562 resultados para thinning


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A specific modified constitutive equation for a third-grade fluid is proposed so that the model be suitable for applications where shear-thinning or shear-thickening may occur. For that, we use the Cosserat theory approach reducing the exact three-dimensional equations to a system depending only on time and on a single spatial variable. This one-dimensional system is obtained by integrating the linear momentum equation over the cross-section of the tube, taking a velocity field approximation provided by the Cosserat theory. From this reduced system, we obtain the unsteady equations for the wall shear stress and mean pressure gradient depending on the volume flow rate, Womersley number, viscoelastic coefficient and flow index over a finite section of the tube geometry with constant circular cross-section.


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The late Paleozoic collision between Gondwana and Laurussia resulted in the polyphase deformation and magmatism that characterizes the Iberian Massif of the Variscan orogen. In the Central Iberian Zone, initial con- tinental thickening (D1; folding and thrusting) was followed by extensional orogenic collapse (D2) responsible for the exhumation of high-grade rocks coeval to the emplacement of granitoids. This study presents a tectonometamorphic analysis of the Trancoso-Pinhel region (Central Iberian Zone) to ex- plain the processes in place during the transition froman extension-dominated state (D2) to a compression-dom- inated one (D3).Wereveal the existence of low-dipping D2 extensional structures later affected by several pulses of subhorizontal shortening, each of them typified by upright folds and strike-slip shearing (D3, D4 and D5, as identified by superimposition of structures). The D2 Pinhel extensional shear zone separates a low-grade domain from an underlying high-grade domain, and it contributed to the thermal reequilibration of the orogen by facil- itating heat advection from lower parts of the crust, crustal thinning, decompression melting, and magma intru- sion. Progressive lessening of the gravitational disequilibrium carried out by this D2 shear zone led to a switch from subhorizontal extension to compression and the eventual cessation and capture of the Pinhel shear zone by strike-slip tectonics during renewed crustal shortening. High-grade domains of the Pinhel shear zone were folded together with low-grade domains to define the current upright folded structure of the Trancoso-Pinhel re- gion, the D3 Tamames-Marofa-Sátão synform. Newdating of syn-orogenic granitoids (SHRIMP U\\Pb zircon dat- ing) intruding the Pinhel shear zone, together with the already published ages of early extensional fabrics constrain the functioning of this shear zone to ca. 331–311 Ma, with maximum tectonomagmatic activity at ca. 321–317 Ma. The capture and apparent cessation of movement of the Pinhel shear zone occurred at ca. 317– 311 Ma.


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Cork oak tree (Quercus suber L.), in Portugal, is considered the national tree and have special demands and legal protection when dealing with silviculture management (pruning, debarking, thinning). Being a species of slow growth, cork oak transplanting procedures can be a valuable asset either from the economic or ecological rationales to relocate trees, re-populate areas affected by high tree mortality, increase tree density to control erosion on montado ecosystems or landscape design. This study focuses the impacts and physiological responses of ten juvenile rain fed cork oak trees (with diameter at breast height between 6 and 16cm), when subjected to transplant operations. The work was conducted in a cork oak woodland experimental plot at the campus of the University of Évora (SW Portugal), during the year of 2015. Tree’s transplants were performed with a truck-mounted hydraulic spade transplanter coupled with a proposed methodology to maximize tree survival rates, addressing techniques to limit canopy transpiration and to improve root systems prior to transplant. Tree ecophysiological indicators (sap flow, leaf water potentials and stomatal conductance) were monitored comprising the periods before and after transplant operations, and water stress avoidance practices were established to promote post-transplant tree status recovery, including irrigation to match average daily accumulated sap flow. Transplant operations were considered successful when the tree's water uptake inferred from sap flow exhibited a high correlation with solar radiation and returned to its undisturbed or pre-transplant water potential gradients in the following 2 to 3 weeks. The post-transplant tree nourishment follow up included permanent sap flow measurements and identified the time elapsed after transplantation from which the tree recovers its normal transpiration thresholds and response. Our results suggest that by following the proposed methodology the sampled cork oak trees exhibited a transplant success rate of 90%.


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The degree to which pruning helps reestablish balance in agroforestry was assessed in a system established in São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil, in 2008. Seven native tree species were planted at a density of 600 trees/ha in five strips of three rows each, and annual crops were cultivated in the 17-m crop strips between the tree strips. Competition was established after 35 months, decreasing the aboveground biomass production of corn planted close to the trees. An assessment of black oats in the dry season following tree pruning showed that the proximity of trees caused reductions in plant and panicle density, aboveground biomass production, number of grains per panicle and grain weight. Because pruning was not sufficient to maintain crop yields, tree thinning is recommended in order to minimize competition and restore conditions for adequate crop production.


