900 resultados para public education policies


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Este estudo versa sobre a análise do processo de aprendizagem de alguns professores alfabetizadores da Rede Estadual de Educação de São Paulo e buscou compreender onde e como este grupo de profissionais aprende os conteúdos necessários para alfabetizar na perspectiva da construção de conhecimento. A hipótese que orienta esta análise é a de que um professor bem-formado tem mais condição de intervir na aprendizagem de seus alunos e, gradativamente, contribuir para a garantia do direito de todas as crianças se alfabetizarem. Parte também da hipótese de que, compreendendo o processo de aprendizagem destes educadores, as ações de formação podem ser mais eficazes. Por meio de pesquisa empírica, revisão bibliográfica e análise documental, esta dissertação organiza-se da seguinte forma: na Introdução é anunciada a trajetória profissional da proponente e sua relação com os programas de alfabetização e com as propostas de formação de educadores das Redes Públicas de Educação de São Paulo. O primeiro Capítulo tece a fundamentação teórica na qual os programas de formação de professores alfabetizadores de São Paulo são organizados. No segundo Capítulo é realizado um breve histórico sobre os programas de formação de professores alfabetizadores da Rede Estadual de Ensino, no período de 1984 a 2010, com uma análise sobre a coerência entre as concepções de ensino e aprendizagem, e as concepções que embasam os diferentes programas institucionais. No terceiro Capítulo são descritos os caminhos percorridos no processo de realização da pesquisa empírica. Nas Considerações Finais foram retomadas, em síntese, as discussões realizadas no desenvolvimento dos capítulos, recuperando a essência das análises a partir dos dados coletados, expressando os resultados da investigação. Foram aplicados questionários de perfil e realizadas entrevistas com 13 sujeitos envolvidos com o Programa Ler e Escrever da Rede Estadual de Ensino de São Paulo, envolvendo desde professores alfabetizadores até os organizadores do Programa. A fundamentação teórica deste estudo ocorreu, principalmente, a partir das contribuições de Piaget (1967); Ferreiro e Teberosky (1985); Ferreiro (1989; 1992; 2002; 2007); Becker (1993); Coll (1992); Lerner (2002) que se orientam pela concepção de construção de conhecimento e tratam da aprendizagem da leitura e escrita, da formação do professor e da didática da alfabetização e da Matemática; e Alarcão (2008), Lerner (2002) e Tardif (2002) que abordam a formação docente. A análise dos dados foi realizada a partir da fundamentação e dos procedimentos de Análise Temática do Conteúdo, conforme Bardin (2008) que resultou na elaboração de apreciações de condições que devem ser consideradas na formação de professores alfabetizadores. Os resultados obtidos apontam para algumas inferências sobre o processo de aprendizagem dos professores alfabetizadores que, se consideradas nas propostas, podem contribuir para a maior eficiência dos programas de formação, resultando em melhor apropriação pelos professores dos conteúdos envolvidos na alfabetização, na melhoria da qualidade da aprendizagem dos alfabetizandos e, consequentemente, na formação de leitores plenos e escritores eficientes.


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O presente estudo realiza uma análise sobre as funções de trabalho do Professor Coordenador Pedagógico da Rede Pública Estadual de Ensino, considerando os desafios e as contribuições da ação coordenadora e, principalmente, como esse profissional do ensino articula a formação continuada dos docentes e a sua própria formação como educador. As questões norteadoras da pesquisa são: 1. De que forma o Professor Coordenador Pedagógico consegue dar conta da formação dos docentes, durante as reuniões de HTPC Horário de Trabalho Pedagógico e Coletivo? 2.Como consegue cuidar de sua própria formação continuada, diante dos inúmeros entraves e obstáculos, das múltiplas resistências, dos conflitos, das emergências, dos imediatismos e da sobrecarga de trabalho, tendo em vista as relações interpessoais no seio da Escola? O trabalho analisa os pontos comuns e os diferenciais da ação coordenadora e a forma como ela interfere na construção de um ensino de melhor qualidade, bem como o papel do Professor Coordenador Pedagógico como mediador e articulador desse processo. Os referenciais teóricos que fundamentam esta pesquisa encontram-se no legado de Paulo Freire (1982a/1982b/1983/1991/1997/2000), com a reintegração das dimensões do homem que o fazem humano, pessoal e social, o compromisso do profissional com a Sociedade, a formação continuada; a conscientização e a mudança necessária em Educação; e de outros autores que tratam das temáticas que envolvem a Coordenação Pedagógica, formação de docentes, HTPC e relações interpessoais, como: Placco (2008), Vasconcellos (2010ª/2010b/2010c), Bruno (2008), Libâneo (1993), Rios (2001), Thurler (2002), Sergiovanni (1976), Teixeira (1977), Perrenoud (1999)/ Perrenoud et al. (2002), Nidelcoff (1983), Araújo(2002), entre outros. A pesquisa de campo, de cunho qualitativo e que pretende contribuir para o debate das questões da Educação Pública, foi realizada com Professores Coordenadores Pedagógicos de escolas estaduais da Diretoria de Ensino de Miracatu, região do Vale do Ribeira/SP, especificamente no município de Itariri, com a aplicação de questionário e realização de entrevistas de aprofundamento e os resultados apontam para o fato de que o Professor Coordenador Pedagógico consegue (ou não) exercer as atribuições que lhe são conferidas conforme forem as relações interpessoais estabelecidas no cotidiano escolar.


