901 resultados para Brasil (The word)


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The overall focus of the thesis involves the legal protection for consumers of pharmaceutical products.The work on “Legal Protection for Consumers of Pharmaceutical Products” is undertaken to study the legal framework that is existing for this purpose and the functioning of regulating mechanism that is envisaged under it. The purpose of the study is to analyse how far these measures are effective in adequately protecting various aspects of consumer interest. Methodology adopted for the study is analytical.The present study revealed that the theory of freedom of contract is only an ideal relevant when the parties are assumed to be on equal footing.In a more complicated social and economic society, it ceased to have any relevance. Many countries in the world enacted legislations to protect the consumers of pharmaceutical products.The meaning of ‘consumers of drugs’ provided in the law is inclusive and not exhaustive one. The definition of ‘drug’ as interpreted by the courts is comprehensive enough to take in it not only medicines but also substances. The meaning of the word substances has been widened by the interpretation of the courts so as to include all the things used in treatment.The definition of the word ‘consumer’ has been liberally interpreted by the courts so as to provide protective net to a large section of the public.The studies subsequent to this report also revealed that there is a shortage of essential drugs necessary to cure local diseases like tuberculosis and malaria where as drugs containing vitamins and other combinations which are more profitable for the manufacturers are produced and marketed in abundance.The study of the provisions in this regard revealed that the duty of the drug controlling authorities is confined to scrutinize the data of the clinical test already conducted by the sponsor of the drug.Study of the clinical trial procedure under the U.S. law revealed that there is a continuous supervision over clinical trials and controls are provided on the treatment use of an investigational productStudy of the clinical trial procedure under the U.S. law revealed that there is a continuous supervision over clinical trials and controls are provided on the treatment use of an investigational product.the study of the provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act and the rules framed under it revealed that the law in this regard is comprehensive to protect the consumer provided it is sufficiently supported by adequately equipped enforcement machinery.


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The term reliability of an equipment or device is often meant to indicate the probability that it carries out the functions expected of it adequately or without failure and within specified performance limits at a given age for a desired mission time when put to use under the designated application and operating environmental stress. A broad classification of the approaches employed in relation to reliability studies can be made as probabilistic and deterministic, where the main interest in the former is to device tools and methods to identify the random mechanism governing the failure process through a proper statistical frame work, while the latter addresses the question of finding the causes of failure and steps to reduce individual failures thereby enhancing reliability. In the probabilistic attitude to which the present study subscribes to, the concept of life distribution, a mathematical idealisation that describes the failure times, is fundamental and a basic question a reliability analyst has to settle is the form of the life distribution. It is for no other reason that a major share of the literature on the mathematical theory of reliability is focussed on methods of arriving at reasonable models of failure times and in showing the failure patterns that induce such models. The application of the methodology of life time distributions is not confined to the assesment of endurance of equipments and systems only, but ranges over a wide variety of scientific investigations where the word life time may not refer to the length of life in the literal sense, but can be concieved in its most general form as a non-negative random variable. Thus the tools developed in connection with modelling life time data have found applications in other areas of research such as actuarial science, engineering, biomedical sciences, economics, extreme value theory etc.


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Author identification is the problem of identifying the author of an anonymous text or text whose authorship is in doubt from a given set of authors. The works by different authors are strongly distinguished by quantifiable features of the text. This paper deals with the attempts made on identifying the most likely author of a text in Malayalam from a list of authors. Malayalam is a Dravidian language with agglutinative nature and not much successful tools have been developed to extract syntactic & semantic features of texts in this language. We have done a detailed study on the various stylometric features that can be used to form an authors profile and have found that the frequencies of word collocations can be used to clearly distinguish an author in a highly inflectious language such as Malayalam. In our work we try to extract the word level and character level features present in the text for characterizing the style of an author. Our first step was towards creating a profile for each of the candidate authors whose texts were available with us, first from word n-gram frequencies and then by using variable length character n-gram frequencies. Profiles of the set of authors under consideration thus formed, was then compared with the features extracted from anonymous text, to suggest the most likely author.


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This paper investigates certain methods of training adopted in the Statistical Machine Translator (SMT) from English to Malayalam. In English Malayalam SMT, the word to word translation is determined by training the parallel corpus. Our primary goal is to improve the alignment model by reducing the number of possible alignments of all sentence pairs present in the bilingual corpus. Incorporating morphological information into the parallel corpus with the help of the parts of speech tagger has brought around better training results with improved accuracy


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The present study is an attempt to highlight the problem of typographical errors in OPACS. The errors made while typing catalogue entries as well as importing bibliographical records from other libraries exist unnoticed by librarians resulting the non-retrieval of available records and affecting the quality of OPACs. This paper follows previous research on the topic mainly by Jeffrey Beall and Terry Ballard. The word “management” was chosen from the list of likely to be misspelled words identified by previous research. It was found that the word is wrongly entered in several forms in local, national and international OPACs justifying the observations of Ballard that typos occur in almost everywhere. Though there are lots of corrective measures proposed and are in use, the study asserts the fact that human effort is needed to get rid of the problem. The paper is also an invitation to the library professionals and system designers to construct a strategy to solve the issue


