945 resultados para Advantages and disadvantages
Le caratteristiche istologiche, immunologiche e fisiologiche della cute in età pediatrica sono responsabili di quadri dermatologici differenti nel bambino rispetto all’adulto, per cui la dermatologia pediatrica sta acquisendo sempre maggiore importanza come branca specifica nell’ambito sia della dermatologia generale che della pediatria. Il problema cruciale che si incontra nel management delle dermatosi pediatriche è legato alle difficoltà diagnostiche incontrate, che comportano spesso la necessità di eseguire una biopsia cutanea. Mentre gli studi epidemiologici relativi alla frequenza delle patologie dermatologiche pediatriche siano ampiamente riportati in letteratura, i dati e le revisioni relative alla chirurgia pediatrica dermatologica, nell’ambito dei servizi di Dermatologia Pediatrica, sono ridotti. Nell’arco dei tre anni di dottorato, la mia attività è stata finalizzata a valutare la possibilità di organizzare un servizio ambulatoriale per i prelievi bioptici in età pediatrica, con il solo ausilio di anestetici topici e locali. Durante i tre anni di Dottorato di Ricerca sono stati eseguiti 296 prelievi. Le biopsie eseguite sono state suddivise in 3 gruppi: biopsie diagnostiche su patologie dermatologiche (108 pz, 36%), biopsie su neoformazioni cutanee (174 pz, 59 %) e biopsie su lesioni follicolari ( 14 pz, 5%). Di ciascun gruppo sono state valutate le patologie riscontrate, l’età, il sesso, l’impiego di anestetico topico associato ad anestetico locale. In 180 (61%) pazienti dopo la biopsia si è proceduto all’applicazione di punti di sutura. Si sono valutati inoltre i vantaggi e gli svantaggi di tale attività ambulatoriale rispetto ai prelievi eseguiti avvalendosi di una sedazione profonda.
„Risikomaße in der Finanzmathematik“ Der Value-at -Risk (VaR) ist ein Risikomaß, dessen Verwendung von der Bankenaufsicht gefordert wird. Der Vorteil des VaR liegt – als Quantil der Ertrags- oder Verlustverteilung - vor allem in seiner einfachen Interpretierbarkeit. Nachteilig ist, dass der linke Rand der Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung nicht beachtet wird. Darüber hinaus ist die Berechnung des VaR schwierig, da Quantile nicht additiv sind. Der größte Nachteil des VaR ist in der fehlenden Subadditivität zu sehen. Deswegen werden Alternativen wie Expected Shortfall untersucht. In dieser Arbeit werden zunächst finanzielle Risikomaße eingeführt und einige ihre grundlegenden Eigenschaften festgehalten. Wir beschäftigen uns mit verschiedenen parametrischen und nichtparametrischen Methoden zur Ermittlung des VaR, unter anderen mit ihren Vorteilen und Nachteilen. Des Weiteren beschäftigen wir uns mit parametrischen und nichtparametrischen Schätzern vom VaR in diskreter Zeit. Wir stellen Portfoliooptimierungsprobleme im Black Scholes Modell mit beschränktem VaR und mit beschränkter Varianz vor. Der Vorteil des erstens Ansatzes gegenüber dem zweiten wird hier erläutert. Wir lösen Nutzenoptimierungsprobleme in Bezug auf das Endvermögen mit beschränktem VaR und mit beschränkter Varianz. VaR sagt nichts über den darüber hinausgehenden Verlust aus, während dieser von Expected Shortfall berücksichtigt wird. Deswegen verwenden wir hier den Expected Shortfall anstelle des von Emmer, Korn und Klüppelberg (2001) betrachteten Risikomaßes VaR für die Optimierung des Portfolios im Black Scholes Modell.
