977 resultados para Bonds corporativos
Dissertação de mestrado em Genética Molecular
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found,in the online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2016.05.018.
Los mecanismos de producción y reproducción de la influencia política es una importante área de estudio de la ciencia política en las últimas décadas. En la misma se han disputado diferentes teorías, desde las que plantean la influencia predominante de grupos de poder y sectores corporativos tanto en las decisiones del estado como en las no decisiones, hasta los que plantean que existe la puja de diferentes intereses dentro del Estado pero que no existe ningún grupo predominante. El análisis de redes (network analysis) permite estudiar este objeto mediante la observación de la estructura de relaciones de los actores influyentes dentro de la política provincial. En esta area de estudio, este proyecto propone estudiar de qué manera se produce y reproduce la influencia política en la Provincia de Córdoba.Las hipótesis que plantea el proyecto son las siguientes: H1- La estructura del poder socio-político provincial adquiere una configuración reticular en la que existe un núcleo de actores que representan intereses tradicionales organizados y permite un escaso acceso de nuevas organizaciones que defienden intereses sociales difusos. H2- En el proceso de influencia sociopolítica provincial operan mecanismos de influencia interpersonales directos e indirectos (Brokerage) que permiten a los actores acceder e influir en los decisores públicos. H3- En el proceso de influencia socio-política interviene una diversidad de recursos de poder que los actores utilizan para influir las políticas públicas. Para esto se propone como objetivos del proyecto los siguientes: 1- Identificar y analizar la estructura de poder e influencia que subyace a la política provincial. 2- Analizar los intereses, actores y sectores incluidos y excluidos de la estructura de influencia política. 3- Analizar los mecanismos y recursos de producción y reproducción del poder y la influencia. 4- Analizar las áreas de política del estado provincial que resultan lugar de influencia de los actores y sectores que configuran la estructura de poder socio-política. 5- Analizar el sistema de decisión colectiva (policy domain) en dos áreas de política provincial. 6- Analizar los recursos que posibilitan a los actores ejercer poder e influencia en las áreas de políticas estudiadas. Para la verificación empírica de las hipótesis se realiza un diseño de investigación que incluye el mapeo y análisis de dos tipos de redes políticas diferentes, la "red de influencia en la política provincial" y la red de influencia en un "área de políticas públicas". La reconstrucción de las redes políticas se realizará mediante entrevistas semi-estructuradas a actores sociales y políticos en un muestreo no probabilístico de tipo "bola de nieve". La investigación pretende realizar un aporte a la comprensión de la coordinación política y, en tal sentido, espera alcanzar una adecuada descripción y comprensión de los procesos de influencia y de estructuración del poder en la Provincia de Córdoba.
This paper analyzes the propagation of monetary policy shocks through the creation of credit in an economy. Models of the monetary transmission mechanism typically feature responses which last for a few quarters contrary to what the empirical evidence suggests. To propagate the impact of monetary shocks over time, these models introduce adjustment costs by which agents find it optimal to change their decisions slowly. This paper presents another explanation that does not rely on any sort of adjustment costs or stickiness. In our economy, agents own assets and make occupational choices. Banks intermediate between agents demanding and supplying assets. Our interpretation is based on the way banks create credit and how the monetary authority affects the process of financial intermediation through its monetary policy. As the central bank lowers the interest rate by buying government bonds in exchange for reserves, high productive entrepreneurs are able to borrow more resources from low productivity agents. We show that this movement of capital among agents sets in motion a response of the economy that resembles an expansionary phase of the cycle.
The Bank of Spain uses a unique auction format to sell government bonds, which can be seen as a hybrid of a uniform and a discriminatory auction. For winning bids above the average winning bid, buyers are charged the average winning bid, otherwise they pay their respective bids. We report on an experiment that compares this auction format to the discriminatory format, used in most other countries, and to the uniform format. Our design is based on a common value model with multi-unit supply and two-unit demand. The results show significantly higher revenue with the Spanish and the uniform formats than with the discriminatory one, while volatility of prices over time is significantly lower in the discriminatory format than in the Spanish and uniform cases. Actual price dispersion is significantly larger in the discriminatory than in the Spanish. Our data also exhibit the use of bid-spreading strategies in all three designs.