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São avaliadas a eficácia de dois tipos de anelagem de árvores, como tratamento silvicultural para florestas naturais da Amazônia e a resistência de oito espécies arbóreas ao tratamento de anelagem, em 5 ha, na Floresta Nacional do Tapajós, à margem da BR 163, km 69, no município de Belterra, Pará. As espécies escolhidas foram: Carapa guianensis (andiroba, Meliaceae); Pouteria heterosepala (abiu, Sapotaceae); Hevea guianensis (seringueira, Euphorbiaceae); Helicostylis pedunculata (muiratinga-folha-peluda, Moraceae); Couratari oblongtfolia (tauari, Lecythidaceae); Sclerolobium crysophyllum (taxi-vermelho, Leguminosae); Virola melinonii (ucuuba-da-terra-firme, Myristicaceae); Bixa arborea (urucu-da-mata, Bixaceae). Os dois tipos de anelagem: anelagem completa e anelagem com entalhes foram analisados em três classes diamétricas, perfazendo seis tratamentos. De cada espécie foram escolhidas duas árvores, perfazendo um total de dezesseis árvores em cada tratamento. Tanto a anelagem completa quanto a anelagem com entalhes podem ser considerados tratamentos eficazes quando utilizado em desbastes, pois já aos cinco anos mostraram uma taxa de mortalidade alta. A anelagem completa se mostrou mais indicada como tratamento silvicultural, porque mostra a maior taxa de mortalidade em todos os tratamentos e dificulta a recuperação da área anelada. As espécies Pouteria heterosepala, Helicostylis pedunculata, Hevea guianensis e Couratari oblongifolia se mostraram mais resistentes a ambos os tipos de anelagem, com uma taxa de mortalidade considerada baixa. Nas espécies Sclerolobium crysophyllum, Virola melinonii, Bixa arborea e Garapa guianensis, a anelagem pode ser aplicada com sucesso, considerando que aos cinco anos já atingiram uma taxa média consideravelmente alta (maior que 60%), sem a utilização de arboricidas.


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Resumo: Para execução do processo de raleamento na Caatinga é importante utilizar máquinas do tipo rotores trituradores acoplados em tratores de baixa potência, visando a diminuição de tempo e mão-de-obra dos agricultores familiares na, implantação de sistemas de exploração sustentáveis, sistemas agrossilvipastoris. Para o projeto de uma máquina que seja acessível a estes produtores, o primeiro passo é se conhecer a potência de corte necessária para a operação de raleamento. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver e avaliar uma metodologia de ensaio para medir a potência durante o corte de uma espécie arbórea, podendo assim avaliar os parâmetros a serem utilizados futuramente no projeto da máquina. Como espécie teste, utilizou-se o eucalyptus citriodora, por ser uma madeira que apresenta resistência de corte elevada e similar ao das espécies da Caatinga. Observou-se que a metodologia proposta, ao padronizar os procedimentos, permitiu adquirir de forma rápida e precisa os valores dos parâmetros de importância no projeto de máquinas destinadas a cortar e triturar espécies arbóreas. Também a utilização dos dados obtidos por meio da aplicação da metodologia, possibilitam maior confiabilidade e precisão no projeto de máquinas destinadas a este tipo de trabalho. [Methodology for obtaining the cutting power of a forest crusher]. Abstract: For executions the thinning process in Caatinga is important to use machines as Rotors Crushers coupled in low- power tractors, aimed at decrease of time and hand labor of Family Farmers in the implementation of sustainable exploration systems, agrosylvopastoral Systems. For the project for the design of a machine that is accessible these producers, the first step is knowing the cut power needed for a thinning operation. The objective of this study was to develop and evaluate a test methodology to measure the power during the cutting of a tree species and can evaluate the cutting parameters used in the future in machine design. As a test species, we used the eucalyptus citriodora, as this wood has cut high resistance and similar to Species of Caatinga. It was observed that the methodology proposal, to the standardize procedures, allows to get quickly and accurately the values of importance parameters in the design of machines designed to cut and grind tree species. Also the use of data obtained through the application of the methodology , enable greater reliability and precision in machine design intended for this type of work.


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In organic and biodynamic vineyards, canopy management practices should be carefully and timely modulated, particularly in a context of climate change, for successfully achieving balanced plants, ventilated and exposed berries, elevated grape and wine quality. In 2013 and 2014, characterized by contrasting climatic conditions, the implications of post-veraison (late) or pea-size trimming, post-veraison or pre-harvest late defoliations and shoot-positioning (post-veraison) were assessed against long-shoots non treated controls, under field conditions on organically-cultivated cv. Sangiovese. The key agronomic and enological relevance of late trimming and defoliations clearly emerged in both seasons. Berry skin phenolics (e.g. anthocyanins, flavonols) increased markedly, without changes in technological parameters. In case of early trimming, such positive effects were observed only in 2013. Maintaining long shoots for shading decreased anthocyanins, flavonols and total phenolics concentrations and promoted the production of compact bunches. Experimental data strongly designated late trimming, a practice proved to contain yield and bunch compactness, as a valuable alternative to cluster thinning. Late trimming, defoliations and shoot positioning reduced the severity of Botrytis cluster rot. The highest levels of berry skins phenolic compounds in late trimmed and defoliated plants could have contributed control the severity of this pathogen. The enological benefits induced by late trimming and defoliations and shoot positioning emerged in both young and aged wines. For the first time, cell cultures from cv. Sangiovese berry tissues were obtained and enabled to investigate, in controlled conditions, the relations between mechanisms regulating secondary metabolism in grapevine cells and changes induced by environmental and agronomic factors. The Doctoral Dissertation strongly highlights the need to consider, for a proper interpretation of the multiple modifications induced by canopy management strategies, physiological mechanisms other than the canonic source-sink relationships, in particular their impact on the vine hormonal status.