989 resultados para sulfur-containing molecules


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The glomerular epithelial cells and their intercellular junctions, termed slit diaphragms, are essential components of the filtration barrier in the kidney glomerulus. Nephrin is a transmembrane adhesion protein of the slit diaphragm and a signalling molecule regulating podocyte physiology. In congenital nephrotic syndrome of the Finnish type, mutation of nephrin leads to disruption of the permeability barrier and leakage of plasma proteins into the urine. This doctoral thesis hypothesises that novel nephrin-associated molecules are involved in the function of the filtration barrier in health and disease. Bioinformatics tools were utilized to identify novel nephrin-like molecules in genomic databases, and their distribution in the kidney and other tissues was investigated. Filtrin, a novel nephrin homologue, is expressed in the glomerular podocytes and, according to immunoelectron microscopy, localizes at the slit diaphragm. Interestingly, the nephrin and filtrin genes, NPHS1 and KIRREL2, locate in a head-to-head orientation on chromosome 19q13.12. Another nephrin-like molecule, Nphs1as was cloned in mouse, however, no expression was detected in the kidney but instead in the brain and lymphoid tissue. Notably, Nphs1as is transcribed from the nephrin locus in an antisense orientation. The glomerular mRNA and protein levels of filtrin were measured in kidney biopsies of patients with proteinuric diseases, and marked reduction of filtrin mRNA levels was detected in the proteinuric samples as compared to controls. In addition, altered distribution of filtrin in injured glomeruli was observed, with the most prominent decrease of the expression in focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. The role of the slit diaphragm-associated genes for the development of diabetic nephropathy was investigated by analysing single nucleotide polymorphisms. The genes encoding filtrin, densin-180, NEPH1, podocin, and alpha-actinin-4 were analysed, and polymorphisms at the alpha-actinin-4 gene were associated with diabetic nephropathy in a gender-dependent manner. Filtrin is a novel podocyte-expressed protein with localization at the slit diaphragm, and the downregulation of filtrin seems to be characteristic for human proteinuric diseases. In the context of the crucial role of nephrin for the glomerular filter, filtrin appears to be a potential candidate molecule for proteinuria. Although not expressed in the kidney, the nephrin antisense Nphs1as may regulate the expression of nephrin in extrarenal tissues. The genetic association analysis suggested that the alpha-actinin-4 gene, encoding an actin-filament cross-linking protein of the podocytes, may contribute to susceptibility for diabetic nephropathy.


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Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy provides us with many means to study biological macromolecules in solution. Proteins in particular are the most intriguing targets for NMR studies. Protein functions are usually ascribed to specific three-dimensional structures but more recently tails, long loops and non-structural polypeptides have also been shown to be biologically active. Examples include prions, -synuclein, amylin and the NEF HIV-protein. However, conformational preferences in coil-like molecules are difficult to study by traditional methods. Residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) have opened up new opportunities; however their analysis is not trivial. Here we show how to interpret RDCs from these weakly structured molecules. The most notable residual dipolar couplings arise from steric obstruction effects. In dilute liquid crystalline media as well as in anisotropic gels polypeptides encounter nematogens. The shape of a polypeptide conformation limits the encounter with the nematogen. The most elongated conformations may come closest whereas the most compact remain furthest away. As a result there is slightly more room in the solution for the extended than for the compact conformations. This conformation-dependent concentration effect leads to a bias in the measured data. The measured values are not arithmetic averages but essentially weighted averages over conformations. The overall effect can be calculated for random flight chains and simulated for more realistic molecular models. Earlier there was an implicit thought that weakly structured or non-structural molecules would not yield to any observable residual dipolar couplings. However, in the pioneering study by Shortle and Ackerman RDCs were clearly observed. We repeated the study for urea-denatured protein at high temperature and also observed indisputably RDCs. This was very convincing to us but we could not possibly accept the proposed reason for the non-zero RDCs, namely that there would be some residual structure left in the protein that to our understanding was fully denatured. We proceeded to gain understanding via simulations and elementary experiments. In measurements we used simple homopolymers with only two labelled residues and we simulated the data to learn more about the origin of RDCs. We realized that RDCs depend on the position of the residue as well as on the length of the polypeptide. Investigations resulted in a theoretical model for RDCs from coil-like molecules. Later we extended the studies by molecular dynamics. Somewhat surprisingly the effects are small for non-structured molecules whereas the bias may be large for a small compact protein. All in all the work gave clear and unambiguous results on how to interpret RDCs as structural and dynamic parameters of weakly structured proteins.