Der Forschungsgegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Identifikation und Interpretation von Traumata an menschlichen Skeletten. Neben einer umfassenden Darstellung des aktuellen Kenntnisstandes unter verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten wurden menschliche Überreste aus der Schlacht von Dornach 1499 n. Chr. untersucht. Ergänzend wurde eine Versuchsreihe mit Replika mittelalterlicher Waffen an Kunstköpfen durchgeführt. Für die Ansprache und Kategorisierung von Traumata an Skelettfunden existiert kein einheitliches und allgemein gebräuchliches System. Die verschiedenen Herangehensweisen und ihre Vor- und Nachteile wurden benannt und diskutiert. Nachfolgend wurden die Erscheinungsformen prä-, peri- und postmortaler Traumata bzw. Defekte sowie von Verletzungen durch stumpfe und scharfe Gewalt, Schussverletzungen und anderen Verletzungsarten dargestellt. Weitere besprochene Aspekte waren die Abgrenzung von Traumata gegen pathologische Veränderungen und anatomische Varianten sowie eine Diskussion der Methodik und Problematik der Erfassung von Verletzungsfrequenzen. Neben der Bestimmung von Geschlecht, Sterbealter und Körperhöhe wurden an den zur Untersuchung zur Verfügung stehenden Schädeln (N=106) und Femora (N=33) aus der Schlacht von Dornach 1499 n. Chr. pathologische und postmortale Veränderungen sowie als Schwerpunkt prä- und perimortale Traumata identifiziert und beschrieben. Die anthropologischen Befunde zeichneten das Bild einer in Hinsicht auf Sterbealter und Körperhöhe heterogenen Gruppe von Männern mit wenigen pathologischen Veränderungen. Die Ergebnisse wurden vor dem Hintergrund des spätmittelalterlichen Söldnerwesens diskutiert. An den Schädeln wurden insgesamt 417 perimortale Traumata identifiziert, wobei Hiebverletzungen stark überwogen. Die Entstehungsweise charakteristischer Merkmale von Hiebverletzungen konnte experimentell nachvollzogen werden. Weiter stellte sich heraus, dass Hiebverletzungen durch Schwerter und Hellebarden nur in Ausnahmefällen voneinander unterschieden werden können. Verletzungen durch punktuelle Einwirkungen und stumpfe Gewalt sowie Schussverletzungen wurden in weitaus geringerer Häufigkeit festgestellt. Experimentell konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Verletzungen durch punktuelle Einwirkungen mit einer Beibringung durch Langspiesse, Stossspitzen und Reisshaken von Hellebarden sowie Armbrustbolzen vereinbar sind, wobei beträchtliche Limitationen einer genaueren Waffenzuordnung offenkundig wurden. Die Verletzungen konnten als wohl typisch für die damalige Zeit bezeichnet werden, da sie das zeitgenössische Waffenspektrum deutlich widerspiegeln. Die Lokalisation der perimortalen Traumata am Schädel liess kein Muster erkennen, mit Ausnahme der Feststellung, dass grössere Schädelknochen mehr Verletzungen aufwiesen als kleinere. Diese regellose Verteilung wurde als Hinweis darauf verstanden, dass die Kampfweise keine „ritterliche“ gewesen sein dürfte, was in Einklang mit den damals geltenden Kriegsordnungen steht. Postmortale Veränderungen unterschiedlicher Art liessen vermuten, dass die untersuchten Individuen nicht bestattet wurden und dass die vom Schlachtfeld aufgesammelten Gebeine in Beinhäusern aufbewahrt wurden. Die Resultate bestätigten damit Angaben aus Schriftquellen und erlaubten die Zuordnung der Skelettreste zu Gefallenen des Reichsheeres. Beim Vergleich der Dornacher Stichprobe mit anderen mittelalterlichen Schlachtfeldserien traten sowohl hinsichtlich der anthropologischen Befunde als auch im Hinblick auf die Verletzungen und Verletzungsmuster deutliche Ähnlichkeiten zutage. Diese ergänzten nicht nur das lückenhafte Bild spätmittelalterlicher Heere und ihrer Kampfweise, sondern beleuchteten auch Unterschiede zwischen mittelalterlicher und neuzeitlicher Kriegsführung.
Zweidimensionale Flüssigkeiten harter Scheiben sind in der Regel einfach zu simulieren, jedoch überraschend schwer theoretisch zu beschreiben. Trotz ihrer hohen Relevanz bleiben die meisten theoretischen Ansätze qualitativ. Hier wird eine Dichtefunktionaltheorie (DFT) vorgestellt, die erstmalig die Struktur solcher Flüssigkeiten bei hohen Dichten korrekt beschreibt und den Ansatz des Gefrierübergangs abbildet.rnEs wird gezeigt, dass der Ansatz der Fundamentalmaßtheorie zu einem solchen Funktional führt. Dabei werden sowohl Dichteverteilungen um ein Testteilchen als auch Zweiteilchen-Korrelationsfunktionen untersucht.rnGrafikkarten bieten sehr hohe Recheneffizienz und ihr Einsatz in der Wissenschaft nimmt stetig zu. In dieser Arbeit werden die Vor- und Nachteile der Grafikkarte für wissenschaftliche Berechnungen erörtert und es wird gezeigt, dass die Berechnung der DFT auf Grafikkarten effizient ausgeführt werden kann. Es wird ein Programm entwickelt, dass dies umsetzt. Dabei wird gezeigt, dass die Ergebnisse einfacher (bekannter) Funktionale mit denen von CPU-Berechnungen übereinstimmen, so dass durch die Nutzung der Grafikkarte keine systematischen Fehler zu erwarten sind.
