with the expected shape of the pattern in the circuit. In order to account for the variability of the manufacturing process, this second prior includes a deformation field that allows a nonlinear elastic deformation between the expected pattern and the reconstructed surface. As a result, the minimization problem has two unknowns, and the reconstruction method provides two outputs: 1) a reconstructed surface and 2) a deformation field. The reconstructed surface is derived from the shading observed in the image and the prior knowledge about the pattern in the circuit, while the deformation field produces a mapping between the expected shape and the reconstructed surface that provides a measure of deviation between the circuit design models and the real manufacturing process.


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OBJECTIVE: Standard cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) circuits with their large surface area and volume contribute to postoperative systemic inflammatory reaction and hemodilution. In order to minimize these problems a new approach has been developed resulting in a single disposable, compact arterio-venous loop, which has integral kinetic-assist pumping, oxygenating, air removal, and gross filtration capabilities (CardioVention Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA). The impact of this system on gas exchange capacity, blood elements and hemolysis is compared to that of a conventional circuit in a model of prolonged perfusion. METHODS: Twelve calves (mean body weight: 72.2+/-3.7 kg) were placed on cardiopulmonary bypass for 6 h with a flow of 5 l/min, and randomly assigned to the CardioVention system (n=6) or a standard CPB circuit (n=6). A standard battery of blood samples was taken before bypass and throughout bypass. Analysis of variance was used for comparison. RESULTS: The hematocrit remained stable throughout the experiment in the CardioVention group, whereas it dropped in the standard group in the early phase of perfusion. When normalized for prebypass values, both profiles differed significantly (P<0.01). Both O2 and CO2 transfers were significantly improved in the CardioVention group (P=0.04 and P<0.001, respectively). There was a slightly higher pressure drop in the CardioVention group but no single value exceeded 112 mmHg. No hemolysis could be detected in either group with all free plasma Hb values below 15 mg/l. Thrombocyte count, when corrected by hematocrit and normalized by prebypass values, exhibited an increased drop in the standard group (P=0.03). CONCLUSION: The CardioVention system with its concept of limited priming volume and exposed foreign surface area, improves gas exchange probably because of the absence of detectable hemodilution, and appears to limit the decrease in the thrombocyte count which may be ascribed to the reduced surface. Despite the volume and surface constraints, no hemolysis could be detected throughout the 6 h full-flow perfusion period.


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A carrier system for gases and nutrients became mandatory when primitive animals grew larger and developed different organs. The first circulatory systems are peristaltic tubes pushing slowly the haemolymph into an open vascular tree without capillaries (worms). Arthropods developed contractile bulges on the abdominal aorta assisted by accessory hearts for wings or legs and by abdominal respiratory motions. Two-chamber heart (atrium and ventricle) appeared among mollusks. Vertebrates have a multi-chamber heart and a closed circulation with capillaries. Their heart has two chambers in fishes, three chambers (two atria and one ventricle) in amphibians and reptiles, and four chambers in birds and mammals. The ventricle of reptiles is partially divided in two cavities by an interventricular septum, leaving only a communication of variable size leading to a variable shunt. Blood pressure increases progressively from 15 mmHg (worms) to 170/70 mmHg (birds) according to the increase in metabolic rate. When systemic pressure exceeds 50 mmHg, a lower pressure system appears for the circulation through gills or lungs in order to improve gas exchange. A four-chamber heart allows a complete separation of systemic and pulmonary circuits. This review describes the circulatory pumping systems used in the different classes of animals, their advantages and failures, and the way they have been modified with evolution.


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Increasing evidence indicates that astrocytes, the most abundant glial cell type in the brain, respond to an elevation in cytoplasmic calcium concentration ([Ca(2+)]i) by releasing chemical transmitters (also called gliotransmitters) via regulated exocytosis of heterogeneous classes of organelles. By this process, astrocytes exert modulatory influences on neighboring cells and are thought to participate in the control of synaptic circuits and cerebral blood flow. Studying the properties of exocytosis in astrocytes is a challenge, because the cell biological basis of this process is incompletely defined. Astrocytic exocytosis involves multiple populations of secretory vesicles, including synaptic-like microvesicles (SLMVs), dense-core granules (DCGs), and lysosomes. Here we summarize the available information for identifying individual populations of secretory organelles in astrocytes, including DCGs, SLMVs, and lysosomes, and present experimental procedures for specifically staining such populations.


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El texto que se presenta muestra cómo se lleva a cabo la gestión de los libros electrónicos en la Biblioteca Virtual (en adelante BV) de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (en adelante UOC). La BV pone especial énfasis en la adquisición de libros digitales para mejorar el acceso de los usuarios a los recursos y a lascolecciones de una universidad caracterizada por su virtualidad. El documento presenta, en primer lugar, el entorno en el que se adquieren y se utilizan los libros electrónicos: se describen los distintos escenarios de adquisición en los que se puede encontrar la BV y se definen los circuitos internos que permiten su gestión, así como los procesos técnicos de los documentos. A continuación, se muestran las distintas opciones de acceso y consulta de libros electrónicos que actualmente se ofrecen desde la BV y se exponenlos análisis de uso de dichos documentos. Por último, se presentan las conclusiones a las que llega la BV sobre el nuevo contexto de libros electrónicos.


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A loss in the necessary amount of sleep alters expression of genes and proteins implicated in brain plasticity, but key proteins that render neuronal circuits sensitive to sleep disturbance are unknown. We show that mild (4-6 h) sleep deprivation (SD) selectively augmented the number of NR2A subunits of NMDA receptors on postsynaptic densities of adult mouse CA1 synapses. The greater synaptic NR2A content facilitated induction of CA3-CA1 long-term depression in the theta frequency stimulation range and augmented the synaptic modification threshold. NR2A-knock-out mice maintained behavioral response to SD, including compensatory increase in post-deprivation resting time, but hippocampal synaptic plasticity was insensitive to sleep loss. After SD, the balance between synaptically activated and slowly recruited NMDA receptor pools during temporal summation was disrupted. Together, these results indicate that NR2A is obligatory for the consequences of sleep loss on hippocampal synaptic plasticity. These findings could advance pharmacological strategies aiming to sustain hippocampal function during sleep restriction.