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Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) is one of the potential applications in the field of Natural Language Processing. The translation process in SMT is carried out by acquiring translation rules automatically from the parallel corpora. However, for many language pairs (e.g. Malayalam- English), they are available only in very limited quantities. Therefore, for these language pairs a huge portion of phrases encountered at run-time will be unknown. This paper focuses on methods for handling such out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words in Malayalam that cannot be translated to English using conventional phrase-based statistical machine translation systems. The OOV words in the source sentence are pre-processed to obtain the root word and its suffix. Different inflected forms of the OOV root are generated and a match is looked up for the word variants in the phrase translation table of the translation model. A Vocabulary filter is used to choose the best among the translations of these word variants by finding the unigram count. A match for the OOV suffix is also looked up in the phrase entries and the target translations are filtered out. Structuring of the filtered phrases is done and SMT translation model is extended by adding OOV with its new phrase translations. By the results of the manual evaluation done it is observed that amount of OOV words in the input has been reduced considerably


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Suffix separation plays a vital role in improving the quality of training in the Statistical Machine Translation from English into Malayalam. The morphological richness and the agglutinative nature of Malayalam make it necessary to retrieve the root word from its inflected form in the training process. The suffix separation process accomplishes this task by scrutinizing the Malayalam words and by applying sandhi rules. In this paper, various handcrafted rules designed for the suffix separation process in the English Malayalam SMT are presented. A classification of these rules is done based on the Malayalam syllable preceding the suffix in the inflected form of the word (check_letter). The suffixes beginning with the vowel sounds like ആല, ഉെെ, ഇല etc are mainly considered in this process. By examining the check_letter in a word, the suffix separation rules can be directly applied to extract the root words. The quick look up table provided in this paper can be used as a guideline in implementing suffix separation in Malayalam language


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The present study is an attempt to highlight the problem of typographical errors in OPACS. The errors made while typing catalogue entries as well as importing bibliographical records from other libraries exist unnoticed by librarians resulting the non-retrieval of available records and affecting the quality of OPACs. This paper follows previous research on the topic mainly by Jeffrey Beall and Terry Ballard. The word “management” was chosen from the list of likely to be misspelled words identified by previous research. It was found that the word is wrongly entered in several forms in local, national and international OPACs justifying the observations of Ballard that typos occur in almost everywhere. Though there are lots of corrective measures proposed and are in use, the study asserts the fact that human effort is needed to get rid of the problem. The paper is also an invitation to the library professionals and system designers to construct a strategy to solve the issue


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This thesis comprises five chapters including the introductory chapter. This includes a brief introduction and basic definitions of fuzzy set theory and its applications, semigroup action on sets, finite semigroup theory, its application in automata theory along with references which are used in this thesis. In the second chapter we defined an S-fuzzy subset of X with the extension of the notion of semigroup action of S on X to semigroup action of S on to a fuzzy subset of X using Zadeh's maximal extension principal and proved some results based on this. We also defined an S-fuzzy morphism between two S-fuzzy subsets of X and they together form a category S FSETX. Some general properties and special objects in this category are studied and finally proved that S SET and S FSET are categorically equivalent. Further we tried to generalize this concept to the action of a fuzzy semigroup on fuzzy subsets. As an application, using the above idea, we convert a _nite state automaton to a finite fuzzy state automaton. A classical automata determine whether a word is accepted by the automaton where as a _nite fuzzy state automaton determine the degree of acceptance of the word by the automaton. 1.5. Summary of the Thesis 17 In the third chapter we de_ne regular and inverse fuzzy automata, its construction, and prove that the corresponding transition monoids are regular and inverse monoids respectively. The languages accepted by an inverse fuzzy automata is an inverse fuzzy language and we give a characterization of an inverse fuzzy language. We study some of its algebraic properties and prove that the collection IFL on an alphabet does not form a variety since it is not closed under inverse homomorphic images. We also prove some results based on the fact that a semigroup is inverse if and only if idempotents commute and every L-class or R-class contains a unique idempotent. Fourth chapter includes a study of the structure of the automorphism group of a deterministic faithful inverse fuzzy automaton and prove that it is equal to a subgroup of the inverse monoid of all one-one partial fuzzy transformations on the state set. In the fifth chapter we define min-weighted and max-weighted power automata study some of its algebraic properties and prove that a fuzzy automaton and the fuzzy power automata associated with it have the same transition monoids. The thesis ends with a conclusion of the work done and the scope of further study.