The research and the activities presented in the following thesis report have been led at the California Polytechnic State University (US) under the supervision of Prof. Jordi Puig Suari. The objective of the research has been the study of magnetic actuators for nanosatellite attitude control, called magnetorquer. Theese actuators are generally divided in three different kinds: air core torquer, embedded coil and torquerod. In a first phase of the activity, each technology has been analyzed, defining advantages and disadvantages, determining manufacturing procedures and creating mathematical model and designing equation. Dimensioning tools have been then implemented in numerical software to create an instrument that permits to determine the optimal configuration for defined requirements and constraints. In a second phase of the activities the models created have been validated exploiting prototypes and proper instruments for measurements. The instruments and the material exploited for experiments and prototyping have been provided by the PolySat and CubeSat laboratories. The results obtained led to the definition of a complete designing tool and procedure for nanosatellite magnetic actuators, introducing a cost analysis for each kind of solution. The models and the tools have been maintained fully parametric in order to offer a universal re-scalable instrument for satellite of different dimension class.
Over the last decades the need for translation and interpreting services has increased thanks to globalization and to the progress made in the technology field. However, the organizations which provide these services, the so-called translation agencies or translation companies, are still underrated and, in some cases, virtually unknown to those people who do not belong to the translation market. The present work aims to answer all the most common questions about these companies by describing in as much detail as possible all their aspects, mechanisms, workflows and characteristics. Chapter one introduces translation agencies outlining, in the first place, some of their main definitions and classifications. Particular attention is also devoted to the translation market, to the main trade associations in the field, to the quality standards adopted and to the important role played by social media for the success of translation agencies. Chapter two starts with a theoretical introduction to the concept of “organization” and an examination of the main types of teams commonly adopted in companies, i.e. virtual and traditional. This introduction is then followed by an analysis of the typical workflows taking place in translation agencies, the main professionals involved (such as Project Managers, translators and reviewers) and their essential competences. Finally, chapter three presents a comparison between a traditional translation agency, i.e., Going Green Translations, characterized by a physical office and internal collaborators, and a more innovative translation agency, Qabiria, which on the contrary relies on a completely decentralized team. The interviews have allowed me to highlight similarities and differences as well as advantages and disadvantages of these agencies and their teams. The chapter concludes with a personal commentary on what has emerged from the comparison, and on the future of translation companies.
Esperienza di creazione di entrate lessicografiche combinatorie: metodi e dati dal progetto CombiNet
The present dissertation aims at simulating the construction of lexicographic layouts for an Italian combinatory dictionary based on real linguistic data, extracted from corpora by using computational methods. This work is based on the assumption that the intuition of the native speaker, or the lexicographer, who manually extracts and classifies all the relevant data, are not adequate to provide sufficient information on the meaning and use of words. Therefore, a study of the real use of language is required and this is particularly true for dictionaries that collect the combinatory behaviour of words, where the task of the lexicographer is to identify typical combinations where a word occurs. This study is conducted in the framework of the CombiNet project aimed at studying Italian Word Combinationsand and at building an online, corpus-based combinatory lexicographic resource for the Italian language. This work is divided into three chapters. Chapter 1 describes the criteria considered for the classification of word combinations according to the work of Ježek (2011). Chapter 1 also contains a brief comparison between the most important Italian combinatory dictionaries and the BBI Dictionary of Word Combinations in order to describe how word combinations are considered in these lexicographic resources. Chapter 2 describes the main computational methods used for the extraction of word combinations from corpora, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods. Chapter 3 mainly focuses on the practical word carried out in the framework of the CombiNet project, with reference to the tools and resources used (EXTra, LexIt and "La Repubblica" corpus). Finally, the data extracted and the lexicographic layout of the lemmas to be included in the combinatory dictionary are commented, namely the words "acqua" (water), "braccio" (arm) and "colpo" (blow, shot, stroke).