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O presente trabalho procura analisar e avaliar os mecanismos que favorecem ou dificultam a participação de famílias e outros atores que compõem o cenário educativo como coautores no processo de construção do projeto político pedagógico das instituições de educação infantil, bem como identificar e analisar práticas educacionais democráticas voltadas à garantia de uma escola pública de qualidade para a infância. O estudo bibliográfico apresenta reflexões sobre os impactos dos condicionantes sociais, culturais e econômicos da sociedade contemporânea na construção dos currículos escolares. Procura também analisar a contribuição da educação escolar na construção e na consolidação dos princípios da sociedade democrática. A pesquisa de campo lança mão de relato de quatro experiências concretas (denominadas "episódios") sobre trabalho coletivo, vivenciadas pela autora em diferentes espaços e tempos, todas na educação pública no município de São Paulo. Embora cada episódio esteja contextualizado em determinado tempo e espaço, envolvendo ainda a singularidade de seus atores sociais, são retomados neste trabalho os princípios convergentes que nortearam cada experiência a partir das categorias visão totalizadora, visão interdisciplinar, visão holística e visão heurística. Complementarmente, a análise documental utilizou as atas do Conselho de Escola do período 2007-2011 de uma Escola Municipal de Educação Infantil do município de São Paulo. A opção por estes documentos como instrumentos para análise justifica-se por se constituir o Conselho de Escola um dos espaços institucionalizados de discussão e tomada de decisões em que todos os segmentos da escola encontram-se representados. Assim, tendo como pano de fundo deste estudo a prática da gestão democrática, a análise de tais documentos permite melhor compreensão sobre as possibilidades e os limites que se estabelecem num colegiado de caráter deliberativo, diante de sua sujeição à administração pública. Os procedimentos metodológicos foram pensados no sentido de se identificar, compreender e compartilhar práticas que colaborem para a construção de uma pedagogia humanizadora, levando em conta as dimensões humanas em toda a sua complexidade.  


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BRUNELLI, Conceição Aparecida Garcia: Gênero, raça, discriminação: o tom da cor na direção da escola pública. Mestrado em Educação. Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, São Bernardo do Campo - SP. 1 v. 244 p. 2007. Esse trabalho teve por objetivo investigar a trajetória das mulheres negras diretoras de escola pública e o processo de construção de sua identidade social, cultural, de gênero e raça. De fato, as mulheres negras em questão constroem suas identidades nadando entre águas profundas e revoltas: a das relações de gênero e a das relações raciais. A pesquisa permitiu-nos desvendar o processo seletivo pelo qual passam essas mulheres que conseguiram romper o duplo bloqueio formado pelas relações de gênero e de raça e atingiram a posição profissional de diretoras de escola pública. A questão central que norteia essa pesquisa diz respeito à trajetória de vida da mulher negra que optou pela carreira do magistério, as intercorrências encontradas ao longo de sua trajetória pessoal, de formação acadêmica e profissional, suas experiências, frustrações, expectativas, preconceitos e discriminações sofridos na caminhada até chegar ao exercício de sua atividade pública, sua ascensão social, o ingresso na carreira pública e as relações de poder que perpassam as questões de gênero e raça. Aborda ainda como essas intercorrências incidem sobre o processo de construção da identidade dessas mulheres negras e de suas relações com seus colegas brancos, homens e mulheres. A coleta de dados empíricos foi realizada através da história oral representada pela memória dessas mulheres, baseada nos depoimentos escritos e em entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Os depoimentos colhidos permitiram reunir material que foram interpretados segundo as relações de poder elaboradas por Foucault e que nos possibilitam a compreensão e uma reflexão do processo de construção das identidades individual e coletiva.