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A new and simple route for the synthesis of thioesters starting from carboxylic acids and alcohols is reported by using tetrathiomolybdate as the key sulfur transfer reagent. Triphenylphosphane and N-bromosuccinimide were used for the activation of the carboxylic acid and alcohol in the same pot followed by the transfer of sulfur from tetrathiomolybdate. Thioesters were obtained in good to moderate yields. Primary alcohols show excellent reactivity and gave good yields of the corresponding thioesters, whereas secondary alcohols gave moderate yields and tertiary alcohols were very less reactive and gave poor yields of the corresponding thioesters.


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The remarkable geological and evolutionary history of peninsular India has generated much interest in the patterns and processes that might have shaped the current distributions of its endemic biota. In this regard the Out of India hypothesis, which proposes that rafting peninsular India carried Gondwanan forms to Asia after the break-up of Gondwana super continent, has gained prominence. Here we have reviewed molecular studies undertaken on a range of taxa of supposedly Gondwanan origin to better understand the Out-of-India scenario. This re-evaluation of published molecular studies indicates that there is mounting evidence supporting Out-of-India scenario for various Asian taxa. Nevertheless, in many studies the evidence is inconclusive due to lack of information on the age of relevant nodes. Studies also indicate that not all Gondwanan forms of peninsular India dispersed out of India. Many of these ancient lineages are confined to peninsular India and therefore are relict Gondwanan lineages. Additionally for some taxa an Into India rather than Out-of-India scenario better explains their current distribution. To identify the Out-of-India component of Asian biota it is imperative that we understand the complex biogeographical history of India. To this end, we propose three oversimplified yet explicit phylogenetic predictions. These predictions can be tested through the use of molecular phylogenetic tools in conjunction with palaeontological and geological data.


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Background Risk-stratification of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) requires identification of patients with disease that is not cured despite initial R-CHOP. Although the prognostic importance of the tumour microenvironment (TME) is established, the optimal strategy to quantify it is unknown. Methods The relationship between immune-effector and inhibitory (checkpoint) genes was assessed by NanoString™ in 252 paraffin-embedded DLBCL tissues. A model to quantify net anti-tumoural immunity as an outcome predictor was tested in 158 R-CHOP treated patients, and validated in tissue/blood from two independent R-CHOP treated cohorts of 233 and 140 patients respectively. Findings T and NK-cell immune-effector molecule expression correlated with tumour associated macrophage and PD-1/PD-L1 axis markers consistent with malignant B-cells triggering a dynamic checkpoint response to adapt to and evade immune-surveillance. A tree-based survival model was performed to test if immune-effector to checkpoint ratios were prognostic. The CD4*CD8:(CD163/CD68)*PD-L1 ratio was better able to stratify overall survival than any single or combination of immune markers, distinguishing groups with disparate 4-year survivals (92% versus 47%). The immune ratio was independent of and added to the revised international prognostic index (R-IPI) and cell-of-origin (COO). Tissue findings were validated in 233 DLBCL R-CHOP treated patients. Furthermore, within the blood of 140 R-CHOP treated patients immune-effector:checkpoint ratios were associated with differential interim-PET/CT+ve/-ve expression.