Gross dissection for demonstrating anatomy of the human pelvis has traditionally involved one of two approaches, each with advantages and disadvantages. Classic hemisection in the median plane through the pelvic ring transects the visceral organs but maintains two symmetric pelvic halves. An alternative paramedial transection compromises one side of the bony pelvis but leaves the internal organs intact. The authors propose a modified technique that combines advantages of both classical dissections. This novel approach involves dividing the pubic symphysis and sacrum in the median plane after shifting all internal organs to one side. The hemipelvis without internal organs is immediately available for further dissection of the lower limb. The hemipelvis with intact internal organs is ideal for showing the complex spatial relationships of the pelvic organs and vessels relative to the intact pelvic floor.
Argillaceous formations generally act as aquitards because of their low hydraulic conductivities. This property, together with the large retention capacity of clays for cationic contaminants, has brought argillaceous formations into focus as potential host rocks for the geological disposal of radioactive and other waste. In several countries, programmes are under way to characterise the detailed transport properties of such formations at depth. In this context, the interpretation of profiles of natural tracers in pore waters across the formations can give valuable information about the large-scale and long-term transport behaviour of these formations. Here, tracer-profile data, obtained by various methods of pore-water extraction for nine sites in central Europe, are compiled. Data at each site comprise some or all of the conservative tracers: anions (Cl(-), Br(-)), water isotopes (delta(18)O, delta(2)H) and noble gases (mainly He). Based on a careful evaluation of the palaeo-hydrogeological evolution at each site, model scenarios are derived for initial and boundary pore-water compositions and an attempt is made to numerically reproduce the observed tracer distributions in a consistent way for all tracers and sites, using transport parameters derived from laboratory or in situ tests. The comprehensive results from this project have been reported in Mazurek et al. (2009). Here the results for three sites are presented in detail, but the conclusions are based on model interpretations of the entire data set. In essentially all cases, the shapes of the profiles can be explained by diffusion acting as the dominant transport process over periods of several thousands to several millions of years and at the length scales of the profiles. Transport by advection has a negligible influence on the observed profiles at most sites, as can be shown by estimating the maximum advection velocities that still give acceptable fits of the model with the data. The advantages and disadvantages of different conservative tracers are also assessed. The anion Cl(-) is well suited as a natural tracer in aquitards, because its concentration varies considerably in environmental waters. It can easily be measured, although the uncertainty regarding the fraction of the pore space that is accessible to anions in clays remains an issue. The stable water isotopes are also well suited, but they are more difficult to measure and their values generally exhibit a smaller relative range of variation. Chlorine isotopes (delta(37)Cl) and He are more difficult to interpret because initial and boundary conditions cannot easily be constrained by independent evidence. It is also shown that the existence of perturbing events such as the activation of aquifers due to uplift and erosion, leading to relatively sharp changes of boundary conditions, can be considered as a pre-requisite to obtain well-interpretable tracer signatures. On the other hand, gradual changes of boundary conditions are more difficult to parameterise and so may preclude a clear interpretation.
Deformity and malposition of the acetabulum can occur during the development of the hip. Developmental hip dysplasia and acetabular retroversion are possible causes of osteoarthritis in the young adult. Surgical management with reorientation of the acetabulum allows causal therapy of the deformity and preservation of the native hip joint. Established techniques are the Bernese periacetabular osteotomy (PAO) and the Tönnis and Kalchschmidt triple osteotomy of the pelvis. Both techniques permit three-dimensional correction of the position of the acetabulum. Advantages and disadvantages of each technique must be considered and are summarized in the present paper. If performed early (osteoarthritis grade Tönnis 0 and 1) with correct indication and proper technique, good results can be expected.