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Esse trabalho teve por objetivo investigar a trajetória das mulheres negras diretoras de escola pública e o processo de construção de sua identidade social, cultural, de gênero e raça. De fato, as mulheres negras em questão constroem suas identidades nadando entre águas profundas e revoltas: a das relações de gênero e a das relações raciais. A pesquisa permitiu-nos desvendar o processo seletivo pelo qual passam essas mulheres que conseguiram romper o duplo bloqueio formado pelas relações de gênero e de raça e atingiram a posição profissional de diretoras de escola pública. A questão central que norteia essa pesquisa diz respeito à trajetória de vida da mulher negra que optou pela carreira do magistério, as intercorrências encontradas ao longo de sua trajetória pessoal, de formação acadêmica e profissional, suas experiências, frustrações, expectativas, preconceitos e discriminações sofridos na caminhada até chegar ao exercício de sua atividade pública, sua ascensão social, o ingresso na carreira pública e as relações de poder que perpassam as questões de gênero e raça. Aborda ainda como essas intercorrências incidem sobre o processo de construção da identidade dessas mulheres negras e de suas relações com seus colegas brancos, homens e mulheres. A coleta de dados empíricos foi realizada através da história oral representada pela memória dessas mulheres, baseada nos depoimentos escritos e em entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Os depoimentos colhidos permitiram reunir material que foram interpretados segundo as relações de poder elaboradas por Foucault e que nos possibilitam a compreensão e uma reflexão do processo de construção das identidades individual e coletiva.


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A partir do estudo de caso de uma unidade pública de ensino, esta pesquisa almejou investigar a existência de mecanismos ideológicos presentes no discurso docente a cerca do fracasso escolar das camadas menos favorecidas, buscando captar algumas das estratégias acionadas pelos professores para se eximir de qualquer responsabilidade que possa recair sobre eles quanto ao baixo rendimento escolar dos alunos. Apoiado na conexão existente entre a valorização do capital cultural e os processo de seleção desempenhado pelo sistema escolar dentro do modelo capitalista e tendo como principais referenciais teóricos os autores Pierre Bourdieu & Jean Claude Passeron e Christian Baudelot & Roger Establet, os quais fazem uma crítica social ao sistema de ensino, pretendeu-se verificar a participação do professor enquanto agente social do sistema escolar, que contribui para a reprodução das relações sociais, buscando analisar como os docentes se reconhecem no sucesso ou fracasso escolar de seus aluno e os mecanismos ideológicos veiculados por eles para ocultar sua contribuição no processo de produção do fracasso escolar, em especial, dos alunos das classes sociais menos favorecidas, que muitas vezes são rotulados e estigmatizados como fracassados ou incapazes, por não conseguirem obter êxito nas atividades escolares.(AU)


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BACKGROUND: Standardised packaging (SP) of tobacco products is an innovative tobacco control measure opposed by transnational tobacco companies (TTCs) whose responses to the UK government's public consultation on SP argued that evidence was inadequate to support implementing the measure. The government's initial decision, announced 11 months after the consultation closed, was to wait for 'more evidence', but four months later a second 'independent review' was launched. In view of the centrality of evidence to debates over SP and TTCs' history of denying harms and manufacturing uncertainty about scientific evidence, we analysed their submissions to examine how they used evidence to oppose SP. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We purposively selected and analysed two TTC submissions using a verification-oriented cross-documentary method to ascertain how published studies were used and interpretive analysis with a constructivist grounded theory approach to examine the conceptual significance of TTC critiques. The companies' overall argument was that the SP evidence base was seriously flawed and did not warrant the introduction of SP. However, this argument was underpinned by three complementary techniques that misrepresented the evidence base. First, published studies were repeatedly misquoted, distorting the main messages. Second, 'mimicked scientific critique' was used to undermine evidence; this form of critique insisted on methodological perfection, rejected methodological pluralism, adopted a litigation (not scientific) model, and was not rigorous. Third, TTCs engaged in 'evidential landscaping', promoting a parallel evidence base to deflect attention from SP and excluding company-held evidence relevant to SP. The study's sample was limited to sub-sections of two out of four submissions, but leaked industry documents suggest at least one other company used a similar approach. CONCLUSIONS: The TTCs' claim that SP will not lead to public health benefits is largely without foundation. The tools of Better Regulation, particularly stakeholder consultation, provide an opportunity for highly resourced corporations to slow, weaken, or prevent public health policies.


