825 resultados para social conditions
Entender o processo que engendra o Fundo Social do Pr-Sal demanda compreender a nova regulao do petrleo, aprovada em 2010. Esta tese empreende anlise da trajetria da regulao do petrleo no Brasil, partindo da aprovao da Lei do Petrleo (1997), e avalia como ideias e interesses interagem com instituies vigentes, ao poltica e condies econmicas, para gerar nova configurao setorial. Combinando viso abrangente do institucionalismo histrico aos mtodos robustos do institucionalismo da escolha racional para determinao das preferncias dos atores, este trabalho aponta para a determinao histrica das escolhas dos agentes. Em termos empricos, mostra como as condies econmicas foram determinantes na permeabilidade da poltica econmica brasileira aos interesses representados pelas instituies multilaterais, esclarece a importncia do volume de reservas de petrleo na determinao do novo marco regulatrio; e aponta razo para a escalada de valor da Petrobras aps 1997.
We construct a model in which a first mover decides on its location before it knows the identity of the second mover; joint location results in a negative extemality. Contracts are inherently incomplete since the first mover's initial decision cannot be specified. We analyze several kinds of rights, including damages, injunctions, and rights to exclude (arising from covenants or land ownership). There are cases in which allocating any of these basic rights to the first mover-i.e., first-party rights-is dominated by second-party rights, and cases in which the reverse is true. A Coasian result (efficiency regardless of the rights allocation) only holds under a limited set of conditions. As corollaries of a theorem ranking the basic rights regimes, a number of results emerge contradicting conventional wisdom, including the relative inefficiency of concentrated land ownership and the relevance of the generator's identity. We conclude with a mechanism and a new rights regime that each yield the first best in all cases.
Este estudo objetiva identificar os principais desafios que a Agncia X encontrou no caminho do desenvolvimento de um modelo de gesto de pessoas por competncias e quais as possveis formas de superar esses desafios, tendo como foco a percepo e o entendimento dos entrevistados. A organizao estudada procura, h tempos, amadurecer o processo de elaborao de um plano de cargos e salrios baseado em mrito e competncia, que culminou na aprovao da nova modelagem institucional em gesto de recursos humanos. Com este ferramental tpico da iniciativa privada, dedica-se a Agncia X, fortemente, criao de um ambiente favorvel para uma gesto eficiente e produtiva, claramente alinhada aos conceitos de uma adhocracia e de uma organizao inovadora sustentvel. Ocorre que todo processo de mudana organizacional encontra seus desafios e seus obstculos. No complexo ambiente das empresas pblicas, este processo no diferente, sendo ainda mais forte e evidente. Elaboraram-se, nesta pesquisa, trs tipologias de grupos organizacionais, tendo como base a forma de entrada na organizao: o Grupo 01 da Oposio os funcionrios com entrada pr-forma, o Grupo 02 Favorvel Financeiro os funcionrios com entrada por concurso pblico e o Grupo 03 Favorvel Meritocrtico os funcionrios com entrada por concurso pblico e que exercem cargo de confiana. As anlises demonstraram que os funcionrios com entrada pr-forma so contrrios ao novo plano por motivos que perpassam condies financeiras e motivos de ordem tcnica. Os demais grupos so favorveis ao novo plano exatamente pela lgica inversa, ou seja, motivos financeiros e motivos de ordem tcnica so identificados como os principais incentivadores da nova modelagem institucional. Os maiores desafios encontrados pela Agncia X foram: o enorme perodo aptico da prpria organizao em relao s questes meritocrticas, como na demora pela realizao de seu primeiro concurso pblico, a falta, no passado, de um comando superior dentro da empresa com o intuito de fortalecer a instituio no cenrio nacional e internacional com foco na valorizao das atividades e aes realizadas pelo seu corpo funcional, e a acomodao instalada nos empregados, fruto de gestes passadas que no se preocupavam com a gesto por resultados, perdendo o foco no desenvolvimento sustentvel. Por fim, neste cenrio de estagnao, a Agncia X entendeu a lgica de poder e os aspectos culturais envolvidos nos grupos organizacionais, e optou, mesmo sabendo das resistncias que seriam encontradas, pela priorizao da profissionalizao, e gesto por resultados e competncia. Desenvolver as competncias individuais e coletivas alinhadas com as estratgias organizacionais foram fatores determinantes para a Agncia X vencer obstculos e conseguir, depois de muitos anos, implementar uma ferramenta tpica da gesto privada na esfera pblica, com foco em competncias, mrito e resultados, sendo assim, o maior avano histrico da organizao no sentido de fortalecer seus funcionrios e robustecer a empresa dentro do cenrio poltico nacional e internacional.
Brazilian public policy entered in the so-called new social federalism through its conditional cash transfers. States and municipalities can operate together through the nationwide platform of the Bolsa Familia Program (BFP), complementing federal actions with local innovations. The state and the city of Rio de Janeiro have created programs named, respectively, Renda Melhor (RM) and Famlia Carioca (FC). These programs make use of the operational structure of the BFP, which facilitates locating beneficiaries, issuing cards, synchronizing payment dates and access passwords and introducing new conditionalities. The payment system of the two programs complements the estimated permanent household income up to the poverty line established, giving more to those who have less. Similar income complementation system was subsequently adopted in the BFP and the Chilean Ingreso tico Familiar, which also follow the principle of estimation of income used in the FC and in the RM. Instead of using the declared income, the value of the Rio cash transfers are set using the extensive collection of information obtained from the Single Registry of Social Programs (Cadastro nico): physical configuration of housing, access to public services, education and work conditions for all family members, presence of vulnerable groups, disabilities, pregnant or lactating women, children and benefits from other official transfers such as the BFP. With this multitude of assets and limitations, the permanent income of each individual is estimated. The basic benefit is defined by the poverty gap and priority is given to the poorest. These subnational programs use international benchmarks as a neutral ground between different government levels and mandates. Their poverty line is the highest of the first millennium goal of the United Nations (UN): US$ 2 per person per day adjusted for the cost of living. The other poverty line of the UN, US$ 1.25, was implicitly adopted as the national extreme poverty line in 2011. The exchange of methodologies between federal entities has happened both ways. The FC began with the 575,000 individuals living in the city of Rio de Janeiro who were on the payroll of the BFP. Its system of impact evaluation benefited from bi-monthly standardized examinations. In the educational conditionalities, the two programs reward students' progress, a potential advantage for those who most need to advance. The municipal program requires greater school attendance than that of the BFP and the presence of students parents at the bimonthly meetings held on Saturdays. Students must achieve a grade of 8 or improve at least 20% in each exam to receive a bi-monthly premium of R$50. In early childhood, priority is given to the poor children in the program Single Administrative Register (Cadnico) to enroll in kindergarten, preschools and complementary activities. The state program reaches more than one million people with a payment system similar to the municipal one. Moreover, it innovates in that it transfers awards given to high school students to savings accounts. The prize increases and is paid to the student, who can withdraw up to 30% annually. The total can reach R$3,800 per low-income student. The State and the city rewarded already education professionals according to student performance, now completing the chain of demand incentives on poor students and their parents. Increased performance is higher among beneficiaries and the presence of their guardians at meetings is twice compared to non beneficiaries; The Houston program, also focuses on aligning the incentives to teachers, parents and students. In general, the plan is to explore strategic complementarities, where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The objective is to stimulate, through targets and incentives, synergies between social actors (teachers, parents, students), between areas (education, assistance, work) and different levels of government. The cited programs sum their efforts and divide labor so as to multiply interactions and make a difference in the lives of the poor.
The term social entrepreneurship has been attracting growing interest from different sectors in the past years, driven by the possibility of employing business techniques to tackle recurrent social and environmental issues. At the forefront of this global phenomenon is microcredit, seen by many as an effective anti-poverty tool and having the Grameen Bank as its flagship program. While the prospects of social entrepreneurship seem promising, the newness of the concept and its somewhat confusing definition make conditions difficult to analyze this contemporary phenomenon. Therefore, the objective of this study was to discuss the challenges faced by social entrepreneurs and alternatives of development for social businesses through a case study on a Brazilian microcredit institution and inclusive business, Banco Prola. The case addresses a growing need for case studies designed for teaching in the field of social entrepreneurship. It was focused mainly on understanding the development challenges within Banco Prola, and built based on interviews carried out with top management, credit officer and clients of the institution, as well as on secondary data collected. An analysis of the case study was performed under a Teaching Notes. As illustrated by the Banco Prola case, the main difficulties encountered by social entrepreneurs relate to the systematization of processes and creation of operational routines, including for performance evaluation (impact assessment tools); to the capture and management of both financial and human capital; to scaling up the business model and to the need of forging closer and more personal relationships with customers as against in traditional banking practices. In spite of certain limitations, such as the fact that the case might soon become outdated due to the fast-changing environment surrounding Banco Prola, or the fact that not all relevant stakeholders (e.g. partners) were selected for interviews, the research objective has been achieved and the study can be seen as a contribution to spreading the concept of social entrepreneurship.
Purpose This case study presents an impact assessment of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs of the TFM Company in order to understand how they contribute to the sustainable development of communities in areas in which they operate. Design/Methodology/Approach - Data for this study was collected using qualitative data methods that included semi-structured interviews and Focus Group Discussions most of them audio and video recorded. Documentary analysis and a field visit were also undertaken for the purpose of quality analysis of the CSR programs on the terrain. Data collected was analyzed using the Seven Questions to sustainability (7Qs) framework, an evaluation tool developed by the Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development (MMSD) North America chapter. Content analysis method was on the other hand used to examine the interviews and FGDs of the study participants. Findings - Results shows that CSR programs of TFM SA do contribute to community development, as there have been notable changes in the communities living conditions. But whether they have contributed to sustainable development is not yet the case as programs that enhance the capacity of communities and other stakeholders to support these projects development beyond the implementation stage and the mines operation lifetime need to be considered and implemented. Originality/Value In DRC, there is paucity of information of research studies that focus on impact assessment of CSR programs in general and specifically those of mining companies and their contribution to sustainable development of local communities. Many of the available studies cover issues of minerals and conflict or conflict minerals as mostly referred to. This study addressees this gap.
O presente trabalho apresenta a experincia das escolas comunitrias da favela da Rocinha, durante o perodo de 1968 a 1986, e a analisa a partir de duas vertentes: - a questo urbana - a escola comunitria enquanto uma forma de organizao popular, que aliada aos outros grupos comunitrios da Rocinha, questiona a alocao desigual de recursos pblicos e luta pela melhoria das condies de vida na favela. A questo educacional - a prtica pedaggica dessas escolas junto s crianas, jovens e adultos; a busca de uma metodologia e de contedos que partam da realidade dos alunos e dos objetivos do trabalho comunitrio. O estudo de caso foi elaborado a partir de entrevistas (realizadas junto a lideranas, educadores, pais, alunos, agentes externos e tcnicos), de fontes documentais e da participao da autora no trabalho comunitrio da favela, iniciada em 1976. Procurou-se apreender a origem dessa experincia junto precariedade/ineficcia do sistema oficial de ensino e ao processo de reorganizao das classes populares, e perceber tambm a relao entre as diferentes conjunturas e a configurao que as escolas comunitrias foram assumindo ao longo dessa trajetria.
Algumas pesquisas demonstram que a presena de um parceiro social durante uma situao de risco modula a resposta ao estresse, atenuando seus efeitos negativos. Neste estudo, 8 dades de machos e 8 de fmeas de sagi comum (Callithrix jacchus) foram expostos a um ambiente novo, sozinhos e acompanhados de um parceiro de mesmo sexo e idade. Quando submetidos a um ambiente novo em companhia de um animal de mesmo sexo, os machos apresentaram um perfil mais filiativo enquanto as fmeas foram mais competitivas entre si. Os resultados mostram que a resposta comportamental sexualmente dimrfica, e que machos e fmeas utilizam diferentes estratgias quando confrontados com situaes desafiadoras no ambiente natural Abstract Some researches demonstrate that the presence of a social partner during a challenging situation modulates the stress response, decreasing its negative effects. In this study common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) males and females were exposed to a new environment, alone or in companion of a social partner of the same sex and age. When submitted to new environment in companion of a same-sex social partner males showed more affiliation whereas females performed agonistic behaviors. The results show that behavioral response is sexually dimorphic and that males and females used different strategies when facing challenging situations in natural conditions
This paper discusses social housing policy in Brazil since the 1990s by analyzing government programs institutional arrangements, their sources of revenues and the formatting of related nancial systems. The conclusion suggests that all these arrangements have not constituted a comprehensive housing policy with the clear aim of serving to enhance housing conditions in the country. Housing policies since the 1990s as proposed by Fernando Collor de Mello, Itamar Franco, Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Luis Inacio Lula da Silvas governments (in the latter case, despite much progress towards subsidized investment programs) have sought to consolidate nancial instruments in line with global markets, restructuring the way private interests operate within the system, a necessary however incomplete course of action. Different from rhetoric, this has resulted in failure as the more fundamental social results for the poor have not yet been achieved.
This Masters Degree dissertation seeks to make a comparative study of internal air temperature data, simulated through the thermal computer application DesignBuilder 1.2, and data registered in loco through HOBO Temp Data Logger, in a Social Housing Prototype (HIS), located at the Central Campus of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte UFRN. The prototype was designed and built seeking strategies of thermal comfort recommended for the local climate where the study was carried out, and built with panels of cellular concrete by Construtora DoisA, a collaborator of research project REPESC Rede de Pesquisa em Eficincia Energtica de Sistemas Construtivos (Research Network on Energy Efficiency of Construction Systems), an integral part of Habitare program. The methodology employed carefully examined the problem, reviewed the bibliography, analyzing the major aspects related to computer simulations for thermal performance of buildings, such as climate characterization of the region under study and users thermal comfort demands. The DesignBuilder 1.2 computer application was used as a simulation tool, and theoretical alterations were carried out in the prototype, then they were compared with the parameters of thermal comfort adopted, based on the area s current technical literature. Analyses of the comparative studies were performed through graphical outputs for a better understanding of air temperature amplitudes and thermal comfort conditions. The data used for the characterization of external air temperature were obtained from the Test Reference Year (TRY), defined for the study area (Natal-RN). Thus the author also performed comparative studies for TRY data registered in the years 2006, 2007 and 2008, at weather station Davis Precision Station, located at the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais INPE-CRN (National Institute of Space Research), in a neighboring area of UFRN s Central Campus. The conclusions observed from the comparative studies performed among computer simulations, and the local records obtained from the studied prototype, point out that the simulations performed in naturally ventilated buildings is quite a complex task, due to the applications limitations, mainly owed to the complexity of air flow phenomena, the influence of comfort conditions in the surrounding areas and climate records. Lastly, regarding the use of the application DesignBuilder 1.2 in the present study, one may conclude that it is a good tool for computer simulations. However, it needs some adjustments to improve reliability in its use. There is a need for continued research, considering the dedication of users to the prototype, as well as the thermal charges of the equipment, in order to check sensitivity
This anthropological study investigates the lived-experience of oral diseases in the context of poverty in Northeast Brazil. During six months in 2004???, ethnographic interviews, narratives and participant-observation with 31 residents of the low-income community, Dend, located in Fortaleza, Cear were conducted and analyzed utilizing a hermeneutic-dialetic method. It is revealed that precarious life conditions make prioritizing caretaking a difficult task. Despite suffering tooth pain, seeking a dentist's care is perceived as "a luxury" not a citzens' right. Difficulties in accessing services and poor quality restorations, favor tooth extractions as the most effective intervention. The deterioration of one's oral health is lamented by community members who seek help from popular clinics, politicians and traditional healers. The experience of dental disease differs according to social class, leaves oral scars of inequity, harms self-esteem and inhibits social inclusion. In this context, "treating" the Teeth of Inequity demands that we deepen our comprehension of the social determinants of health, reduce injustice in the access to quality care, remove demoralizing stigmas and empower the community to confront structural forces which affect its life
Rogram relying on sociological interface between Economic Sociology, Sociology of Moral Theory of Socialization and Social Stratification, this dissertation research makes use of theoretical contributions Luic Boltanski, Charles Taylor, Axel Honneth, Pierre Bourdieu and Bernard Lahire to problematize the generally about the physical and symbolic production and social reproduction of the type of "economic ethics" predominant in the new petite bourgeoisie Brazilian. In other words, the goal is to explain and analyze the objective conditions (economic needs and moral grammar) and intersubjective (modes of socialization and social networks) and update the social genesis and contextual transcontextual beliefs, biases, inclinations and cultural regularities observed the economic behavior of individual profiles for the fractions of the urban petty bourgeoisie and commercial upward Natal / RN. With regard to methodological strategies adopted in data collection will be conducted qualitative interviews (semistructured) and ethnographic notes. In turn, the analytical treatment of the collected empirical content is based on the approach dispositionalist (Pierre Bourdieu, Loc Wacquant and Bernard Lahire) that emphasizes the study of the past embedded agents and the different contexts of incorporation / activation / inhibition of "provisions" individual cultural
This study seeks to analyze the relationship between values and economic practices in social actions developed by the Caritas Network northeastern in projects linked to the Solidarity Economy over the last decade. This link between economic values and practices is discussed in relation to both Weber (Economy and Society) and Simmel (The Philosophy of Money) with a treatment of the affinities between both the economic sphere and religious ethics and the forms of sociability that bring individuals into contact with the circulation of money. The research scope was comprised of businesses monitored by Caritas in four northeastern states (Pernambuco, Paraba, Alagoas and Rio Grande do Norte where we sought investigate the influence of ethical values, religious networks, and the economic practices of associations, groups and cooperatives. The field research took place over nine months with visits to local groups in their production areas, participation in trade fairs, training, exchanges, forums and regional meetings. Through this research we saw that money, the symbol and instrument of utilitarian reason, shapes individual behavior and socialization conditions since in business practices it is permeated by religious and ethical values when confronted by their experiences, values and neoliberal practices. The data and conclusions and relates to the overall research of the regional Caritas Network, the place it occupies in the Solidarity Economy and its influence on the sociability of business
Electrical energy today is an essential element in the life of any human being. Through the access to electrical energy it is possible to enjoy dignified conditions of life, having in mind the possibility of making use of minimal material conditions of life. The lack of access to electricity is directly linked to poverty and degrading conditions of life, in which are some communities in Brazil, especially the more isolated from urban centers. Access to the electric service is a determining factor for the preservation of human dignity, constitutional principle inscribe in the art.1 of the Federal Constitution, and the promotion of development, being a right of everyone and a duty of the State to promote universal access. For that reason, focuses mainly on the analysis of their setting as a fundamental social right and its importance for national development. For this, the theoretical and descriptive method was used, with normative and literary analysis, in particular the Constitution of 1988. This study also discusses the form of action of the State in the energy sector, to give effect to the fundamental social right of access to electricity, the characteristics of public service and the principles that guide it, in addition to the role of public policies in universalization of access, in particular the analysis of the Program Luz para Todos, and the function of regulation in the implementation of these policies and the provision of adequate public services.
This work aims to study the problem of the formal job in the Brazilian Northeast region and its effect in the social inclusion, taking for base the analysis of variables defined in the Atlas of Social Exclusion, which is based on the 2000 Brazilian Census, choosing the county as unit of analysis. As methodological options, an exploratory data analysis was performed, followed by multivariate statistical techniques, such as weighted multiple regression analysis, cluster analysis and exploratory analysis of spatial data. The results pointed out to low rates of formal job for the active age population as well as low indexes of social inclusion in the Northeast region of Brazil. A strong association of the formal job with the indicators of social inclusion under investigation, was evidenced (schooling, inequality, poverty, youth and income form government transfers), as well as a strong association of the formal job with the new index of social inclusion (IIS), modified from the IES. At the Federative Units, in which better levels of formal job had been found, good indexes of social inclusion are also observed. Highlights for the state of the Rio Grande do Norte, with the best conditions of life, and for the states of the Maranho and Piau, with the worst conditions. The situation of the Northeast region, facing the indicators under study, is very precarious, claiming for the necessity of emphasizing programs and governmental actions, specially directed to the raise of formal job levels of the region, reflecting, thus, in improvements on the income inequality, as well as in the social inclusion of the population of Northeastern natives.