Arterial hypertension and diabetes are potent independent risk factors for cardiovascular, cerebral, renal and peripheral (atherosclerotic) vascular disease. The prevalence of hypertension in diabetic individuals is approximately twice that in the non-diabetic population. Diabetic individuals with hypertension have a greater risk of macrovascular and microvascular disease than normotensive diabetic individuals. Hypertension is a major contributor to morbidity and mortality in diabetes, and should be recognized and treated early. Type 2 diabetes and hypertension share certain risk factors such as overweight, visceral obesity, and possibly insulin resistance. Life-style modifications (weight reduction, exercise, limitation of daily alcohol intake, stop smoking) are the foundation of hypertension and diabetes management as the definitive treatment or adjunctive to pharmacological therapy. Additional pharmacological therapy should be initiated when life-style modifications are unsuccessful or hypertension is too severe at the time of diagnosis. All classes of antihypertensive drugs are effective in controlling blood pressure in diabetic patients. For single-agent therapy, ACE-inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blocker, beta-blockers, and diuretics can be recommended. Because of concerns about the lower effectiveness of calcium channel blockers in decreasing coronary events and heart failure and in reducing progression of renal disease in diabetes, it is recommended to use these agents as second-line drugs for patients who cannot tolerate the other preferred classes or who require additional agents to achieve the target blood pressure. The choice depends on the patients specific treatment indications since each of these drugs have potential advantages and disadvantages. In patients with microalbuminuria or clinical nephropathy, both ACE-inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers are considered first line therapy for the prevention of and progression of nephropathy. Since treatment is usually life-long, cost effectiveness should be included in treatment evaluation.
BACKGROUND: Several epidemiological studies show that inhalation of particulate matter may cause increased pulmonary morbidity and mortality. Of particular interest are the ultrafine particles that are particularly toxic. In addition more and more nanoparticles are released into the environment; however, the potential health effects of these nanoparticles are yet unknown. OBJECTIVES: To avoid particle toxicity studies with animals many cell culture models have been developed during the past years. METHODS: This review focuses on the most commonly used in vitro epithelial airway and alveolar models to study particle-cell interactions and particle toxicity and highlights advantages and disadvantages of the different models. RESULTS/CONCLUSION: There are many lung cell culture models but none of these models seems to be perfect. However, they might be a great tool to perform basic research or toxicity tests. The focus here is on 3D and co-culture models, which seem to be more realistic than monocultures.
Effective techniques for organizing and visualizing large image collections are in growing demand as visual search gets increasingly popular. iMap is a treemap representation for visualizing and navigating image search and clustering results based on the evaluation of image similarity using both visual and textual information. iMap not only makes effective use of available display area to arrange images but also maintains stable update when images are inserted or removed during the query. A key challenge of using iMap lies in the difficult to follow and track the changes when updating the image arrangement as the query image changes. For many information visualization applications, showing the transition when interacting with the data is critically important as it can help users better perceive the changes and understand the underlying data. This work investigates the effectiveness of animated transition in a tiled image layout where the spiral arrangement of the images is based on their similarity. Three aspects of animated transition are considered, including animation steps, animation actions, and flying paths. Exploring and weighting the advantages and disadvantages of different methods for each aspect and in conjunction with the characteristics of the spiral image layout, we present an integrated solution, called AniMap, for animating the transition from an old layout to a new layout when a different image is selected as the query image. To smooth the animation and reduce the overlap among images during the transition, we explore different factors that might have an impact on the animation and propose our solution accordingly. We show the effectiveness of our animated transition solution by demonstrating experimental results and conducting a comparative user study.
Various new oral hypoglycaemic agents have been developed recently and have changed the therapy of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Six different classes of agents are available: Biguanides, sulfonylureas, glinides, glitazones, alpha-glucosidase inhibitors and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors. The increasing number of these drugs does not facilitate the choice of the best medication for an individual patient. In the article we describe the specific mechanisms of action, side effects, advantages and disadvantages of the different agents. Every drug therapy should be supported by lifestyle changes. Despite all the new drugs type 2 diabetes is still a chronic and slowly progressive disease without chance of cure. Therefore, it is important to prevent type 2 diabetes by normalizing body weight and increasing physical exercise.
Simulation ist heute eine unentbehrliche Komponente bei der Planung und Analyse von modernen Materialflusssystemen. Ihr Nutzen hängt in hohem Maße davon ab, wie akkurat sie das physikalische System modellieren kann. In diesem Artikel wird ein Kamera-basiertes System vorgestellt, welches in bestimmten Einsatzfällen bei der Datensammlung behilflich sein kann. Vor- und Nachteile des Systems werden diskutiert und die Einsatzfälle abgegrenzt. Am Ende des Artikels wird das Kamera-basierte Datensammlungssystem an Beispielen verdeutlicht und es wird gezeigt, wie die Ergebnisse in Simulationsmodellen angewendet werden können.