969 resultados para power plant research
A recuperação de áreas muito impactadas, como as oriundas da construção de hidrelétricas, é um processo lento e, usualmente, requer a adição de resíduos orgânicos, como fonte de matéria orgânica, e de nutrientes, como condicionador das propriedades do solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o efeito da adição de lodo de esgoto e resíduos orgânicos (maravalha e torta de filtro de cana-de-açúcar) sobre o crescimento de duas espécies arbóreas de Cerrado na recuperação de um subsolo de uma área degradada pela construção da Usina Hidrelétrica de Ilha Solteira, localizada em Selvíria - MS. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com oito tratamentos, seis repetições e uma planta por repetição, para cada planta-teste. Cada repetição (saco plástico) teve 3,3 L e as proporções em volume da mistura de cada resíduo foram de: 30 % de lodo de esgoto, 20 % de torta de filtro e 10 % de maravalha de madeira. Foram mensuradas a fertilidade, a micorrização, a atividade microbiana (C-CO2 liberado) do subsolo, a massa do sistema radicular e parte aérea e a altura de plantas de duas espécies nativas do Cerrado [monjoleiro (Acacia polyphylla DC.) e jatobá-do-Cerrado (Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart)]. Os tratamentos com lodo de esgoto proporcionaram maior atividade microbiana no substrato e maior crescimento para as duas espécies arbóreas. A presença do lodo de esgoto promoveu melhora na fertilidade do subsolo, com aumento dos teores de matéria orgânica, P, K, Ca e Mg. A matéria orgânica e o P tiveram seus teores elevados nos tratamentos com mistura de lodo de esgoto e demais resíduos. Os resultados permitem concluir que as misturas contendo lodo associado a resíduos promoveram melhores incrementos na qualidade do subsolo, com perspectivas de sua recuperação.
An analysis of the performance of six major methods of loss allocation for generators and demands was conducted, based on pro-rata (two), on incremental factors (two), on proportional sharing (PS) (one), and on electric circuit theory (one). Using relatively simple examples which can easily be checked, the advantages and disadvantages of each were ascertained and the results confirmed using a larger sample system (IEEE-118). The discussion considers the location and size of generators and demands, as well as the merits of the location of these agents for each configuration based on an analysis of the effect of various network modifications. Furthermore, an application in the South-Southeastern Brazilian Systems is performed. Conclusions and recommendations are presented. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Representative Life-Cycle Inventories (LCIs) are essential for Life-Cycle Assessments (LCAs) quality and readiness. Because energy is such an important element of LCAs, appropriate LCIs on energy are crucial, and due to the prevalence of hydropower on Brazilian electricity mix, the frequently used LCIs are not representative of the Brazilian conditions. The present study developed a LCI of the Itaipu Hydropower Plant, the major hydropower plant in the world, responsible for producing 23.8% of Brazil's electricity consumption. Focused on the capital investments to construct and operate the dam, the LCI was designed to serve as a database for the LCAs of Brazilian hydroelectricity production. The life-cycle boundaries encompass the construction and operation of the dam, as well as the life-cycles of the most important material and energy consumptions (cement, steel, copper, diesel oil, lubricant oil), as well as construction site operation, emissions from reservoir flooding, material and workers transportation, and earthworks. As a result, besides the presented inventory, it was possible to determine the following processes, and respective environmental burdens as the most important life-cycle hotspots: reservoir filling (CO(2) and CH(4) emission: land use); steel life-cycle (water and energy consumption; CO, particulates, SO(x) and NO(x) emissions); cement life-cycle (water and energy consumption; CO(2) and particulate emissions); and operation of civil construction machines (diesel consumption; NO(x) emissions). Compared with another hydropower studies, the LCI showed magnitude adequacy, with better results than small hydropower, which reveals a scale economy for material and energy exchanges in the case of ltaipu Power Plant. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper proposes an approach of optimal sensitivity applied in the tertiary loop of the automatic generation control. The approach is based on the theorem of non-linear perturbation. From an optimal operation point obtained by an optimal power flow a new optimal operation point is directly determined after a perturbation, i.e., without the necessity of an iterative process. This new optimal operation point satisfies the constraints of the problem for small perturbation in the loads. The participation factors and the voltage set point of the automatic voltage regulators (AVR) of the generators are determined by the technique of optimal sensitivity, considering the effects of the active power losses minimization and the network constraints. The participation factors and voltage set point of the generators are supplied directly to a computational program of dynamic simulation of the automatic generation control, named by power sensitivity mode. Test results are presented to show the good performance of this approach. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper presents an analysis and discussion, based on cooperative game theory, for the allocation of the cost of losses to generators and demands in transmission systems. We construct a cooperative game theory model in which the players are represented by equivalent bilateral exchanges and we search for a unique loss allocation solution, the Core. Other solution concepts, such as the Shapley Value, the Bilateral Shapley Value and the Kernel are also explored. Our main objective is to illustrate why is not possible to find an optimal solution for allocating the cost of losses to the users of a network. Results and relevant conclusions are presented for a 4-bus system and a 14-bus system. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work is devoted to Study and discuss the main methods to solve the network cost allocation problem both for generators and demands. From the presented, compared and discussed methods, the first one is based on power injections, the second deals with proportional sharing factors, the third is based upon Equivalent Bilateral Exchanges, the fourth analyzes the power How sensitivity in relation to the power injected, and the last one is based on Z(bus) network matrix. All the methods are initially illustrated using a 4-bus system. In addition, the IEEE 24-bus RTS system is presented for further comparisons and analysis. Appropriate conclusions are finally drawn. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The present study was conducted in the Aquaculture Station of Hydroeletric Power Station situated in Volta Grande Reservoir, MG, Brazil. Seventy freshwater corvinas, Plagiscion squamosissimus, and 66 tucunarés, Cichla ocellaris were captured bimonthly from April 2000 through April 2001 with net and hook. The helmints were identified as Diplostomun (A.) compactmn which showed the highest prevalence in the corvina's eyes in April 2000 (70%), February 2001 (80%) and April 2001 (60%), while in tucunaré occurred in April 2000 (33.3%), August 2000 (18.2%) and October 2000 (18.2%). Nevertheless, increase in the mean intensity of parasites was related in April (6.6), June (6.0), August (18.5) 2000 and February (5.7), April (4.8) 2001 for corvina and in August (16.0) and October (7.0) 2000 for tucunaré. Corvina's females showed infection during all period, while males did not show the same prevalence in June 2000 and April 2001. On the other hand, tucunare's males were infected in all months while females in August and October 2000. The highest prevalence in corvina was observed in the months which presented elevated water temperature (April, October, December 2000 and April 2001). The number of parasites collected in corvina on February 2000 was higher than the one observed in August 2000. The same was not observed for tucunaré. This work demonstrate corvina's high susceptibility to metacercariae of Diplostomum.