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Effective school board leadership is often an ephemeral ideal in today's highly politicized public education arena. However, effective leadership is necessary in order to ensure a fair and equitable education for all students. This dissertation described and explained one school board member's perspective of his career as a lens from which to view and assess public educational policy making in Miami-Dade County. ^ Now retired after thirty-eight years of service, G. Holmes Braddock is the longest serving, contemporary, urban school board member in the country. Spanning nearly four decades, his perspective provides a comprehensive view of urban education both locally and nationally. The significance of his longevity and the impact of his leadership on educational policy-making was the focus of indepth interviews with Mr. Braddock and other key educational “influentials.” From this transcript data, recurring themes were revealed and categorized. Five elements of his perspective, i.e., teacher professionalization; desegregation; athletics; bilingual education; and his comprehensive leadership role, were identified and analyzed, as were five variables of his perspective, i.e., fairness; integrity; honesty; courage; and the situational context. Other secondary source material, such as excerpts from newspaper articles, school board minutes, and items from Mr. Braddock's own personal effects further augmented and triangulated the data. ^ Given that the purpose of this study was to describe and explain Mr. Braddock's perspective of his school board career, the findings can be understood from two different viewpoints. The elements of Mr. Braddock's perspective describe or characterize his career and represent the significant policy issues in which he demonstrated exceptional vision and leadership. However, taken alone, these elements cannot fully explain his distinguished career. Rather, an analysis of the variables of Mr. Braddock's perspective provides an explanation for the effectiveness of his leadership role. Personality traits such as fairness, integrity, honesty and courage and the impact of the situational context were factors that strongly influenced Mr. Braddock's decision-making. Thus, Mr. Braddock's school board career can be holistically understood as the intersection of person, place and time with significant public education policy issues. ^ The results of this study provide a unique and historical perspective of school board politics in Miami-Dade County. From Mr. Braddock's perspective, we are able to view one individual's leadership role over time and its impact on local public education policy. ^


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Serious inequities in our K-12 public education system, particularly in regard to the quality of education in predominately Black inner-city schools, are well-documented in the literature (Freeman, 1998; Ross, 1998). Moreover, there is general agreement that the most effective means of ameliorating that situation is through well-thought-out after-school programs and partnership initiatives (Beck, 1993; Gardner et al., 2001). ^ The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine the programmatic interventions of a youth enrichment program for inner-city Black youth currently in place at the Overtown Youth Center (OYC) in Miami, Florida, in order to: (a) discern those factors that support its claim that it is making a difference in students’ lives, (b) explore how any such factors are implemented, and (c) determine whether its interventions have served to equalize the playing field for these youth. ^ Two primary methods of data collection were used for this study. The first was participant observation conducted over the course of two years through a partnership initiative established and led by this author. The second was through in-depth interviews of the Center’s founder, staff, and students. Secondary methods used were the recording of informal conversations and the analysis of written documents. ^ Analysis of the data yielded four features of the Center that are indispensible to the students’ growth. The center provides the youth with (a) physical and psychological safety, (b) supportive relationships, (c) exposure to cultural and educational opportunities, and (d) assistance in building self-esteem. ^ The most significant finding of the study was that OYC has been successful at making a difference in students’ lives and at increasing their aspirations to attend college. By addressing the full spectrum of their needs, the Center has given them many of the necessary tools with which to compete and thereby helped equalize their opportunities to succeed in school and in life. ^ The study also noted a number of challenges for the Center to examine. The main issues that need to be addressed more seriously are staff turnover, staff indifference, nepotism, inconsistent student attendance, and insufficient focus on racial issues and African-American-centered education. Meeting those challenges would engender even greater positive outcomes.^


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Is there a monopoly in public education? This paper discusses some current literature and information on school choice and voucher programs. This paper specifically looks at school choice in Florida.


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This dissertation analyzes the effects of political and economic institutions on economic development and growth.^ The first essay develops an overlapping-generations political economy model to analyze the incentives of various social groups to finance human capital accumulation through public education expenditures. The contribution of this study to the literature is that it helps explain the observed differences in the economic growth performance of natural resource-abundant countries. The results suggest that the preferred tax rates of the manufacturers on one hand and the political coalition of manufacturers and landowners, on the other hand, are equal to the socially optimal tax rate. However, we show that owners of natural resources prefer an excessively high tax rate, which suppresses aggregate output to a suboptimal level.^ The second essay examines the relationship between the political influence of different social classes and public education spending in panel data estimation. The novel contribution of this paper to the literature is that I proxy the political power and influence of the natural resource owners, manufacturers, and landowners with macroeconomic indicators. The motivation behind this modeling choice is to substantiate the definition of the political power of social classes with economic fundamentals. I use different governance indicators in the estimations to find out how different institutions mediate the overall impact of the political influence of various social classes on public education spending. The results suggest that political stability and absence of violence and rule of law are the important governance indicators.^ The third essay develops a counter argument to Acemoglu et al. (2010) where the thesis is that French institutions and economic reforms fostered economic progress in those German regions invaded by the Napoleonic armies. By providing historical data on urbanization rates used as proxies for economic growth, I demonstrate that similar different rates of economic growth were observed in the regions of France in the post-Napoleonic period as well. The existence of different economic growth rates makes it hard to argue that the differences in economic performance in the German regions that were invaded by the French and those that were spared a similar fate follow from regional differences in economic institutions.^


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Favelas are Brazilian informal housing settlements that are areas of concentrated poverty. In Rio de Janeiro, favelas are perceived as areas of heightened criminal activity and violence, and residents experience discrimination, and little access to quality education and employment opportunities. In this context, hundreds of non-formal educational arts and leisure programs work to build the self-esteem and identity of youth in Rio's favelas as a way of preventing the youth from negative local influences. The Morrinho organization, located in the Pereira da Silva favela in Rio, uses art as a way for the local male youth to communicate their lived reality. This study used a visual critical ethnographic methodology to describe the way in which the Morrinho participants interpret living in a favela. Seventeen semi-structured interviews with young men aged 15 to 29, the feature-length documentary film on the organization, 206 researcher produced documentary style photographs of the Morrinho artwork, and the researcher's field notes were analyzed. Truth claims, ways of seeing as communicated through words and actions, were induced through a cyclical process of reconstructive horizon analysis that incorporated the societal context and critical theory. The participants communicated their concerns about life in a favela; however, they did not describe their societal positions in terms of complete marginalization. They named multiple benefits of living in Pereira da Silva, discussed positive and negative experiences in school, and described ways they circumvented discrimination. Morrinho as an organization was described as an enthralling game and a social project that benefited dozens of local youth. Character development was a valuable result of participation at Morrinho. The Morrinho artwork communicates a nuanced vision of both benevolent and violent social actors, and counters the overwhelmingly negative dominant characterization of Rio de Janeiro's favelas. This study has implications for an inclusive critical pedagogy and the use of art as a means to facilitate a transformative education. Further research is recommended to explore terminology used to refer to favelas, and perceptions that favela residents have of their experiences in public education.


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Background: Metabolic outcomes of obesity and its associated disorders may not be equivalent across ethnicity and diabetes status. Aim: In this paper, we examined the association of abdominal obesity, by ethnicity and diabetes status, for indicators of glucose metabolism in Blacks. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in Haitian Americans (n= 186) and African Americans (n= 148) with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Student’s t-test and Chi-squared test were used to assess differences in mean and proportion values between ethnicities with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus. Relationship between insulin resistance, ethnicity, diabetes status, abdominal obesity, and adiponectin levels were analyzed by analysis of covariance while controlling for confounding variables. Results:Haitian American participants were older (P = .032), had higher fasting plasma glucose (P = .036), and A1C (P = .016), but had lower levels of Hs-CRP (P < .001), insulin and HOMA2-IR and lower abdominal obesity (P = .030), than African Americans. Haitian Americans had significantly lower HOMA2-IR (P = .008) than African Americans when comparing both ethnicities with T2DM, high abdominal obesity, and adiponectin levels lower than the median ( Conclusion: The clinical significance of observed differences in insulin resistance, abdominal obesity, and adiponectin levels between Haitian Americans and African Americans could assist in forming public health policies that are ethnic specific.


