636 resultados para 986.86165
Magnetic field and susceptibility data were collected using the geological high-resolution magnetometer tool string (GHMT) at three sites during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 162. Postcruise processing of the magnetic field data yielded a polarity stratigraphy for Holes 986C and 987E. A magnetic susceptibility record was measured at Hole 984B. Detailed analysis of the core and log susceptibility records at Hole 984B yielded an empirical tool resolution of the susceptibility measurement tool (SUMT) of 53 cm. At Site 984, where sedimentation rates were typically >10 cm/k.y., this gave a resolution of at least ~5000 yr. This data report summarizes the GHMT postcruise processing, method of interpretation, and analysis of the SUMT resolution.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
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Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Contiene, en t. 2, con portadilla propia:
Özege, M.S. Eski haflerle ,
Imperfect: plates wanting. Supplied in photostat (negative) from Harvard University library.
Individuals from the same population share a number of contextual circumstances that may condition a common level of blood pressure over and above individual characteristics. Understanding this population effect is relevant for both etiologic research and prevention strategies. Using multilevel regression analyses, the authors quantified the extent to which individual differences in systolic blood pressure (SBP) could be attributed to the population level. They also investigated possible cross-level interactions between the population in which a person lived and pharmacological (antihypertensive medication) and nonpharmacological (body mass index) effects on individual SBP. They analyzed data on 23,796 men and 24,986 women aged 35-64 years from 39 worldwide Monitoring of Trends and Determinants in Cardiovascular Disease (MONICA) study populations participating in the final survey of this World Health Organization project (1989-1997). SBP was positively associated with low educational achievement, high body mass index, and use of antihypertensive medication and, for women, was negatively associated with smoking. About 7-8% of all SBP differences between subjects were attributed to the population level. However, this population effect was particularly strong (i.e., 20%) in antihypertensive medication users and overweight women. This empirical evidence of a population effect on individual SBP emphasizes the importance of developing population-wide strategies to reduce individual risk of hypertension.
O presente estudo realiza uma análise sobre as funções de trabalho do Professor Coordenador Pedagógico da Rede Pública Estadual de Ensino, considerando os desafios e as contribuições da ação coordenadora e, principalmente, como esse profissional do ensino articula a formação continuada dos docentes e a sua própria formação como educador. As questões norteadoras da pesquisa são: 1. De que forma o Professor Coordenador Pedagógico consegue dar conta da formação dos docentes, durante as reuniões de HTPC Horário de Trabalho Pedagógico e Coletivo? 2.Como consegue cuidar de sua própria formação continuada, diante dos inúmeros entraves e obstáculos, das múltiplas resistências, dos conflitos, das emergências, dos imediatismos e da sobrecarga de trabalho, tendo em vista as relações interpessoais no seio da Escola? O trabalho analisa os pontos comuns e os diferenciais da ação coordenadora e a forma como ela interfere na construção de um ensino de melhor qualidade, bem como o papel do Professor Coordenador Pedagógico como mediador e articulador desse processo. Os referenciais teóricos que fundamentam esta pesquisa encontram-se no legado de Paulo Freire (1982a/1982b/1983/1991/1997/2000), com a reintegração das dimensões do homem que o fazem humano, pessoal e social, o compromisso do profissional com a Sociedade, a formação continuada; a conscientização e a mudança necessária em Educação; e de outros autores que tratam das temáticas que envolvem a Coordenação Pedagógica, formação de docentes, HTPC e relações interpessoais, como: Placco (2008), Vasconcellos (2010ª/2010b/2010c), Bruno (2008), Libâneo (1993), Rios (2001), Thurler (2002), Sergiovanni (1976), Teixeira (1977), Perrenoud (1999)/ Perrenoud et al. (2002), Nidelcoff (1983), Araújo(2002), entre outros. A pesquisa de campo, de cunho qualitativo e que pretende contribuir para o debate das questões da Educação Pública, foi realizada com Professores Coordenadores Pedagógicos de escolas estaduais da Diretoria de Ensino de Miracatu, região do Vale do Ribeira/SP, especificamente no município de Itariri, com a aplicação de questionário e realização de entrevistas de aprofundamento e os resultados apontam para o fato de que o Professor Coordenador Pedagógico consegue (ou não) exercer as atribuições que lhe são conferidas conforme forem as relações interpessoais estabelecidas no cotidiano escolar.
A simple protein-DNA interaction analysis has been developed using a high-affinity/high-specificity zinc finger protein. In essence, purified protein samples are immobilized directly onto the surface of microplate wells, and fluorescently labeled DNA is added in solution. After incubation and washing, bound DNA is detected in a standard microplate reader. The minimum sensitivity of the assay is approximately 0.2 nM DNA. Since the detection of bound DNA is noninvasive and the protein-DNA interaction is not disrupted during detection, iterative readings may be taken from the same well, after successive alterations in interaction conditions, if required. In this respect, the assay may therefore be considered real time and permits appropriate interaction conditions to be determined quantitatively. The assay format is ideally suited to investigate the interactions of purified unlabeled DNA binding proteins in a high-throughput format.