The effects of high pressure on the composition of food products have not been evaluated extensively. Since, it is necessary to take in consideration the possible effects in basis to the changes induced in the bio molecules by the application of high pressures. The main effect on protein is the denaturation, because the covalent bonds are not affected; however hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic and intermolecular interactions are modified or destroyed. 1 High pressure can modify the activity of some enzymes. If this is done the proteolysis and lipolysis could be more or less intense and the content of free amino acids and fatty acids will be different. This could be related to the bioavailability of these compounds. Low pressures (100 MPa) have been shown to activate some enzymes (monomeric enzymes). Higher pressures induce loss of the enzyme activity. However some enzymes are very stable (ex. Lipase ~ 600 - 1000 MPa). Lipoxygenase is less stable, and there is little information about the effects on antioxidant enzymes. Other important issue is the influence of high pressure on oxidation susceptibility. This could modify the composition of lipids if the degree of the oxidation would have been higher or lower than in the traditional product. Pressure produces the damage of cell membranes favouring the contact between substrates and enzymes, exposure to oxidation of membrane fatty acids and loos of the efficiency of vitamin E. These effects can also affect to protein oxidation. In this study different compounds were analysed to establish the differences between non-treated and high-pressure treated products.
A growing literature integrates theories of debt management into models of optimal fiscal policy. One promising theory argues that the composition of government debt should be chosen so that fluctuations in the market value of debt offset changes in expected future deficits. This complete market approach to debt management is valid even when the government only issues non-contingent bonds. A number of authors conclude from this approach that governments should issue long term debt and invest in short term assets. We argue that the conclusions of this approach are too fragile to serve as a basis for policy recommendations. This is because bonds at different maturities have highly correlated returns, causing the determination of the optimal portfolio to be ill-conditioned. To make this point concrete we examine the implications of this approach to debt management in various models, both analytically and using numerical methods calibrated to the US economy. We find the complete market approach recommends asset positions which are huge multiples of GDP. Introducing persistent shocks or capital accumulation only worsens this problem. Increasing the volatility of interest rates through habits partly reduces the size of these simulations we find no presumption that governments should issue long term debt ? policy recommendations can be easily reversed through small perturbations in the specification of shocks or small variations in the maturity of bonds issued. We further extend the literature by removing the assumption that governments every period costlessly repurchase all outstanding debt. This exacerbates the size of the required positions, worsens their volatility and in some cases produces instability in debt holdings. We conclude that it is very difficult to insulate fiscal policy from shocks by using the complete markets approach to debt management. Given the limited variability of the yield curve using maturities is a poor way to substitute for state contingent debt. The result is the positions recommended by this approach conflict with a number of features that we believe are important in making bond markets incomplete e.g allowing for transaction costs, liquidity effects, etc.. Until these features are all fully incorporated we remain in search of a theory of debt management capable of providing robust policy insights.
Genetic crosses between phenotypically resistant and sensitive schistosomes demonstrated that resistance to hycanthone and oxamniquine behaves like a recessive trait, thus suggesting that resistance is due to the lack of some factor. We hypothesized that, in order to kill schistosomes, hycanthone and oxamniquine need to be converted into an active metabolite by some parasite enzyme wich, if inactive, results in drug resistance. Esterification of the drugs seemed to be the most likely event as it would lead to the production of an alkylating agent upon dissociation of the ester. An artificial ester of hycanthone was indeed active even in resistant worms, thus indirectly supporting our hypothesis. In addition, several lines of evidence demonstrated that exposure to hycanthone and oxamniquine results in alkylation of worm macromolecules. Thus, radioactive drugs formed covalent bonds with the DNA of sensitive (but not of resistant) schistosomes; an antiserum raised against hycanthone detected the presence of the drug in the purified DNA fraction of sensitive (but not of resistant) schistosomes; a drug-DNA adduct was isolated from hycanthone-treated worms and fully characterized as hycanthone-deoxyguanosine.
This paper presents a DSGE model in which long run inflation risk matters for social welfare. Optimal indexation of long-term government debt is studied under two monetary policy regimes: inflation targeting (IT) and price-level targeting (PT). Under IT, full indexation is optimal because long run inflation risk is substantial due to base-level drift, making indexed bonds a much better store of value than nominal bonds. Under PT, where long run inflation risk is largely eliminated, optimal indexation is substantially lower because nominal bonds become a better store of value relative to indexed bonds. These results are robust to the PT target horizon, imperfect credibility of PT and model calibration, but the assumption that indexation is lagged is crucial. From a policy perspective, a key finding is that accounting for optimal indexation has important welfare implications for comparisons of IT and PT.
Empirical investigation of the external finance premium has been conducted on the margin between internal finance and bank borrowing or equities but little attention has been given to corporate bonds, especially for the emerging Asian market. In this paper, we hypothesize that balance sheet indicators of creditworthiness could affect the external finance premium for bonds as they do for premia in other markets. Using bond-specific and firm-specific data for China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand during 1995-2009 we find that firms with better financial health face lower external finance premia in all countries. When we introduce firm-level heterogeneity, we show that financial variables appear to be both statistically and quantitatively more important for financially constrained firms. Finally, when we examine the effects of the 1997-98 Asian crisis and the 2007-09 global financial crisis, we find that the sensitivity of the premium is greater for constrained firms during the Asian crisis compared to other times.
