913 resultados para solute-drag
Syftet med min studie var att belysa och jämföra språkpolitiken i Sverige och Tyskland med särskilt fokus på styrdokument som gäller språkundervisning av nyanlända vuxna invandrare. Frågeställningarna som studien skulle besvara var följande: Vad är det som anges i den nationella lagstiftningen om den enskildes tillgång till språk både vad gäller modersmål och andra språk? Hur organiseras undervisningen i andraspråk för vuxna nyanlända i Sverige respektive Tyskland? Vilka likheter och skillnader finns mellan Tyskland och Sverige vad gäller organisation av andraspråksutbildning för nyanlända vuxna? Jag använde mig av en kvalitativ metod, där materialurvalet bestod av tyska och svenska lagtexter inom relevant område. Resultatet visade att Sveriges språklag garanterar den enskildes tillgång till språk både vad gäller modersmål och annat språk än modersmål. Tyskland saknar språklag, som tyder på att Tyskland inte känner behovet av att reglera det tyska språket i förhållande till andra språk. Tyska är ett starkt språk inom ett nationellt och internationellt sammanhang. Undervisningen för nyanlända vuxna invandrare förankras i Sverige och Tyskland genom lagstiftning, dock finns mer olikheter än likheter när man jämför paragrafernas innehåll. Medan Sverige påvisar pedagogiska drag i förordningen kring SFI samt obegränsat tillgänglighet utmärker sig den tyska integrationskursen genom språkideologi. Detta sker i form av språktest som förutsättning för tilldelning av medborgarskap samt begränsningar i rätten att delta.
Denna rapport är en utvärdering av det arbetsmarknadspolitiska projektet "Volvo Cars och dess underleverantörer", som har genomförts av Arbetsförmedlingen i samarbete med Skolverket och Svenska ESF-rådet. Den 5 juni 2009 ansökte Sveriges regering om medel hos den Europeiska globaliseringsfonen (EGF)2 för att kunna erbjuda åtgärder för personer som blivit uppsagda från Volvo Cars AB och dess underleverantörer. Syftet med projektet var att kunna erbjuda de som blivit uppsagda kompetensutveckling, nya yrkeskunskaper och möjlighet att etablera egna företag. På operativ nivå drevs projektet i samverkan mellan Arbetsförmedlingen och den kom-munala yrkesvuxenutbildningen ("Yrkesvux"). Yrkesvux i Göteborgs kommun fick i upp-drag av Skolverket att samordna den del av verksamheten som berörde kommunal yr-kesvuxenutbildning. Projektet startade 1 januari 2010 och avslutades 31 maj 2011. Enligt kommissionens beslut fick medel även användas retroaktivt för insatser som hade givits till de uppsagda i form av olika arbetsmarknadsutbildningar, det s.k. snabbspåret, under 2009 innan projektet hade startat. Av nästan 5 000 individer i målgruppen som registrerade sig vid Arbetsförmedlingen del-tog knappt en fjärdedel i projektets insatser (exkl. vägledning). Av dessa gick 55 procent i aktiviteter enbart genom Arbetsförmedlingen, 37 procent enbart genom Yrkesvux och åtta procent genom både Arbetsförmedlingen och Yrkesvux. De vanligaste förekommande utbildningsinriktningarna var industri och bygg, fordonsindustri, transport och magasine-ring, omvårdnad och handel.
Föreliggande studie syftar till att genom en visuell innehållsanalys kartlägga gemensamma drag i 120 universitetslogotypers visuella utformning, samt undersöka samband mellan dessa karaktärsdrag och universitetens internationella rankningsposition.Med utgångspunkt från topprankningslistan Times Higher Education World University Rankings med 400 internationella universitet, indelade i fyra grupper i intervaller om 100 (d.v.s. rankningsposition 1–100, 101–200 etc.), valdes 30 universitet ut per grupp genom ett obundet slumpmässigt urval. Logotyperna för universiteten inhämtades främst från deras grafiska manualer.I studien presenteras förekomsten av generella drag med avseende på färg, typografi, typologi, detaljrikedom samt innehåll och form. Resultatet visade på tydliga gemensamma drag med i regel en till två dominerande karaktärsdrag per kategori. Resultaten tyder dock inte på att universitetens rakningsposition påverkar den visuella utformningen.
