940 resultados para revised Aleph Account


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OBJETIVO: Caracterizar objetivamente as alterações de crianças e adolescentes incluídos no espectro do autismo de acordo com o grau de severidade definido a partir das respostas ao Functional Communication Profile - Revised (FCP-R). MÉTODOS: Foram selecionadas 50 crianças (idade média 7 anos e 11 meses) com diagnósticos no espectro do autismo que foram avaliados segundo os critérios do FCP-R. As respostas obtidas foram pontuadas e classificadas de acordo com a severidade e realizada análise estatística pertinente. RESULTADOS: A caracterização dessa população evidenciou dados concordantes com a literatura, mostrando prejuízos nas áreas de linguagem (expressiva e receptiva), comportamento e pragmática, principalmente. Os indivíduos que não possuem habilidades verbais evidenciaram, ainda, alterações referentes aos domínios fala e fluência. CONCLUSÃO: O FCP-R foi sensível para caracterizar a população estudada, mostrando-se ainda mais eficaz para a avaliação individualizada.


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OBJECTIVE: This study proposes a new approach that considers uncertainty in predicting and quantifying the presence and severity of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. METHODS: A rule-based fuzzy expert system was designed by four experts in diabetic neuropathy. The model variables were used to classify neuropathy in diabetic patients, defining it as mild, moderate, or severe. System performance was evaluated by means of the Kappa agreement measure, comparing the results of the model with those generated by the experts in an assessment of 50 patients. Accuracy was evaluated by an ROC curve analysis obtained based on 50 other cases; the results of those clinical assessments were considered to be the gold standard. RESULTS: According to the Kappa analysis, the model was in moderate agreement with expert opinions. The ROC analysis (evaluation of accuracy) determined an area under the curve equal to 0.91, demonstrating very good consistency in classifying patients with diabetic neuropathy. CONCLUSION: The model efficiently classified diabetic patients with different degrees of neuropathy severity. In addition, the model provides a way to quantify diabetic neuropathy severity and allows a more accurate patient condition assessment.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden vom ALEPH-Detektor am Speicherring LEP des CERN in Genf genommene Datenmengen aus den Jahren 1997 bis 1999 analysiert und sowohl Kopplungsparameter am Drei-Eichbosonen-Vertex derW-Boson-Paarproduktion, als auch die Anteile longitudinal beziehungsweise transversal polarisierter W-Bosonen, bei Schwerpunktsenergien von 183 GeV bis 202 GeV bestimmt. Betrachtet wird der rein leptonische Zerfallskanal, in dembeide W-Bosonen in ein Elektron-Neutrino- oder ein Myon-Neutrino-Paar zerfallen, der einen geringen Wirkungsquerschnitt aufweist, aber eine klareDetektorsignatur. Die aufgezeichneten Ereignisse werden selektiert und dabei eine Reinheit von durchschnittlich 72% erreicht. Der Hauptuntergrund besteht aus W-Boson-Paaren, bei denen zumindest ein W-Boson in ein Tauon-Neutrino-Paarzerfällt. Dieser Kanal zeigt ein sehr signalähnliches Verhalten. Die selektierten Ereignisse werden kinematisch rekonstruiert, um die Winkelverteilungen der Zerfallsprodukte der W-Bosonen zu extrahieren. Aus den Polarwinkelverteilungen der geladenen Zerfallsprodukte der W-Bosonen werden die Anteile longitudinal beziehungsweise transversal polarisierterW-Bosonen durch Anpassung der theoretischen Vorhersage an die selektierten Daten bestimmt. Dabei wird gefunden, daß f? = (71,6 ? 6,4_{stat.} ? 3,7_{syst.}) % der produzierten W-Bosonen transversal polarisiert sind, in Übereinstimmung mit der Vorhersage des Standardmodells (75,1%). Dieser Wert ist ein erster Hinweis auf die Kopplungsparameter am Drei-Eichbosonen-Vertex. Die CP-erhaltenden allgemeinen Kopplungsparameter $g_{rm Z}^1$, $kappa_gamma$ und $lambda_gamma$ werden bestimmt zu: $g_{rm Z}^1 = {{1,19^{+0,13}_{-0,16}}_{stat.}} {^{+0,09}_{-0,09}}_{syst.}$,$kappa_gamma = {{1,06^{+0,27}_{-0,09}}_{stat.}} {^{+0,08}_{-0,08}}_{syst.}$,$lambda_gamma = {{0,16^{+0,11}_{-0,13}}_{stat.}} {^{+0,08}_{-0,08}}_{syst.}$. Das Standardmodell sagt $g_{rm Z}^1 = 1$, $kappa_gamma = 1$ und $lambda_gamma = 0$ voraus. Mit diesen Kopplungsparametern lassen sich das magnetischeDipolmoment und das elektrische Quadrupolmoment der W-Bosonen bestimmen zu: $mu_{rm W} = frac{e}{2m_{rm W}} cdot (2,22^{+0,31}_{-0,19})$,$q_{rm W} = - frac{e}{m_{rm W}^2} cdot (0,90^{+0,32}_{-0,18})$. Die Messung der Kopplungsparameter stellt einen wichtigen Test des minimalen Standardmodells dar. In einem Jahr wird es möglich sein, diesen Test mit allen Daten aus der Phase II des Betriebs von LEP durchzuführen und die Genauigkeit durch Kombination mit anderen LEP-Experimenten zu erhöhen.


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The work for the present thesis started in California, during my semester as an exchange student overseas. California is known worldwide for its seismicity and its effort in the earthquake engineering research field. For this reason, I immediately found interesting the Structural Dynamics Professor, Maria Q. Feng's proposal, to work on a pushover analysis of the existing Jamboree Road Overcrossing bridge. Concrete is a popular building material in California, and for the most part, it serves its functions well. However, concrete is inherently brittle and performs poorly during earthquakes if not reinforced properly. The San Fernando Earthquake of 1971 dramatically demonstrated this characteristic. Shortly thereafter, code writers revised the design provisions for new concrete buildings so to provide adequate ductility to resist strong ground shaking. There remain, nonetheless, millions of square feet of non-ductile concrete buildings in California. The purpose of this work is to perform a Pushover Analysis and compare the results with those of a Nonlinear Time-History Analysis of an existing bridge, located in Southern California. The analyses have been executed through the software OpenSees, the Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation. The bridge Jamboree Road Overcrossing is classified as a Standard Ordinary Bridge. In fact, the JRO is a typical three-span continuous cast-in-place prestressed post-tension box-girder. The total length of the bridge is 366 ft., and the height of the two bents are respectively 26,41 ft. and 28,41 ft.. Both the Pushover Analysis and the Nonlinear Time-History Analysis require the use of a model that takes into account for the nonlinearities of the system. In fact, in order to execute nonlinear analyses of highway bridges it is essential to incorporate an accurate model of the material behavior. It has been observed that, after the occurrence of destructive earthquakes, one of the most damaged elements on highway bridges is a column. To evaluate the performance of bridge columns during seismic events an adequate model of the column must be incorporated. Part of the work of the present thesis is, in fact, dedicated to the modeling of bents. Different types of nonlinear element have been studied and modeled, with emphasis on the plasticity zone length determination and location. Furthermore, different models for concrete and steel materials have been considered, and the selection of the parameters that define the constitutive laws of the different materials have been accurate. The work is structured into four chapters, to follow a brief overview of the content. The first chapter introduces the concepts related to capacity design, as the actual philosophy of seismic design. Furthermore, nonlinear analyses both static, pushover, and dynamic, time-history, are presented. The final paragraph concludes with a short description on how to determine the seismic demand at a specific site, according to the latest design criteria in California. The second chapter deals with the formulation of force-based finite elements and the issues regarding the objectivity of the response in nonlinear field. Both concentrated and distributed plasticity elements are discussed into detail. The third chapter presents the existing structure, the software used OpenSees, and the modeling assumptions and issues. The creation of the nonlinear model represents a central part in this work. Nonlinear material constitutive laws, for concrete and reinforcing steel, are discussed into detail; as well as the different scenarios employed in the columns modeling. Finally, the results of the pushover analysis are presented in chapter four. Capacity curves are examined for the different model scenarios used, and failure modes of concrete and steel are discussed. Capacity curve is converted into capacity spectrum and intersected with the design spectrum. In the last paragraph, the results of nonlinear time-history analyses are compared to those of pushover analysis.


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This article offers an account of the 50th Ghanaian independence-day celebrations during March 2007. The multi-perspective approach examines how celebrations were experienced in the Ghanaian capital Accra by the political elite and the grass roots at a variety of official and unofficial events that took place on 5 and 6 March 2007. During the festivities the authors accompanied Ghanaian friends from different political factions and thus provide close-hand accounts of political controversies over issues regarding how the nation ought to organise and celebrate its Independence Day, controversies which provide important insights into Ghanaian political culture. From this it is clear that the celebrations not only serve as expressions of national pride but also moments of critical reflection on the nation, national values and socio-political unity. These reflections, manifest as disputes about national and ethnic symbols, centre on the conditions and limits of political, social, ethnic and regional inclusiveness. At the same time, underlying such disputes are commonalities resting not on substantive symbols, cultural traits or other objectifiable characteristics, but on a Ghanaian consensus to agree on the issues at stake and on the rules of debate. Controversy thus functions not to divide but rather to strengthen national consciousness and deepen a sense of commonality that Ghanaians generally express as their commitment to ‘unity in diversity’.


