647 resultados para 892
The main objective of this paper is to review the state of the art of residential PV systems in Belgium by the analysis of the operational data of 993 installations. For that, three main questions are posed: how much energy do they produce? What level of performance is associated to their production? Which are the key parameters that most influence their quality? This work brings answers to these questions. A middling commercial PV system, optimally oriented, produces a mean annual energy of 892 kWh/kWp. As a whole, the orientation of PV generators causes energy productions to be some 6% inferior to optimally oriented PV systems. The mean performance ratio is 78% and the mean performance index is 85%. That is to say, the energy produced by a typical PV system in Belgium is 15% inferior to the energy produced by a very high quality PV system. Finally, on average, the real power of the PV modules falls 5% below its corresponding nominal power announced on the manufacturer's datasheet. Differences between real and nominal power of up to 16% have been detected.
En este trabajo se da un ejemplo de un conjunto de n puntos situados en posición general, en el que se alcanza el mínimo número de puntos que pueden formar parte de algún k-set para todo k con 1menor que=kmenor quen/2. Se generaliza también, a puntos en posición no general, el resultado de Erdõs et al., 1973, sobre el mínimo número de puntos que pueden formar parte de algún k-set. The study of k- sets is a very relevant topic in the research area of computational geometry. The study of the maximum and minimum number of k-sets in sets of points of the plane in general position, specifically, has been developed at great length in the literature. With respect to the maximum number of k-sets, lower bounds for this maximum have been provided by Erdõs et al., Edelsbrunner and Welzl, and later by Toth. Dey also stated an upper bound for this maximum number of k-sets. With respect to the minimum number of k-set, this has been stated by Erdos el al. and, independently, by Lovasz et al. In this paper the authors give an example of a set of n points in the plane in general position (no three collinear), in which the minimum number of points that can take part in, at least, a k-set is attained for every k with 1 ≤ k < n/2. The authors also extend Erdos’s result about the minimum number of points in general position which can take part in a k-set to a set of n points not necessarily in general position. That is why this work complements the classic works we have mentioned before.
Adriano VI, Papa, 1459-1523. Beatissimi Patris Hadriani Sexti Pontificis maximi, Natione traiecte[n]sis ... Quotlibetic[a]e qu[a]estiones lucubratione exactissima & linc[a]eo visu nuper recognit[a]e. Excellentissimi viri ... M. Ioannis Briardi Athensis
Marca del librero Jean Petit en port. (Renouard, 892)
Marca del librero Jean Petit en port. (Renouard, 892)
Alcance y contenido: Fuente Real de la Trinidad y fachada principal de la Igleisa del Antiguo Convento de la Trinidad
Este trabalho realizado, inicialmente, com base na análise de alguns documentos referentes à legislação educacional brasileira vigente tem por objetivo desenvolver uma investigação acerca da aplicabilidade da Assistência Estudantil dentro do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo (IFSP). A partir da questão do Direito à Educação de todo cidadão, que está garantido em nossa Constituição Federal, o governo elaborou, no ano de 2010, o Programa Nacional de Assistência Estudantil (PNAES). Respaldados nesse Programa, o IFSP criou, em 2011, o Programa de Assistência Estudantil (PAE), dando validade e continuidade às ações desenvolvidas nos Campi para minimizar a evasão e o fracasso escolar, com vistas a garantir a permanência dos educandos no referido Instituto. Embora o PAE tenha sido implementado em todos os Campi do IFSP, no decorrer do presente trabalho analisamos e estudamos, exclusivamente, o Campus Cubatão, localizado na região da Baixada Santista devido a, dentre outros fatores, ter sido a primeira unidade descentralizada dos Institutos Federais do país. Assim, neste estudo, temos como objetivo analisar a estrutura de funcionamento do IFSP com o intuito específico de investigar o Campus de Cubatão, verificar as questões de Vulnerabilidade Social encontradas na destacada instituição, averiguar as ações do PAE que nascem do PNAES, observar a aplicabilidade desse programa com base no princípio da Gratuidade Ativa e do Direito à Educação de todo cidadão. Para tanto, utilizamos, fundamentalmente, além da legislação já mencionada, o princípio da Gratuidade Ativa de Melchior (2011) e o conceito de Vulnerabilidade Social proposto por Alves (1994) e por Abramovay (2002).