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan designfaktorer och prisklass på rödvinsetiketter. För att kartlägga förekommande designfaktorer har en visuell innehållsanalys gjorts inom tre olika prisklasser hämtad från Systembolagets hemsida. Utifrån den visuella innehållsanalysens resultat designades tre vinetiketter för varje prisklass. För att ta reda på om dessa designfaktorer hade ett samband med den tänkta prisklassen testades vinetiketterna mot konsumenter genom en webbenkät. Slutsatsen var att det fanns vissa generella drag som skiljer prisklasserna åt även om många designfaktorer var vanligt förekommande för alla prisklasser. Utifrån respondenternas svar visade sig vissa av designfaktorerna vara mer eller mindre tydliga för den tilltänkta prisklassen.
Sedan fotbollens början 1863 har sporten idag vuxit till en mångmiljardindustri. Detta innebär att klubbarna framställs mer som företag där den visuella identiteten är en viktig faktor när det kommer till marknadsföring. Syftet med denna studie är att jämföra 98 europeiska fotbollsklubbars logotyper från fem olika ligor för att hitta samband och skillnader i utformningen mellan länder och ligor. Resultatet sammanfattades i form av generiska logotyper för respektive liga. De 98 klubbarna hämtades ur de fem europeiska ligor som 2014 hade störst tv-intäkter. Logotyperna samlades in genom bildsökningar via Google. Logotyperna sorterades efter respektive liga och överskådades för att definiera lämpliga kategorier för en visuell innehållsanalys. Den visuella innehållsanalysen visade att ligorna skiljer sig något vad beträffar logotypernas utformning, men att de har vissa gemensamma grundläggande drag.
Granskningar av skolans matematikundervisning liksom erfarenheter från min verksamhetsförlagda utbildning visar att undervisningen i matematik i stora drag kännetecknas av enskild räkning i en lärobok. Föregående visar sig trots att matematisk problemlösning har en central roll i skolans läroplan. En viktig faktor för att eleverna ska ha möjlighet att utveckla goda ämneskunskaper är den enskilde lärarens förmåga att undervisa samt lärarens kunskaper i ämnet. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om deltagande i fortbildning förändrar hur lärare arbetar med matematisk problemlösning tillsammans med sina elever. Den metod som har använts till studien är en systematisk litteraturstudie vilket innebär att sökningar efter vetenskaplig litteratur har gjorts i olika databaser. Det resultat som framkommit visar att oberoende av hur fortbildningen har organiserats sker en förändring i undervisningen hos de lärare som deltagit i fortbildning. Resultatet visar att majoriteten av de lärare som deltagit i fortbildning förändrar sin undervisning i matematisk problemlösning inom fyra större områden. Dessa områden är lärarnas val av problem, hur problemet introduceras för eleverna, vilket typ av kommunikation och interaktion som finns i klassrummet samt hur presentationen av olika lösningsförslag går till. Beroende på hur fortbildningen har organiserats sker denna förändring i olika stor utsträckning.
The aim of this project is to provide an explanation for recently obtained binding constants for two similar guest molecules, NDMG and N-MAP, with a p-sulfonatocalix[6]arene host in ammonium acetate buffer. This work was done primarily using pressure perturbation calorimetry, which is a technique that determines the coefficient of thermal expansion, α, which is in turn related to the solute molecule's effect on the order of the surrounding water molecules. A series of experiments were designed to test the effects of suspected confounding variables on the validity of PPC data. PPC was then used to study NDMG and N-MAP in ammonium acetate buffer. NDMG exhibited a minimum in α as function of temperature, while N-MAP did not. This difference was theorized to be due to the formation of an intramolecular hydrogen bond in monocationic NDMG that would lower the heat capacity of the molecule and better distribute the molecule's charge. Computational work and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy confirmed that monocationic, ring-closed NDMG has less concentrated charge and more constrained motion than monocationic, ring-open NDMG. This evidence supports the theory that monocationic NDMG forms an intramolecular hydrogen bond and that this may be responsible for the minimum in α. This difference may explain the differences in binding constants between NDMG and N-MAP.
“Libraries are a lot like sex.” There just had to be a way, I kept telling myself as I watched somnambulant freshperson after somnambulant freshperson (is that what we’re calling them now?) drag his or her soporific self into our library research classes.