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Oxyglycals, derived from lactose and maltose, were expanded to trisaccharides through a ring expansion method. Trisaccharides with 6-7-5 and 6-7-6 ring sizes were prepared through the ring expansion method, with high diastereoselectivities, in each step of their synthesis. The NOE and ROESY NMR spectroscopies were used to assess the dipolar Couplings within the trisaccharide. A computational study was undertaken, from which low energy conformations, as well as, dihedral angles that define the glycosidic linkages were identified.


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Salmonella has evolved several strategies to counteract intracellular microbicidal agents like reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. However, it is not yet clear how Salmonella escapes lysosomal degradation. Some studies have demonstrated that Salmonella can inhibit phagolysosomal fusion, whereas other reports have shown that the Salmonella-containing vacuole (SCV) fuses/interacts with lysosomes. Here, we have addressed this issue from a different perspective by investigating if the infected host cell has a sufficient quantity of lysosomes to target Salmonella. Our results suggest that SCVs divide along with Salmonella, resulting in a single bacterium per SCV. As a consequence, the SCV load per cell increases with the division of Salmonella inside the host cell. This demands more investment from the host cell to counteract Salmonella. Interestingly, we observed that Salmonella infection decreases the number of acidic lysosomes inside the host cell both in vitro and in vivo. These events potentially result in a condition in which an infected cell is left with insufficient acidic lysosomes to target the increasing number of SCVs, which favors the survival and proliferation of Salmonella inside the host cell.


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One-dimensional (1D) proton NMR spectra of enantiomers are generally undecipherable in chiral orienting poly-gamma-benzyl-L-glutamate (PBLG)/CDCl3 solvent. This arises due to large number of couplings, in addition to superposition of spectra from both the enantiomers, severely hindering the H-1 detection. On the other hand in the present study the benefit is derived front the presence of several couplings among the entire network of interacting protons. Transition selective 1D H-1-H-1 correlation experiment (1D-COSY) which utilizes the Coupling assisted transfer of magnetization not only for unraveling the overlap but also for the selective detection of enantiopure spectrum is reported. The experiment is simple, easy to implement and provides accurate eanantiomeric excess in addition to the determination of the proton-proton couplings of an enantiomer within a short experimental time (few minutes). (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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MIPS (metal interactions in protein structures) is a database of metals in the three-dimensional acromolecular structures available in the Protein Data Bank. Bound metal ions in proteins have both catalytic and structural functions. The proposed database serves as an open resource for the analysis and visualization of all metals and their interactions with macromolecular (protein and nucleic acid) structures. MIPS can be searched via a user-friendly interface, and the interactions between metals and protein molecules, and the geometric parameters, can be viewed in both textual and graphical format using the freely available graphics plug-in Jmol. MIPS is updated regularly, by means of programmed scripts to find metal-containing proteins from newly released protein structures. The database is useful for studying the properties of coordination between metals and protein molecules. It also helps to improve understanding of the relationship between macromolecular structure and function. This database is intended to serve the scientific community working in the areas of chemical and structural biology, and is freely available to all users, around the clock, at http://dicsoft2.physics.iisc.ernet.in/mips/.


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Antibodies specific for N6-(delta 2-isopentenyl) adenosine (i6A) were immobilized on Sepharose and this adsorbent (Sepharose-anti-i6A) was used to selectively isolate bacteriophage T4 tRNA precursors containing i6A/ms2i6A from an unfractionated population of 32P-labeled T4 RNAs. The results showed that antibodies to i6A selectively bound only those tRNA precursors containing i6A/ms2i6A. Binding of tRNA precursors by antibody and specificity of the binding was assessed by membrane binding using 32P-labeled tRNA precursor. Binding was highly specific for i6A/ms2i6A residues in the tRNA precursors. This binding can be used to separate modified from unmodified precursor RNAs and to study the biosynthetic pathways of tRNA precursors.