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A finitely generated group is called a Church-Rosser group (growing context-sensitive group) if it admits a finitely generated presentation for which the word problem is a Church-Rosser (growing context-sensitive) language. Although the Church-Rosser languages are incomparable to the context-free languages under set inclusion, they strictly contain the class of deterministic context-free languages. As each context-free group language is actually deterministic context-free, it follows that all context-free groups are Church-Rosser groups. As the free abelian group of rank 2 is a non-context-free Church-Rosser group, this inclusion is proper. On the other hand, we show that there are co-context-free groups that are not growing context-sensitive. Also some closure and non-closure properties are established for the classes of Church-Rosser and growing context-sensitive groups. More generally, we also establish some new characterizations and closure properties for the classes of Church-Rosser and growing context-sensitive languages.


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Esta investigación responde a la inquietud del Mediador católico, al emplear el Modelo Relacional Simbólico, sabiendo el rechazo de la Iglesia al divorcio. La Mediación Familiar acompaña los esposos en proceso de separación. Pero ante la posición de la Iglesia, surge la pregunta: ¿Puede el mediador católico permanecer coherente con las Doctrinas de su Iglesia, empleando el Modelo Relacional Simbólico? La reflexión parte de la Palabra de Dios, desde el Antiguo Testamento, hasta los Evangelios y las cartas apostólicas, mirando las posiciones sobre la familia y el divorcio. En un segundo momento se detiene en la Doctrina Pontificia Católica al respecto en los últimos Pontífices. Se presenta luego el divorcio y las orientaciones pastorales de la Iglesia sobre el mismo. La reflexión se dirige finalmente al Modelo de Mediación y sus bondades, para compararlo en el último capítulo con las enseñanzas de la Iglesia y hallar las convergencias y divergencias. El resultado de este análisis permite a los investigadores hallar coherente la Mediación Familiar con el Modelo Relacional Simbólico con su fe.


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Artists' Book. This is a concertina artist book, included in the collection held at Winchester School of Art Library. The Word document presents a commentary on the book and its links to the place, Illiers Combray in France and Marcel Proust.


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El discurso del gobierno de Álvaro Uribe Vélez en su primer periodo presidencial, y el discurso de las comunidades indígenas de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta en torno a las fumigaciones con glifosato resultan en una relación antagónica, la cual produce una deslegitimación de la identidad cultural necesaria para la supervivencia de las comunidades indígenas. El análisis de los elementos de dicho antagonismo permite entender cómo se articula el discurso reivindicativo de las comunidades indígenas y cómo se fortifica la lucha reivindicativa por la legitimación de la identidad cultural. El discurso reivindicativo unifica las demandas generadas por dichas comunidades en torno a las fumigaciones con glifosato, mientras la lucha reivindicativa por la legitimación pretende resolver estas demandas y sentar las bases de un modelo de accionar político regido a partir de la aplicación de la palabra y el pensamiento tradicional de los pueblos indígenas.


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Justo ahora, cuando parece haberse agotado el entendimiento del zapatismo como movimiento revolucionario tradicional, esta monografía propone dar un doble salto mortal para destruir las barreras obsoletas de las teorías revolucionarias y aterrizar en lo que Rancière llama la Resistencia de los Sin Parte. El alarido bestial se transforma en palabra para sacudir las estructuras más íntimas del orden y actualizar la pésima partición de los lugares y las funciones comunes en la comunidad. Las partes mal contadas acceden a la palabra para reclamar una partición justa de lo común, e inscribir así las libertades como axiomas para el todo comunitario. Lo descolorido toma color, lo oculto es visto, lo incontado entra en el conteo de las partes, lo que no tiene rostro ni voz es ahora escuchado, las sombras adquieren cuerpos y los cuerpos adquieren vida. La resistencia por la incorporación cambió para siempre la política tradicional mexicana, al punto de que ésta ha dejado de llamarse como tal para quien escribió esta investigación. La palabra común, la imagen del líder Marcos, y los símbolos como el pasamontañas, hacen que la rebelión zapatista sea una rebelión desde y para los sin parte, una voz para incorporar a los sin voz: el rostro indefinido de una máscara que defiende con enjundia a los olvidados y los devuelve a la arena de los vistos. Chiapas habla, los fantasmas resucitan, las partes mal contadas reclaman una justa partición de lo visible en la comunidad. Marcos y los suyo se han salido con la suya.


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El propósito de este texto es discutir el concepto de resiliencia y buscar su interés heurístico para los análisis de vulnerabilidad urbana. El término resiliencia es omnipresente en la retórica de las declaraciones internacionales, de las políticas públicas y en las reflexiones académicas en el campo de los riesgos y desastres en ciudades. Se discute esta noción con el fin de entender sus raíces y desvelar sus presupuestos ideológicos. Al mismo tiempo, el término resiliencia presenta el interés de fomentar debates y cuestiones teóricas en el campo científico y en el sociopolítico de la formulación de nuevas políticas públicas. Más allá de los enfoques focalizados sobre el fortalecimiento delas capacidades locales, los aportes heurísticos del concepto de resiliencia para los análisis de riesgos en el medio urbano provienen de sus fundamentos en la teoría de los sistemas complejos. Así, se resaltan nuevos enfoques y soportes conceptuales que permiten entender mejor la vulnerabilidadde las grandes aglomeraciones urbanas.