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The practices developed in the everyday life of obstetric services are sometimes out of step with the recommendations of the public health policies. Accordingly, this research had the objective of assessing the quality of the care provided to women and children during cases of natural childbirth in municipal public maternity wards of the city of Natal/RN, Brazilian Northeast. We developed a cross-sectional and quantitative study in two maternity wards that provide care actions to pregnant women at regular risk (maternity wards A and B). The participants were 314 puerperal women who were treated during the period between April and July 2014, whose children were born alive, through transpelvic way, with spontaneous or induced beginning of labor and that showed physical and emotional conditions to respond to the proposed questions. The data collection instrument was constructed on the basis of the recommendations of the World Health Organization focused on the care of normal childbirth and validated by skilled judges, and the final version has obtained optimum agreement (k = 0,96; IVC = 0,99). Associated with these recommendations, we used three indicators: percentage of women with induced labor or subjected to elective cesarean section (Indicator A); percentage of women served by a qualified health professional during labor and childbirth (Indicator B); and Bologna Index (Indicator C). The research obtained a favorable opinion of the Research Ethics Committee from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, under the nº 562.313 and Certificate of Presentation for Ethics Appreciation: 25958513.0.0000.5537. The analysis of categories related to the recommendations of the World Health Organization was conducted by means of absolute and relative frequency and the Chi-square Pearson’s and Fisher’s exact tests made the comparison of the differences observed between the two maternity wards. Furthermore, we calculated the percentage of the indicators A and B and with the results of the Indicator C, the quality was assessed as follows: the closer to 5, the better will be the quality, and the closer to 0, the worst will be the quality, and the Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the differences of the obtained averages. The significance level of 5% was considered in all statistical tests. The differences between the maternity wards were identified with regard to the provision of liquids orally (p=0,018), stimulus for non-supine positions (p=0,002), existence of partograph (p=0,001), support or welcoming by health professionals (p= 0,047), intravenous infusion (p<0,001), supine position (p<0,001), use of oxytocin (p<0,001), food and liquid restriction (p= 0,002) and, lastly, the fact of the touch is performed by more than 1 examiner (p=0,011). The indicators A and B showed percentages of 13,09% and 100%, respectively. The overall average of the Indicator C was equal to 2,07 (± 0,74). There was a statistically significant difference between the averages of the maternity wards (p<0,001). The care actions provided during the process of labor and childbirth is inappropriate, especially in the maternity ward B. It is necessary to implement improvements and redesign the obstetric model in force


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This work aims to understand how cloud computing contextualizes the IT government and decision agenda, in the light of the multiple streams model, considering the current status of public IT policies, the dynamics of the agenda setting for the area, the interface between the various institutions, and existing initiatives on the use of cloud computing in government. Therefore, a qualitative study was conducted through interviews with a group of policy makers and the other group consists of IT managers. As analysis technique, this work made use of content analysis and analysis of documents, with some results by word cloud. As regards the main results to overregulation to the area, usually scattered in various agencies of the federal government, which hinders the performance of the managers. Identified a lack of knowledge of standards, government programs, regulations and guidelines. Among these he highlighted a lack of understanding of the TI Maior Program, the lack of effectiveness of the National Broadband Plan in view of the respondents, as well as the influence of Internet Landmark as an element that can jam the advances in the use of computing cloud in the Brazilian government. Also noteworthy is the bureaucratization of the acquisition of goods to IT services, limited, in many cases, technological advances. Regarding the influence of the actors, it was not possible to identify the presence of a political entrepreneur, and it was noticed a lack of political force. Political flow was affected only by changes within the government. Fragmentation was a major factor for the theme of weakening the agenda formation. Information security was questioned by the respondents pointed out that the main limitation coupled with the lack of training of public servants. In terms of benefits, resource economy is highlighted, followed by improving efficiency. Finally, the discussion about cloud computing needs to advance within the public sphere, whereas the international experience is already far advanced, framing cloud computing as a responsible element for the improvement of processes, services and economy of public resources