840 resultados para supervision
La producci de biopolmers (polihidroxialcanoats (PHA) i substncies polimriques extracellulars (EPS)) a nivell industrial, resulta una nova rea dinvestigaci que recull diverses disciplines, entre elles les Cincies Ambientals. Aquest projecte final de carrera amb el ttol: Producci de biopolmers amb cultius bacterians mixtes, sha desenvolupat sota la supervisi de la directora de projecte Dra. Mara Eugenia Surez Ojeda del Departament dEnginyeria Qumica de la Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona (UAB) i sha dut a terme per lestudiant Jordi Prez i Forner de la Llicenciatura de Cincies Ambientals, Facultat de Cincies de la UAB, en el Departament dEnginyeria Qumica de la mateixa universitat. Lobjectiu daquest projecte ha estat produir biopolmers simultniament amb leliminaci de fsfor i matria orgnica en aiges residuals per obtenir un residu final amb un alt valor afegit. Aquests biopolmers reuneixen les caracterstiques necessries per a poder competir amb els plstics convencionals i aix, reduir lelevat consum del petroli i la generaci de residus no biodegradables. En aquest projecte sha dut a terme la posta en marxa dun reactor discontinu seqencial (SBR) per a lacumulaci de biopolmers amb cultius bacterians mixtes. Diferents investigadors han estudiat que aquests tipus de cultius bacterians arriben a nivells de fins el 53-97% [Pijuan et al., 2009] de contingut de biopolmers a la biomassa, sometent als microorganismes a diferents situacions destrs ja sigui per dficit de nutrients o per variacions en les fases de feast-famine (fest-fam). Durant el projecte, sha realitzat el monitoratge del reactor alimentat amb una aigua sinttica, elaborada en el laboratori, amb les caracterstiques dun aigua residual provinent de la industria lctica. Sha sotms als microorganismes a diferents condicions operacionals, una delles amb limitaci de fsfor com a nutrient i una tercera condici amb una variaci a les fases feast-famine. Daltra banda, com a segon objectiu, sha analitzat el contingut de biopolmers a la biomassa de dos SBRs ms, del grup de recerca Bio-GLS del Departament dEnginyeria Qumica de la UAB, alimentats amb diferents fonts de carboni, glicerol i cids grassos de cadena llarga (AGCLL), per observar les influncies que t el tipus de substrat en lacumulaci de biopolmers. Els resultats obtinguts en la primera part daquest projecte han estat similars als resultats daltres investigadors [Pijuan et al., 2009; Guerrero et al., 2012]. Sha determinat que sotmetre als microorganismes a situacions destrs t un efecte directe pel que fa a lacumulaci de biopolmers. Tamb sha observat com al mateix temps que acumulaven aquests compostos, els microorganismes desenvolupaven la seva tasca de depurar laigua residual, obtenint al final del cicle una aigua amb un baix contingut en matria orgnica i altres contaminants com amoni i fsfor, en aquest cas. En la segona part del projecte, sha observat com el tipus de substrat t un efecte directe pel que fa a lacumulaci de biopolmers i tamb a lactivitat metablica dels microorganismes. Per tant, sha concls que la producci de biopolmers mitjanant la depuraci daiges residuals es una via dinvestigaci molt prometedora pel que fa als resultats obtinguts. Alhora que es tracta un residu, sobt una producte residual amb un alt valor afegit que pot ser utilitzat per la producci de bioplstics 100% biodegradables.
Online teaching of inflammatory skin pathology by a French-speaking International University Network
INTRODUCTION: Developments in technology, web-based teaching and whole slide imaging have broadened the teaching horizon in anatomic pathology. Creating online learning material including many types of media such as radiologic images, whole slides, videos, clinical and macroscopic photographs, is now accessible to most universities. Unfortunately, a major limiting factor to maintain and update the learning material is the amount of resources needed. In this perspective, a French-national university network was initiated in 2011 to build joint online teaching modules consisting of clinical cases and tests. The network has since expanded internationally to Qubec, Switzerland and Ivory Coast. METHOD: One of the first steps of the project was to build a learning module on inflammatory skin pathology for interns and residents in pathology and dermatology. A pathology resident from Qubec spent 6 weeks in France and Switzerland to develop the contents and build the module on an e-learning Moodle platform under the supervision of two dermatopathologists. The learning module contains text, interactive clinical cases, tests with feedback, virtual slides, images and clinical photographs. For that module, the virtual slides are decentralized in 2 universities (Bordeaux and Paris 7). Each university is responsible of its own slide scanning, image storage and online display with virtual slide viewers. RESULTS: The module on inflammatory skin pathology includes more than 50 web pages with French original content, tests and clinical cases, links to over 45 virtual images and more than 50 microscopic and clinical photographs. The whole learning module is being revised by four dermatopathologists and two senior pathologists. It will be accessible to interns and residents in the spring of 2014. The experience and knowledge gained from that work will be transferred to the next international resident whose work will be aimed at creating lung and breast pathology learning modules. CONCLUSION: The challenges of sustaining a project of this scope are numerous. The technical aspect of whole-slide imaging and storage needs to be developed by each university or group. The content needs to be regularly updated and its accuracy reviewed by experts in each individual domain. The learning modules also need to be promoted within the academic community to ensure maximal benefit for trainees. A collateral benefit of the project was the establishment of international partnerships between French-speaking universities and pathologists with the common goal of promoting pathology education through the use of multi-media technology including whole slide imaging.
This issue review examines the funding levels within the community-based corrections, or CBC, district departments compared to the offender populations, risk and supervision levels, and recidivism rates to consider whether current funding allocations are appropriate. The majority of offenders in corrections are supervised by the CBC-district departments.
The Self Instructional Math course book is designed to provide a basic math knowledge for those involved in the planning, design, and construction of highways. It was developed in a manner to allow the student to take the course with minimal supervision and at times that the work schedule allows. The first version of the course was developed in the early 1970's and due to its popularity was revised in the early 1990's to reflect changes in the highway construction math needs. The anticipated move to metric (System International) measurements by the highway industry has necessitated the need to change the math course problem values to metric units. The course includes the latest in Iowa DOT policy information relative to the selection and use of metric values for highway design, and construction. Each unit of the book contains instructional information, section quizzes and a comprehensive examination. All problem values are expressed in metric rather than dual (english and SI) units. The appendix contains useful conversion factors to assist the reader in making the change to metric.
English summary: Development and current status of the supervision of courts (s.1278)
Following an introduction focusing on the role of religion in the treatment of psychosis, the first part of this paper describes an initial study in which the role of spirituality and religiosity was assessed in 115 patients with schizophrenia in Geneva (Switzerland) and 126 in Trois-Rivires (Quebec). These themes have been shown to be highly prevalent for these patients, though their clinicians are often unaware of this prevalence. The following part of the paper presents a second study where religious supervision was offered to clinicians in Geneva. Comparison between forty patients who received spiritual assessment and opportunities to work on religious topics with their clinicians was made with thirty patients without religious intervention. In the supervisory sessions, six different types of religious interventions were suggested. Outcomes at three months show that patients of the intervention group maintain their interest for help in religious matters while clinicians' interest in integrating religious topics in discussions with their patients has decreased. The third and main part of the paper is devoted to an analysis of the suggested interventions from the viewpoint of the study of religions. Five aspects of religion are distinguished, and explanations of the reasons some of them are easier to manage for clinicians are proposed. The paper concludes with proposals for the education of clinicians to help them to differentiate different kinds of religious coping and to recognize when it could be helpful to refer the patient to a pastoral counsellor.
This commentary came from within the framework of integrating the humanities in medicine and from accompanying research on disease-related issues by teams involving clinicians and researchers in medical humanities. The purpose is to reflect on the challenges faced by researchers when conducting emotionally laden research and on how they impact observations and subsequent research findings. This commentary is furthermore a call to action since it promotes the institutionalization of a supportive context for medical humanities researchers who have not been trained to cope with sensitive medical topics in research. To that end, concrete recommendations regarding training and supervision were formulated.
Although physical activity is recommended in patients on maintenance hemodialysis (MHD), randomized controlled trials testing the effects of exercise in this population have given conflicting results. In general, aerobic exercises mostly failed to produce improvements in physical function, whereas resistance exercises, although less studied, appeared to be more promising. The use of sophisticated materials such as leg press and free weights may preclude widespread application of resistance training in patients on MHD. Simple and cheap elastic bands may thus be an attractive alternative. We tested the feasibility of a supervised intradialytic resistance band exercise training program, and its effects on physical function, in patients on MHD. A total of 11 unselected adult patients on MHD from our center, aged 70 10.7 (mean standard deviation) years, including 8 men and 3 women, accepted to follow the program under the supervision of qualified physiotherapists. Thirty-six exercise sessions of moderate intensity (twice a week, mean duration 40 minutes each, during 4.5 to 6 months), mainly involving leg muscles against an elastic resistance, were performed. The exercise program was well tolerated and all patients completed it. Statistically significant improvements were observed in the following tests: Tinetti test, 23.9 3.9 points before versus 25.7 3.5 points after the program (P = .022); the Timed Up and Go test, 12.1 6.6 versus 10 5.8 seconds (P = .0156). Improvements in the 6-minute walk distance and in the one-leg balance tests just failed to reach statistical significance. In this single-center pilot study, an intradialytic resistance band exercise program was feasible, well tolerated, and showed encouraging results on physical function.
INTRODUCTION: Developments in technology, web-based teaching and whole slide imaging have broadened the teaching horizon in anatomic pathology. Creating online learning material including many types of media such as radiologic images, whole slides, videos, clinical and macroscopic photographs, is now accessible to most universities. Unfortunately, a major limiting factor to maintain and update the learning material is the amount of resources needed. In this perspective, a French-national university network was initiated in 2011 to build joint online teaching modules consisting of clinical cases and tests. The network has since expanded internationally to Qubec, Switzerland and Ivory Coast. METHOD: One of the first steps of the project was to build a learning module on inflammatory skin pathology for interns and residents in pathology and dermatology. A pathology resident from Qubec spent 6 weeks in France and Switzerland to develop the contents and build the module on an e-learning Moodle platform under the supervision of two dermatopathologists. The learning module contains text, interactive clinical cases, tests with feedback, virtual slides, images and clinical photographs. For that module, the virtual slides are decentralized in 2 universities (Bordeaux and Paris 7). Each university is responsible of its own slide scanning, image storage and online display with virtual slide viewers. RESULTS: The module on inflammatory skin pathology includes more than 50 web pages with French original content, tests and clinical cases, links to over 45 virtual images and more than 50 microscopic and clinical photographs. The whole learning module is being revised by four dermatopathologists and two senior pathologists. It will be accessible to interns and residents in the spring of 2014. The experience and knowledge gained from that work will be transferred to the next international resident whose work will be aimed at creating lung and breast pathology learning modules. CONCLUSION: The challenges of sustaining a project of this scope are numerous. The technical aspect of whole-slide imaging and storage needs to be developed by each university or group. The content needs to be regularly updated and its accuracy reviewed by experts in each individual domain. The learning modules also need to be promoted within the academic community to ensure maximal benefit for trainees. A collateral benefit of the project was the establishment of international partnerships between French-speaking universities and pathologists with the common goal of promoting pathology education through the use of multi-media technology including whole slide imaging.
Summary: Becoming a female researcher - tension points in graduate study supervision
Summary: Interaction in Supervision
OBJECTIVES: Our analysis assessed the impact of information on patients' preferences in prescription versus over-the-counter (OTC) delivery systems. METHODS: A contingent valuation (CV) study was implemented, randomly assigning 534 lay people into the receipt of limited or extended information concerning new influenza drugs. In each information arm, people answered two questions: the first asked about willingness to pay (WTP) for the new prescription drug; the second asked about WTP for the same drug sold OTC. RESULTS: We show that WTP is higher for the OTC scenario and that the level of information plays a significant role in the evaluation of the OTC scenario, with more information being associated with an increase in the WTP. In contrast, the level of information provided has no impact on WTP for prescription medicine. Thus, for the kind of drug considered here (i.e. safe, not requiring medical supervision), a switch to OTC status can be expected to be all the more beneficial, as the patient is provided with more information concerning the capability of the drug. CONCLUSIONS: Our results shed light on one of the most challenging issues that health policy makers are currently faced with, namely the threat of a bird flu pandemic. Drug delivery is a critical component of pandemic influenza preparedness. Furthermore, the congruence of our results with the agency and demand theories provides an important test of the validity of using WTP based on CV methods.