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A versatile affinity matrix in which the ligand of interest is linked to the matrix through a connector arm containing a disulfide bond is described. It can be synthesized from any amino-substituted matrix by successive reaction with 2-imino-thio-lane, 5, 5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid), and a thiol derivative of the ligand of choice. The repertoire of ligands can be significantly increased by the appropriate use of avidin-biotin bridges. After adsorption of the material to be fractionated, elution can be effected by reducing the disulfide bond in the connector arm with dithiothreitol. Examples of the preparation and use of various affinity matrices based on amino-substituted Sepharose 6MB are given. One involves the immobilization of the Fab' fragment of a monoclonal antibody against Aspergillus oryzae β-galactosidase and the specific binding of that enzyme to the resulting immunoaffinity matrix. Another involves the immobilization of N-biotinyl-2-thioethylamine followed by complex formation with avidin. The resulting avidin-substituted matrix was used for the selective adsorption and subsequent recovery of mouse hybridoma cells producing anti-avidin antibodies. By further complexing the avidin-substituted matrix with appropriate biotinylated antigens, it should be possible to fractionate cells producing antibodies against a variety of antigens.


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The pentapeptide Tos-(Aib)5-OMe adopts a 310 helical conformation in the solid state, with three consecutive Type III B-turns stabilized by intramolecular hydrogen bonds.


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The benzylic methylene protons in a large number of benzyloxycarbonyl alpha-aminoisobutyric acid (Z-Aib) containing peptides, show chemical shift nonequivalence. The magnitude of the geminal nonequivalence is correlated with the involvement of the urethane carbonyl group, in an intramolecular hydrogen bond. Studies of the model compounds Z-Aib-Aib-Ala-NHMe, and Z-Aib-Aib-Aib-Pro-OMe clearly establish the presence of intramolecular hydrogen bonds, involving the urethane CO group. In both compounds marked anisochrony of the benzylic methylene protons is demonstrated. In Z-Aib-Aib-Pro-OMe, where a 4 leads to 1 hydrogen bonded beta-turn is not possible, the benzylic-CH2-protons appear as a singlet in CDCl3 and have a very small chemical shift difference in (CD3)2SO. The observation of such nonequivalence is of value in establishing whether the amino terminal Aib-Pro beta-turn is retained in large peptide-fragments of alamethicin.


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In order to understand self-diffusion (D) of a charged, flexible, and porous nanoscopic molecule in water, we carry out very long, fully atomistic molecular dynamics simulation of PAMAM dendrimer up to eight generations in explicit salt water under varying pH. We find that while the radius of gyration (R-g) varies as N-1/3, the self-diffusion constant (D) scales, surprisingly, as N-alpha, with alpha=0.39 at high pH and 0.5 at neutral pH, indicating a dramatic breakdown of Stokes-Einstein relation for diffusion of charged nanoscopic molecules. The variation in D as a function of radius of gyration demonstrates the importance of treating water and ions explicitly in the diffusion process of a flexible nanoscopic molecule. In agreement with recent experiments, the self-diffusion constant increases with pH, revealing the importance of dielectric friction in the diffusion process. The shape of a dendrimer is found to fluctuate on a nanosecond time scale. We argue that this flexibility (and also the porosity) of the dendrimer may play an important role in determining the mean square displacement of the dendrimer and the breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein relation between diffusion constant and the radius.


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Many biological environments are crowded by macromolecules, organelles and cells which can impede the transport of other cells and molecules. Previous studies have sought to describe these effects using either random walk models or fractional order diffusion equations. Here we examine the transport of both a single agent and a population of agents through an environment containing obstacles of varying size and shape, whose relative densities are drawn from a specified distribution. Our simulation results for a single agent indicate that smaller obstacles are more effective at retarding transport than larger obstacles; these findings are consistent with our simulations of the collective motion of populations of agents. In an attempt to explore whether these kinds of stochastic random walk simulations can be described using a fractional order diffusion equation framework, we calibrate the solution of such a differential equation to our averaged agent density information. Our approach suggests that these kinds of commonly used differential equation models ought to be used with care since we are unable to match the solution of a fractional order diffusion equation to our data in a consistent fashion over a finite time period.