Background: Optometric practices offer contact lenses as cash sale items or as part of monthly payment plans. With the contact lens market becoming increasingly competitive, patients are opting to purchase lenses from supermarkets and Internet suppliers. Monthly payment plans are often implemented to improve loyalty. This study aimed to compare behavioural loyalty between monthly payment plan members and non-members. Methods: BBR Optometry Ltd offers a monthly payment plan (Eyelife™) to their contact lens wearers. A retrospective audit of 38 Eyelife™ members (mean. ±. SD: 42.7. ±. 15.0 years) and 30 non-members (mean. ±. SD: 40.8. ±. 16.7 years) was conducted. Revenue and profits generated, service uptake and product sales between the two groups were compared over a fixed period of 18 months. Results: Eyelife™ members generated significantly higher professional fee revenue ( P<. 0.001), £153.96 compared to £83.50, and profits ( P<. 0.001). Eyelife™ members had a higher uptake of eye examinations ( P<. 0.001). The 2 groups demonstrated no significant difference in spectacle sales by volume ( P= 0.790) or value ( P= 0.369). There were also no significant differences in contact lens revenue ( P= 0.337), although Eyelife™ members did receive a discount. The Eyelife™ group incurred higher contact lens costs ( P= 0.037), due to a greater volume of contact lens purchases, 986 units compared to 582. Conclusions: Monthly payment plans improve loyalty among contact lens wearers, particularly service uptake and volume of lens purchases. Additionally the greater professional fees generated, render monthly payment plans an attractive business model and practice builder.
The optical redox ratio as a measure of cellular metabolism is determined by an altered ratio between endogenous fluorophores NADH and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). Although reported for other cancer sites, differences in optical redox ratio between cancerous and normal urothelial cells have not previously been reported. Here, we report a method for the detection of cellular metabolic states using flow cytometry based on autofluorescence, and a statistically significant increase in the redox ratio of bladder cancer cells compared to healthy controls. Urinary bladder cancer and normal healthy urothelial cell lines were cultured and redox overview was assessed using flow cytometry. Further localisation of fluorescence in the same cells was carried out using confocal microscopy. Multiple experiments show correlation between cell type and redox ratio, clearly differentiating between healthy cells and cancer cells. Based on our preliminary results, therefore, we believe that this data contributes to current understanding of bladder tissue fluorescence and can inform the design of endoscopic probes. This approach also has significant potential as a diagnostic tool for discrimination of cancer cells among shed urothelial cells in voided urine, and could lay the groundwork for an automated system for population screening for bladder cancer.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze differences in the variables associated with severity of suicidal intent and in the main factors associated with intent when comparing younger and older adults. DESIGN: Observational, descriptive cross-sectional study. SETTING: Four general hospitals in Madrid, Spain. PARTICIPANTS: Eight hundred seventy suicide attempts by 793 subjects split into two groups: 18-54 year olds and subjects older than 55 years. MEASUREMENTS: The authors tested the factorial latent structure of suicidal intent through multigroup confirmatory factor analysis for categorical outcomes and performed statistical tests of invariance across age groups using the DIFFTEST procedure. Then, they tested a multiple indicators-multiple causes (MIMIC) model including different covariates regressed on the latent factor "intent" and performed two separate MIMIC models for younger and older adults to test for differential patterns. RESULTS: Older adults had higher suicidal intent than younger adults (z = 2.63, p = 0.009). The final model for the whole sample showed a relationship of intent with previous attempts, support, mood disorder, personality disorder, substance-related disorder, and schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. The model showed an adequate fit (chi²[12] = 22.23, p = 0.035; comparative fit index = 0.986; Tucker-Lewis index = 0.980; root mean square error of approximation = 0.031; weighted root mean square residual = 0.727). All covariates had significant weights in the younger group, but in the older group, only previous attempts and mood disorders were significantly related to intent severity. CONCLUSIONS: The pattern of variables associated with suicidal intent varies with age. Recognition, and treatment of geriatric depression may be the most effective measure to prevent suicidal behavior in older adults.
A BCE, Kertészettudományi Kar, Kísérleti Üzem és Tangazdaságában, az Ökológiai és Fenntartható Gazdálkodási Rendszerek Tanszékének 17 hektáros minősített öko-területén több éves vizsgálat folyt, amelyben őshonos baromfi fajták vándor-ólas tartásának lehetőségét vizsgáltuk. Célunk olyan, az ökológiai tartás feltételeit is kielégítő tartási rendszer értékelése volt, amely kisgazdasági körülmények között is alkalmas akár termék előállításra, akár önellátásra.