Starting from the deregulated process of the Electric Sector, there was the need to attribute responsibilities to several agents and to elaborate appropriate forms of remuneration of the services rendered by the same. One of the services of great importance within this new electric sector is the Ancillary Services. Among the various types of Ancillary Services, Spinning Reserve is a service necessary for maintaining the integrity of the transmission system from either generation interruptions or load variations. This paper uses the application of the Economic Dispatch theory with the objective of quantifies the availability of Spinning Reserve supply in hydroelectric plants. The proposed methodology utilizes the generating units as well as their efficiencies so as to attend the total demand with the minimum water discharge. The proposed methodology was tested through the data provided by the Água Vermelha Hydroelectric Power Plant. These tests permitted the opportunity cost valuation to the Spinning Reserve supply in hydroelectric plants. © 2005 IEEE.
The problem of reconfiguration of distribution systems considering the presence of distributed generation is modeled as a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) problem in this paper. The demands of the electric distribution system are modeled through linear approximations in terms of real and imaginary parts of the voltage, taking into account typical operating conditions of the electric distribution system. The use of an MILP formulation has the following benefits: (a) a robust mathematical model that is equivalent to the mixed-integer non-linear programming model; (b) an efficient computational behavior with exiting MILP solvers; and (c) guarantees convergence to optimality using classical optimization techniques. Results from one test system and two real systems show the excellent performance of the proposed methodology compared with conventional methods. © 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper presents a mixed-integer linear programming approach to solving the problem of optimal type, size and allocation of distributed generators (DGs) in radial distribution systems. In the proposed formulation, (a) the steady-state operation of the radial distribution system, considering different load levels, is modeled through linear expressions; (b) different types of DGs are represented by their capability curves; (c) the short-circuit current capacity of the circuits is modeled through linear expressions; and (d) different topologies of the radial distribution system are considered. The objective function minimizes the annualized investment and operation costs. The use of a mixed-integer linear formulation guarantees convergence to optimality using existing optimization software. The results of one test system are presented in order to show the accuracy as well as the efficiency of the proposed solution technique.© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Ninety-five specimens from 13 species of lizard collected during a herpetofaunal monitoring programme of the Faxinal II power plant, municipality of Aripuanã, state of Mato Grosso, Brazil (southern Amazon region) were examined for helminths. A total of 21 helminth species (16 Nematoda, 1 Cestoda and 4 Trematoda) were recovered, with an overall prevalence of 67.37%. Seventeen new host records and seven new locality records are reported. A low number of specialists and core helminth species were found. Lizard body size was positively correlated with both the total number of helminth species and individuals. Active foragers exhibited higher helminth diversity. However, sit-and-wait foragers, especially Plica plica, had similar diversity values as active foragers and harboured more helminth species. The degree of similarity in helminth fauna was higher among closely related host species. Copyright © 2011 Cambridge University Press.
The urbanization of modern societies has imposed to the planners and decision-makers a more precise attention to facts not considered before. Several aspects, such as the energy availability and the deleterious effect of pollution on the populations, must be considered in the policy decisions of cities urbanization. The current paradigm presents centralized power stations supplying a city, and a combination of technologies may compose the energy mix of a country, such as thermal power plants, hydroelectric plants, wind systems and solar-based systems, with their corresponding emission pattern. A goal programming multi-objective optimization model is presented for the electric expansion analysis of a tropical city, and also a case study for the city of Guaratinguetá, Brazil, considering a particular wind and solar radiation patterns established according to actual data and modeled via the time series analysis method. Scenarios are proposed and the results of single environmental objective, single economic objective and goal programming multi-objective modeling are discussed. The consequences of each dispatch decision, which considers pollutant emission exportation to the neighborhood or the need of supplementing electricity by purchasing it from the public electric power grid, are discussed. The results revealed energetic dispatch for the alternatives studied and the optimum environmental and economic solution was obtained. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Análise de dificuldades técnicas e econômicas na inserção da cogeração pelas usinas sucroalcooleiras
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS