910 resultados para Antecedentes educacionais


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The importance of the Professionals Master in the field of science education is revealed by the recognition that they provide, to practicing teachers, in particular, training spaces for reflection and application of knowledge. This work appears in the context of the project "Research and training in teaching science and mathematics: a cutout of academic production in the northeast and overview of formative action in basic education" on the Centre for Education program, which main objective was to conduct studies description, analysis and evaluation of the academic production of Postgraduate Programs in Science Teaching of UFRPE, UFRN and UEPB and investigate the contribution of continuing education in stricto sensu level, of graduated teachers to improve the quality of basic education . We sought to examine a cut of academic production PPGECNM / UFRN, taking as reference dissertations of Natural Sciences, finished between the years 2005 and 2012, which have developed and applied educational products for high school students. More specifically we sought to conduct a general characterization of the dissertations analyzed for basic descriptors, to understand if and how the official documents governing the Brazilian education, especially science education, subsidized development of dissertations and identify current trends for science teaching are addressed and which ones are used in preparing the product of dissertations. The survey was based on documentary analysis, a type of qualitative approach in which the documents are objects of study in themselves. The results revealed that most of the work was developed in public schools, on subjects of physics and chemistry. During analytical reading of the text of the dissertations was observed that, in its construction, most of them addressed somehow, official documents governing the Brazilian educational system, that the products are basically teaching units and teaching approaches that are more focused on Experimentation and History and Philosophy of Science


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The Internet is present in each step of a trip planning. The constant technological advances has made major changes in the tourism industry. This is noticeable by the growing number of people who share their travel experiences on the Internet. This study has aimed to analyze the factors that influence the use of the Online Travel Reviews (OTR) in choosing an accommodation. It was done an investigation into the comments available on the internet about information on touristic products and services, specifically about accommodations. The research proposed to understand the influencing factors of OTR, in the Brazilian context, through the Technology Acceptance Model, Motivational Theory, Similarity, and Trustworthiness. The methodology used was a descriptive-exploratory study, with a quantitative approach, and bibliographic research. The study used a Structural Equation Modeling technique called Partial Least Squares (PLS), to test and evaluate the proposed research model. Data collection was performed with 308 guests hosted in five hotels in Ponta Negra (Natal/RN), who have used the OTRs in choosing an accommodation. The research tested fifteen hypotheses, where nine were confirmed, and six were rejected. The results showed that guests have attitude and intention to use the OTRs to choose an accommodation.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the reality of the Service Centers for People with Special Educational Needs (NAPNEs) implanted at Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN) through a Professional Education Program in Technology for People with Special Educational Needs (TEC NEP Program). To reach the proposal we opted for an exploratory research with a qualitative approach characterized as a field of study. Data were obtained from questionnaires answered by thirteen (13) NAPNEs coordinators of different IFRN campuses and examined using content analysis. The survey results show that the creation of the TEC NEP program was an important step for inclusion policies in IFRN. However, difficulties were also identified by participants as coordinators: lack of physical infrastructure, human and material resources and financial matters, among others, as barriers to implementation and performance of NAPNEs. Keywords: TEC NEP Program, Professional Education, Inclusion, People with disabilities.


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This study examined the influence of the tourism destination image as well as satisfaction and motivation in the intention of engaging in a positive electronic word of mouth (eWOM) by tourists through Facebook. In addition, it was also specifically expected to assess the sociodemographic profile and frequency of eWOM publications from those who answered the questions; it also assessed the adequacy of the manifested variables for composition of the following dimensions: Quality, Satisfaction, Image, Motivations and Positive Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM). And finally, it analyzed a relational model where there are relationships between Quality, Satisfaction, Image and Motivations in the explanation of engagement in the Positive Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM). With this aim it was conducted a study, based on a hypothetical-deductive logic, which was descriptive in relation to its goals. The analytical approach was quantitative (a survey). The sampling procedure was non-probabilistic, by the convenience method of sampling specifically, having the choice of the subject been made through the probabilistic systematic method, and using time as a factor of systematization in an attempt of making randomly the selection of the interviewed people. The study sample consisted of 355 tourists. The used instrument to collect information was the structured questionnaire whose answers were collected in the main points of entry, exit and rides of tourists on the Pipa’s Beach/RN. Data analysis was carried out using descriptive and multivariate statistics, mainly exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. Among the main results, it was possible to confirm that the Motivations, Satisfaction and Image strongly affect the intention of engaging in positive electronic word of mouth (eWOM). Emphasis is given to the motivations, as they demonstrate bigger impact in explaining the dependent variable; they are followed by the satisfaction and the image. The latter, however, is inversely proportional. Among the motivations, the one with the highest percentage of variance were the social benefits sought by tourists; and presenting the same percentage appears the desire to help other tourists and to vent Positive Emotions. The manifested variables demonstrate to be fully acceptable to be taken as reflexes of their respective factors.


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In the current context of policies for inclusiveness in the Brazilian higher education, the accessibility centers are responsible for the organization of actions toward the fulfillment of the legal requirements regarding accessibility and the elimination of barriers that interfere with the participation and learning of persons with special learning needs (SLN), providing conditions for the full inclusion of these students in the activities of learning, research and community outreach in this learning level. This research had the goal to analyse the work developed by the accessibility centers in the federal universities in the northeastern region of Brazil towards the care of students with SLN. It is a descriptive work, with quantitative and qualitative approaches. Twelve federal universities participated through their accessibility center’s coordinators. The data - gathered by means of an electronic survey filled out in 2014 - was organized and analyzed through descriptive statistics and content analysis; their discussion was made around four topics: organization of accessibility centers for the care of students with SLN, kinds and numbers of students with SLN cared for, actions developed, and suggestions for the improvement of the accessibility centers. It was found that in the sphere of the researched universities, the accessibility centers have been taking actions involving many parts of the academic community towards the improvement of the conditions and permanence of students with SLN. However, in some institutional realities, these action need to be expanded and/or consolidated. The coordinators suggest further actions towards the betterment of these centers, regarding expansion of financial and human resources, professional qualification, awareness of the academic community, institutionalization and the formation of a collaborative network among the accessibility centers. Thus, although there are still challenges to overcome, the presence of the accessibility centers is shown to advance the realization of policies for the inclusion of students with SLN in the post-secondary education, towards the democratization of learning starting from the universal right to education.


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In the current context of policies for inclusiveness in the Brazilian higher education, the accessibility centers are responsible for the organization of actions toward the fulfillment of the legal requirements regarding accessibility and the elimination of barriers that interfere with the participation and learning of persons with special learning needs (SLN), providing conditions for the full inclusion of these students in the activities of learning, research and community outreach in this learning level. This research had the goal to analyse the work developed by the accessibility centers in the federal universities in the northeastern region of Brazil towards the care of students with SLN. It is a descriptive work, with quantitative and qualitative approaches. Twelve federal universities participated through their accessibility center’s coordinators. The data - gathered by means of an electronic survey filled out in 2014 - was organized and analyzed through descriptive statistics and content analysis; their discussion was made around four topics: organization of accessibility centers for the care of students with SLN, kinds and numbers of students with SLN cared for, actions developed, and suggestions for the improvement of the accessibility centers. It was found that in the sphere of the researched universities, the accessibility centers have been taking actions involving many parts of the academic community towards the improvement of the conditions and permanence of students with SLN. However, in some institutional realities, these action need to be expanded and/or consolidated. The coordinators suggest further actions towards the betterment of these centers, regarding expansion of financial and human resources, professional qualification, awareness of the academic community, institutionalization and the formation of a collaborative network among the accessibility centers. Thus, although there are still challenges to overcome, the presence of the accessibility centers is shown to advance the realization of policies for the inclusion of students with SLN in the post-secondary education, towards the democratization of learning starting from the universal right to education.


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Based on the theoretical approach on the structure and functioning of the capitalist mode of production in the light of the Marxian perspective of Althusser, Poulanzas and Saes, the objective of this study is to describe and analyze the career path of the deployment process of education workers public state of Minas Gerais, in the context of neoliberal educational policies implemented in the period 2003-2014. This study will make use of the techniques of bibliographical and documentary research; to do so, we will try, at first, to establish the correspondence of this peculiar mode of production (capitalism) and the bourgeois state, trying to understand their legal and political structure, characterized by the right and the bourgeois bureaucracy, highlighting the importance of the state apparatus to conditioning ideologies and their structures for prescription of social practices. In the second phase, we will present to the prevailing ideologies School appear in the form of speech and legal and governmental practices in today's society. Finally, we will seek to understand the applicability of the theory studied in the concrete reality of educational public policies implemented in Minas Gerais, in the perspective of democratic government, modernized and efficient state, as opposed to the interests of the Single Union of Education Workers (Sind-UTE / MG). Thus, we can conclude that our work object is to analyze the educational policies of the bourgeois state, focusing on career path in the context of Minas Gerais, from 2003 to 2014, and its social, political and economic education for workers Minas Gerais state and the society today.


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O objetivo principal deste trabalho é compreender quais fatores influenciam no comprometimento de corretoras de seguros e seguradoras, e mais especificamente: a) medir e comparar os indicadores de comprometimento dos funcionários de corretoras de seguros e seguradoras em três dimensões (afetiva, instrumental e normativa); b) analisar quais os fatores que mais influenciam cada dimensão do comprometimento no setor de seguros; c) comparar as diferenças e semelhanças dos fatores que influenciam o comprometimento em seguradoras e em corretoras. O público-alvo é formado pelos profissionais do mercado de seguros que atuam em corretoras de seguros ou seguradoras. A pesquisa foi realizada em duas partes: quantitativa e qualitativa. Os dados da pesquisa quantitativa foram colhidos por meio da escala do modelo multidimensional do comprometimento afetivo, instrumental e normativo (Meyer & Allen, 1991), aplicada em 188 participantes. Os dados da análise de comparação de médias pelo teste T-Student não apontaram diferença estatisticamente significativa. A segunda parte, qualitativa, envolveu 11 entrevistas com funcionários do setor a fim de identificar os motivos que levam os funcionários a desenvolver o comprometimento com cada um dos dois tipos de organizações do mercado de seguros. Os dados da pesquisa obtidos foram analisados utilizando-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo e resultaram no modelo de antecedentes do comprometimento organizacional do setor de seguros. Foi constatado que os antecedentes do comprometimento afetivo em corretoras de seguros são formados pelo clima organizacional, pela percepção de justiça e pelas políticas de recursos humanos, e que as políticas de recursos humanos predizem o comportamento instrumental. Nas seguradoras, constatou-se que os antecedentes do comprometimento afetivo são o clima organizacional, a percepção de suporte e as políticas de recursos humanos, e que as políticas de recursos humanos predizem os comprometimentos instrumental e normativo. Esses resultados contribuem significativamente para a gestão de pessoas do setor de seguros no Brasil.


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Esta investigación tiene como objeto realizar un estudio de la danza Contact Improvisation (en adelante CI), teniendo en cuenta los antecedentes artísticos; considerar las visiones educativas de los contacters (personas que practican CI); y valorar las posibilidades de la danza CI, considerándola como herramienta útil para la educación. El CI es un envolvente sistema de movimiento iniciado en 1972 por el coreógrafo americano Steve Paxton. Una danza improvisada que se basa en la comunicación entre dos cuerpos que están en contacto y combinan la relación con las leyes físicas que gobiernan el movimiento – gravedad, impulso e inercia. La inquietud de encontrar nuevos caminos que ayuden al desarrollo de una educación más integral partiendo de procesos diferentes a los habituales, es lo que ha motivado este estudio; para ello, se pretende utilizar formas artísticas que aboguen y fomenten la libertad, la sensibilidad y la comunicación de forma creativa. En concreto, buscamos en el CI aspectos que sean favorables para una educación que, a diferencia de la educación reglada, le dé más importancia al desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional...


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En esta comunicación se informa sobre estudios socio ambientales realizados desde las perspectivas epistemológica y metodológica, en el Area del Gran Catamarca. El propósito es contribuir a una Evaluación Estratégica Ambiental. Se examinan antecedentes y se identifica la percepción de la problemática ambiental en diferentes sectores de población.. Para la construcción del Marco teórico se analizaron información escrita (libros, revistas periódicos) y webgrafia e infografia, de origen local, nacional e internacional. El abordaje transversal de la investigación revela la complejidad epistemológica del objeto de estudio cuando se busca alcanzar una visión contemporánea, global y contextualizadora del problema. Complejidad que se evidencia en los resultados de los análisis, de contenidos, multicriterial y hermeneutico. Las indagaciones sobre percepción de la problemática ambiental recogieron testimonios orales, cuestionarios y encuestas cuyas características se describen en el trabajo. Integrantes y alumnos de la cátedra Introducción a la Investigación (Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación), realizaron actividades de educación ambiental y prácticas solidarias desde 1999 a 2002, como forma de extensión, transferencia e inserción social de la Universidad. La metodología de investigación-acción participativa optimizó resultados. Otra fuente de datos fueron entrevistas radiales (2001-2003), durante la emisión del Programa del LIPA- Hombre y Ambiente, emitido por Radio Universidad. En la Conclusión estimamos que los antecedentes de EAE revelan que conviene aplicarla en nuestro medio y que la percepción de los problemas de mayor impacto o riesgo ambiental en pobladores del AGC evidencia conocimiento, pero falta mayor compromiso para asumir la propia responsabilidad. Enunciamos fortalezas, debilidades y recomendaciones es por tales antecedentes que las tareas de transferencia y aplicaciones hace "Cuesta Arriba" por lo dificultosa, ya que deben remontarse una serie de inconvenientes algunos de los cuales se han enunciado en la presente comunicación


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Se describe el itinerario de trabajo desarrollado en el Programa de Extensión Universitaria denominado Tendiendo Puentes, cuyo objeto es la institución de actividades culturales en la zona de triple frontera integrada por Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay


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Se describe el itinerario de trabajo desarrollado en el Programa de Extensión Universitaria denominado Tendiendo Puentes, cuyo objeto es la institución de actividades culturales en la zona de triple frontera integrada por Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay