1000 resultados para 331-C0017C
Die vorliegende Masterarbeit betrachtet die Ausprägungen und Auswirkungen von Konflikten an der Schnittstelle zwischen zwei verschiedenen Funktionsbereichen innerhalb einer Organisation, welche in der chemischen Industrie angesiedelt ist. Der Autor hat bereits einen Abschluss als Dipl.-Ing. Verfahrens- und Energietechnik und ist seit etwa fünf Jahren als Produktionsingenieur in diesem Unternehmen tätig. Die Organisation, Durchführung und Koordination bereichsübergreifender operativer Aufgaben im Bereich Produktion gehört zu seinem Tätigkeitsspektrum. Dies beinhaltet die Sicherstellung der Herstellung qualitätsgerechter Produkte, Aus- und Weiterbildung von Mitarbeitern, Instandhaltungs- und Reparaturmaßnahmen sowie die aktive Unterstützung der Kommunikation und Sicherstellung des Informationsflusses während der Arbeitsprozesse. Konflikte sind alltäglich in der Arbeitswelt anzutreffen und erzeugen dabei meist verschiedene negative Folgeerscheinungen, welche monetär schwierig zu erfassen und zu kontrollieren sind. Darunter zählen die Kosten für den Verbrauch von Ressourcen wie Personal und Arbeitszeit, aber auch die Auswirkungen auf die Motivation von Mitarbeitern und das allgemeine Betriebsklima. Einerseits liegt der betriebswirtschaftliche Fokus auf der ständigen Kostenreduzierung und Produktivitätssteigerung, andererseits rückt die Ressource Mensch innerhalb des Arbeitssystems immer mehr in den Vordergrund, um Unternehmensziele zu erreichen und am Markt sowie im Wettbewerb weiterhin zu bestehen. Diese beiden Seiten in Einklang zu bringen, stellt für Unternehmen in Zukunft eine enorme Herausforderung dar. (...)
Um inventariamento dos sifídeos foi realizado em cinco áreas com situações florísticas diferentes dentro do Parque Estadual Vila Velha, Ponta Grossa, Paraná, sul do Brasil. As áreas foram classificadas como Borda, Araucária, estágio inicial de sucessão (Fase 1), estágio intermediário de sucessão (Fase 2) e estágio avançado de sucessão (Fase 3). As coletas foram semanais durante o período de Setembro/1999 a Agosto/2000 utilizando-se armadilha Malaise. Aproximadamente 300.000 dípteros foram capturados nas áreas (apresentadas em ordem de abundância): Araucária (n=74.331 indivíduos, 25% do total), Fase 1 (73.782; 25%), Fase 3 (59.339; 20%), Fase 2 (53.623; 18%) e borda (38.796; 13%). Um total de 1.345 indivíduos de Syrphidae, de 97 espécies, foram identificados. As maiores abundância e riqueza de espécies foram encontradas na Borda (n=684 espécimes em 54 espécies), seguida pela Fase 1 (250; 51), Araucária (162; 34), Fase 3 (146; 31) e Fase 2 (103; 27). A abundância de Syrphidae não se correlacionou à de Diptera em nenhuma área. Syrphidae foi mais abundante na Borda e Diptera na área de Araucária. Syrphinae (82% de todos os sirfídeos coletados), Microdontinae e Eristalinae foram registrados nas cinco áreas. Dos três estágios de sucessão vegetal, a subfamília Syrphinae foi mais representativa na Fase 1, ocorrendo de forma similar nas outras duas áreas. As maiores abundância e riqueza de espécies ocorreram nas áreas mais perturbadas antropicamente (Borda e Fase 1), enquanto que as menos perturbadas apresentaram menores abundância e riqueza (Fase 2 e Fase 3). A análise de agrupamento mostrou que as áreas em sucessão vegetal avançadas são mais similares e a de borda a mais diferenciada.
En aquest treball s’explicita de manera molt detallada tot el procés de construcció d’una mostra aleatòria estratificada a partir de l’exemple concret de la construcció d’una mostra de convenis col•lectius. El document incideix especialment en la necessitat de fonamentar teòricament les operacions estadístiques que es porten a terme mitjançant els models d’anàlisi adequats i els marcs teòrics considerats més pertinents. D’aquesta forma es donen exemples, que poden servir de models per a la construcció d’altres mostres, de com enllaçar els nivells empíric i conceptual a l’hora de construir mostres aleatòries estratificades. El principal objectiu del treball és apuntar el requeriment de trencar pràcticament amb la tradicional divisió entre treball conceptual i treball empíric que roman totalment inqüestionada en el camp de la teoria del mostratge i de la metodologia sociològica, ja que mai es fonamenten (ni tampoc ningú ho demana) les operacions tècniques més bàsiques que realitza l’estadístic o el sociòleg.