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Il presente lavoro di tesi ha riguardato una riformulazione teorica, una modellazione numerica e una serie di applicazioni della Generalized Beam Theory per lo studio dei profili in parete sottile con particolare riguardo ai profili in acciaio formati a freddo. In particolare, in questo lavoro è proposta una riscrittura della cinematica GBT che introduce in una forma originale la deformabilità a taglio della sezione. Tale formulazione consente di conservare il formato della GBT classica e introducendo uno spostamento di warping variabile lungo lo spessore della generica parete della sezione trasversale, garantisce perfetta coerenza tra la componente flessionale e tagliante della trave. E' mostrato, come tale riscrittura consente in maniera agevole di ricondursi alle teorie classiche di trave, anche deformabili a taglio. Inoltre, in tale contesto, è stata messa a punto una procedura di ricostruzione dello sforzo tridimensionale in grado ricostruire la parte reattiva delle componenti di tensioni dovuta al vincolamento interno proprio di un modello a cinematica ridotta. Sulla base di tali strumenti, è stato quindi proposto un approccio progettuale dedicato ai profili in classe 4, definito ESA (Embedded Stability Analysis), in grado di svolgere le verifiche coerentemente con quanto prescritto dalle normative vigenti. Viene infine presentata una procedura numerica per la progettazione di sistemi di copertura formati a freddo. Tale procedura permette di effettuare in pochi semplici passi il progetto dell'arcareccio e dei dettagli costruttivi relativi alla copertura.


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The Working Alliance Inventory-Short Revised (WAI-SR) is a recently refined measure of the therapeutic alliance that assesses three key aspects of the therapeutic alliance: (a) agreement on the tasks of therapy, (b) agreement on the goals of therapy and (c) development of an affective bond. The WAI-SR demonstrated good psychometric properties in an initial validation in psychotherapy outpatients in the USA. The generalizability of these findings is limited because in some countries a substantial portion of individual psychotherapy is delivered in inpatient settings. This study investigated and compared the psychometric properties of the WAI-SR in German outpatients (N = 88) and inpatients (N = 243). In both samples reliability (alpha > 0.80) and convergent validity with the Helping Alliance Questionnaire were good (r > 0.64). Confirmatory factor analysis showed acceptable to good model fit for the proposed Bond-Task-Goal model in both samples. Multi-group analysis demonstrated that the same constructs were measured across settings. Alliance ratings of outpatients and inpatients differed regarding the overlap of alliance components and the magnitude of the alliance ratings: The differentiation of the alliance components was poorer in inpatients and they reported lower alliances. Unique aspects of the alliance in inpatient treatment are discussed and a need for further research on the alliance in inpatient settings is pointed out. Overall, the WAI-SR can be recommended for alliance assessment in both settings.


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This manuscript focuses on development assistance players’ efforts to cooperate, coordinate and collaborate on projects of mutual interest. I target the case of the cross-sectoral and international Media Issues Group designed to reform and develop the media sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I identify and categorize variables that influenced interorganizational relationships to summarize lessons learned and potentially inform similar interventions. This work suggests that cooperation, coordination and collaboration are constrained by contextual, strategic and procedural variables. Through participant narrative based on observation and interviews, this work clarifies the nuances within these three sets of variables for potential extrapolation to other settings. Perhaps more importantly, it provides lessons learned that can inform future international community interventions in market development activities.


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Dual-systems theorists posit distinct modes of reasoning. The intuition system reasons automatically and its processes are unavailable to conscious introspection. The deliberation system reasons effortfully while its processes recruit working memory. The current paper extends the application of such theories to the study of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Patients with OCD often retain insight into their irrationality, implying dissociable systems of thought: intuition produces obsessions and fears that deliberation observes and attempts (vainly) to inhibit. To test the notion that dual-systems theory can adequately describe OCD, we obtained speeded and unspeeded risk judgments from OCD patients and non-anxious controls in order to quantify the differential effects of intuitive and deliberative reasoning. As predicted, patients deemed negative events to be more likely than controls. Patients also took more time in producing judgments than controls. Furthermore, when forced to respond quickly patients' judgments were more affected than controls'. Although patients did attenuate judgments when given additional time, their estimates never reached the levels of controls'. We infer from these data that patients have genuine difficulty inhibiting their intuitive cognitive system. Our dual-systems perspective is compatible with current theories of the disorder. Similar behavioral tests may prove helpful in better understanding related anxiety disorders. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In 2003, the QUADAS tool for systematic reviews of diagnostic accuracy studies was developed. Experience, anecdotal reports, and feedback suggested areas for improvement; therefore, QUADAS-2 was developed. This tool comprises 4 domains: patient selection, index test, reference standard, and flow and timing. Each domain is assessed in terms of risk of bias, and the first 3 domains are also assessed in terms of concerns regarding applicability. Signalling questions are included to help judge risk of bias. The QUADAS-2 tool is applied in 4 phases: summarize the review question, tailor the tool and produce review-specific guidance, construct a flow diagram for the primary study, and judge bias and applicability. This tool will allow for more transparent rating of bias and applicability of primary diagnostic accuracy studies.