Global financial imbalances receive a great deal of attention in relation to the emerging economies China and India. This chapter analyzes this relation, but argues first that they are actually re-balancing the existing structural inequality in the world economy, in which for so long only the Western economies and Japan dominated economic growth and international trade, moving towards a more multi-polar world economy. China in particular, with its rapid export-led growth, has indeed been part and parcel of the emerging financial imbalances, feeding the ‘over-consumption’ in the US and using its accumulating international reserves in buying US-treasury bonds. Finance therefore is moving to the economy that ‘least needs it’. This imbalance can only be redressed if the US (and some of the other OECD countries) start saving more and consuming less (and become more competitive), with China further stimulating domestic demand (which it already did in response to the crisis). China and to a lesser extend India, as emerging large economies and a more important roles in global markets, also contribute to new imbalances, such as the influence of the insatiable appetite for resources (carbon-hydrates, minerals and bio-mass) of these relatively energy-inefficient economies, while at the same time attracting an increasing share of FDI towards them. The chapter finally raises the issue that these three mentioned imbalances make it more difficult for developing countries (except for those who are resource-rich) to get access to the necessary development finance.
Pyochelin (Pch) and enantiopyochelin (EPch) are enantiomeric siderophores, with three chiral centers, produced under iron limitation conditions by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas fluorescens , respectively. After iron chelation in the extracellular medium, Pch-Fe and EPch-Fe are recognized and transported by their specific outer-membrane transporters: FptA in P. aeruginosa and FetA in P. fluorescens . Structural analysis of FetA-EPch-Fe and FptA-Pch-Fe, combined with mutagenesis and docking studies revealed the structural basis of the stereospecific recognition of these enantiomers by their respective transporters. Whereas FetA and FptA have a low sequence identity but high structural homology, the Pch and EPch binding pockets do not share any structural homology, but display similar physicochemical properties. The stereospecific recognition of both enantiomers by their corresponding transporters is imposed by the configuration of the siderophore's C4'' and C2'' chiral centers. This recognition involves specific hydrogen bonds between the Arg91 guanidinium group and EPch-Fe for FetA and between the Leu117-Leu116 main chain and Pch-Fe for FptA. FetA and FptA are the first membrane receptors to be structurally described with opposite binding enantioselectivities for their ligands, giving insights into the structural basis of their enantiospecificity.
Millions of people suffer from superficial infections caused by dermatophytes. Intriguingly, these filamentous fungi exclusively infect keratin-rich host structures such as hair, nails, and skin. Keratin is a hard, compact protein, and its utilization by dermatophytes for growth has long been discussed as a major virulence attribute. Here, we provide strong support for the hypothesis that keratin degradation is facilitated by the secretion of the reducing agent sulfite, which can cleave keratin-stabilizing cystine bonds. We discovered that sulfite is produced by dermatophytes from environmental cysteine, which at elevated concentrations is toxic for microbes and humans. We found that sulfite formation from cysteine relies on the key enzyme cysteine dioxygenase Cdo1. Sulfite secretion is supported by the sulfite efflux pump Ssu1. Targeted mutagenesis proved that dermatophyte mutants in either Cdo1 or Ssu1 were highly growth-sensitive to cysteine, and mutants in Ssu1 were specifically sensitive to sulfite. Most notably, dermatophyte mutants in Cdo1 and Ssu1 were specifically growth-defective on hair and nails. As keratin is rich in cysteine, our identified mechanism of cysteine conversion and sulfite efflux supports both cysteine and sulfite tolerance per se and progression of keratin degradation. These in vitro findings have implications for dermatophyte infection pathogenesis.
The provenance, half-life and biological activity of malondialdehyde (MDA) were investigated in Arabidopsis thaliana. We provide genetic confirmation of the hypothesis that MDA originates from fatty acids containing more than two methylene-linked double bonds, showing that tri-unsaturated fatty acids are the in vivo source of up to 75% of MDA. The abundance of the combined pool of free and reversibly bound MDA did not change dramatically in stress, although a significant increase in the free MDA pool under oxidative conditions was observed. The half-life of infiltrated MDA indicated rapid metabolic turnover/sequestration. Exposure of plants to low levels of MDA using a recently developed protocol powerfully upregulated many genes on a cDNA microarray with a bias towards those implicated in abiotic/environmental stress (e.g. ROF1 and XERO2). Remarkably, and in contrast to the activities of other reactive electrophile species (i.e. small vinyl ketones), none of the pathogenesis-related (PR) genes tested responded to MDA. The use of structural mimics of MDA isomers suggested that the propensity of the molecule to act as a cross-linking/modifying reagent might contribute to the activation of gene expression. Changes in the concentration/localisation of unbound MDA in vivo could strongly affect stress-related transcription.