Investigación elaborada a partir de una estancia en el Centre de Formation de Traducteurs-Localiseurs, Terminologue et Rédacteurs (CFTTR) de la Université Rennes 2 Haute Bretagne, Francia, entre los meses de abril y julio del 2006. El proyecto constituye la fase exploratoria de la tesis doctoral desarrollada en el Departament de Traducció i d’Interpretació de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona en torno a la organización del trabajo en las empresas proveedoras de servicios de traducción e interpretación. Se ha recabado información y opiniones sobre la identificación de tareas desempeñadas en el ámbito laboral de quatro empresas sobre la traducción e interpretación y las tareas ajenas a la actividad traductora. Los resultados obtenidos permiten identificar una gran variedad de tareas próximas a la actividad traductora pero distintas de ella. El estudio exploratorio efectuado ha contribuido a mejorar el diseño de la investigación empírica prevista para la tesis doctoral: aportó información sobre la importancia del enfoque cualitativo, las hipótesis por contrastar, la definición del colectivo, la delimitación formal de las unidades de análisis, y sobre las principales variables de estudio y su medición.
El treball pretent establir les bases conceptuals i metodològiques per poder estudiar l’activitat dels traductors i intèrprets realitzada en l’àmbit laboral. En la primera part acunyem el terme “tasca de traducció i interpretació” aplicat a l’anàlisi de l’activitat laboral i analitzem distints contexts d’ús del dit terme. La segona part contè una anàlisi de la metodologia d’enquesta en Traductologia i camps afins, i a més una proposta del diseny d’un estudi empíric amb l’aplicació de l’enquesta sobre tasques de traducció i interpretació exercides en l’àmbit laboral.
BACKGROUND: Screening for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is recommended as part of the preoperative assessment of obese patients scheduled for bariatric surgery. The objective of this study was to compare the sensitivity of oximetry alone versus portable polygraphy in the preoperative screening for OSA. METHODS: Polygraphy (type III portable monitor) and oximetry data recorded as part of the preoperative assessment before bariatric surgery from 68 consecutive patients were reviewed. We compared the sensitivity of 3% or 4% desaturation index (oximetry alone) with the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI; polygraphy) to diagnose OSA and classify the patients as normal (<10 events per hour), mild to moderate (10-30 events per hour), or severe (>30 events per hour). RESULTS: Using AHI, the prevalence of OSA (AHI > 10 per hour) was 57.4%: 16.2% of the patients were classified as severe, 41.2% as mild to moderate, and 42.6% as normal. Using 3% desaturation index, 22.1% were classified as severe, 47.1% as mild to moderate, and 30.9% as normal. With 4% desaturation index, 17.6% were classified as severe, 32.4% as mild, and 50% as normal. Overall, 3% desaturation index compared to AHI yielded a 95% negative predictive value to rule out OSA (AHI > 10 per hour) and a 100% sensitivity (0.73 positive predictive value) to detect severe OSA (AHI > 30 per hour). CONCLUSIONS: Using oximetry with 3% desaturation index as a screening tool for OSA could allow us to rule out significant OSA in almost a third of the patients and to detect patients with severe OSA. This cheap and widely available technique could accelerate preoperative work-up of these patients.
This article analyses the effect of immigration flows on the growth and efficiency of manufacturing firms in Spanish cities. To date, most studies have tended to focus on the effect immigrants have on labour markets at an aggregate level. Here, however, we undertake an exhaustive analysis at the firm level and report conclusive empirical findings. Ten years ago, Spain began to register massive immigration flows, concentrated above all on its most dynamic and advanced regions. Here, therefore, rather than focusing on the impact this has had on Spain’s labour market (changes to the skill structure of the workforce, increase in labour supply, the displacement of native workers, etc.), we examine the arrival of immigrants in terms of the changes this has meant to the structure of the country’s cities and their amenities. Thus, we argue that the impact of immigration on firm performance should not only be considered in terms of the labour market, but also in terms of how a city’s amenities can affect the performance of firms. Employing a panel data methodology, we show that the increasing pressure brought to bear by immigrants has a positive effect on the evolution of labour productivity and wages and a negative effect on the job evolution of these manufacturing firms. In addition, both small and new firms are more sensitive to the pressures of such immigrant inflows, while foreign market oriented firms report higher productivity levels and a less marked impact of immigration than their counterparts. In this paper, we also present a set of instruments to correct the endogeneity bias, which confirms the effect of local immigration flows on the performance of manufacturing firms.
La literatura sobre asimilación de los inmigrantes ha destacado la portabilidad imperfecta del capital humano acumulado por éstos en su país de origen (Chiswick, 1978; Friedberg, 2000). Ello explicaría la escasa asimilación en el momento de llegar al nuevo país, así como la gran brecha salarial inicial. Recientemente, una serie de trabajos (Chiswick y Miller, 2007 o Green, Kler y Leeves, 2007, entre otros) han abordado este tema desde la perspectiva de la sobreeducación. Enmarcado en esta literatura, el presente trabajo analiza la portabilidad del capital humano de los inmigrantes al mercado de trabajo español en función de su origen geográfico. Asimismo, trata de contrastar para el caso español las regularidades empíricas más destacables de dichos trabajos. Los resultados obtenidos señalan un distinto grado de transferibilidad del capital humano según origen geográfico, siendo superior la del capital humano acumulado en países de elevado desarrollo o de cultura e idioma próximos y menor la del procedente de países en desarrollo y culturas distantes. La evidencia es relativamente dispar para ambos componentes del capital humano: mientras que ello es especialmente claro para los estudios, resulta menos evidente para la experiencia. Se confirma, asimismo, para el caso español que los inmigrantes padecen una mayor sobreeducación, tanto en incidencia como en intensidad, y que ello implica una mayor penalización salarial relativa, con resultados siempre peores para inmigrantes del segundo grupo de países. A medida que los inmigrantes prolongan su estancia en España existe un proceso de asimilación, excepto para asiáticos y en algunas especificaciones tampoco para los procedentes del África subsahariana, si bien la velocidad de asimilación es notablemente lenta.
The objective of this paper is to estimate the impact of residential job accessibility on female employment probability in the metropolitan areas of Barcelona and Madrid. Following a “spatial mismatch” framework, we estimate a female employment probability equation where variables controlling for personal characteristics, residential segregation and employment potential on public transport network are included. Data used come from Microcensus 2001 of INE (National Institute of Statistics). The research focuses on the treatment of endogeneity problems and the measurement of accessibility variables. Our results show that low job accessibility in public transport negatively affects employment probability. The intensity of this effect tends to decrease with individual’s educational attainment. A higher degree of residential segregation also reduces job probability in a significant way..
This study analyses the impact that job accessibility in public transport has on car ownership. An ordered probit explaining the number of cars per household is estimated as a function of head of household characteristics, household characteristics and job accessibility. The data used in the analysis come from the Microcensus of year 2001 of the Spanish Institute of Statistics for the areas of Barcelona and Madrid. Our results show a significant effect of accessibility on car ownership. Additionally, we carried out simulation exercises in which the expected number of vehicles decreases as accessibility improves. For instance, in the case of households living outside the central city, an improvement of accessibility up to the average level of the central city would offset the effect of the number of working adults on the expected number of vehicles.
One of the most persistent and lasting debates in economic research refers to whether the answers to subjective questions can be used to explain individuals’ economic behavior. Using panel data for twelve EU countries, in the present study we analyze the causal relationship between self-reported housing satisfaction and residential mobility. Our results indicate that: i) households unsatisfied with their current housing situation are more likely to move; ii) housing satisfaction raises after a move, and; iii) housing satisfaction increases with the transition from being a renter to becoming a homeowner. Some interesting cross-country differences are observed. Our findings provide evidence in favor of use of subjective indicators of satisfaction with certain life domains in the analysis of individuals’ economic conduct.
This paper analyses the performance of companies’ R&D and innovation and the effects of intra- and inter-industry R&D spillover on firms’ productivity in Catalonia. The paper deals simultaneously with the performance of manufacturing and service firms, with the aim of highlighting the growing role of knowledge-intensive services in promoting innovation and productivity gains. We find that intra-industry R&D spillovers have an important effect on the productivity level of manufacturing firms, and the inter-industrial R&D spillovers related to computer and software services also play an important role, especially in high-tech manufacturing industries. The main conclusion is that the traditional classification of manufactured goods and services no longer makes sense in the ‘knowledge economy’ and in Catalonia the regional policy makers will have to design policies that favour inter-industrial R&D flows, especially from high-tech services.
Empleando la encuesta de estructura salarial se plantea una propuesta de estimación de externalidades de capital humano intraempresa que permite relajar las restricciones introducidas por las especificaciones que la literatura empírica existente ha usado. En concreto, la metodología propuesta evalúa las externalidades de capital humano aprovechando al máximo la variabilidad en la muestra, al permitir que todos los coeficientes de las ecuaciones estimadas varíen con el nivel de capital humano del establecimiento, relajando la hipótesis implícita de linealidad entre el efecto de externalidad y el nivel educativo de los individuos.
This paper investigates the extent to which the gap in total factor productivity between small and large firms is due to differences in the endowment of factors determining productivity and to the returns associated with these factors. We place particular emphasis on the contribution of differences in the propensity to innovate and in the use of skilled labor across firms of different size. Empirical evidence from a representative sample of Spanish manufacturing firms corroborates that both differences in endowments and returns to innovation and skilled labor significantly contribute to the productivity gap between small and large firms. In addition, it is observed that the contribution of innovation to this gap is caused only by differences in quantity, while differences in returns have no effect; in the case of human capital, however, most of the effect can be attributed to increasing differences in returns between small and large firms.