No presente trabalho descrevemos nossos resultados relativos à investigação da dinâmica de solvatação mecânica por meio de simulações por dinâmica molecular, respeitando o regime da resposta linear, em sistemas-modelo de argônio líquido com um soluto monoatômico ou diatômico dissolvido. Estudamos sistematicamente a influência dos parâmetros moleculares dos solutos (tamanho, polarizabilidade) e da densidade frente a vários modelos de solvatação. Funções de Correlação Temporal da Energia de Solvatação foram calculadas com relação à correlações de n-corpos (n = 2; 3) distinguindo interações repulsivas e atrativas para ambos os sistemas líquidos. Também obtivemos segundas derivadas temporais dessas funções referindo-se à parcelas translacionais, rotacionais e roto-translacionais na solução do diatômico. Encontramos que funções de correlação temporal coletivas podem ser razoavelmente bem aproximadas por correlações binárias a densidades baixas e, a densidades altas, correlações ternárias tornam-se mais importantes produzindo um descorrelacionamento mais rápido das funções coletivas devido a efeitos de cancelamento parciais. As funções de correlação para interações repulsivas e atrativas exibem comportamentos dinâmicos independentes do modelo de solvatação devido a fatores de escalonamento linear que afetam apenas as amplitudes das dessas funções de correlação temporal. Em geral, os sistemas com grau de liberdade rotacional apresentam tempos de correlação mais curtos para a dinâmica coletiva e tempos de correlação mais longos para as funções binárias e ternárias. Finalmente, esse estudo mostra que os sistemas contendo o diatômico relaxam-se predominantemente por mecanismos translacionais binários em modelos de solvatação envolvendo alterações apenas na polarizabilidade do soluto, e por mecanismos rotacionais atrativos binários em modelos envolvendo alterações no comprimento de ligação.
The screening for genes in metagenomic libraries from soil creates opportunities to explore the enormous genetic and metabolic diversity of microorganisms. Rivers are ecosystems with high biological diversity, but few were examined using the metagenomic approach. With this objective, a metagenomic library was constructed from DNA soil samples collected at three different points along the Jundiaí-river (Rio Grande do Norte-Brazil). The points sampled are from open area, rough terrain and with the direct incidence of sunlight. This library was analyzed functionally and based in sequence. For functional analysis Luria-Bertani solid medium (LB) with NaCl concentration varied from 0.17M to 0.85M was used for functional analysis. Positives clones resistant to hypersaline medium were obtained. The recombinant DNAs were extracted and transformed into Escherichia coli strain DH10B and survival curves were obtained for quantification of abiotic stress resistance. The sequences of clones were obtained and submitted to the BLASTX tool. Some clones were found to hypothetical proteins of microorganisms from both Archaea and Bacteria division. One of the clones showed a complete ORF with high similarity to glucose-6-phosphate isomerase which participates in the synthesis of glycerol pathway and serves as a compatible solute to balance the osmotic pressure inside and outside of cells. Subsequently, in order to identify genes encoding osmolytes or enzymes related halotolerance, environmental DNA samples from the river soil, from the water column of the estuary and ocean were collected and pyrosequenced. Sequences of osmolytes and enzymes of different microorganisms were obtained from the UniProt and used as RefSeqs for homology identification (TBLASTN) in metagenomic databases. The sequences were submitted to HMMER for the functional domains identification. Some enzymes were identified: alpha-trehalose-phosphate synthase, L-ectoina synthase (EctC), transaminase L-2 ,4-diaminobutyric acid (EctB), L-2 ,4-diaminobutyric acetyltransferase (EctA), L-threonine 3 dehydrogenase (sorbitol pathway), glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, inositol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, chaperones, L-proline, glycine betaine binding ABC transporter, myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase protein of proline simportadora / PutP sodium-and trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase These proteins are commonly related to saline environments, however the identification of them in river environment is justified by the high salt concentration in the soil during prolonged dry seasons this river. Regarding the richness of the microbiota the river substrate has an abundance of halobacteria similar to the sea and more than the estuary. These data confirm the existence of a specialized response against salt stress by microorganisms in the environment of the Jundiaí river
Metal-ceramic interfaces are present in tricone drill bits with hard ceramic inserts for oil well drilling operations. The combination of actions of cutting, crushing and breaking up of rocks results in the degradation of tricone drill bits by wear, total or partial rupture of the drill bit body or the ceramic inserts, thermal shock and corrosion. Also the improper pressfitting of the ceramic inserts on the bit body may cause its total detachment, and promote serious damages to the drill bit. The improvement on the production process of metal-ceramic interfaces can eliminate or minimize some of above-mentioned failures presented in tricone drill bits, optimizing their lifetime and so reducing drilling metric cost. Brazing is a widely established technique to join metal-ceramic materials, and may be an excellent alternative to the common mechanical press fitting process of hard ceramic inserts on the steel bit body for tricone drill bit. Wetting phenomena plays an essential role in the production of metal/ceramic interfaces when a liquid phase is present in the process. In this work, 72Silver-28Copper eutectic based brazing alloys were melted onto zirconia, silicon nitride and tungsten carbide/Co substrates under high vacuum. Contact angle evolution was measured and graphically plotted, and the interfaces produced were analysed by SEM-EDX. The AgCu eutectic alloy did not wet any ceramic substrates, showing high contact angles, and so without chemical interaction between the materials. Better results were found for the systemns containing 3%wt of titanium in the AgCu alloy. The presence os titanium as a solute in the alloy produces wettable cand termodinamically stable compounds, increasing the ceramics wetting beahviour