Tss tutkimuksessa on keskitytty tutkimaan kuparituotetehtaan tuoterakennetta ja tilausten kohdistumispisteit sek esittmnparannusehdotuksia niden suhteen. Valssaamon prosessivarasto on kokenut huomattavan pienennyksen ja tavoitteena on, ett tst huolimatta tuotantoa pystyttisiin ohjaamaan vhemmin resurssein, materiaalipulasta krsimtt ja nopeammin lpimenoajoin. Lisksi tyss esitetn muita tuotantoprosessiin liittyvi kehitysehdotuksia, jotka tukevat tuotannon virtaviivaistamista ja varastosaldojen vhentmist. Teoriaosuudessa selitetn Lean-tuotannon toimivuuttavalssaamon kaltaisessa toimintaympristss. Teoriaosuudessa on ksitelty Lean-tuotannon lisksi mys Agile- ja Leagile-teorioita, koska mys niden teorioidenyhteensopivuus valssaamon tuotantoon on merkittv. Empiirisess osassa on kuvattu tuotantoprosessin ja tuoterakenteen nykytila sek esitetty kehitysehdotuksianiden kehittmiseen esiteltyjen teorioiden pohjalta. Tutkimuksen perusteella esitetn muutoksia tmnhetkiseen tuoterakenteeseen, koska nykyisen kaltainen tuoterakenne on jnyt osittain turhaksi varastojen siirrytty tuotannon alkuphn. Lisksi ehdotetaan kuumavalssaussuunnitelmasta luopumista ja kuumavalssaimen ohjaussyklin lyhentmist vuorokauden mittaiseksi, sek esitetn, miten tuotantoon tulisi vlitt nykyist tarkempaa tietoa tilauksien valmistumisajankohdista.
Tyn tavoitteena oli kartoittaa Etel-Karjalan koulutuskuntayhtymn hankintaprosessin nykytila, analysoida saatuja tuloksia ja pohtia menetelmi hankintatoimintaan liittyvien prosessien parantamiseksi. Phuomio kohdistettiin materiaalihankintoihin. Julkisia hankintoja ohjaavat lait ja asetukset, joiden keskeisimmt tavoitteet ovat avoimuus, tasapuolisuus ja syrjimttmyys. Lisksi laki viranomaisen toiminnan julkisuudesta vaikuttaa asiakirjojen julkisuuteen hankintaprosessin aikana.Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, ett erittin suuri osa ostoista on markkamrisesti pieni ostoja, jotka aiheuttavat hintaansa nhden suuret hankintakustannukset. Toimittajia on paljon ja rahallisesti pienten toimittajien mr on erittin suuri. Tst on seurauksena se, ett toimittajayhteisty on useiden toimittajien kanssa hyvin satunnaista ja toimitusten valvonta ja toimittajaseuranta vaikeutuu. Toimittajien kehittmiseen ei tst johtuen en riit resursseja. Toimittajayhteisty julkisiin hankintoihin erikoistuneen kauppatalon kanssa on vasta alullaan ja yhteistyn mr vaihtelee paljon eri koulutusyksikiss. Yllttvi tuloksia tuotti toimittajan hintojen kehitys sopimuskauden aikana. Hinnoissa oli tapahtunut kaikissa tuoteryhmiss huomattavaa nousua vuoden aikana.Hankintatoimintaa voidaan kehitt nopeuttamalla nykyisi prosesseja hyvksikytten olemassa olevaa Intranet-tekniikkaa. Samoin shkinen kaupankynti on useissa tuoteryhmiss varteenotettava ja tulevaisuudessa edelleen kehittyv vaihtoehto. Toimittajaseurantaa tulee tehostaa ja toimittajien kanssa tulee pyrki avoimeen ja jatkuvaan yhteistyhn.Hankintayhteistyn kehittminen omistajakuntien kanssa ja Etel-Karjalan julkisen sektorin yhteishankintoihin sitoutuminen olisivat tehokas tapa sst hankintakustannuksissa.