Funded by Natural Research Limited Natural Environment Research Council studentship. Grant Numbers: NE/J500148/1, NE/F021402/1
Inclui bibliografia
Introducción: El triatlón es un deporte de resistencia que comprende tres disciplinas: natación, ciclismo y carrera a pie. Es necesario establecer pautas de hidratación para prevenir deshidrataciones durante entrenamientos o competiciones y mantener un buen estado de hidratación antes, durante y después del ejercicio. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la ingesta de líquido, pérdida de peso y tasa de sudoración en jóvenes triatletas, durante diferentes entrenamientos. Material y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo-observacional en 14 triatletas (7 chicos y 7 chicas) durante una sesión de natación, otra de ciclismo y otra de carrera a pie. Se valoró la ingesta de líquido, pérdida de peso, % agua corporal total, % deshidratación y tasa de sudoración. Los triatletas bebieron agua en sus respectivos bidones de 750 ml y se realizó una medición de orina en containers. Resultados: Los resultados del estudio siguiendo el orden de natación, ciclismo y carrera a pie fueron: ingesta agua 2,66±1,94ml/min, 7,91±7,69ml/min y 7,08±4,13ml/min en chicos y 3,43±1,53ml/min, 6,39±5,36ml/min y 8,33±2,74ml/min en chicas; pérdida de peso 0,83±0,5kg, 0,47±0,3kg y 0,98±0,4kg en chicos y 0,79±0,3kg, 0,47±0,58kg y 0,28±0,21kg en chicas; y tasa sudoración 4,44±4,9ml/min, 11,81±6,46ml/min y 5,29±3,13ml/min en chicos y 3,89±2,4ml/min, 4,69±4,20ml/min y 7,96±5,06ml/min en chicas. Conclusiones: Se comparó el porcentaje de agua corporal y deshidratación, la pérdida de peso y la tasa de sudoración con otros estudios y se observa que nuestros resultados son inferiores a los estudios comparados, además están por debajo de la media de recomendaciones de líquido establecidas por el consenso de hidratación.
This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: A new chart of the Cape Verde islands : drawn from the latest authorities by J.W. Norie, hydrographer. It was published by J.W. Norie and Co. in 1824. Scale [ca. 1:810,000]. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the World Mercator projected coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, villages and other human settlements, shoreline features, ports and anchorage points, and more. Relief shown by hachures; depths shown by soundings. Includes also profile of the south coast of the Island of St. Iago and a profile of the Island of Mayo and insets: Port Praya in the Island of St. Iago; Porto Grande in the Island of St. Vincent; English Road in the Island of Bonavista.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.
Greece has an imperfect track-record of structural reform implementation. However, the poor growth outcome of the Greek programmes is also a consequence of the timing and composition of reforms, which were not optimally geared towards a speedy transition to a new growth model based on the private sector. While the main responsibility for this lies with the Greek authorities, international institutions share the responsibility for the poor growth-enhancing effect of reforms. In the current context, further structural reform efforts should be mainly targeted at supporting Greece's speedy return to solid growth rates. This is not only because poverty and unemployment have reached very high levels, but also for political economy reasons: reforms must quickly be seen to be working in order to buttress the consensus in favour of reform. Further efforts should be made to improve Greece’s business environment and to liberalise product markets, in addition to shifting taxation away from labour and towards consumption. Reforms to improve the quality of institutions should continue and are very much needed in the Greek setting, while taking into account that their demanding implementation might use up administrative capacity and their impact on growth will only be seen over long time horizons.
Site 986 was drilled to 965 meters below seafloor (mbsf) on the western Svalbard margin to record the onset of glaciations and to date and document the glacial evolution in the Svalbard-Barents Sea region during the Pliocene-Pleistocene. In this paper, results of sedimentological analyses are discussed in light of seismic stratigraphy and new age determinations. The latter were difficult to obtain in the glacial deposits, and datums are sparse. Through combined paleomagnetic data, biostratigraphy, and Sr isotopes, however, an overall chronology for the main evolutionary steps is suggested. The cored sequence at Site 986 is younger than 2.6 Ma, and the lower 60 m of the section contains no evidence of a major glacial influence. An initial glaciation is interpreted to have occurred at ~2.3 Ma, resulting in increased sand deposition from debris flows at Site 986 and forming a prominent seismic reflector, R7. However, glaciers probably did not reach the shelf break until ~1.6-1.7 Ma (Reflector R6), after which the depositional environment was dominated by diamictic debris flows. A gradual change in source area from the Barents Sea to Svalbard is recorded primarily by changes in carbonate and smectite content, ~355 mbsf (Reflector R5), at an interpolated age of 1.4-1.5 Ma. During the last ~1 m.y., Site 986 has undergone more distal deposition as the main depocenters have shifted laterally. This has resulted in less frequent debris flows and more turbidites and hemipelagic deposits, with a slight fining upward of the cored sediments.