The demand for alternative sources of energy drives the technological development so that many fuels and energy conversion processes before judged as inadequate or even non-viable, are now competing fuels and so-called traditional processes. Thus, biomass plays an important role and is considered one of the sources of renewable energy most important of our planet. Biomass accounts for 29.2% of all renewable energy sources. The share of biomass energy from Brazil in the OIE is 13.6%, well above the world average of participation. Various types of pyrolysis processes have been studied in recent years, highlighting the process of fast pyrolysis of biomass to obtain bio-oil. The continuous fast pyrolysis, the most investigated and improved are the fluidized bed and ablative, but is being studied and developed other types in order to obtain Bio-oil a better quality, higher productivity, lower energy consumption, increased stability and process reliability and lower production cost. The stability of the product bio-oil is fundamental to designing consumer devices such as burners, engines and turbines. This study was motivated to produce Bio-oil, through the conversion of plant biomass or the use of its industrial and agricultural waste, presenting an alternative proposal for thermochemical pyrolysis process, taking advantage of particle dynamics in the rotating bed that favors the right gas-solid contact and heat transfer and mass. The pyrolyser designed to operate in a continuous process, a feeder containing two stages, a divisive system of biomass integrated with a tab of coal fines and a system of condensing steam pyrolytic. The prototype has been tested with sawdust, using a complete experimental design on two levels to investigate the sensitivity of factors: the process temperature, gas flow drag and spin speed compared to the mass yield of bio-oil. The best result was obtained in the condition of 570 oC, 25 Hz and 200 cm3/min, temperature being the parameter of greatest significance. The mass balance of the elementary stages presented in the order of 20% and 37% liquid pyrolytic carbon. We determined the properties of liquid and solid products of pyrolysis as density, viscosity, pH, PCI, and the composition characterized by chemical analysis, revealing the composition and properties of a Bio-oil.
The present study provides a methodology that gives a predictive character the computer simulations based on detailed models of the geometry of a porous medium. We using the software FLUENT to investigate the flow of a viscous Newtonian fluid through a random fractal medium which simplifies a two-dimensional disordered porous medium representing a petroleum reservoir. This fractal model is formed by obstacles of various sizes, whose size distribution function follows a power law where exponent is defined as the fractal dimension of fractionation Dff of the model characterizing the process of fragmentation these obstacles. They are randomly disposed in a rectangular channel. The modeling process incorporates modern concepts, scaling laws, to analyze the influence of heterogeneity found in the fields of the porosity and of the permeability in such a way as to characterize the medium in terms of their fractal properties. This procedure allows numerically analyze the measurements of permeability k and the drag coefficient Cd proposed relationships, like power law, for these properties on various modeling schemes. The purpose of this research is to study the variability provided by these heterogeneities where the velocity field and other details of viscous fluid dynamics are obtained by solving numerically the continuity and Navier-Stokes equations at pore level and observe how the fractal dimension of fractionation of the model can affect their hydrodynamic properties. This study were considered two classes of models, models with constant porosity, MPC, and models with varying porosity, MPV. The results have allowed us to find numerical relationship between the permeability, drag coefficient and the fractal dimension of fractionation of the medium. Based on these numerical results we have proposed scaling relations and algebraic expressions involving the relevant parameters of the phenomenon. In this study analytical equations were determined for Dff depending on the geometrical parameters of the models. We also found a relation between the permeability and the drag coefficient which is inversely proportional to one another. As for the difference in behavior it is most striking in the classes of models MPV. That is, the fact that the porosity vary in these models is an additional factor that plays a significant role in flow analysis. Finally, the results proved satisfactory and consistent, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the referred methodology for all applications analyzed in this study.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)