990 resultados para 670103 Fish products


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OBJECTIVE: To assess whether Swiss residents aged 15-24 years follow current nutritional guidelines and whether differences exist according to gender and weight status. DESIGN: Cross-sectional national survey. SETTING: Switzerland. SUBJECTS: The 1786 participants (48·4 % women) were divided into overweight, normal weight and underweight. We used traditional BMI cut-offs for people ≥18 years of age (underweight = BMI < 18·5 kg/m2, normal weight = BMI ≥ 18·5 kg/m2 and <25 kg/m2, overweight = BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2) and age- and gender-appropriate tables for people aged <18 years, with BMI calculated from self-reported weight and height. We performed bivariate analyses by gender, and then bivariate and multivariate analyses comparing overweight to normal weight people (excluding underweight, n 129, 71·6 % women) regarding adherence to recommendations for fruit, vegetables, meat, fish and dairy products; physical activity; attitude towards body weight; depression, smoking and alcohol consumption. RESULTS: Overall, adherence to nutritional guidelines was low, particularly for vegetables and dairy products. Women had a higher adherence than men except for fish and dairy products. In the multivariate analyses, overweight women had a lower vegetable intake, were less satisfied with body weight and had more often been on a diet, whereas overweight men were less satisfied with body weight and wanted to lose weight more often than their normal weight peers. There were no significant differences for physical activity. CONCLUSIONS: Overweight prevention programmes should target youth specifically by gender and promote an appropriate self-perception. Overweight women should be encouraged to eat more vegetables and men to be more sensitised on healthy food. Further research is needed to assess how to make nutritional guidelines more adaptable to young people's daily life.


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Visual scuba diving censuses were used to assess the effects of fishing prohibition on abundance and size structure of littoral fish populations by comparing the same benthic communities inside and outside the protected area of Medes Islands (NE Catalonia, Spain). The total number of species found was 43 in the reserve and 44 outside, but the mean value of species richness per sampling station was significantly higher in the protected area. However, diversity, heavily affected by the presence or absence of large schools of pelagic species, showed no significant differences between sites. The prohibition of fishing for 6 years is the first factor affecting the qualitative and quantitative structure of fish populations ('reserve effect'), and depth is the second factor. Thus, except in the cases of Serranus cabrilla and Mullus surmuletus, all other vulnerable species are highly sensitive to the protection measures. The size structure of all vulnerable species was found to be absolutely different at the reserve sites than in the unprotected zones, and the modal size classes of size frequency distributions were always higher in the reserve than outside. The reserve effect was significantly responsible of the differences observed in this change on size structure. Some highly vulnerable species, such as Epinephelus guaza and Sciaena umbra, have only been found in the protected area. Others, such as Sparus aurata, Diplodus cervinus and Dicentrarchus labrax, were much more frequent inside the reserve.


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The diverse vertebrate remains from the Upper Cretaceous freshwater settings at Iharkut, Hungary, contain two fossil groups, Pycnodontiformes fish and Mosasauridae that are almost exclusively known from marine palaeo-environments. Hence, their appearance in alluvial sediments is very unusual. Trace element and isotope compositions of the remains have been analyzed to investigate the taphonomy and the ecological differences among the different fossil groups present at Iharkut. All examined fossils have undergone post-depositional diagenetic alteration, which resulted in high concentrations of REE, U, and Fe, together with almost complete homogenization of delta(18)O(CO3) values. Similar REE patterns in different fossils suggest a common origin for all remains, hence the discovered species most likely lived in the same local ecosystem. Despite partial diagenetic overprinting, the delta(18)O(PO4) values of the fossils indicate sufficient taxon-specific isotopic diversity to permit some broad conclusions on the palaeo-environment of the fossils. In particular, it is apparent that the isotopic composition of the Pycnodontiformes fish and Mosasauridae remains is most compatible with a freshwater palaeo-habitat and incompatible with a marine palaeo-environment. In addition, the Sr concentration and isotope data indicate that the Pycnodontiformes and Mosasauridae likely lived predominantly in a freshwater environment and were not simply occasional visitors to the Iharkut river ecosystem. Regarding other fossil groups, high delta(18)O(PO4) values of Alligatoroidea and Iharkutosuchus teeth suggest that these small crocodile species might have inhabited swamps and ponds where the water was relatively rich in (18)O due to evaporation. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This report summarizes the purchasing activity for soy based inks and recycled content trash bags for the Iowa DOT.


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This DNR periodical contains current information on Iowa Fish and Wildlife Management.


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This DNR periodical contains current information on Iowa Fish and Wildlife Management.


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This DNR periodical contains current information on Iowa Fish and Wildlife Management.


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This DNR periodical contains current information on Iowa Fish and Wildlife Management.


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A full validation of inorganic arsenic (iAs), methylarsonic acid (MA), and dimethyl arsinic acid (DMA) in several types of rice and rice-based infant cereals is reported. The analytical method was developed and validated in two laboratories. The extraction of the As species was performed using nitric acid 0.2 % and hydrogen peroxide 1 %, and the coupled system liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LCICP-MS) was used for speciation measurements. Detection limit (DL), quantification limit, linearity, precision, trueness, accuracy, selectivity, as well as expanded uncertainty for iAs, MA, and DMA were established. The certified reference materials (CRMs) (NMIJ 7503a, NCS ZC73008, NIST SRM 1568a) were used to check the accuracy. The method was shown to be satisfactory in two proficiency tests (PTs). The broad applicability of the method is shown from the results of analysis of 29 samples including several types of rice, rice products, and infant cereal products. Total As ranged from 40.1 to 323.7 μg As kg1. From the speciation results, iAs was predominant, and DMA was detected in some samples while MA was not detected in any sample.


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Selostus: Natriumpitoisuuden pienentäminen lihavalmisteissa korvaamalla natriumfosfaatti kaliumfosfaatilla


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The most prominent pattern in global marine biogeography is the biodiversity peak in the Indo-Australian Archipelago. Yet the processes that underpin this pattern are still actively debated. By reconstructing global marine paleoenvironments over the past 3 million years on the basis of sediment cores, we assessed the extent to which Quaternary climate fluctuations can explain global variation in current reef fish richness. Comparing global historical coral reef habitat availability with the present-day distribution of 6316 reef fish species, we find that distance from stable coral reef habitats during historical periods of habitat loss explains 62% of the variation in fish richness, outweighing present-day environmental factors. Our results highlight the importance of habitat persistence during periods of climate change for preserving marine biodiversity.


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In mammals, glucose transporter (GLUT)-4 plays an important role in glucose homeostasis mediating insulin action to increase glucose uptake in insulin-responsive tissues. In the basal state, GLUT4 is located in intracellular compartments and upon insulin stimulation is recruited to the plasma membrane, allowing glucose entry into the cell. Compared with mammals, fish are less efficient restoring plasma glucose after dietary or exogenous glucose administration. Recently our group cloned a GLUT4-homolog in skeletal muscle from brown trout (btGLUT4) that differs in protein motifs believed to be important for endocytosis and sorting of mammalian GLUT4. To study the traffic of btGLUT4, we generated a stable L6 muscle cell line overexpressing myc-tagged btGLUT4 (btGLUT4myc). Insulin stimulated btGLUT4myc recruitment to the cell surface, although to a lesser extent than rat-GLUT4myc, and enhanced glucose uptake. Interestingly, btGLUT4myc showed a higher steady-state level at the cell surface under basal conditions than rat-GLUT4myc due to a higher rate of recycling of btGLUT4myc and not to a slower endocytic rate, compared with rat-GLUT4myc. Furthermore, unlike rat-GLUT4myc, btGLUT4myc had a diffuse distribution throughout the cytoplasm of L6 myoblasts. In primary brown trout skeletal muscle cells, insulin also promoted the translocation of endogenous btGLUT4 to the plasma membrane and enhanced glucose transport. Moreover, btGLUT4 exhibited a diffuse intracellular localization in unstimulated trout myocytes. Our data suggest that btGLUT4 is subjected to a different intracellular traffic from rat-GLUT4 and may explain the relative glucose intolerance observed in fish.